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An image from the documentary. in reaching the most intimate spaces.

tango in Argentina and recently it has

several companies. We all contribute

How was your experience in the Maa-

We are not interested in neither big nor

had electronic sounds added to it, but

with work and resources. It’s an in-

ilmantango Festival two years ago?

commercial events but those venues

milongas preserve the essence of classi-

dependent production of all the com-

My experience at the festival was ext-

where the original spirit of tango is ali-

cal tango.

panies that take part in CREAAR, an

remely useful. It was the meeting point

audiovisual exporter group. We don’t

with different generations of musicians

In which way did Finnish tango

have any private nor governmental

and tango composers. We got to inter-

surprise you?

funds but we have the support of the

view M. A. Numminen, Tuomari Nur-

Do you think both tangos have in-

I was really surprised to learn that Tango

Minister Pedro von Eyken, the Argen-

mio and film some concerts. We had a

fluenced each other?

is considered national music in Finland.

tinian Embassy in Finland, the Finnish

wonderful welcome and we would like

The most interesting thing in Finnish

I was astonished to see young and old

Embassy in Argentina, Simón Riestra

to shoot more there in order to show

tango is that it has gone its own perso-

people singing Satumaa like an anthem.

Aedo, Telle Virtanen, Pertti Musto-

how important Maailmantango Festival

nal way, at least from the beginning until

This is not very common in Argentina.

nen, Pirjo Kukkonen, Nea Granlund,

is to Finnish tango.

Piazzolla. Classical Finnish and Argen-

I was also surprised by Finnish tango

amongst others. I want to make a noti-

tinian tango don’t share the dance, the

lyrics, so romantic and melancholic…

on of the support of Elina Lajunen,

In which projects are you working at

lyrics, the milongas or the rhythm. But

There are many unexpected aspects

this brilliant Finnish performer who is

the moment?

lately, in coincidence with tango glo-

from Finnish tango that captivate me,

a key member of the team that leads

At the moment I’m involved in different

balization, a new tango has appeared in

that’s why I can’t let it go!

the ongoing project with persistence.

cinematographic projects, and one of

We would also like to get Finnish pro-

them is a fiction film inspired by Tango

ve. That’s why we filmed some images in Maailmantango in 2010.

Finland; a tango that is a result of a mix with other musical genres, one closer to

How was Tango Suomi funded?

ducers involved so that the approach

Suomi; a story about love and Finnish

a younger crowd. Piazzolla modernized

It is a collaborative project created by

would be complete.

and Argentinian tango.




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