Report Final Bachelor Project Maarten Geraets

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Foreword In order to complete this project and project report I would like to thank Ron Niesten from Wingz for his opportunity to perform my Final Bachelor Project at his company. I would like to thank Wingz‟s system engineer Herman Aartsen for his support though the project. He assisted me to understand the Anthony system and helped me out with technical problems. In addition, I would like to thank Fontys student Marleen Weijts, Fontys lection practitioner Harry van de Leygraaf who also works at SVVE De Archipel and Frank Hendriks, manager SVVE De Archipel. Marleen, Harry and Frank give me vital practical input concerning nursery houses and their clients. They also supported me in performing a user test and giving suggestions on concepts. In the end I would like to thank everybody, the people of Wingz, SVVE De Landrijt, IPSE De Brugge and all the experts I contacted during the project to make this an interesting and educative project. Enjoy reading.

Abstract This project report is about (re)designing Anthony‟s transponder. People wearing Anthony‟s transponder can be located and traced within a building very specific. The company Wingz, located in the High Tech Campus Eindhoven, founded the Anthony project. Anthony is focusing health departments and is still in development. During the second semester of 2009, Industrial Design student Maarten Geraets supported the team of Anthony in order to implement the Anthony system in intramural health departments. After performing scientific research and user tests, Maarten designed a specialized watch that improves the care quality and supporting the nursery‟s staff by knowing where their clients are within a building. In case of wandering clients, the staff-members will be alerted immediately. The watch looks like a traditional watch in order to be more successful: demented elderly are familiar with products before their disease occurred and using a watch decreases the level of stigmatization. In addition, this watch contains a sensor that notifies the staff in case the watch removed. In case of a wandering client, the staff will be notified immediately. Due to recent law enhancements concerning fixation/freedom-restricting in BOPZ-departments, this concept can be very useful for intramural health departments. This watch improves the quality of care by locating and notifying wandering clients and decreasing the staff‟s workload. Additionally this watch returns the freedom back to the elderly.

B3.2 // Maarten Geraets // January 2010


Table of Contents

Foreword Abstract Introduction Objective Research Ideation Concept Development Project Evaluation References Appendix


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Retrieving Anthonyâ€&#x;s Transponder


B3.2 // Maarten Geraets // January 2010


Internship/Final Bachelor Project „Retrieving Anthony‟s transponder‟ My Final Bachelor Project is part of the Anthony project. Project Anthony [1] is founded by the company Wingz [2], located on the High Tech Campus Eindhoven in the Netherlands. The Anthony-project focuses on locating people within a building. Anthony is named after Anthony of Padua [3], who is a Catholic saint and is being called in case of lost objects by Catholics. My FBP goes mainly about improving the Anthony‟s transponder device. A person (or object) wearing this transponder device can be specifically located within a building at room level. Anthony‟s primary focus is to implement their technology in health departments as indoor-localization system. At the beginning of the Anthony project, Wingz designed a transponder worn around the wrist for superficial testing purposes. During my holiday job at Wingz in July 2009, I redesigned the original transponder. This design was a little bigger though, but was more solid and provided enough spacing for internal electronics and rechargeable battery. This enabled Wingz to perform pilot tests or demonstrations for a longer period. Currently this redesign is being tested and demonstrated at IPSE de Brugge in Zwammerdam, Nedap Healthcare in Groenlo, Cisero Zorggroep in Brunssum and De Archipel in Eindhoven is pending. However, this improved design was still not comfortable to wear and not practical to use for health departments. What‟s more, research considering additional embedded sensors was welcome. As consequence of this, Wingz asked me to design a transponder that was comfortable to wear and practical to use in health departments. This was the starting point for this FBP.

Picture 2: original transponder


Picture 1: improved transponder, including rechargeable battery

Retrieving Anthony‟s Transponder

Anthony system The Anthony system is a Real Time Localization System (RTLS). This technology makes it possible to track and trace people or objects real-time within a building by recognizing the room the transponder is located. This is comparable with the GPS system used by navigation devices. However, the GPS is less suited to locate within a building due to reduced GPS signal strengths by the metals within the floors as well multi-path-errors [4]. In addition, GPS is less suited to determine the exact floor within a building, because this requires the implementation of the floors heights. Furthermore, it is difficult to distinguish the exact threshold of a room, because all the GPS-coordinates should be matched with the surroundings of the walls. Therefore, the company Wingz used Ultrasonic sound Identification Technology [5] to locate an object within a room. The transponder (see picture 1 & 2), which is worn by a person or object, beams an ultrasonic sound (<20 kHz) which is not hearable by humans or animals. A “beacon” (picture 3) notifies this sound, which is located in every room. The beacon “listens” to the presence of a transponder within that room, recognizes the ID of the corresponding transponder and sends this information wireless to a computer through a WiFi-connection. On the computer screen, the exact location of the transponder can be visualized using specialized software (picture 5 & 6). The beacons are connected with each other in order to increase the total field range. Additionally it is possible to setup data-communication between beacon and transponder due to a Radio Frequency (RF) Band (860MHz). The advantage of ultrasonic sound is that it is “captured” within a room. In comparison with RF, ultrasonic sound cannot go through walls due to the short wavelengths [6]. This makes it possible to get a clear distinction between the rooms and floors within a building. This contributes to an accurate indoor localization system. More information about the Anthony system, compared with other localization technologies, can be found in the chapter research as well the Appendix.

Picture 3: Beacon placed on ceiling

Picture 4: schematic view of Anthony system

Picture 6: Software application showing locations of transponders

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Picture 5: Computer screen with software application and transponders


Possibilities Anthony‟s indoor-localization Anthony provided technology to track and trace people or objects real-time within a building. Real Time Localization Systems (RLTS) can be used for multiple purposes. Several possibilities are: -patient-tracking in hospitals or elderly houses (wandering)

-hour-registration for companies or health-department employees

-patient flow trough hospital (did you already perform a CT-scan?)

-in case of emergency: fire department knows where people are very specific.

-object tracking (Where is the defibrillator?) or anti-theft -indoor navigation (key-chain with screen for indoor navigation: hotels or museum)

Concerning this project, I will be focusing on the application of the Anthony RTLS in elderly houses for anti-wandering purposes; because that is the assignment the company Wingz gave me.

Picture 7: Possibilities of Anthony‟s indoor-localization system, pictures from Limburgs Dagblad, 7 February 2009


Retrieving Anthony‟s Transponder

My vision as designer This Final Bachelor Project fits very well towards my vision as designer because I enjoy designing by helping people using technologies. I want to design innovative services and products to make our life easier and more enjoyable. In my opinion, you should enjoy life. Designing a product that enables health-departments to improve their care quality is very satisfying for me as designer. What‟s more, I might give the freedom back to the clients by using a suitable solution. In addition, technology, innovation, intelligent products and gadgets fascinate me. I am well experienced with technology and aware of the newest technologies. This enables me to realize creative designs using contemporary technologies. I can create and test interactive prototypes on users to gather vital feedback. Therefore, Wingz is a very suited company to do my final bachelor project. Big companies do not allow me to get involved in the whole design-cycle. Wingz does. They provide me the freedom to do what I want and what to learn. Wingz designs products that are down to earth and not too futuristic. Wingz is specialized in embedded systems, which fits very well to my vision and ability as designer due to my affinity with technology. In addition, this company represents the work-environment that I will be facing within a few years; designing consumer electronics. Wingz

Stakeholders Within this project, three main stakeholders are involved: The Company Wingz, nursing house SVVE De Archipel and their clients: the (heavy) demented elderly. The introduction and discussion of the stakeholders are in the topics below:

Client company WINGZ BV

Project Demented Elderly

De Archipel

Within my Final Bachelor Project, the company Wingz BV is my client. Wingz is Picture 8: Stakeholders in project founder of the Anthony project and located on the High Tech Campus in Eindhoven. Wingz is specialized in designing embedded systems. Wingz is a small company with eight employees and their main tasks are designing and programming embedded software. However, through extensive cooperation with neighbor business companies VEDS and Q-Matrix, Wingz is able to design professional electronical consumer products from PCB design to final prototype. Around the second semester of 2008, Wingz started the „Anthony‟ project, which focuses on locating people in buildings. For this project, they want their technology being sold and used successfully in health departments. According to the manager Ron Niesten: “Preferable without too much redesigning of the current PCB (electronics) and without additional costs in order to keep the manufacturing costs low and the profit high”. More information about the Wingz and the Anthony project can be viewed on their websites: and

Picture 10: Wingz logo

Picture 9: Anthony logo

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Nursing Home “SVVE De Archipel” Location De Landrijt Nursing home “Stichting Verpleging en Verzorging (SVVE) De Archipel” [7] is located in Eindhoven. De Archipel has several dependences spread out in Eindhoven. The location I am connected with is “De Landrijt”. De Landrijt is specialized in providing (psycho-geriatric) care and treatment. In addition, De Landrijt has a knowledge-centre where knowledge and expertise are present, gathered, applied and secured for the needs of their clients. Within this project, De Archipel can give me practical input as well providing testing possibilities. Frank Hendriks, healthcare manager of location De Landrijt, is very pleased when I asked them for participation of my FBP. He told me they were planning a wandering-project with a Fontys student at the same time span. Therefore, my FBP could easily be combined with their planned wandering project. Therefore, I got assistance from lection practitioner and Fontys teacher Harry van de Leygraaf, who is also employee at De Landrijt. In addition, I got assistance from trainee Marleen Weijts, whose student HBO-V at the Fontys Eindhoven and performing her trainee at De Landrijt. Concerning this project De Archipel was looking for a client friendly and practical solution for their undesirable wandering clients (mobile demented elderly). Demented elderly are not permitted to leave the department or nursing home due to health or safety issues. The nursing staff is looking after for these unwanted activities, but this requires lot of time and restricting them during their work. In addition, nursing homes in common are underpowered due to the lack of enough money and staff (see chapter research). Therefore, many clients are being fixated in their (wheel) chairs or beds because there is simply nobody to monitor them. Designing a solution that assists the nursing staff with their wandering clients, the staff can work more efficient and the quality of care can eventually being improved.

Picture 11: SVVE De Archipel, location De Landrijt


Retrieving Anthony‟s Transponder

Clients: demented mobile elderly living in a nursing house (50+) Concerning this project the focus group is (heavy) demented mobile elderly (50+) living in a nursing house. These demented elderly are usually not able to live for themselves anymore due to the side effects of the Alzheimerâ€&#x;s disease. Therefore, they are hospitalized in nursing houses or houses for the elderly. The nursing houses providing them a safe and trusted environment to life. However, it might happen that somebody tries to leave the department or nursery house. This is not permitted due to safety and health related issues. It might happen that clients are being fixated into their (wheel) chairs or beds or suffering from other freedom-restrictions like bed fences. By finding a solution for this problem, I am able to give the freedom back to the elderly.

Picture 12: demented elderly, photo from Picasa

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Retrieving Anthonyâ€&#x;s Transponder

Objective As mentioned earlier, my objective was to improve Anthony‟s transponder device. A person (or object) wearing this transponder device can be located within a building very specific at room-level. Anthony‟s primary focus is to implement their technology in health departments. Nursery house “De Archipel” was looking for a client friendly and practical solution for their undesirable wandering clients (demented elderly). These are often fixated in their (wheel) chairs because the staff has not enough employees to monitor them all. Coming up with an safe and practical solution which assists the nursing staff with their wandering clients, the staff can work more efficient and the quality of care can eventually being improved. Concerning the users, mobile demented elderly living in nursery houses, this solution should be comfortable to wear and practical to use. Eventually this solution can contribute to give the freedom back to the elderly and improve their living conditions. To summarize the story above and to come up with a concrete problem statement I applied the “How Can I?-technique” [8] learned from the Assignment Creativity Techniques:

“How can I improve design of current Anthony’s transponder with respect to the usability, safety and comfort for the mobile demented elderly living in elderly-houses?”

