Little White Lies 46 - Trance

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invitations to spend weekends at places – if you

doesn't suit me”) and he won't book a return ticket to

don't go too far down that road, you can still

space for, say, Prometheus 2 (“I enjoyed Prometheus,

deliver something that represents something

but yeah... they should probably ask some other

about us... For how long, it's very difficult to tell.

directors first”).

Your work's the evidence of it.” The evidence is giddy. He's test-driven almost every genre (drug drama, comedy, horror, sci-fi) and raced around the world (London, Phuket,

He may not have witten any of his films, but Boyle

Mumbai, Utah). But after 10 films and two decades,

has unconsciously inked himself into each of

Boyle has started to realise what they're all about.

them. Never more so than Millions, the fairytale

“It's weird,” he nods. “Because of the genre, you

about a boy who stumbles upon a suitcase

keep thinking you're making a different film. But

of cash but remains unaffected by it. “That felt very

" e g o hov e rs ov e r a l l o f u s . . . it ' s v e ry d e str u ctiv e b u t it ' s a l so v e ry cr e ativ e " actually, it's the same film: they're all about an

autobiographical,” he says. “More the fact that he's

individual overcoming apparently insurmountable

a boy whose imagination is all that matters to him.

obstacles to get what they want.”

Not money or other things. When I look back, that's

The characters in Danny Boyle's films do

how I made all my decisions.”

extraordinary things to get hold of money. But

That's exactly how it's been for Boyle, whether

Boyle does everything he can to get away from

it's turning down Hollywood (thanks but no thanks

it. You can't blame him: the biggest budget of his

to Alien 4 and a remake of Park Chan-wook's Lady

career nearly killed him. Literally, in fact, as eight-

Vengeance among others) or the Queen (thanks but

foot waves capsized a boat while he was shooting

no thanks to a knighthood).

The Beach, trapping the director, DiCaprio and the

“The Olympics thing, you don't feel like it's

crew underneath it. The movie itself was no flop,

a personal achievement,” he explains. “I felt like

more than tripling its $50m budget at the box-

– this sounds ridiculous, I know – I felt like it's a

office – that's the power of post-Titanic Leo – but

national service. You don't think, 'Ah, that's because

Boyle realised then that he needed to pilot leaner,

I'm fucking brilliant.' Which you do think a little bit

faster, more agile vessels.

to do with the Oscars...”

“If you make a film for five million quid, you can't

Did you? “Yeah, well, you do,” he admits. “You

have a dead baby in it,” he said after Trainspotting.

might want to appear to be modest, but you can't

He rules out ever doing a Bond film (“No, not for me.

help but have it affect you. You can't help but think,

No. I read all the books, more than once, but a big unit

'Aaah!' It's ego and it hovers over all of us.”

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