Lincoln College View High School 1941 Yearbook

Page 1

D orothy Jean Moon , freshman, D orothy Johnson , senior, and Donald Nannen, sophomore, listen as Wesley Miller, junior, explains why he is such a good guard on the basketball team. These students representing the four upper grades are typical of most C ollege View students.

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In pub Iish ing the fourteenth volume of the Viewpoint, we learned that in such an undertaking each staff member must hav e a definite assignment and endeavor o · fulfill that assigment to the best of his ability. The editing, advertising , and business management of an annual is , each, a large task which requires much ime and work. The students who are responsible for these particular assignments must have the abi Iity and enthus iasm to do their work well With these po ints in m in d the members of the Viewpoint staff were chosen

During the year the faculty and student body have been very helpful and cooperative for which we are very grateful.

Besides being very enjoyable the publi shing of the 194 l Viewpoint has been c:n interesting and educa t ional experience

In the above p ictu re Bob Keller , advertising manager , Dorothy Johnson , associate editor , Mr . Julius Humann , one of the facult y advise rs , Ruth McMurray , bookkeeper, and Floyd Henson, business manager , arrange some of the clipping s for the page Only Yesterday.


Typ ing

Before the Viewpoint could go to the printer all of the written material had to be assembled and typed without a mistake This job was handled capably by Rogene Goldammer , Ruth Trumbley , and Beverly Wilson Rogene wrote the Girl Reserves write-up, and also the calendar for the 1941 Viewpoint Beverly gathered the mater ial on classes , and helped with the proof reading and typing . Ruth kept her Iittle fingers busy from January to June typing the material for the annual. These girls did a nice job , and did it eff iciently

Shoot in g

Preparing to " flash " a picture is Da le G ibbs , editor of the 1941 Viewpo int , while Ralph Von Dane , sports editor , looks on . This was a familiar sight around the school , at assemblies , athletic events, and other school activities throughout the year . Ralph wrote the material for the footbal I section of the annual , and helped with the other athletic articles Dale , besides taking some of the pictures for the annual, had the job of assembling a ll the copy for the 1941 Viewpoint

Senior High Studenu, Take T ubercul~n Test

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Looking back over the past year we find that it h included many activ ities The tourname nt at We leyan , assembl ies , the C. V. club initiation , the baske bal I supper , and the junior play are a few The ye has passed so quickly that these events seem to ha happened only yesterday

These activities are an interesting , a vital part, o school life. In the 1941 Viewpoint we have attempte

to show as many of them as possible We hope that

you w1 enjoy it.

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'.I</. • Completed Football Schedule for 1940 11 '?"IJ't-. I•
• :,. -v, T" o chan g(' -. have h('ctl ma<le · · e ; Of-',,. 19 40 Fvothall !,,chcduk The He L--------------------------------' i<'<it >~? game. formerly sch~rlulc<l as the a --~ •: • ,~,,. ,, 1:> • ••• ;_<1 l: Thanksgiving clay game, w, s 1}10ved flo ·•1· •t«,l :.. "'4, up to ·eptetnber 2 1, the Auburn game ~l'>tt • being shoved into the turkey day :pot.

Mr . M . C. Lefler has been superintendent of t h e Lincoln schools since 1920 He has faithfully executed the dut ies of this position, and has won the confidence , and admiration of Lincoln people . Mr . Lefler has also been very active in civic organizations in Lincoln

Mr Lefler received his education at Elmwood high school , State Teachers College at Peru, and the University of Nebraska

Dr 0. H Simson has been assistant super intendent of the Lincoln schools since 1927 He was educated at Albion high school, Wesleyan, Chicago , Columbia, and Nebraska universities He received his Doctor's degree from the University of Nebraska

During his leave of absence last year Dr. Simson worked as a member of the Educational Policies Commission of the National Education Association He visited many schools and youth centers throughout the country, and came in contact with many young people. " How do you like your school? " , and "What are some good and bad points about your school? '' were the first questions that Dr Simson asked of students on his visits

Members of the Board of Education are the follow ing , president, Paul F. Good; vicepresident , Arthur A. Dobson ; Mrs. E. E Ang Ie , F. M Gregg , W A Robbins, CI a rence E Swanson


Classes Athletics

Organi zat ions

The seventh grade pictured abo-i;e were winners in the 1941 Viewpoint subscriptio n contest.