Nursing/elderly house

Anthony BV


Transponder device

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Why intramural health departments? Intramural health departments providing care to their clients living intern, such as home for the elderly or nursing home. Clients of intramural health departments are usually living within an organizations building permanent. Extramural departments provide care and support at home of their clients. Before I can continue with my project, I have to decide to focus on intra- or extramural health departments. There is quite a difference in clients, stakeholders and their demands and wishes. Eventually I have chosen to focus on intramural healthcare. Within a few years, intramural healthcare companies are forced to use less fixation/freedom-restriction possibilities by a new BOPZ law (see chapter research). This means clients in intramural healthcare-houses may not be restricted anymore in order to prevent them from wandering other reasons. Therefore, indoor-localization might be very useful in this healthcare sector. In addition, people living at nursery-houses have a higher priority when it comes to healthcare and monitoring. Their clients are usually monitored more often than clients living at home, because these are usually younger and less care-dependant. Furthermore, it is better testable what possible profits are concerning healthcare, technology, and cost-efficiency due to the homogeny population of De Landrijt, in contrast to elderly living at home. People from healthcare departments are relative more known with technology due to monitoring tasks, so there is more chance of success for the Anthony system here. Additionally De Landrijt, nursery-house that is involved in this project for test purposes, is planning to implement Anthony‟s system in their new building within two years. The people of De Landrijt are willing to assist me for possible improvements concerning intramural healthcare facilities. Finally, concerning the project, on short time period focusing on the intramural market is interesting. On long-term perspective, the extramural market is growing [9] (65% of demented lives at home) and insurance companies providing grants in this sector. Nevertheless, when a product is well functioning at intramural health departments, it is very likely it will be functioning at the extramural healthcare too.

Intramural • New fixation-LAW • Higher risk-profile to monitor • Technical implementation better testable • Staff already monitoring • Implementation new building Archipel • Testable what design adds • homogene population • cost-efficiency • intramural is bridge to extramural


Extramural • Growing market • More money to spend due ensurance-companies

Retrieving Anthony‟s Transponder

Ideal situation Concerning Anthony, the ideal situation would be a device as small as a (clothing) button. Since technical and financial limitations are attending, this is not possible at short time (now to 5 years). The current designs however, (the tube and wristband) are not comfortable to wear, not practical to use and not looking aesthetical correct. Therefore, I have to come up with a design that meets these requirements and is technical and financial reachable as well. In order to complete this I have to make a good deviation between the physical size and the cost price: something big has more space for internal electrical components and contains thus cheaper components. In addition, such a design is not comfortable to wear. In contrast, a design that is comfortable to wear is smaller and has less space for internal components. Therefore, such a design is more expensive due to smaller components and production methods.

Picture 13: Ideal situation: transponder as small as a clothing button

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Research Introduction Before I can start generating ideas, through research concerning the dealing aspects of this project has to be done. The main aspects of this research are technology and competitor analyses, user analyses and nursery houses aspects. I started with analyzing the Anthony technology and comparing with its competitions. Subsequently I analyzed the user and the practical issues of a nursery house. From this research, conclusions will be draw and taken in mind while designing.


Retrieving Anthonyâ€&#x;s Transponder

Technology analysis In order to continue with this project I first have to understand the working of the Anthony system. In the upcoming chapter, I will describe the most common technologies being used to locate objects within a building. Every technology has its pros and cons. In addition, I will describe the working of and the technology behind the Anthony indoor-localization system. The upcoming chapter is based on an internal Wingz document (included in the Appendix) and interviews I had with the engineers of Wingz. Indoor Localization Technologies IR Infrared, also called IR, uses light waves to determine an object in a room. The light waves are invisible for the human eye and therefore IR is mostly used in in-door alarm systems or remote controls. By using active IR-transmitters, different identities can be distinguished. The IR-beams stay in one room and would not go through walls. A side effect of this technology is that no obstacles should be in range between the transmitter and the transponder. A division between active and passive IR can be made. Active IR technology uses an internal power source for transmitting IR waves. A passive IR technology only senses IR waves aired by the human body or a product.

Picture 15: Infrared within a room

Picture 14: IR Alarm sensor [42]

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RF Radio Frequency, or RF, is a technology that uses radio waves to transmit data. Possible RF implementations are used in mobile phones, WiFi-points or Zigbee. A RF transmitter and transponder should both be powered by an external source. RF waves are almost not hinder by walls or other objects without metal. Therefore, RF can be used to locate people in a building when they come in range of an RF sensor, independentl y on what floor they are in the building. In the end, RF waves might be influencing electronical products each other. Therefore, RF-technologies are less suited for hospitals or health-departments.

Picture 16: RF within a room


Picture 17: Alarm using RF [43]

Retrieving Anthonyâ€&#x;s Transponder

RF ID RFID is the abbreviation of Radio Frequency Identification. This technology is comparable with the Radio Frequency technology. RFID can be divided in active and passive transmitters or „tags‟. An active RFID tag uses power out of an included battery to transmit data or identity over RF. Passive RFID tags however, do not require an internal power source: the required power to transmit data is taken from the radio waves from the reader. RFID is very suited to indentify an object in a close range of a reader. A possible RFID implementation is the access-card to gain access to a building. Currently „passive long distance RFID‟ systems are developing. The positioning-accuracy is decreasing because RF waves are almost not limited by walls.

Picture 19: RFID within a room

Picture 18: RFID tag in shoes [44]

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Ultrasonic Sound Ultra Sound uses sound waves at very high frequency that is impossible to detect by the human ear. Bats also use ultra sound to navigate though caves. The big advantage of this technique is that it does not penetrate through walls. This ensures a very accurate positioning within a building. In addition, ultra sound does not affect electronical products or humans. A side effect of ultra sound, just like Infra Red, is that the sound waves might be dimmed when an object comes close in range of the transmitter of transponder.

Picture 20: Ultrasonic sound within a room


Picture 21: Wristband including ultrasonic sound transponder, Sonitor [45]

Retrieving Anthonyâ€&#x;s Transponder

Based on the internal document from Wingz, the following matrix can be made. The different technologies are assessed relative to each other by several criteria concerning indoor-localization.

Technology matrix Passive IR

Active IR

Passive RFID

Active RFID



Accuracy Robustness Disturbance Energy Data communication Dimensions tag







Anthony technology. The Anthony system is a Real Time Localization System (RTLS). This technology makes it possible to track and trace people or objects real-time within a building by recognizing the room the transponder is located. This is comparable with the GPS system used by navigation devices. However, the GPS is less suited to locate within a building due to reduced GPS signal strengths by the metals within the floors as well multi-path-errors [4]. In addition, GPS is less suited to determine the exact floor within a building, because this requires the implementation of the floors heights. Furthermore, it is difficult to distinguish the exact threshold of a room, because all the GPS-coordinates should be matched with the surroundings of the walls. Therefore, the company Wingz used Ultrasonic sound Identification Technology [5] to locate an object within a room. The transponder (see picture 1 & 2), which is worn by a person or object, beams an ultrasonic sound (<20 kHz) which is not hearable by humans or animals. A “beacon” (picture 3) notifies this sound, which is located in every room. The beacon “listens” to the presence of a transponder within that room, recognizes the ID of the corresponding transponder and sends this information wireless to a computer through a WiFi-connection. On the computer screen, the exact location of the transponder can be visualized using specialized software (picture 5 & 6). The beacons are connected with each other in order to increase the total field range. Additionally it is possible to setup data-communication between beacon and transponder due to a Radio Frequency (RF) Band (860MHz). The advantage of ultrasonic sound is that it is “captured” within a room. In comparison with RF, ultrasonic sound cannot go through walls due to the short wavelengths [6]. This makes it possible to get a clear distinction between the rooms and floors within a building. This contributes to an accurate indoor localization system. More information about the Anthony system, compared with other localization technologies, can be found in the chapter research as well the Appendix.

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Technology conclusion There are several technologies available to locate people within a building. The majority of wander detector or indoor-localization systems using RF or RFID techniques to locate a person. Wingz decided to use a combination of Ultra Sound (US) and RF as technology. As the matrix shows, Ultra Sound is a good way to locate people within a building, which is more accurate than RF. However when the transmitter or receiver is blocked by an object, the functioning of the technology cannot be ensured. In my upcoming design, I should be aware of this. Nevertheless, using a combination of RF and ultrasonic sound (as Wingz did in their Anthony products) the localization accuracy can still be ensured, even when the ultrasonic sound is restricted. This combination of RF and US is unique and provides accurate position localization. In addition, the RF band makes it possible to transmit data between the transponder and the beacons. This enables me to add sensors to the transponder that transmits the data to the computer.

User research The upcoming research part is divided into two sections: De Archipel (nursery house) and its clients. I will discuss their needs and wishes in the chapter below.

Nursery houses, houses for elderly and BOPZ‟s According to the CBS [10], around 119.000 people in the Netherlands are living in nursery- or houses for elderly in 2009. According to the RIVM (Nationaal Kompas Volksgezondheid), in 2007 the Netherlands had in 324 nursing homes, 960 houses for the elderly and 210 combined organizations [11]. One-fifth of all the (health) care costs are spend on these organizations. This is in total of 12,3 million Euros [12]. Nevertheless, the shortage of employees in this sector is increasing. The prediction is that in 2012 there will be a shortage of nursing employees of 6% [13]. According to an independent investigation of TV-show Rondom 10 under 484 members of the union “Unie Zorg” en “Welzijn en Nu‟91” [14] in 2008, it seems that 37% (absolute disagree) and 44% (disagree) of the questioned did not agree on the theorem “do you have enough resources to provide elderly with good healthcare?” 66% of the questioned indicate this is caused by lack of staff. 55% of the questioned blame a shortage of financial resources. This also results in dramatic client-unfriendly situations. From the same investigation can be concluded that 75% of the questioned organizations use “fixation” or “freedom-restricted methods” of their clients. This includes belts, lock downs, bracelets, bed-fences etc. Only 41% of the questioned has alternative recourses for fixation. On the question, if they would be able to execute their work without using fixation, only 21% agreed. In addition, the inspection of Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport did an investigation concerning the (excessive) use of fixation in this sector in 2008 [15]. The conclusions are disturbing; around 30% of the clients in this sector are receiving psychiatric medication, which is also part of fixation. The main conclusion from this investigation is that the use of (excessive) fixation can and should be decreased. There are enough alternative methods, like a wander-detector. Luckily, clients of this sector are being protected by law. The so called BOPZ-law [16] (Wet Bijzondere opnemingen in psychiatrische ziekenhuizen), protects people of forced withdrawal. This includes also demented elderly in nursery- or houses for elderly. This BOPZ will be replaced around 2012 [17] [18]. This update forces BOPZ-organizations to reduce the use of “freedom-restricted methods” of their clients to an absolute minimum. This will also mean that closed doors are not permitted anymore. Organizations within this sector will be forced to use alternatives for this. According to the inspection of Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport [15], wander-detectors are a good alternative to keep an eye on the clients, without restricting their freedom.


Retrieving Anthony‟s Transponder

Picture 22: “Onrust Band”

Picture 23: Elderly

Clients Nursery houses or houses of the elderly are inhibited by several kinds of people. For this project, I decided to focus on the population where De Landrijt is populated with. To be more specific I have to mention two departments within De Landrijt, namely “De Berk” and “De Eik”. These two departments are populated with around 25 inhabitants each. These inhabitants will figure as “client” for this project. The age varies between 50 to 80 years old. According to an interview with Frank Hendriks, manager of these departments, the majority of the demented inhabitants are suffering from the Alzheimer disease. According to Alzheimer Nederland [19], currently 250.000 people are suffering a kind of dementia. 130.000 people of them are suffering as result of the Alzheimer disease. More than three-quarter of dementia-patients require intensive treatment [9]. 35% of Alzheimer-patients are living at nursery- or house of elderly [9]. In 2005, the treatment of dementia costs 3,2 billion euro [20]. That is 4,7% of the total costs of the Dutch healthcare in that year. 97,2% of this 3,2 billion euro is being spend of elderly suffering dementia in 2005 [21]. After intellectual disability, dementia is the most expensive disease in the Netherlands in 2005 [22]. Dementia is characterized by a progressive decline in mental functioning and disturbances in memory, language, thinking, perceiving, reasoning and action [9]. In further stadia of dementia, daily tasks and talking are becoming more difficult and conciseness of time becomes disordered. Dementia is a collective item; 55% of the demented are suffering as result of the Alzheimer disease [9]. The development of Alzheimer can be separated in three stadia [23]. It starts with forgetfulness, change of personality and loss of speech and responsiveness. Afterwards mental disability might occur. The second stage characterizes obstacles in the patient‟s daily life. The short-term memory is not working well anymore, but memories of a distant past are often clear in mind. Patients might forget dates, time or season. Additionally problems controlling their emotions and recognizing family or friends may arise. The patient loses his independence and is becoming more aid-dependant. This stage might be very confrontational for the surrounding. Within the third stage, the patient becomes completely dependent on aid. The patient needs care 24 hours a day and is therefore entirely dependent on others. The majority of Landrijt‟s population is suffering the second or third stage of Alzheimer. Some of them are mobile, and might wander around.

