Belize Times February 16, 2014

Page 20

20 OUT Nepotism, Favouritism & Corruption Continued from page 2 not vote. Her mother, however, has voting power. So does Ms. Priscilla Banner, attorney, who used to live at the SAME address with Mrs. Burke and Mrs. Miller. Imagine that here are three closely related and associated members on the same board. Mrs. Burke has a salary and benefit package that is more than the Mayor ($72,000.00). The nepotism and special treatment does not end there. Mrs. Burke’s nephew-in-law Jermaine Hyde works at the municipal court (managed by City Hall) and another Devaughan Burke works there during holidays. One final thing. The City Administrator, in collusion with the Mayor, did not hesitate to terminate the services of the security staff. However, she is ungrateful. She has been benefitting from the services of the same officers who drive her around and guard the Lizarrage Avenue home where she and her mother live and where her close friend and member of the Trade Licensing Board once resided. If this is not rift with conflict of interest, favouritism and nepotism I don’t know what is. Signed, A disgruntled City Council worker


OUT Give the Teachers a Raise of Pay No Matter What! Continued from page 2 increase of disorders and diseases like: high blood pressure, diabetes, stomach ulcers, colitis, high cholesterol and nervous disorders and breakdowns, due to the huge stress they go through in their overpopulated classrooms. All of these come as a result of the stressful conditions in the classroom; in addition not having enough money to pay their bills; yet GOB is playing deaf to their pleas. GOB refuses to give teachers a well-deserved raise of pay. Instead, the Minister ridiculously calls teachers all sorts of negative and offensive names. This is madness! This corrupt government refuses to concede a raise of pay without a sound good reason. They claim there is no money. But no one believes that stupidity; because there is money, remember about the almost 30 million in debt write offs to Social Security and DFC; almost 3 million in ham and turkey, 20 million setting up a National Bank to benefit their cronies, they bought out last General Elections which cost them millions of dollars; and millions and millions dollars more going into wrong pockets with their corruption, and financial scandals. So please, saying no money is insulting our intelligence. WE DEMAND NOW that GOB respect teachers and PROMPTLY give Caesar what is to Caesar, to God what is to God and to TEACHERS what is so LONG DUE to teachers. Cost of living is sky high while teachers’ salary is at a standstill. Wake up GOB, open your ears, your reasoning and your heart and give what is overdue to teachers NOW!! Signed, BNTU’s “LOVE BELIZE” Month Supporter.

16 FEB


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