We present to you the faculty of College View high school.

From the time that a student enters the seventh grade unt il he graduates he has plenty of time in which to get acq uainted with the teachers of his school After six years a student gets to know his teachers as helpful companions , people who sacrifice many things to provide him with a well balanced education.

ANNA BERGMAN received A. B. degree fr o m Unio n College too k Master ' s work at the Un iversity of Nebraska sponsor of th e seventh grade , and Girl Reserves lik es t o raise flowers Junior high Engl ish , French , and Latin

Meet the Facult

CHRISTINE BRANT attended Chadron State Teachers College received A. B degree fr o m University of Nebraska sponsor of the e ighth grade, and Girl Reserves favorite sports are football , basketball, tenn is sew ing, and designing are her hobbies. History , social sciences , and home economics.

ELMA BUCHANAN received A. B from Grand Isl a nd College d id Master's work at the Un iversi t y o f Nebraska received B. L. S degree fr o m C ol umbia University likes to bowl , p la y te n nis , and fish sponsor of the seni o r c la ss, and senior play. Library

JENNIE HARPER received her B F A. degree fr o m Nebra s ka Wesleyan University favorite sport is swimm ing. Pianist, and Orchestra leader.

Mr Johnson shows a bullet in t o l\1Ir. Humann , Mrs. Harper , an d Miss Scott Mr Hipple , Miss Sm,ith, Miss Bucha n an, and Mr T honias look o v er some reports Mrs. Ann a B ergma n Mr s. Chri st ine Bran t Mr. 0. A. Moore

DONALD 0 HIPPLE received A B degree from Midland C ollege, Fremont, Nebraska also his M . A. deg ree from University of Nebraska sponsor of the junior class, and Hiy club favorite sports are horseback riding, b o a ting , b owling, and track

Typing , salesmanship , and bookkeeping

JULIUS A. HUMANN rec eived A. B degree fr o m Uni on College also received M A. degree from Univers ity of Nebraska sponsor of the seni o r class , and 1941 V iewp oint hockey , football, and golf are favorite sports paint ing , and building summer pastime

Mathematics , sciences , and music

TORVAL P JOHNSON A. B from University of Nebraska in l 922 M A. degree fr om Un ivers ity of Nebraska in 1932 1936 worked on his Do ct or's degree in Berkeley , Californ ia, dur ing the summer hopes to go to C olumbia University this summer l ikes to play tennis , and golf hobby is building new homes Principal

HAZEL SCOTT attende d the Univers it y of Nebraska sponsor of ninth grade , G. A. A. , and Pep club favo rite sports are , ice skating, golf, and swimming going to summer school.

Junior high mathemati cs , art , girl s athletics.

ISABELLE SMITH M A. from University of Nebraska A B de gree from M idlan d College , Frem ont, Nebraska favorite sports are swimming, and bowling sp onso r of junior class , Purp le and G old.

English , and journalism.

CLYDE E. THOMAS rece ived his B S. degree from the University of Nebraska M.A degree fr om University of Nebras ka coaches football, basketball, and tr ack sponsor o f C. V. club. History , and athletics.

ORA A MOORE holds a l ife certificate from the University of Nebraska favorite sport is baseball hobby is studying stars Industrial arts , and scienc e.


Mr. T. P Johnson Miss Hazel G Scott Mr. J ulius Humann Mrs. Jennie Harper Mr. Clyde Thomas Miss Elma Buchan Mr D onald 0. Hipple Mi ss Isabelle Smith

Scho larship and individual attainment should be emphasized and given first place in school Iife To give it more public recognition the College View chapter of the National Honor Society was organized in 1932 .

A council of the faculty membe rs , with the principal, Mr. Johnson, acting as chairman , selects the members of the society. To be a member, one must have attended College View high school for at least one year , and must be in the upper one-third of his class scholasticall y

Students chosen are those who have proven i n i t i at i ve , lead ersh ip , dependabi Iity an d good character.