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According to the Dutch book “Dementie en design� [24] (translated: Dementia and Design), it is there therefore important to simplify the design of a product as much as possible. New designs are often not recognized. Products or habits from distant past are often clear in mind. I will take this information in mind while designing.

Picture 24: Old woman


Retrieving Anthonyâ€&#x;s Transponder

Demands and Wishes Before I can start generating ideas, I have to summarize the demands and wishes of the stakeholders based on the research I performed so far. I will discuss them in the chapter below. Wingz BV: The Wingz Company is specialized in creating embedded systems. They designed the technology behind the Anthony-project. They successfully tested the technology of the Anthony-system in April 2009 at nursery house IPSE De Brugge in Zwammerdam [25]. The technology was able to detect and localize people in the building. Even in case of an outbreak of a client, the staffs wearing a pager were notified of the outbreak immediately. However, they also concluded during this test that the transponder worn by the client is not comfortable and practical enough. Therefore, they want their transponder improved concerning the demands of the client, which eventually wears the transponder. For that reason, it is important to get more practical information about the client and the staff. A device that meets the requirements of the user well, will be sold better. Furthermore, by interviewing the co-founders of the Anthony Company (Herman Aartsen, Ron Niesten and John Veeren) I conclude that concerning the transponder Wingz is interested in the design and additional functionality for the user. In addition, they want their product to be cheapest as possible, without losing the quality the client requires. In the end, they require a user-friendly realizable concept including academically founding. What‟s more it would be nice to use the current components so they don‟t have to redesign the whole system board (PCB) etc. cause this requires extra work (=costs) for them. This also means that from a technical point of view, the connection between transponder and beacon should be restricted as less as possible by objects. This influences the accuracy of the localization system negatively. SVVE De Archipel(+IPSE De Brugge) In this project, the SVVE De Archipel and IPSE De Brugge represent the overall belongings as housekeeping for the client. As home for the elderly/nursery house, they should provide quality care, which means the client is the core of their belongings. After interviewing managers and employees at both organizations I can conclude the staff set safety as number one; they would rather see a working, practical, safe and ugly product than a beautiful and not-practical product. Furthermore, they would like to see a product that contributes to a valuable improvement of the quality care: i.e. less costs for healthcare or increasing employee efficiency. After a focus interview with Wim Kitzen and Charles Williams, both teacher at Zuyd University Heerlen and member of the innovation group Vilans, I can also conclude that this solution should eventually led to a reduction of the staff‟s workload, and not a growth. Simplicity is thereby from vital importance. What‟s more, it would be nice of the solution can be worn by the client 24/7 if needed. In addition, it is important to make sure the client is not able to disconnect the device him or herself but only by the staff. Otherwise, the functionality of the localization cannot be ensured. In the end, they wish a concept that is not too expensive. Client Within this project, the client has the most importance because the concept will eventually be worn by the client. After interviewing managers and employees at both organizations, I can conclude the first priority is safety. The second is comfort concerning the client. Furthermore it important that the device is robust, rock solid, splash proof, easy to clean, hygienic, lightweight, small and not too obtrusive. In addition, it might be welcome to personalize the concept or even design several concepts based on the personality or gender. In this way, the user might feel more comfortable wearing a device that is his or her, just like an accessory.

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•indoor localization device including Athony technology •practical userfocussed device

•Wishes •technology: •current size PCB •transjuicer not covered •profit (low-cost design)

•Demands •safety #1 •practical to use •simplicity •improve healthquality •valuable addition: •less costs •better attentiondiviation staff

•Wishes •Not too expensive •Not removeable or loseable by client •emergency rip-off

Retrieving Anthony‟s Transponder



De Landrijt. health-department

Wingz company

To summarize the story above I made this visual. This visual is based on the Provocative analogy technique [26] I learned from the assignment Creativity techniques.

•Demands •safety •comfort •practical: •solid •splash proof •hygienic

•Wishes •not too obstrusive •as small as possible •privacy •lighweight •personalized

Ideation In the upcoming Ideation chapter, I will discuss topics from idea until concept.

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Introduction After performing research and defining the demands and wishes of every stakeholder within the project, solutions could be created. This ideation phase starts with generating ideas. After performing a pre-selection and selection, the four best ideas will be tested during the first user test. The outcome of this test will provide sufficient founding which idea is suited for further development. After concept development, a second user test will be performed to evaluate the concept.

Idea generation • Tangible shape • Additional sensors?


Pre-selection • Based on expert-meeting and technical limitations

Idea selection • Based on demands and whishes stakeholders

User Test 1

4 suitable designs

• Focus on nonfunctional and tangible shape

Concept progression Design direction

• Improvements tangible shape • Implementing additional sensors?

Retrieving Anthony‟s Transponder

User Test 2 • improved design • monitoring sensors included?

Concept evaluation

Idea Generation I started my idea generation by brainstorming about possible implementations of the transponder. This includes devices used by the society as well personalized accessories. In addition, stand-alone devices were taken in mind. I used several creativity techniques, learned from assignments and books in order to come up with sufficient ideas from outside the box as well inside the box. In order to come up with ideas out of the box I used the Random Trigger- and MATEC-techniques [26]. Additionally I applied a variant of the „Acting-out‟ method [27], learned from „Don‟t Forget the Caretaker”-project, and the Provocative analogy-technology [28]to gather as much as ideas that are more “down to earth” and based on client‟s needs. The list of ideas I had in mind after these creative sessions are named in the picture below.




Hat or Cap


(key) chain





Walking stick

Anthony's Transponder Device



Implemented in clothing


Captains -band

Wallet Chip (beneath skin) Banker's card




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Pre-selection After popping up ideas, it is time to narrow them down. Based on the expert meetings with IPSE De Brugge in Zwammerdam, De Archipel in Eindhoven and meetings with Wim Kitzen and Charles Williams from Zuyd University in Heerlen, I was able to perform a preselection. I also took in mind the implementation of Anthony technology; devices that are smaller than the current (tube) transponder design are very difficult to realize (ring). In addition, a device worn beneath clothes (necklace) is also less suitable for development: this restricts the ultrasonic sound from reaching the beacons, with result that the transponder cannot be detected by the system. Furthermore, an accessory, which is not being worn by everybody, has also less change to get used by the majority of elderly. For instance, not everybody is wearing a belt or using a cell phone. In the end, I was able to perform a rough pre-selection and to come up with a couple of suitable implementations of the transponder device.


Retrieving Anthonyâ€&#x;s Transponder

Idea selection

Concept Matrix 40 35


After the pre-selection, I continue selecting the most suitable ideas. The ideas I had left after the pre-selection were: a wristband, a tag sewed into clothing, watch, brooch, ring, key-chain, implanted in shoes, necklace and a waistband. I decided to make a matrix and ranking ideas based on the demands and wishes of the stakeholders (Wingz BV, Nursery houses and the client) in order to assess the concepts. Because I am not able to validate all the assessments by my own, I also contacted experts from Wingz and SVVE De Archipel to evaluate this selection-phase, because these experts are better known with technical or practical limitations and issues. In the end, I decided to focus on a wristband, a watch, a design sewed into the clothes and a key-chain. The designs are very similar; i.e. a bracelet is comparable with a watch. In addition, there are several designs that are implemented or connected to the clothes of the client (brooch, key-chain or in shoes). By trying these designs into practice, I can check whether this selection is correct. The itemized response technique [26] forced me to reconsider to application of an idea twice before leaving it.








Safe for client


Removeable or loseable by client


Easy to clean


Practical to use for staff Beacon connection Size

Picture 25: Matrix to compare ideas

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Picture 26: Design sketches


Retrieving Anthonyâ€&#x;s Transponder

First user test setup After the (pre) selection phase, I ended up with four suitable ideas: a wristband, a watch, a design sewed into the clothes and a key-chain. In order to see which idea is most suited for further development I decided to try out into practice. Therefore, I created a kind of user test. After reading lecture [29] , applying the knowledge I gathered from the assignments UFP Basics and User Testing and an expert meeting with Tilde Bekker, I came up with a suitable way to test these ideas into practice. For this user test I created a questionnaire based on the Mayhew-method learned from the UFP Basics Assignment [30]. This method enabled me to gather relevant information on an objective way. In addition I took in mind the knowledge gathered by the User Testing assignment. The goal of the first user test is to test which physical design is practical to use comfort to wear for clients in intramural health departments. In addition, I would like to gather information about which kind of embedded sensors would be welcome for monitoring purposes. After close contact with experts nursery house De Landrijt I got permission to apply this user test on the departments “De Eik” and “De Berk”, which are sub-departments within the De Landrijt. These sub-departments are very suited to test anti-wandering solutions. Every sub-department is inhibited with around 25 demented elderly. Both sub-departments are connected by a long hallway (50 meters), but patients/clients are not allowed to switch from subdepartments.

For this test, I asked eight selected clients to wear one of the four designs for one day, or in case he or she cannot, I ask staff to apply the design on their client. The eight clients I selected are living in this elderly house 24/7, are very mobile and suffering a serious case of the Alzheimer disease. Before I continued, I asked family for permission for participation of the user test. At breakfast, the eight clients were provided with a design by the staff. Before going to bed, the design was taken off again. Every day a new design will be applied and tested. The staff of De Landrijt is asked to observe the clients wearing these designs. At the end of the staff‟s shift, they were asked to fill in a questionnaire (see appendix B). This would take around 2 to 3 minutes to complete. These 17 questions are based on demands and wishes of the shareholders within the project. Most questions are B3.2 // Maarten Geraets // January 2010


also about the comfort and practical use of the various designs. On a scale from 1 (definitely not) to 5 (definitely yes) staff could indicate to what extend a design scored to the theorems. These theorems are categorized in comfort, privacy, safety, practical use and stigma. The staff also had the ability to give comments on the various concepts at the end of the questionnaire. In this way, I was able to gather objective information concerning these designs.

Picture 27: Wristband, “brooch”, watch and key-chain used at the first user test

Although these designs are not high quality, this user test‟s aim was to get a rough distinction between these designs concerning wearing comfort and usability. In that sense, a rough design direction should be the result. However, I should take in mind that these designs are not representing the wear comfort and usability of possible final design. For instance, the weight of the key-chain used at this user test might be much lighter than the key-chain including Anthony technology.


