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Five-Minute Activities for Young Learners

Box 92

Hurricane/Cyclone safety instructions

Emergency procedures

Safety procedure: cloze activity

Preparation: Buy some batteries for your radio and your torch, as well as some canned food.

Preparation: 1 . . . some batteries for your 2 . . . and your 3 . . ., as well as some canned 4 . . .

Fill some large bottles with drinking water.

5 . . . some large 6 . . . with drinking 7. . . During the cyclone/hurricane: 8 . . . to the 9 . . . or TV for information. 10 . . . to the strongest part of your home, for example, the 11 . . ., cellar or 12 . . .

During the cyclone/hurricane: Listen to the radio or TV for information. Go to the strongest part of your home, for example, the bathroom, cellar or hall.



1 Buy

2 radio 3 torch 4 food

5 Fill

6 bottles 7 water

8 Listen 10 Go

9 radio 11 bathroom 12 hall

© Cambridge University Press 2007

Follow-up • If you have extra time, you could use the lists of nouns and verbs to jointly construct a list of emergency procedures, similar to those in Box 92. To construct a text jointly, call upon children in the class to suggest the sentences that you should write on the board. Do not correct their work, but write it as they say it. When the text is finished, look at it together and ask the children to suggest ways of improving it. This could include making corrections to grammar, changing vocabulary choices, or altering the order of the sentences. • For other procedures, see Activities 2.9, 3.4, 4.12, 4.15, 5.8, 6.10, 6.13, 6.16.


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