They Who Lea

Memb ers of the National Honor Society from the senior class this year are Ruth McMurray, Norman Zabel , Dale G ibbs , and Floyd Henson. Dale , Ruth , and Floyd were elected this year, and Norman was elected in his junior year

Junior members of the society are Paul Henson and Allan Johnson, who were elected this spring

The Nation a l Honor Society is an incentive for all students to work for high scholastic ratings and at the same time to cultivate good characters In doing this the society is of great benefit , both to the student , and to the American people.

Norman Zabel Allan Floyd Hens on Ruth Mc Dale Gibbs Paull

Sen 1ors .

Schola rs and Speakers

:fens c n We a re honored to present Norma n Z abel as the valedictor ian of the senior class of 194 l Norman ' s average is 97 . 81 , wh ich is one of the h ighes t av e rages ever attained b y a Co l le ge View student. He has ta k e n a co ll e g e preparatory course in schoo l , ma jor ing in science , languages , and math Ed itor of the Purp le and Gold the f i rs t semester of this year , Norman is act ive in many school organ izat ions H e is a m e mber of the Nat iona l Honor Society , Hi-Y club , and C. V. c lub H is p la ns for the future inc lude a chem ica l e ng in e ering course in un iv ers ity .

dFloyd Henson , w ith a n ave r age of 97.44 is salutator ia n of the se nior class Floyd has ma jored in sci e n c e , English , and math With his a v e r age so n e ar Norman ' s , Flo yd r a nks high e r than many previous valed ic tori an s Besides being an honor stude nt, Floyd is active in many school activit ie s . He is pres ident of the senior class , v icepresident of the C. V . c lu b , se cretary of t h e H i-Y , and ver y ac tiv e in athletics . Floyd plans an e ngi n eering course in univers ity .

Floyd had a double honor bestow ed upon him this year as sa lutato ri an , a nd also one of the sen ior speaker s . " Youth and War " was the tit le of hi s s p eec h , which gave youth ' s v iewpo int o f the present war , and the problems it has created

Fannie Reid spoke on " The C it y of Lincoln ", its h istory , its soc ial ac tivit ies , many civ ic organizations , an d its industries Tracing its history from one sod house to the busy city of toda y , Fannie brought out many interestin g facts about the city in which we Iive

J oh n s n •
M u r r ;i y


Another group of the seniors bi goodbye to College View high scho Not w i thout the feeling of regn however , for our school has won very def in i te place in each of o liv es • Each of us will go our way aft w e have received our diplomas .

As we leave , we vividly recall t~ exper iences which the past few yea have brought . The roller skat ing par1 i n ou r sophomore year , English cfa~ p la y s , " Albert O ' Donnell " and " Trys 1 ing Place ," senior class play , " What Life ," the jun ior-sen ior banquets a the Linco ln Hotel May 25 , 1940 , an1 Ma y l 0, 194 l , May Day , All Sport Banquets , vacations , the long grinc over books , seventh periods , breath/es moments just before grades wen passed out , ups and downs , pleasure i and annoyances - every experienct that school Ii fe can offer has been ours

Lyle Ang was H i -Y vice - pres ident , C. V. club pres iden t, and earned letters in footba ll.

Delores Bent.z entered th is year from De c at ur , In diana Delores is a very quiet girl , and has been a member of G. R.

Lyl e An g Delores Bentz Betty Birkett Mary D ohe Lauralee Erickson Marion Faddis D ale Gibbs B etty Gillihan R. Goldammer F loyd Henson Calvin H esson B ill Huddlest o n D orothy Johnson J eraldine Kell er Bob K eller I n the library, No rrnan Z abel locates a book througl the file as Do rothy T win g , and Sophus Larse n prepan their as s ignments.

ds of ~t , a ur er le -s y ;s a it J s ::l s

Betty Birkett was a member of G R ., G A. A. , girls octet , and too k part in the plays "Albert O ' Donne lI", and " What a L ife ".

Mary D.ohe belonged to the G R ' s and G A. A.

Lauralee Erickson graduated midsemester this year , and was a member of the G R club.

Marion Faddis , senior c lass secretary , was a member of the C. V. club , and P and G staff. He earned letters in football , and also had char g e of the sound effects for the pla y '' A lbert O ' Donnell "

Dale Gibbs , editor of the 1941 Viewpoint, was sophomore pres ident . a member of Hi-Y , P and G staff , and National Honor Society . and too k pa r t in the plays '' A lbert O ' Donne ll ", an d " What a Life ".