Retrieving Anthony‟s Transponder

Results first user test The user test has taken place on the days in November 2009. During the test eight clients (4 clients at Section “De Berk” and 4 clients at “De Eik”) worn four different designs for four days. Namely a watch, a wrist strap, a brooch and a keychain. Conversations with several staff-members revealed that they were enthusiastic in general about the first user test. With 47 completed of 72 questionnaires distributed, a response rate of 65.3% was above my expectations. Given the answers, one is generally satisfied with all four concepts and almost none obstructed the client of the concepts with his or her daily activities. Moreover, the concepts obtained positive scores with reference to safety and portability. What I did not expect is the lack of a real clear winner. At first sight, the results do not outline a clear winner. After oral consultations, a wristband or watch are the most obvious. In the graph below (picture 28), I plotted the average answers based on the four designs. More results can be found in the Appendix. However, afterwards I concluded this was not the right way to analyze this kind of data. The data based on the answers is ordinal and not nominal. Therefore, it not permitted to plot averages. Because in that case was I‟m saying that somebody answering “NO (with numeral value 2) is twice as much disagreeing compared with somebody who‟s answering “YES (with numeral value 4).Therefore I decided to use another approach: I clustered the answers based on the demands and wishes from the stakeholders. After clustering, I plotted the percentages of answers within that category. Within this way, I can get objective results concerning the different categories. Eventually I added weights to these categories, based on the demands and wishes of the stakeholders. Based on my research safety is the most important issue. Besides the client will recognize the design better, whether the stigma is lower. Therefore these two categories are weighted 3. Subsequently, comfort and practical use are rewarded with 2 because these are also very important to get a successful design. Finally yet importantly I asked the staff weather it might be interesting to personalize this specific design. This is not very important for selecting an idea. Therefore this is rewarded with 0,5. I multiplied the amount of answers with the weights, in order to get a final judgment. *note in order not to disort the original data details I decided to stick to the Dutch language, since this is being used during the user test too. I will provide a short translation for the terms. Designs used: watch (horloge), wristband (polsband), brooch (broche) and key-chain (sleutelhanger). The possible answers were absolutely not (absoluut niet), no (nee), Neutral (neutral), yes (ja) and defiantly yes (zeker weten). Additionally I translated the questions, as you can see in Appendix D.*

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Picture 28: Averages of the answers, not scientifically useable to draw conclusions.

Retrieving Anthonyâ€&#x;s Transponder

3,69 3,38 3,33 2,22

3,58 3,92 3,56 3,10

2,00 2,15 2,22 2,09

4,00 3,69 3,78 3,91

3,46 3,42 3,29 3,58

3,92 4,00 3,00 3,00

Broche (n=9)

3,15 3,69 2,00 3,17

3,30 3,15 2,44 3,67

2,00 2,38 3,00 2,50

Polsband (n=13)

3,25 3,69 3,88 3,33

3,92 3,38 3,67 2,83

2,42 2,77 2,00 2,00

Horloge (n=13)

4,15 3,27 3,33 3,58

4,08 4,00 4,00 4,00

2,23 3,62 2,11 3,00

3,50 3,46 3,89 3,25

2,08 2,46 1,89 2,17

Results User test n=47 Responce Rate=65,3%

Zeker weten Sleutelhanger (n=12)




Absoluut niet

Concept Horloge(n=13) Absoluut niet Nee Neutraal Ja Zeker weten

Veiligheid (3x) 7%4%

Stigmatisering (3x) 18%


Comfort (2x) 12% 1% 4%

31 %

Praktisch (2x) 4% 11 %


31 %

8% 16 %

72 %

3% 2%

3% 14%




47 %

26 %

23 %

62 %

4% 1% 17 %



19 %

59 %

22 %



0% 9% 6%



Polsband (n=13) 4%8%





Absoluut niet Nee Neutraal Ja Zeker weten


54 %

58 %

Overige (0,5x)


Broche (n=9) Absoluut niet Nee Neutraal Ja Zeker weten

40 %

Absoluut niet Nee Neutraal Ja Zeker weten

44% 33 %

Sleutelhanger (n=12)


50 %

79 %

5% 2% 22 %


13 %


13 %



25 %


5%5% 11 %

27 %


3% 15 %

70 %


71 %

66 %

3% 4%13 %

8% 27 %

24 %

16 %

44% 56%

39 %

15 %



56 %

24 %

Picture 29: Percentage of answers clustered and final judgment

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Conclusions first user test The outcome of the first user test was less helpful to select one idea at first sight. However, by clustering the questions and plotting the percentages of answers concerning the cluster, I am able to discuss the best solution per category. As the pie-graphs showing, the watch and the wristband are scoring the best concerning safety. Concerning stigma, the use of a brooch is not recommended according to the results. A watch is the best solution to decrease the stigma. When looking at the comfort of use, all the design score relative positive. However, the broche is being rewarded with the most positive results when it comes to comfort. The same counts for practical use. According to these results a key-chain is less suited when it comes to practical use. When looking at the final judgment it becomes even harder to distinguish a real winner. When counting the positive percentages of answers the watch (9+62=71%) is slightly the most suited concept to continue. What is more, when looking at the negative results, the watch is also rewarded with the less percentage of negative answers. However, I might conclude the watch is slightly the best design to continue. However, due to the lack of clear distinguish in results I have no solid founding. In addition, I also think that these results are distorted by the fact that the staff and clients are known with the broche. This design is used daily nowadays as anti-wander design, but is less safety and more stigmatizing than the other designs, according to these results. In order to tackle this problem I decided to use a second questionnaire at the Landrijt, which can be found in the Appendix. Within this questionnaire, I asked the staff that observed all four the design that they would choice for further development. Unless the response rate (n=10), 90% of the responders addressed the use of a watch due to several reasons. The most common is that a watch is a familiar and a known object for their clients. This might decrease the chance of pulling. In addition, I ask them if they have often problems in dividing the attention over their clients, if they agree an anti-wandering system would be valuable and if an indoor-localization system as Anthony would contribute to better quality care. The results of these questions are plotted below: Hebt U wel eens problemen met het verdelen van Uw aandacht over de cliënten? 10%

Bent U van mening dat een alarmsysteem bij dwalende cliënten binnen het gebouw waardevol is?


Denkt U dat een alarmsysteem door op afstand lokaliseren van cliënten de zorgkwaliteit kan verbeteren?



30% 0% 60%



Retrieving Anthony‟s Transponder


20% Absoluut niet Nee Neutraal Ja Zeker weten

From these results, I can conclude that Anthonyâ€&#x;s indoor-localization system is also very suitable for De Landrijt in order to tackle the problem of dividing attention towards the clients. Additionally I asked I asked the questioned staff what kind of information would be the most valuable for them, in case the location of the client is known. In the questionnaire, I addressed some suggestions, like a fall-detector, stress-sensor, hart rate-monitor or a sugar level-indicator. 80% of the responders would like to have a fall-detector within the design, because this occurs often at their facility. Finally yet importantly, I asked the staffâ€&#x;s opinion about a device worn around the wrist, including alarm button, only open able by staff-members and suited with an alarm-function in case it is taken off. The majority of the results are positive concerning this solution. 30% mentioned that a watch is even a better solution due to recognition of the device. Because I was looking for more solid foundation why a watch is the best idea to continue with, I decided to perform a zero-measurement at the Landrijt. I did a walk-around and counted the amount of designs worn by the clients at De Landrijt. None of the clients was wearing a wristband or keychain at that moment. One man was wearing a broche at that time, because he walking around a lot. Three men and two women were wearing a watch at that time. In addition, I asked them if they would usually wear a watch. Six persons replied they would, two would not. To finalize the chapter of ideation I conclude that a watch is the most suited design to focus on. Unless there are other designs that might be a little bit more practical to use or to wear, the recognition (or stigma) is very important when it comes to acceptance of the design. A watch is also be chosen as best design by a second questionnaire I distributed around the staff-members of the Landrijt. Finally yet important, watches are being used the most nowadays by the inhabitants of De Landrijt.

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Concept development In the upcoming chapter, I will discuss the development from idea to concept. From research, user testing and interviewing staff-members, I concluded that a watch would be the most suitable design to implement Anthony technology in for demented elderly. Now it is time to become more concrete including physical representations.


Retrieving Anthonyâ€&#x;s Transponder

Starting point From research and user testing and interviewing staff-members, I concluded that a watch would be the most suitable design to implement Anthony technology in for demented elderly. In order to get the best acceptance of the demented elderly the design should match the design of a senior watch. Therefore, a mechanical design, rather than a digital one, is preferred. In order to get more known with the looks and feels of senior watches I visited several watch-shops in Eindhoven and web-shops on the internet. From these activities, I got inspiration how to design a watch that matches the design of a senior watch. My conclusions are that the majority of these watches are using a leather band strap and the watches cases are made of metal alloy. The famous gold and silver watches are also related to elderly. In addition, I concluded that the majority of these watches are very basic when it comes to layout and readability of the time. Additional functions as timer, stopwatch and height-levels are not used in these watch designs. However, I have to take in mind that a watch is an accessorize, which is related to the clientsâ€&#x; preferences and likings. Some people are even not wearing a watch at all. Therefore, it is impossible to design the ultimate design for demented elderly. Nevertheless, by looking at other designs, I can get hints and directions to satisfy the majority of the users concerning aesthetical aspects.

Visit Domoticabeurs 19-11-09 Additionally I visited the domoticabeurs (demotic-fair) in the Evoluon in Eindhoven on 19th November 2009. Over 100 companies showed their newest products and design concerning demotic. For me this was the ultimate moment to look at how other companies created user-friendly products for elderly. In addition, I can get inspiration about how other companies solved user-related design problems.

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I found a few companies that are quite related to the topic of my project. I will discuss the most interesting below:

IST Technologies/ VIVAGO Watch: The Vivago watch is worn by clients in order to monitor their sleep rhythm. The watch includes temperature sensors, as well a movement- and wearingdetector. This information is being send wireless to a computer which analysis and monitors this information. By combining this information, objective conclusions can be made concerning the depth of sleep. In addition, an RFID wander-detector is built in. This means that when a client is out of reach of a so-called „safe zone‟, the systems will alert the nurse department. I asked them also, about how IST Technology made sure the client would not remove the watch. The represented of IST Technologies showed me one of the first prototypes they made. This prototype had a belt made of a stretchy material and a clip that is very hard to open. However, the current designs they are using are made of PU or leather. In order to make sure a client would not open it, the department could consider adding a small component to the clip so it becomes very hard to open it. They addressed it is no guarantee the client can open the belt, but this solution makes it considerably harder to. Stand-holders also told me that the design they are using now is water-resistance.


Retrieving Anthony‟s Transponder

Bosch security & Tunstall Bosch security designed a person-alarm also located on the wrist. This one includes a red alarm and can easily be removed by the client. In addition, this design is not waterproof. I also asked them about the implementation of a fall-detector they were presenting. They told me it is almost impossible to implement a fall-detector in a wrist-device. A so-called man-down function is only measureable around the waist.

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Designing With this knowledge in mind, I started sketching watches. Additionally I made several CAD designs in order to increase my visualization skills on the computer. While designing I took in mind the readability, traditional-watch-look-a-like, the size of the current size transponder of Anthony and the open connection between beacon and transponder. Additionally I tried to implement a discrete alarm-button that can be pushed in case of an emergency. I also took a glance at the demands and wishes that are stated at the beginning of the project. Therefore, I also had to make sure the design is solid enough to withstand the daily use in a nursery house as well the waterproof. I also came up with the idea to design a module placed beneath the back of the watch and the skin of the hand. This would have the advantage of using your own watch. However, after discussing this idea with system engineers of Wingz I could conclude this design is too small to build at this moment unfortunately.


