Let's save energy

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Insulate the internal walls

Insulate the external walls

Replace your windows with energy efficient windows

Install solar panels

Change your heating system/ boiler with a more efficient model than the previous or a biomass boiler

You can use an automatic controller of lighting, heating and ventilation

Clean or replace filters on your heat pump or air conditioner regularly

Decrease the thermostat when you leave the house for a long time

Set the temperature of thermostat in the winter, according your own comfort, as low as you can

Set the temperature of thermostat in the summer, according of your own comfort, as high as you can

Be sure the refrigerator is working properly.

Keep the doors open only as long as necessary.

You must thaw regularly the refrigerator.

Buy household appliances only A Class

Use LED bulbs

Turn off the lights when you leave the room

Paint the walls in light colors when the room is northward placed

Load washing machine at full capacity Make shower instead of bath. 4 showers = 1 bath

Not use curtains or drapes which covers the radiator

Vent the radiators regularly

Adana Anadolu Lisesi, Turkey ITES “A. Fraccacreta” San Severo (FG), Italy Colegiul Tehnic Constantin Brancusi Petrila, Romania 2016

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