Betty Gillihan was a mem b e r o f G. A. A. , Pep club , and G R.

Rogene Goldam mer , G R secretar y , was a mem ber o f G . A. A. , Pep club , and wrote the ca lendar for the 194 1 Viewpoint .

Floyd Henson , sen ior c lass presid e n t , was sophomore vice-pres ide nt , junior president , C. V. club v ice -president , Hi-Y secretary , advert is ing man ager of P and G , bus iness mana g er o f 1941

V iewpo int , and wa s e lected honorary footba ll capta in He w as also a member o f the 194 0 senior play , earned letters in footbal l. basketba ll , and t ra ck, and belonged to the National Hono r Society

Calvin Hesson , a member of H i -Y and C. V c lub , was C. V club secretar y , so u nd e ff ects man for the jun ior play , a n d e arne d letters in footbal I , and ba sk e tb a l I.

Bill Huddleston was a member of the H i-Y a nd C. V. club , football manager , and ea rned let ters in basketba 11. He also to o k p a rt in the senior play .

Dorothy Johnson, G . R . president , w a s tr e asurer of G . R., junior class t reasurer , and asso ciate editor of the 1941 V ie wpoint . She was also a memb e r of P an d G staff , gir ls octet , G A. A. , an d Pep club , and took part in the pla y s " A lbert O ' Don nell ". and " Wha t a Life ".

Bob Keller , Hi - Y pres ident , w as bus iness m an a g er of the P and G , advert is in g ma na ger of th e Viewpo int , vice - p res id e n t of the sen ior cl a ss , and a membe r of th e C. V . c l ub . Bob took part in the ' 4 0 sen ior pla y " Foot Loo se ", ' 41 senior p la y " Wha t a Life ", a nd ea rn e d letters in fo otball and b asketba ll.

Jerry Keller was a mem b e r of the G . R . c abinet , and gir ls octet .

" W ha t d o you do wi th the pre d icate no mi nati v e ?" , asks D onn a M un so n as C alvin Hesso n , and D e lores B en t z a w ai t the answer.
Di s cus sin g the p hotog raph s o f the ir clas s m ates are se ni ors , L y l e A n g , H aro ld W alra th , L eta Mc E lroy , an d J eraldi n e K eller.

Jean Knowlton, who graduated midsemester, was a member of G R cabinet , P and G staff, G. A A. , Pep club , and took part in the play ' ' Albert O ' Donnell".

Sophus Larsen earned letters in track. football. and basketball , and took part in the play " Trysting Place " .

Leta McElroy entered this year from Bartley, Nebraska. and has been very active in G R and G A. A.

Ruth McMurray , bookkeeper of the 1941 V iewpoint , was treasurer of the sophomore class , a member of G A. A. Pep club, P and G staff , and G R cab inet She also was a member of the National Honor Soc iety, and took part in the plays " Tryst ing Place ·' , and '' What a Life".

Clair Meyer took part in the pla y " Tr yst ing Place ", and was a member of the reserve footbal I and basketbal I squa ds

Donna Munson was a member c the G R club, G. A. A. , and P and < staff , and took part in the plays " Tryst ing Place ", and " What a Life ".

Lillian Norman was a member o G. R., and G. A. A., and a member o the senior play " What a Life ".

Betty Pringle, a member of the G. R. cabinet , and triple trio , was student di rector of the plays " Trysting Place ", and " What a Life" .

Fannie Reid, a member of the G . R. cabinet, was student di rector of the play " Albert O ' Donnell ".

Ruth Trumbley, C. V cheerleader for two years, was a member of the G. R cabinet , P and G staff , girls octet , senior play, and typist for 1941 Viewpoint

Dorothy Twing, who is interested in bookkeeping , was a member of G . R.

·Ha v e you heard about skip day?" Lillia n Norm an, Sophus L a rs e n, and Ruth McM1lrray stap to chat between classes.
y B i r kett se e m s to have B il l H uddle s to n , and Norman Zabel well in ha n d as t hey str oll down the walk at n oo n

Ralph Von Dane, was senior class news broadcaster , and earned letters in football and track .