Retrieving Anthonyâ€&#x;s Transponder

Eventually I got a design that fits the criteria stated before quite well. The sizes are round 4 cm width, 5 cm long (including holders for the wrist belt) and 1,5 cm think. This is bigger than an ordinary watch, but provides enough spacing for Anthonyâ€&#x;s electronics and battery though. This design is shown below:

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Luckily, Wingz has good connections with rapid prototype manufactures. Therefore, I was able to increase my CAD skills as well designing a rapid prototype model. This prototype is manufactured using the SLA method [31] and equals the size (4 x 4,5 x 1,3 cm) and weight (+- 100 grams) of a real watch. This watch design is made of Accura® 60 plastic [32], which is a polycarbonate. This design is a little bit thicker (1,3cm), due to the space of Anthony‟s electronics and a battery that are likely embedded in the watch case. Additionally I bought two leather bracelets to match a real watch. The result is shown in the pictures below:

Picture 30: Pictures of Rapid Prototyped model


Retrieving Anthony‟s Transponder

Additional sensors: Looking back at the technology of the Anthony system, the transponder uses ultrasonic sound as well radio frequency to communicate with the beacon. This enables the transponder to communicate wireless with a beacon that is connected with a computer. In this way it is theoretical possible to transfer data from and to the transponder. This also means that I can make use of sensors or actuator embedded in the transponder. The prototypes existing at time of writing had a sensor included which measures the capacity of the battery. This information was sent to the beacon using RF. The beacon transmits this data towards the computer. This technology enables me to use additional sensors. During a brainstorm session, I came up with the following sensors:      

heart rate moisture temperature movement stride blood/sugar-level

     

ECG Panic-button Fall-detector Medication-detector Agenda-synchronization Sleep

The questionnaires I used at De Landrijt resulted that a fall-detector is very useful for nursery houses. The simplest method would be to use a motion-sensor within the watch to measure a high acceleration subsequent by a high deceleration. From the expert meeting with Wim Kitzen and Charles Williams from Zuyd University Heerlen, I had in the beginning of the project I could conclude the algorithms for these systems are not reliable enough. Additionally in order to measure a fall, you should measure around the waist, because there is the centre of gravity. However, I searched of other methods to “sense” the occurrence of a fall by using a watch. After an expert meeting with Wei Chen, there are other ways to notify stress. One of them is the Galvanic Skin Resistance (GSR) method [33]. However, this requires close contact with the skin, especially at places where many pores, like fingertips or the inside of hands. The back of a watch would not provide enough skin-contact to ensure the working of the GSR. Picture 31: Render of wristband including metal skin contact points for GSR

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Parallel to searching for fall-detection methods, I was looking for ways to sense the use of the watch by elderly. I searched for sensors that might be useful, like a temperature-sensor for measuring body temperature while worn of an LDR that measures the amount of light coming to the back of the watch. After contacting experts of the Electro-lab I was pinpointed to the use of an conductor. Using this knowledge in mind, I made two system circuits including a LM324N Operational Amplifier [34] check whether it is possible to notify appearance of human skin. Eventually these circuits were able to detect the approach of my finger or wrist (when my finger came in range of the conductor the yellow LED lighted up), but I was not satisfied by the unreliable result. Therefore, I took a dive in other technologies that are able to detect the presence of human skin.

Picture 32: Pictures of first “wearing-detector-circuit”


Retrieving Anthony‟s Transponder

Eventually to come to the use of capacitive sensors, which are also used at track pad of laptops of lamps this can be dimmed by only touching the shell. With assistance of Herman Aartsen, system engineer at Wingz, I was able to implement this technology at one of the transponders. Therefore, I used a QT113 charge-transfer touch sensor [35] as IC, a copper plate and several components. When the modified transponder including this circuit was turned on and placed on my wrist, nothing happens. However, when I take it of my wrist up in the air the transponder will sound a beep and a red LED lights up. This technology is based on Kirchhoffâ€&#x;s current Law [36]: “A patch of foil forms a sensor electrode and a control circuit is connected between it and the circuit's ground plane. This circuit continuously measures capacitance of the electrode: it brings the electrode to a known potential respective to the ground and measures the amount of charge that has accumulated on it. Since you are relatively conductive, you significantly alter the electric field in you vicinity. When you move your hand close to the electrode, you form a shorter, better conducting path to the ground plane (compared to the air that was previously occupying your place)â€? [37]. The components I used within this prototype are relative big, but smaller components are available to implement this into to a watchcase. Picture 33: touch-lamp

Picture 35: working of wearing detector Picture 34: circuit including

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Picture 36: wearing detector placed on skin

Picture 37: wearing detector sensing absence of skin

Picture 39: internal components of wearing detector prototype


Picture 38: prototype including switch

Retrieving Anthonyâ€&#x;s Transponder

Wristbands Watches can be worn using different wristbands. Nylon Nato-straps used by divers, silicone (all-in-one) designs, elastic Velcro-bands are just a few possibilities. From expert meetings with Wim Kitzen and Charles Williams from Zuyd University Heerlen, and conversations with employees of watchshops I can conclude that leather is the most suited material to use as wristband due to its durability and reduced change of skin-irritations. However, I was not able to find any academicals founding for this. Nevertheless, there are Polyurethane (PU) coatings available to reduce chance of possible allergic reactions [38]. After trying out several straps myself, I decided to stick on with the leather. In my opinion, this is very comfortable to wear, durable and matches the design of the traditional watch. In addition, they are strong enough not to cut trough by scissor or ripped off by the clients. Further analyzing has to be performed whether this assumption is correct.

Closing mechanism Furthermore, I did some research concerning the closing mechanism of the watch. I took a look at current closing mechanisms to get inspiration. This includes also safety-jackets, IKEA-closets and wristbands. I decided to the use of an ordinary buckle. This would contribute to the best match to ordinary watches. Additionally I brainstormed about how to add an subtle improvement so the watchband cannot be opened by elderly but only by the staff. Eventually I came up with an design inspired by an IKEA-closet. When building a closet you have to connect the plates using a screw that only has to be turned for 90 degrees. This action is very simple and the screw holds the plates strong enough to provide the closet from not falling apart. I ported this principle to the buckle of the watch. When the watch has to be taken on, the pin of the buckle is placed within the turn-knob. Using a very tine screwdriver the staff could lock the buckle from opening by turning the knob counter-clockwise for 90 degrees. This system prevents the elderly from ripping of the watch unwanted. In case the watch has to be taken off again, the staff uses the screwdriver again to turn the knob in clockwise direction, so the pin can be released from the buckle. On the upcoming page, more renders visualize the idea.

Picture 40: closing mechanism

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Retrieving Anthonyâ€&#x;s Transponder

Final Concept The final concept I ended with is the implementation of Anthonyâ€&#x;s technology into a specialized watch. This watch has a familiar shape for demented elderly and is less stigmatizing. From my research, I concluded the watch is the most practical design to implement the Anthony technology in. In addition, this watch has an alarm-button including which enables elderly to call the staff for help in case it is required. Furthermore, this watch has a specialized buckle that prevents the client from removing the watch. Using a very tiny screwdriver, this buckle can be locked or opened. In case the watch is removed undesirably, an implemented sensor notifies the absence of the skin. This will trigger an alarm towards the computer, which is connected to the nursery houses internal alarm-system (AsCom). This will also happens in case the client is located in a room which is prohibited or when a person is absence within a room (wandering). This depends on the situation as well the desires of the health department.

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Concept evaluation With this concept, I went back to De Archipel in order to get feedback. I asked several employees that participated in the user test what their opinion was concerning this design. The majority was positive concerning the design. At first sight, this design has not been recognized as a modified watch. Besides, according to the employees, the size and the weight are well to wear daily by clients. The implementation of a specialized buckle and the possibility to get notified as employee when a client is leaving the room or wandering around is appreciated a lot. A few of them asked me when they were able to use this design. Frank Hendriks, manager healthcare of De Archipel, was very enthusiastic about this design. According to his opinion, this watch is inconspicuous, comfortable to wear, safe and therefore very suited to use this watch in their nursing facility. However, the use of an alarm button could be reconsidered. For the clients of the Archipel could not be expected they are able to use the alarm-button, since they are not able to impart this feature due to their cognitive disease. Hendriks added that this feature is likely very helpful in nursery houses where clients are more conscience or for extramural health department, where clients living at home. Concerning the specialized buckle and a sensor sensing the use of the watch, Hendriks was very satisfied with the advantages of these features, because this would ensure the reliability of the system. This design is smaller than the employees of De Archipel would expect to be, since I showed them the previous transponder devices. After discussion with system engineer Herman Aarsten from Wingz I could conclude that the volume for the electronics of this watch (around π * 22 * 1 = 12,56 cm3) provide enough spacing to implement their electronics including an rechargeable battery. The way this watch is worn ensures ultrasonic communication between the watch and the beacon. However, we concluded that the staff has to be enlighten the transducer (speaker of the transponder, communicating with the beacon and sticking out on the right side of the watchcase) should be directed away from the arm. Otherwise, the transducer is beaming into the sleeves of the shirt, whereby the data-communication could be affected negatively. We tested this problem by directing the transducers of the purple transponders into the sleeve of my shirt. We concluded the data-connection between the transponder and the beacon is affected slightly, but has still enough power to ensure a reliable connection. In addition, in case the transducer is covered by something else, the RF band ensures there is still a connection between the transponder and the beacon. Further investigation has to be performed whether this problem occurs in practice. In addition, I went to my grandparents. All of them are supplied with a mobile personal alarm device that they never dare to wear. According to them these mobile personal alarm devices are not comfortable to wear and the big red alarm button stigmatizes too much (“I‟m not old enough to use this”, according to my 91 year old granddad). When showing the rapid prototype model and the renders I made there were very impressed by the design. After questioning them if they would wear this device instead of the current alarm device they all (3) agreed. In the end, the Wingz company is very satisfied by my contribution. Do to my co-operation they got founding where to focus on. In additional several specialized watches for further testing purposes are ordered at time of writing this report.


Retrieving Anthony‟s Transponder

Picture 41: Mobile alarm with red button

B3.2 // Maarten Geraets // January 2010


Production analyze I also tried to make a superficial production costs analyze in order to get a bigger picture of the production of the watch design and a possible estimation of the sell-price. After a discussion with Ron Niesten, manager of Wingz, and comparing this with an internal reference project it would take around half to one million Euros to design, manufacture and produce a product. An estimation of 15.000 Euros to produce 1000 watches is plausible according to Frank Hoogland, Mechanical Engineer from the company VEDS. However after selling an product, the Company should also provide after sales services, like installation of the Anthony system, adapting and fine-tuning it towards the client. In addition, software engineering and support costs time. After comparing the Anthony with its biggest competitors (HomeFree [39] and Sonitor [40]), I address a sell-price of 80 euro per watch is plausible. However, extended research in this phase has to be done to get results that are more reliable.

Recommendations The Anthony project is in progress. As recommendations towards Wingz I would suggest to implement the beacons into a design that can be plugged into the power socket. Almost every room is provided with an power supply. In addition, this improves the simplicity of the installation as well the flexibility of the system. Nevertheless, these beacons should include a backup-battery in case no power is available. Concerning watch design of the transponder, it would be nice to add a fall-detector to it. My suggestion is to make the watch compatible with a wireless-standard like Bluetooth in order to communicate with external devices. In this way, the watch can communicate with a modular system, as a box placed around the wrist of the client. This box includes acceleration-sensor that can notify the fall of a person more reliable than these sensors would be placed within the watch. In case the person falls, an alarm is send to the pagers of the employees via the watch and the Anthony system. In this way Wingz can extend the implementation of Anthony in multiple health sectors. In addition, it is possible to add more sensors, placed around the body, like a blood sugar indicator or a blood pressure level. Finally yet importantly, it would be nice to design different watchcases including the Anthony technology. In this way the client is able to chose the watch they like the most, based on their preferences (male/female design, design with different colors patterns). After interviewing staff of IPSE De Brugge in Zwammerdam it would be very helpful to personalize the watch based on the preferences for the clients, because this would determine the clientâ€&#x;s reliability of wearing the watch.


Retrieving Anthonyâ€&#x;s Transponder

Project Evaluation In short, I had an educative and satisfying project. The result I came up with is rewarding. This watch enables nursery houses and houses for elderly to improve their care quality by decreasing the employeeâ€&#x;s workload. Furthermore, this watch is comfortable to wear and practical issues, like undesirable removal, are covered by a specialized buckle and a wearing sensor. The healthcare manager of SVVE De Archipel as well itâ€&#x;s employees are looking forward to try this design in the upcoming pilot tests. At time of writing, this report the company Wingz ordered specialized watch cases to continue the Anthony project.

B3.2 // Maarten Geraets // January 2010


References: Bibliography [1]







Brent Robinson, Larry D. Vittorini. Optimizing Indoor GPS Performance. [Online] November 1, 2003.




Greenemeier, Larry. A Positioning System That Goes Where GPS Can't. [Online] January 23, 2008.




Coomen, Casper. Presentation Slides Week 1 Assignment Creativity Techniques. 2007.


Factsheet Mantelzorg en dementie, NIZW 2005. [Online] RIVM.


Huishoudens; grootte, samenstelling, positie in het huishouden, 1 januari. [Online] CBS.,5,10,%28l-2%29l&HDR=G1&STB=T&CHARTTYPE=1&VW=T.


Aantal verpleeg- en verzorgingstehuizen 2007. [Online] RIVM.


Verpleging en verzorging. [Online] RIVM.


Tekort verplegenden en verzorgenden op de loer. [Online] Actiz, 2008.




Zorg voor vrijheid: terugdringen van vrijheidsbeperkende maatregelen kán en moet. [Online] Inspectie Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport, Den Haag, november 2008.


