LTD Magazine Mar/Apr 2014

Page 169

169 Dancing Soul 1 + 2 - Artist: Elin Egoyan The artist speaks of the pastels: “Two souls, two colours, dancing in the landscape of Being. Feeling, Touching, understanding...’Knowing’. In this infinity mine and thine disappears.”

neigeux Art work No.1 - Artist: Yukmok Latte The two counter-rotating polygon-balls are simply fascinating to watch! They come in a package containing both white and black. The pieces are resizable and look excellent small or large, indoor or outdoor.

Spring Fields - Artist: Ranadeep This fractal piece shows a beautiful spring flower in bright colours.

Coma 3 - Artist: Fiona Leitner This square(ish) digital painting has wonderful colours promises to brighten any room it’s displayed in.


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