Harold Walrath entered this year from Bennet , Nebraska He took part in the senior play '' What a Life"

Beverly Wilson , feature editor of the 1941 Viewpo int, was a member of G A. A. , Pep club , G R ., and schoo l news broadcaster. " Bev " also took part in the play " Trysting Place "

Norman Zabel was a member of the P and G staff , H i-Y club, National Honor Society , and C. V club Norman was this year 's basketba ll manager

Junior Martin

The senior class mourned deeply one of its best-liked members , Junior Martin, whose sudden death a few week s before school began , left a void in the class. Junior was act iv e in many school activities . He was vice-pres ident of his junior class , a member of the C. V. club , and student manager in football

..J f f
J e an Kn owlton S ophus Larsen Leta McElroy Ruth McMurray Clair Meyer Donn a Munson Lillian Norman Betty Pring le Fannie Reid Vir g inia Sorensen Ruth Trumbl ey D o r oth y Twing R. V o n Dan e H Walrath B Wil son _r. Z a bel

T he conimercial stu d ies a t C ollege V iew ha v e an in te r es t for many st1ld ents. C ertificate s o f achievement a re awarded on t y p ing sp e ed te sts in b o t h beginning and a d vanc e d typin g clas ses. H ere we fin d F r e d G asto n, Le l a F orbes , E lean o r G ourly a n d R u t h Marrow busily pecking away on a s p e ed t est.


T he ju n ior class offi cers take ternoon off to e nj oy the spri1 Vlayne S awyer , the ju n ior preside n t , is assisted by Wahlberg , v ice - preside n t , a n d sell Mau n ier , secretary-treas

A grea t deal of talent and enthilsiasm fo r athletics was shown during t he year by th e j uniors Spo rt s m i nded ar e L av ern e C ake, I va n St ern. Rob er t Richardson and R icha i-cl 1~·cs tbrook. w ho ar e .'.J how11 a s the! , pre par e to don tl1c ir prac t ic e t OJs for b asketba ll

In the laboratory "When the ray of light strikes the prism it is reflected along this line", says Ed Hergert as he explains a physics experiment to Don Darnell , Allan Johnson and Leroy Green.

Jadonne Kersh aw , Norma Clark , and Doris Erickso n couldn' t keep from , laughing at Wayne Sawyer whe n he read his lines from the play , " She Was O nly a Farmer ' s Daughter " The play was presented by the E nglish VI class for the benefit of t he

A stitch in time high school ho me economics attracts Roberta Mille r , Rachel Pickeri ng, and Hope Morey.

" We have sixty-five inches of ads for the next issue." B etty Roeder , Rose A nne Moon, and Pa ul Henson were advertising managers for the Purple and Gold , which the juniors took over the second semester.

an afig a ir clas s =lober t Ru surer. I

Readin', and Writin', and 'rithmetic

On these four pages are pictured the act iviti es of the junior class of College View high school They are shown both in the class room , and engaged in extra curricular activities. The juniors were very cooperat iv e in help ing to show a variety of act ivities , and were certainly we ll

qualified for their role. There is ha activity in the school in which the 1 did not participate Athletics , Pl tions , organizations , and music played a prom inent part in each To jun'iors who helped with the pub/ of the 1941 Viewpo int goes a s " Thank you" .

Waiting for a be :l to sum1,10n them to a history exa m or a speed test a,·e these juniors seen relaxing at the close of activit1

rdly a iunio rs

..16l ic aTh e v thos ~ ishin g peci a :

The juniors gave home room broadcasts over the publi c address syste m many times during the year. Th is time Ruth Cum mings and B etty So rensen were the broadcast ers. with Wesley Miller as the sound effects ma,i

"Ah , I wonder who will win the tourn ament ," is probably the common thought of Nancy Kunkel, Alton D etnier , Bettymae Jones , and D oroth?--t Walker as they scan the pairing sheet on

the bulletin board.

p e iod
In the office Elora Cyr , Mary We ndell, and G uy Shattuck talk to Miss D umpert while waiting to have passes or abse nc e slips sig n ed. In the shop Emery S hores helps Verne Harr is tighten a lathe handle as Or ville Turner wai ts his turn to use the buz z saw.