[Online] Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport.


[Online] Inspectie voor de Gezondheidszorg.


Wetsvoorstel verplichte geestelijke gezondheidszorg . [Online]


Retrieving Anthony‟s Transponder


[Online] Alzheimer Nederland.




Dementie: Omvang van het probleem: Welke zorg gebruiken patiënten en wat zijn de kosten? [Online] RIVM; Nationaal Kompas Volksgezondheid.


Poos MJJC, Smit JM, Groen J, Kommer GJ, Slobbe LCJ. Cost of Illness in the Netherlands 2005. [Online] RIVM.


[Online] Alzheimer Nederland.


[book auth.] Erno Mijland. Dementie en design.


[Online] IPSE de Bruggen.


Coomen, Casper. Presentation slides week 2 assignment DA130 Creativity Techniques. 2007.


Notes and presentation from "Don't forget the Caretaker" project. 2007.


Michalko, Michael. Thinkertoys: A Handbook of Creative-Thinking Techniques. s.l. : Ten Speed Press, 2006. ISBN 1580087736.


Norman, David L. Streiner and Geoffrey R. Health Measurement Scales. New York : Oxford University Press, 1995.


Bekker, Tilde. Presentations week 4 (User Profile), assignment UFB Basics.


Rapid Prototyping: SLA. [Online]


Accura® 60 plastic datasheet. [Online]


by Peter Shepherd. The Biofeedback Monitor. [Online]


Datascheet LM324N Op-Amp. [Online]


Datasheet QT113. [Online]


Wikipedia; Kirchhoff's circuit laws. [Online]


On Pleo Touch Sensors. [Online]


Allergic contact dermatitis. [Online]


HomeFree. [Online]


Sonitor website. [Online]


GPS: location-tracking technology. ajaj, R., Ranaweera, S.L. and Agrawal, D.P. Vols. Volume 35, Issue 4, March 2002 Page(s):92 - 94 .










[Online] IGZ. B3.2 // Maarten Geraets // January 2010


Experts and others: Within the support of experts, I was not able to complete this Final Bachelor Project. I would like to thank everybody who participated within the project:

Experts: User testing: M.M. (Tilde) Bekker (TU/e) drs. Jacques Geraets (Zuyd University Heerlen, University Maastricht)

Overall coaching: F.L.M. (Frank) Delbressine (TU/e) Technology: dr. W. (Wei) Chen (TU/e) Ron Niesten (Wingz) Herman Aartsen (Wingz) Ad Schoenmakers (Wingz) Tom Frissen (TU/e)

Rapid Prototyping: Frank Hoogland (VEDS)

Other: Employees Wingz, VEDS and Q-Matrix

Healthcare: Frank Hendriks (SVVE De Archipel) Harry van de Leygraaf (SVVE De Archipel) Marleen Weijts (SVVE De Archipel) Wim Kitzen (Zuyd University Heerlen & Vilans Centre of Knowledge Utrecht) Charles Williams (Zuyd University Heerlen & Vilans Centre of Knowledge Utrecht)


Employees and occupants of user test at SVVE De Archipel SKM Rapid for designing a rapid prototype mode Employees E-Atelier for their electronical support

Retrieving Anthonyâ€&#x;s Transponder


B3.2 // Maarten Geraets // January 2010


Appendix A: Internal Wingz Document: Wireless Acoustic Tracking & Tracing System (WATTS) Technologie overzicht De ontwikkeling van een systeem voor indoor-toepassing op basis van de integratie van ultrasone (akoestische) signalen en RF-technologie is zeer vernieuwend voor de sector. Tot op heden zijn nog geen producten ontwikkeld waarin beide technieken worden geĂŻntegreerd. Aangezien deze oplossingsrichting buiten het domein van de elektrotechniek valt, wordt deze tot op heden niet toegepast in elektronische systemen. Concurrerende producten zijn dan ook vaak uitsluitend op IR, RFID, RF of op US gebaseerd. De combinatie van verschillende technologieen en/of disciplines zoals elektronica, fabrikagetechniek, materialenkennis en trillingsleer kunnen echter zeer innovatieve oplossingen bieden voor productontwikkeling op dit gebied, waar tot op heden door geen enkel bedrijf iets mee gedaan wordt. In onderstaande wordt een overzicht gegeven van de verschillende te gebruiken technologieen om te lokaliseren. IR (Infra Rood) Deze systemen werken op basis van optische (licht) golven. Echter, infrarode stralen zijn onzichtbaar voor het menselijk oog, maar op de huid waarneembaar door hun warmtewerking; ze werken ook in speciale fotografische emulsies en kunnen ook zichtbaar worden gemaakt met een warmtebeeldkijker of IR-detector (in-door alarminstallaties maken veelvuldig gebruik van deze vorm van passieve detectoren). Vaak werken deze systemen (bij lokalisatie van personen) met actieve IR-zenders en -ontvangers om op deze manier verschillende IDs (=personen of objecten) te kunnen onderscheiden. Probleem bij optische systemen (ook bv. met cameraâ€&#x;s) is dat er geen obstakels tussen zender en ontvanger aanwezig mogen zij. Voordeel van deze IR-technologie is dat (evenals US-geluid) golven binnen 1 ruimte blijven. Lichtgolven gaan niet door muren. RFID (Radio Frequent IDentificatie) Identificatie met behulp van radio golven. Dit is een technologie om van een afstand informatie op te slaan en/of alleen uit te lezen van zogenaamde RFID-"tags" die op of in objecten/personen zitten (bijvoorbeeld koffer-labels op een vliegveld).

Deze tags kunnen "actief" of "passief" zijn. Actieve RFID-tags voeden zich met een batterij en kunnen worden gelezen en geschreven met een "remote transceiver" ook wel "reader" genoemd die met een antenne radiogolven zendt en ontvangt, actieve tags zenden meestal met een interval hun ID uit. Techniek is verder gelijk aan de RF-technologie. Passieve RFID-tags hebben geen eigen energiebron en zenden een antwoord door het omzetten van de energie van de radiogolven welke door de reader uitgezonden worden. Deze vorm van tags wordt meestal gebruikt in systemen voor lokalisatie aangezien de tag (of transponder) geen energiebron hoeft te bevatten. Vaak kun je met deze systemen maar een korte afstand (tot 0,5 meter) overbruggen. De reader worden dan vaak in deurposten of in speciale poortjes bij de deuren gebouwd. Dit maakt de aanleg en installatie van deze technologie vaak duur in bestaande bouw. Zie voorbeeld plaatje hieronder.


Retrieving Anthonyâ€&#x;s Transponder

Er bestaan inmiddels “lange afstand passieve RFID systemen�. Hiermee wordt de nauwkeurigheid echter slechter aangezien de radio golven door meerdere ruimtes zal gaan (RF-golven gaan door muren). Door TNO is aangetoond dat deze systemen andere elektronische producten kunnen verstoren en dus zeker niet toegepast moeten worden in ziekenhuizen of zorginstellingen [REF_tno1].

RF technologie (Radio Frequent, meestal hoger dan 860 MHz)

Systemen die gebruik maken van RF-technologie werken, evenals actieve RFID systemen, op basis van radio golven en hebben hiervoor een eigen energiebron (vaak batterij of accu) nodig. Actieve RFID chips zenden alleen een ID uit op het moment dat ze actief worden. RFmodules worden in de praktijk gebruikt om data draadloos te communiceren. Gedacht kan worden aan bijvoorbeeld GSM, WiFi, WLAN en Zigbee. Bij het in-door gebruik van deze technologie wordt met laag vermogen (< 100 mWatt) gezonden waardoor deze technologie andere elektronische apparatuur niet of nauwelijks kan verstoren [REF_tno2]. Nadeel van deze technologie is dat de golven door muren gaan. Op deze manier is het zeer moeilijk om te lokaliseren op ruimte nivo. Zie figuur, meerdere bakens [B] detecteren dezelfde tag. Daarnaast kan RF zeer onnauwkeurig worden indien er veel metaal in een gebouw verwerkt is.

B3.2 // Maarten Geraets // January 2010


US (Ultrasonic)

Deze technologie maakt gebruik van geluidsgolven, niet hoorbaar voor mens. Groot voordeel van deze technologie is dat de golven niet door muren dringen. Op deze manier is lokalisatie per ruimte zeer robuust en vele malen nauwkeuriger dan RF gebaseerde systemen. Zie

figuur. Nadeel van deze technologie is dat het signaal gedempt wordt op het moment dat de transducer wordt afgesloten (bijvoorbeeld als lichaam op de transponder ligt).


Retrieving Anthonyâ€&#x;s Transponder

Technologie matrix Passief IR

Actief IR

Passief RFID

Actief RFID







Data communicatie Afmeting tag







Uit deze matrix blijkt dat de voordelen van RF gecombineerd met de voordelen van US leiden tot een goede “technologiedrager” voor het product van Anthony. US wordt alleen gebruikt voor het lokaliseren van tags in een ruimte. Deze lokalisatie wordt ondersteund door de RF technologie op het moment dat de transducer op een of andere manier wordt afgedekt. Daarnaast kan de RF-technologie worden gebruikt om additionele data te communiceren. Op basis van dit idee is door WINGZ een prototype ontwikkeld waarmee de werking getoest kan worden. Dit prototype is met succes gepresenteerd op de BouwRAI 2008! In het volgende hoofdstuk zijn de producten te vinden die momenteel ontwikkeld zijn.

Architectuur van het prototype De transponder (of tag) wordt uitgerust met een US-transducer, RF-chip en batterij en staat draadloos met de vaste bakens in het gebouw in verbinding. Ook de bakens kunnen via een RF-netwerk met elkaar te communiceren. Op deze manier kan een modulair en vrijwel onbeperkt uitbreidbaar systeem worden gecreëerd dat in verbinding staat met een centrale PC. De architectuur van WATTS is hier schematisch weergegeven:

B3.2 // Maarten Geraets // January 2010


Mensen in een gebouw wordt de gelegenheid geboden om een “tag” of transponder te dragen ter grootte van een aansteker. (zie foto van de transponder – wit kokertje - prototype aan een badge).


Retrieving Anthony‟s Transponder

Door middel van de ultrasone signalen die voortdurend worden verzonden en per afzonderlijke ruimte door de hooggevoelige breedband ontvanger (het baken) worden ontvangen kan de exacte locatie van de betreffende persoon worden bepaald(zie foto van de baken prototype). .

Door actieve (autonoom met batterij gevoede) transponders uit te rusten met extra sensoren, kunnen ook lichaamsfuncties gemeten en realtime gecommuniceerd worden. Gedacht kan worden aan fysiologische parameters (bijvoorbeeld Temperatuur, EEG of ECG), maar ook kan gebruik worden gemaakt van versnellingssensoren waarmee een val kan worden gedetecteerd.

Aangezien de autonoom gevoede nodes van het systeem (transponder en bakens) draadloos met elkaar in verbinding staan zijn de installatiekosten van een dergelijk systeem zeer laag. B3.2 // Maarten Geraets // January 2010



Het nieuwe en unieke product (patent pending) van Anthony maakt gebruik van RF- en Ultrasoon technologie. Door de voordelen te combineren van deze twee technologieën ontstaat een robuust en nauwkeurig systeem voor het lokaliseren van personen of objecten in een gebouw.

Ultrasoon wordt gebruikt voor de lokalisatie. Deze technologie is vele malen ongevoeliger voor storing dan RF. RF-golven worden namelijk verstoord door de constructie (ijzer) van het gebouw. Bij RF dringen de golven ook door muren hetgeen de nauwkeurigheid niet ten goede komt.

Naast deze lokalisatie kan het systeem gebruikt worden als draadloos netwerk om additionele data te communiceren (fysiologische parameters of valdetectie). Bij systemen op basis van RFID kan alleen een “code” getransporteerd worden.

De nodes (transponder & bakens) zijn miniatuur en werken autonoom. Hierdoor is het systeem eenvoudig aan te leggen (geen bekabeling nodig) en zijn de installatiekosten (zeker in bestaande bouw) zeer laag. Levensduur van de batterij zal worden bepaald door het gebruik, maar de energiebron kan zeker 1 jaar mee gaan. Het systeem kan zelf aangeven of vernieuwing / oplading nodig is.


Retrieving Anthony‟s Transponder

Concurrentie & Patenten Vanuit de markt van de gezondheidszorg bestaat veel interesse voor systemen ten behoeve van “indoor-lokalisatie”. Er zijn dan ook al enkele systemen op de markt. Echter, geen enkel systeem komt qua functionaliteit en betrouwbaarheid in de buurt van WATTS. Hieronder volgt een overzicht van een aantal spelers in de markt.

Ascom Levert al langere tijd een op InfraRood (IR) gebaseerd systeem (t.b.v. val- en dwaaldetectie). Het grote nadeel van Infra-Rood is dat er een 'line-ofsight' nodig is. Zodra de transponders van Ascom 'line-of-sight' met de ontvangers verliezen, functioneert het systeem niet meer. Daarnaast is IR zeer gevoelig voor extern omgevingslicht. Voor eventuele (data)communicatie wordt bij hun gebruik gemaakt van een separaat DECT systeem. Het geheel is dus zeker geen integraal product.

Bosch Levert een systeem onder de naam 'Security Escort'. Dit systeem is gebaseerd op laag frequente magnetische velden (RFID). Het systeem vereist dat bij elke deuropening een (relatief kostbare) detector wordt geplaatst zodat transponder op korte afstand passeert. De plaatsing moet aan een groot aantal eisen voldoen en kan alleen door installateurs met speciale training worden uitgevoerd. WATTS zet in op het realiseren van een groter bereik en vereist een veel minder kritische plaatsing van bakens, waardoor er enorm op installatiekosten (bekabeling) kan worden bespaard.

Texas-Instruments Levert een “radio-systeem” (bestaande uit chips die primair bedoeld zijn voor datacommunicatie, maar waarmee ook lokalisatie op basis van signaalsterkte mogelijk zou zijn). Het probleem met radio-lokalisatie in gebouwen is echter dat afzonderlijke ruimtes nauwelijks te onderscheiden zijn, terwijl dit juist een zeer belangrijke eigenschap is voor een betrouwbaar lokalisatiesysteem. ANTHONY verwacht zeker geen concurrentie van uitsluitend op RF gebaseerde systemen. WATTS zet juist in op de integratie van zowel de technologie van RF als Ultrasoon, zodat een 100% fail proof systeem kan worden gerealiseerd.

Ekahau Levert een lokalisatiesysteem op basis van WiFi-radio (ook alleen RF). Dit is als eerste concept door ANTHONY onderzocht en is vanwege de relatieve onnauwkeurigheid voor de gewenste toepassingen in een vroegtijdig stadium afgevallen. Zoals eerder gezegd worden RF signalen teveel verstoord door interne (metalen) constructies van gebouwen.

Q-track Heeft een systeem dat gebaseerd is op Long Range RFID. Deze technologie is onnauwkeurig in gebouwen (zoals reeds eerder aangegeven) en daarnaast kunnen de radio golven andere apparatuur verstoren.

B3.2 // Maarten Geraets // January 2010


Sonitor Is op de markt met een US (Ultrasoon) gebaseerd systeem. Dit bedrijf richt zich voornamelijk op de Amerikaanse markt en dan met name binnen ziekenhuizen. Bij het hoofdstuk technologie hebben we kunnen zien dat US een goede keuze is voor lokalisatie (gebruikt ANTHONY ook). Sonitor heeft echter geen oplossing voor het moment een patient/gebruiker op de tag valt. In deze situatie neemt bij ANTHONY de RF-chip het lokaliseren over.

Concurrentie matrix Kwaliteit Lokalisatie


Kosten – eenvoud

Storing op andere app.

DATA Communicatie





















Texas Instruments
























USPs WATTS van ANTHONY     


Kwaliteit, in de basis is het lokaliseren gebaseerd op US. Geluidsgolven blijven binnen een ruimte en gaan niet door muren. Betrouwbaarheid, mocht de US transponder (per ongeluk) worden afgedekt neemt het RF signaal het over. De combinatie van twee technologieën zorgt voor een betrouwbare lokalisatie. Kosten installatie, zowel transponder als baken zijn autonoom en draadloos. Dit maakt de aanleg zeer eenvoudig. Verder is er geen extra afregeling nodig Storing, US golven storen niet op elektrische apparatuur. Ook het RF deel zendt met een vermogen < 100 mWatt. Dit stoort nauwelijks. Data communicatie, om additionele data te versturen vormt integraal onderdeel van het aangeboden systeem

Retrieving Anthony‟s Transponder

Appendix B Vragenlijst dwaaldetectie onderzoek November 2009

Geobserveerd ontwerp: Naam gebruiker: Indicatie gebruiker: Observator: Datum observatie:

GEBRUIKER Middels observatie waarneembaar door medewerkers. Indien U opmerkingen heeft kunt U deze onderaan aangeven.



1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 

Absoluut niet




Zeker weten

Heeft de cliënt de neiging gehad het ontwerp af te doen? Is het ontwerp comfortabel voor de cliënt? Is het ontwerp makkelijk te verliezen door de cliënt? Is het gewicht van het ontwerp goed om gedurende de hele dag gedragen te worden? Is de grootte van het voorwerp goed voor dagelijks gebruik? Vermoed U dat het ontwerp huidirritaties geeft? Denkt U dat het ontwerp stevig genoeg is voor dagelijks gebruik? Is het ontwerp makkelijk schoon te houden? Privacy B3.2 // Maarten Geraets // January 2010



Absoluut niet




Zeker weten

Absoluut niet




Zeker weten

Absoluut niet




Zeker weten

Absoluut niet




Zeker weten


Schept dit ontwerp een negatief beeld over de cliënt naar zijn/haar omgeving toe? (Stigmatisering voor bezoekers) 11 Zou het welkom zijn dit ontwerp aan te passen aan de cliënt? (verschillende kleuren, patroon)  Veiligheid Vraag


Kan het ontwerp makkelijk losgemaakt worden door de cliënt? 13 Kan het ontwerp makkelijk losgemaakt worden door de verzorging? 14 Vindt U het ontwerp veilig?  Slotconclusie Vraag


Denkt U dat dit ontwerp iedere dag door de cliënt gedragen kan worden?




16 17 18


Belemmert dit ontwerp de gebruiker bij zijn dagelijkse bezigheden? Kreeg U het ontwerp makkelijk aan/uit bij de cliënt? Vindt U het ontwerp praktisch in gebruik?

Retrieving Anthony‟s Transponder

Ruimte voor op- of aanmerkingen: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Bedankt voor Uw medewerking. Dit formulier graag in de zak doen die aan het prikbord hangt in de teamkamer.

B3.2 // Maarten Geraets // January 2010


Appendix C Onderstaande vragenlijst dient één keer ingevuld te worden door iedere medewerker, nadat alle ontwerpen zijn getest. Algemene vragen: Vraag:

Absoluut niet




Zeker weten


Hebt U wel eens problemen met het verdelen van Uw aandacht over de cliënten? 2 Bent U van mening dat een alarmsysteem bij dwalende cliënten binnen het gebouw waardevol is? 3 Denkt U dat een alarmsysteem door op afstand lokaliseren van cliënten de zorgkwaliteit kan verbeteren? Open vragen:  Welk ontwerp zou U het meest praktisch in gebruik vinden (horloge, polsband, sleutelhanger, “broche”)? En waarom? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 

Indien U de locatie van een cliënt weet, welke aanvullende informatie kan voor U het meest belangrijk zijn? Valdetector, stress-sensor, hartslagmeter, bloedsuikermeter? En waarom? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 

Stel dat het uiteindelijke ontwerp een waterdichte polsband met alarmknop wordt die uitsluitend te openen is door de verzorging en een alarm geeft indien deze alsnog wordt afgedaan. Wat vindt U van dit ontwerp? Zou het beter zijn als het op een horloge lijkt? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Retrieving Anthony‟s Transponder

Appendix D Question 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Heeft de cliënt de neiging gehad het ontwerp af te doen? Is het ontwerp comfortabel voor de cliënt? Is het ontwerp makkelijk te verliezen door de cliënt? Is het gewicht van het ontwerp goed om gedurende de hele dag gedragen te worden? Is de grootte van het voorwerp goed voor dagelijks gebruik? Vermoed U dat het ontwerp huidirritaties geeft? Denkt U dat het ontwerp stevig genoeg is voor dagelijks gebruik? Is het ontwerp makkelijk schoon te houden? Schept dit ontwerp een negatief beeld over de cliënt naar zijn/haar omgeving toe? (Stigmatisering voor bezoekers) Zou het welkom zijn dit ontwerp aan te passen aan de cliënt? (verschillende kleuren, patroon) Kan het ontwerp makkelijk losgemaakt worden door de cliënt? Kan het ontwerp makkelijk losgemaakt worden door de verzorging? Vindt U het ontwerp veilig? Denkt U dat dit ontwerp iedere dag door de cliënt gedragen kan worden? Belemmert dit ontwerp de gebruiker bij zijn dagelijkse bezigheden? Kreeg U het ontwerp makkelijk aan/uit bij de cliënt? Vindt U het ontwerp praktisch in gebruik?

Does the client tended to take off the design? Is the design comfortable for the client? Is the design easy to lose the client? Is the weight of good design throughout the day to be worn? The size of the object is good for everyday use? You suspect that the design gives skin irritations? Do you think the design is sturdy enough for everyday use? Is the design easy to clean? This design creates a negative image of the customer to his / her environment? (Stigma for visitors) Would it be welcome to adapt this design towards the client? (different colors, patterns) Can the design be easily loosened by the client? Can the design be easily loosened by the staff? Do you think this design is safe? Do you think this design can be worn by the customer every day? Hinders the design the user with daily activities? Did you took the design on / off easily on the client? Do you think this design is practical to use?

B3.2 // Maarten Geraets // January 2010


Appendix E Raw data polsband: Subscha al Gewicht Mirror

Observa nt 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


comf ort 2 Ja Heeft de cliënt de neigin g gehad het ontw erp af te doen ?

4 4 5 5 2 2 3 2 4

comfort 2 Nee Is het ontwer p comfort abel voor de cliënt?

3 3 4 2 2 4 4 4 4

prakti sch 2 Ja Is het ontw erp makk elijk te verlie zen door de cliënt ?

comfo rt 2 Nee Is het gewich t van het ontwe rp goed om gedure nde de hele dag gedrag en te worde n?

comfo rt 2 Nee Is de groott e van het voorw erp goed voor dageli jks gebru ik?

2 2 3 2 2 2 4 2 4

4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4

2 3 4 2 4 3 2

comfort 2 Ja Vermoe d U dat het ontwer p huidirrit aties geeft?

3 4 4 3 2 4 4 2 4

prakti sch 2 Nee Denkt U dat het ontw erp stevig geno eg is voor dageli jks gebru ik?

prakti sch 2 Nee Is het ontw erp makk elijk schoo n te houd en?

stigmatis ering 1 Ja Schept dit ontwerp een negatief beeld over de cliënt naar zijn/haar omgeving toe? (Stigmati sering voor bezoeker s)

3 3 4 3 2 3 2 4 4

3 4 4 3 3 4 4 4 4

4 3 4 2 2 4 4 4 5

overige 0,5 Nee Zou het welkom zijn dit ontwerp aan te passen aan de cliënt? (verschill ende kleuren, patroon)

praktis ch 2 Ja Kan het ontwer p makkel ijk losgem aakt worde n door de cliënt?

veiligh eid 3 Nee Kan het ontwer p makkel ijk losgem aakt worde n door de verzorg ing?

veilig heid 3 Nee Vindt U het ontw erp veilig ?

comf ort 2 Nee Denkt U dat dit ontw erp ieder e dag door de cliënt gedra gen kan word en?

2 3 4 3 2 4 3 2 3

3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 4

3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

3 3 2 4 2 4 3

4 3 4 4 2 4 3 4 4

Retrieving Anthony‟s Transponder


comfort 2 Ja Belemm ert dit ontwer p de gebruik er bij zijn dagelijk se bezighe den?

prakti sch 2 Nee Kreeg U het ontw erp makk elijk aan/u it bij de cliënt ?

prakti sch 2 Nee Vindt U het ontw erp prakti sch in gebru ik?