" A to J to 3 0 6 ; J to Z to 3 07. " Int e r preted this meant : " If you r n ame b e gi n s w ith a letter in the f irs t pa r t of t he alp habet , you wi ll be at h o me in Mr H ipp ie ' s room ; if you ' re a J - to-Z'r you 'll be under M iss Sm i t h ' s w ing Th is wa s the sop h om ore s ' init iat ion into sen ior high s chool on September 9 , 194 0 Some f i f ty stud e nts , more o r less , call themselves sophomo res M iss Dumpert was appo inte d cl a s s sponsor and on November 15 , e le ction of off icers made Max Re is p re sident , M ildred Johnson , vice-pres ident , and James Ro yc e secretary - trea surer.

Re pre sentatives of the cl ass are fo u nd in all the s c ho ol ' s act ivit ies Mildred Johnson , Juan ita M atteso n , Patty Sore nsen , and Jea n An n Wr igh t

are G A A letter winners C Be ll e Whalen was chosen cheer-le G lor ia Barnell , Wallace Cake , Elw in W i lk inson are orchestra r b e rs In sports , the sophomore ~ w e ll represented Those particip in football were : Paul Eden , J F innerty , Norman Hesson , Kunkel , Calvin Melson , Donald I nen , Don P ickel , James Royce , and Melvin Spadt , Merrill Wall , Thomas Wright . James Porter wa. si stant student manager dur ing foot b all season . James F innerty , I man Hesson, Dale Kunkel and J2 Porter played on the reserve baske team Ca lvin Melson was stuc manager dur ing basketball sea Fo ur sophomores are act ive in trac

SEC OND Row-Mos er , Barne ll , A ult , Munson , Eden , N annen , Gak e , Dilwor t h , P orter , M Spadt , Miss Dumpert THI RD R ow- Do he , D Spad t, P aa p , T
t y ,
, R ue
Read ing from left to ri g h t : FIRST Row - B rook s, Walker , Wil kin son , J ohnson , R
e is , Ro yc e , Smi t h , Za be l, Go urley , S ore n sen
inkler, Maly , Matteson , W halen , Weer , Melson , He sson , Wall
Row - Kunkel , J W rig h t ,
oane ,
ickel ,
Lay ton
, Oze
baugh , Mc M urray , McM aster.

>onna iader and nem; are ating ames Dale \JanDale and s asthe \Jo rimes tbal l dent son . :k-

T he sopho mores are really a peppy group with ple n ty of school spirit , and enthus i as m

RIGHT - S opho11iore class officers are J im Royce, treasurer , Mildred J ohnson , vice - president , Max Re is , president.

Merrill Wall , Dale Spadt , Melvin Spadt, and Paul Eden . Don Nannen , Calvin Melson , Bob Smith , Jim Porter, Max Re is , Tom Wright , Melvin Spadt , Dale Spadt , and Jim Finnerty are members of the Hi-Y club

Eighteen sophomores took part in the Spring Musicale .

On Friday, January 17 , a sophomore class party was held in the school Iibrary . Four mothers attended as sponsors. The party was a big success, especially the refreshments .

We cl i mbed into a bus and went off to Pioneers park on May 6 Mr. Hipple and Miss Dumpert went a long as sponsors

One Dow n , Tw o to Go

Fresh me n

Last Sept e mber about th irty-five students reg istered for the ninth grade . S ince that t ime the ir number has grown to over forty pup il s . Among the latest to enter as freshmen , we r e Carson Hammond , from Norfo lk , and Ja c k Mortensen , from Valpara is o

Th e cl a ss pr e si de n t was Irv in Re is , wi th He le n Rosane a s secretar y . Blue and w hi te were ch o se n as th e class co lors

The c la s s par ti c ipated in ma ny t y pes of athlet ics . John T ud or earned a le t t er in reser v e footb a ll and Kenneth F isher , and Ge n e Staber g a lso went out for the reser ve te am The freshman bas k etba ll team p la c e d sec o n d in the jun io r h igh basketball tourname nt . Carson Hammo nd , and Ed Anderson competed in track . Se veral of the fr esh man g i rls belonged to the G . A. A. , w here th e y are working towa r d a Pep club letter

Many members of the freshman cla were act ive in Junior Civic League . Do othy Jean Moon was president of the g ir d iv ision , and Gene Staberg was presider of the boys division Roberta Val intine Joh n Tudor , and Irvin Re is were chair men of stand ing committees