4 3 4 4 3 4 4 4 4

4 2 4 4 5 4 4 4 4

4 3 4 3 2 4 3 4 4

10 11 12 13 Totaal: Absoluu t niet Nee Neutraal Ja Zeker weten Blank Gemidd eld

Mediaa n Modus

3 4 4 4

4 3 4 4

1 2 3 2

5 4 4 4

4 4 4 4

3 3 2 4

4 4 4 4

4 4 3 4

4 4 3 4

4 3 4 4

1 2 3 2

5 4 4 4

4 4 4 4

4 4 4 4

4 4 4 4

4 4 4 4

3 3 3 4

0 3 2 6

0 2 3 8

1 8 2 2

0 0 1 11

0 3 2 6

0 3 4 6

0 2 4 7

0 0 4 9

0 2 2 8

0 3 5 5

1 8 3 1

0 0 1 11

0 2 3 7

0 1 2 10

0 0 2 11

0 1 0 11

0 1 6 6

1 0

0 0 3,23076 9

0 0 3,384 615

0 0 3,692 308

1 0 3,615385

0 0 3,15384 6

0 0 2,3076 92

1 0


0 2 3,272 727


0 1 3,416 667

0 0 3,692 308

0 0 3,84615 4

1 0 3,923 077

0 0 3,384 615

4 4

4 4

3 4

4 4

4 4

4 4

3 3

2 2

4 4

4 4

4 4

4 4

4 4

3 4

2 0 0 0 0 0 3,538 3,46153 2,384 462 8 615 Aantal ingevulde vragenlijsten: 13 %? 4 4

4 4

2 2

B3.2 // Maarten Geraets // January 2010


Raw data horologe: Heeft de cliënt de neigin g gehad het ontw erp af te doen ?

Is het ontwer p comfort abel voor de cliënt?

Is het ontw erp makk elijk te verlie zen door de cliënt ?

Is het gewich t van het ontwe rp goed om gedure nde de hele dag gedrag en te worde n?

Is de groott e van het voorw erp goed voor dageli jks gebrui k?

Vermoe d U dat het ontwer p huidirrit aties geeft?

Denkt U dat het ontw erp stevig geno eg is voor dageli jks gebru ik?

Is het ontw erp makk elijk schoo n te houd en?

Observa nt 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

4 2 5 5 5 4 3 4 5 4 2 4 4

4 4 5 4 4 3 4

4 4 5 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 3 4 4

4 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5

4 3 4 4 4 2 4

1 4 3 3 3

4 3 4 4 5 2 4 3 4 4 4 4 4

4 4 3 3 4

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4

2 4 4 3 2 3 2 4 3 4 4

Totaal: Absoluu

n=13 0








Schept dit ontwerp een negatief beeld over de cliënt naar zijn/haar omgeving toe? (Stigmati sering voor bezoeker s)

Zou het welkom zijn dit ontwerp aan te passen aan de cliënt? (verschill ende kleuren, patroon)

Kan het ontwer p makkel ijk losgem aakt worde n door de cliënt?

Kan het ontwer p makkel ijk losgem aakt worde n door de verzorg ing?

Vindt U het ontw erp veilig ?

Denkt U dat dit ontw erp ieder e dag door de cliënt gedra gen kan word en?

Belemm ert dit ontwer p de gebruik er bij zijn dagelijk se bezighe den?

4 4 5 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 3

3 3 5 4 3 4 4 4 4 2 3 3 3

4 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4

4 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4

4 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 3 3

3 3 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 4 4







4 5 5 4 4 4 4 4

3 5 3 2 4 4


3 4 3

3 2 3

3 2 3 3 3 2 3 4 2 2 3 3 4






Retrieving Anthony‟s Transponder

Kreeg U het ontw erp makk elijk aan/u it bij de cliënt ?

Vindt U het ontw erp prakti sch in gebru ik?

t niet Nee Neutraal Ja Zeker weten Blank Gemidd eld

Mediaa n Modus

2 1 6

0 1 10

0 0 11

1 3 8

0 1 12

3 3 6

0 2 7

2 4 3

4 7 2

0 2 10

1 6 5

0 1 11

0 1 11

0 5 7

0 4 9

4 1 1 2 0 1 0 0 3,923 3,769 4,0769 077 3,5 231 23 Aantal ingevulde vragenlijsten: 13 %?

2 0 4,153 846

0 1 3,58333 3

0 0 3,923 077

0 1

2 2

1 3 3,3

1 0 3,461 538

1 0


1 0 3,9230 77

1 0


0 0 2,8461 54



0 1 3,583 333

0 0 3,692 308

4 4

4 4

4 4

3,5 4

4 4

3 3

3 3

4 4

3 3

4 4

4 4

4 4

4 4

4 4

0 4 6

4 4

1 2 9

4 4

4 4

B3.2 // Maarten Geraets // January 2010


Raw data broche: Subscha al Gewicht Mirror

Observa nt 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


comf ort 2 Ja Heeft de cliënt de neigin g gehad het ontw erp af te doen ?

3 4 4 5 4 5 4 4 4

comfort 2 Nee Is het ontwer p comfort abel voor de cliënt?

4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4

prakti sch 2 Ja Is het ontw erp makk elijk te verlie zen door de cliënt ?

comfo rt 2 Nee Is het gewich t van het ontwe rp goed om gedure nde de hele dag gedrag en te worde n?

comfo rt 2 Nee Is de groott e van het voorw erp goed voor dageli jks gebru ik?

4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

4 3 4 2 3 4 4 2 4

comfort 2 Ja Vermoe d U dat het ontwer p huidirrit aties geeft?

5 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4

prakti sch 2 Nee Denkt U dat het ontw erp stevig geno eg is voor dageli jks gebru ik?

prakti sch 2 Nee Is het ontw erp makk elijk schoo n te houd en?

stigmatis ering 1 Ja Schept dit ontwerp een negatief beeld over de cliënt naar zijn/haar omgeving toe? (Stigmati sering voor bezoeker s)

3 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 4

4 4 4 3

4 4 4 2 3 2 2 2 4

4 4 4 4

overige 0,5 Nee Zou het welkom zijn dit ontwerp aan te passen aan de cliënt? (verschill ende kleuren, patroon)

praktis ch 2 Ja Kan het ontwer p makkel ijk losgem aakt worde n door de cliënt?

veiligh eid 3 Nee Kan het ontwer p makkel ijk losgem aakt worde n door de verzorg ing?

2 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 3

3 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 4

3 4 2

Retrieving Anthony‟s Transponder

3 3 3 4 2

veilig heid 3 Nee Vindt U het ontw erp veilig ?

4 4 3 4 4 2 2

comf ort 2 Nee Denkt U dat dit ontw erp ieder e dag door de cliënt gedra gen kan word en?

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 4

comfort 2 Ja Belemm ert dit ontwer p de gebruik er bij zijn dagelijk se bezighe den?

prakti sch 2 Nee Kreeg U het ontw erp makk elijk aan/u it bij de cliënt ?

prakti sch 2 Nee Vindt U het ontw erp prakti sch in gebru ik?

4 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 4

3 4 4 4 2 4 4 3 4

3 4 4 4 3 4 4 2 2

Totaal: Absoluu t niet Nee Neutraal Ja Zeker weten Blank Gemidd eld

Mediaa n Modus

n=9 0 0 1 6

0 0 1 8

0 0 1 8

2 0 0 0 0 0 4,111 3,88888 3,888 111 9 889 Aantal ingevulde vragenlijsten: 9 %? 4 4

4 4

4 4

0 0 0 9

0 2 2 5

0 0 1 7

0 1 1 7

0 0 1 7

0 4 1 4

0 5 4 0

0 0 1 7

0 2 4 2

0 2 1 4

0 1 0 8

0 0 2 7

0 1 2 6

0 2 2 5

0 0

1 0

0 0

0 1



0 0 2,44444 4

1 0


0 0 3,666 667

0 1


0 0 3,333 333



0 2 3,285 714

0 0 3,777 778

0 0 3,77777 8

0 0 3,555 556

0 0 3,333 333

4 4

4 4

4 4

4 4

4 4

3 4

2 2

4 4

3 3

4 4

4 4

4 4

4 4

4 4

B3.2 // Maarten Geraets // January 2010


Raw data sleutelhanger Subscha al Gewicht Mirror

Observa nt 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


comf ort 2 Ja Heeft de cliënt de neigin g gehad het ontw erp af te doen ?

4 5 4 4 3 5 4 4 4 2 3 4

comfort 2 Nee Is het ontwer p comfort abel voor de cliënt?

3 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 4 4 2 3

prakti sch 2 Ja Is het ontw erp makk elijk te verlie zen door de cliënt ?

comfo rt 2 Nee Is het gewich t van het ontwe rp goed om gedure nde de hele dag gedrag en te worde n?

comfo rt 2 Nee Is de groott e van het voorw erp goed voor dageli jks gebru ik?

3 1 2 2 3 4 4 3 3 4 2 5

4 5 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

4 4 3 3 3 4 3 4 4 3 4 4

comfort 2 Ja Vermoe d U dat het ontwer p huidirrit aties geeft?

4 5 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

prakti sch 2 Nee Denkt U dat het ontw erp stevig geno eg is voor dageli jks gebru ik?

prakti sch 2 Nee Is het ontw erp makk elijk schoo n te houd en?

stigmatis ering 1 Ja Schept dit ontwerp een negatief beeld over de cliënt naar zijn/haar omgeving toe? (Stigmati sering voor bezoeker s)

2 2 2 2 3 2 3 4 4 4 2 4

3 4 2 2 3 4 2 4 4 4 4 4

4 4 4 4 3 3 3 4 4 2 4 3

overige 0,5 Nee Zou het welkom zijn dit ontwerp aan te passen aan de cliënt? (verschill ende kleuren, patroon)

praktis ch 2 Ja Kan het ontwer p makkel ijk losgem aakt worde n door de cliënt?

veiligh eid 3 Nee Kan het ontwer p makkel ijk losgem aakt worde n door de verzorg ing?

veilig heid 3 Nee Vindt U het ontw erp veilig ?

comf ort 2 Nee Denkt U dat dit ontw erp ieder e dag door de cliënt gedra gen kan word en?

4 4 4 4 3 4 3 4 4 4 4 2

4 1 2 2 1 4 4 2 3 4 3 4

3 5 4 4 3 2 3 4 4 1 2 1

3 3 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 2 4 4

4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4

Retrieving Anthony‟s Transponder

4 4 4

comfort 2 Ja Belemm ert dit ontwer p de gebruik er bij zijn dagelijk se bezighe den?

prakti sch 2 Nee Kreeg U het ontw erp makk elijk aan/u it bij de cliënt ?

prakti sch 2 Nee Vindt U het ontw erp prakti sch in gebru ik?

4 4 4 4

2 5 4 4

2 3 2 2

4 3 4 4 4 4 4

4 3

4 3

3 2 2 2

1 2 1

Totaal: Absoluu t niet Nee Neutraal Ja Zeker weten Blank Gemidd eld

Mediaa n Modus

n=12 0 1 2 7

0 1 7 4

1 3 4 3

2 0 1 0 0 0 3,833 333 3,25 3 Aantal ingevulde vragenlijsten: 12 %? 4 4

3 3

3 3

0 0 1 10

0 0 5 7

0 0 1 10

0 6 2 4

0 3 2 7

0 1 4 7

0 1 2 9

2 3 2 5

2 2 3 4

0 1 3 8

0 0 1 10

0 0 1 10

0 4 2 3

2 4 2 1

1 0

1 0

0 0 3,333 333

0 0 2,8333 33


0 0 3,583 333

0 1 3,909 091

0 1 3,90909 1

1 2


0 0 3,66666 7

1 0


0 0 2,833 333

0 0


0 0 3,583 333


0 3 2,222 222

4 4

4 4

4 4

2,5 2

4 4

4 4

4 4

3 4

3 4

4 4

4 4

4 4

3 2

2 2

B3.2 // Maarten Geraets // January 2010


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