The 'scholastic standi n g of the clas is above average Irv in Re is and Robert Va lin t iner were named on the honor ro co n s iste n t ly throughout the year

A fre s hman party was held on Monday Januar y 2 0 in the school library witf John Ingham , Gene Staberg , Mary Lot Phipps , and Phyll is Knowlton in charge

Promotion exercises wi II be held Jum 5 , and then we will be looking forwarc to be c om ing senior high students nex1 yea r

FIRST Row - B r ooks , G asto n , Wilkin so n , Y a tes , Nyden , G illis p i e, G aston , G illis p ie , P ickering , Ad ams. S ECOND Row - H arris , Eis le. W a lk er, M oon, Sherman , B. B irkett , I n gham , P ringle , Rosane , Miss S c o t THIRD Row - S t aber g, Tudo r, Albri g h t, P hipps , We s tbr o ok , Know lto n , G reenan , Martin , K inder. F OUR TH Ro w- G B irkett , Ande rso n , O ' B r ian , K ey ser , Re is, Fisher Valin t iner , Wilson , G ardner , D win Mey e r


Eighth Grade

How time does fly! Only last year we were seventh graders starting on our long climb to higher education. Now tnat we have comp leted the second year of that climb we find that the path is steeper than we thought it to be

At the beginning of the school year , with our sponsor Mrs Brant , we held a class meet ing and elected the following to guide our class.

Pres ident Ruth Johnson

V ice -president ... .... .... . Donna Aggen

Secret ary Earl Jennings

In the fal I a few of the eighth graders became interested in football , namely , Wayne Jones , Donald Keller , and Donald Jones Junior Dunham , Donald Jones , and Wayne Jones went out for re serv e basketba ll After schoo l dur in g b a s k-e tb a lI seaso n junior high games were pl ay e d in which the eighth graders part ic ipa te d

When spring rolled around al I of the boys in gym class went out for track

On March 20 , we went on a Jun ior Civ ic Leagu .2 tr ip and had an enjoyable time v is it ing var ious Lincoln stores

The c lass off ice rs elected the second semester were , Pres ident Delores Hassinger

V ice - pres ident Carol McGee

Sec retar y . .. .. .. ....... ... ... .. Donna Aggen

Do n na Aggen and Betty Uldrickson were e ighth grade reporters for the Junior H i -Life sect io n of t he Purple and Go ld .

Eighth grad e rs who made the sch o lastic honor ro l I d u r ing the year we re , Donna A gg e n , Bet ty U ldrickson , Ruth John son , Delores Hassin g er , Carol McGee , and Sh ir le y Felke r .

N ow that we have spe nt a ye ar as " Eighth Grader s ' w e are ready t o jou rney on to be come fr eshmen

ss rls lt ,
FIRST Row- S ears , H u nt er , P hip:;:,s , D Mille r, Spied ell , Ul r ickson , D J ones, Simpk i ns, K Miller , M o rtens o n. SECOND Row- F etter l y , Whitccmb , R eed , J ohnson, H es .s o n , B a rne ll, Felker , Y ates , Wa t ki ns, Sevier, Cruthers THIRD Ro w-P ic k el , Du nham , J e:m in 5 s , Slama , A gg ~n. Sh ra d e r , D ic km a n , H enders on, orton, Sherma n , Sutter , M r s B r cmt. FOURTH Row - S mith , H a ssinger, M c Gee , Whip p erma:1 , Mar row , Sh att uck , W. J ones , K ell e r. Ma g den , El y

Seventh Gra de

When the school doors swung open in September, thirty-two eager seventh graders found their way to home room 301 where they were received by Mrs. Bergman , their home room teacher . They soon felt very much at home , and before many days had passed , they organized a class , choosing Ray Sawyer as president, and Ruth Doubt as secretary Later on they elected their Junior Civic League delegates, namely , Vada May , and Irving Schneider with Norma Shrewsbury , and Bob Roeder as alternates

The class soon showed that th -ey were in terested in things as ide from their daily lessons Each Thursday , during activity period , some member presented his hobb y The most interesting collections were those of match folders , stamps , pictures , and paper napkins .

The y w ere a lso interested in drama ,

and in November they presented , act play entitled " Susan is Forgot Those who participated were , M Adams , Bob Roeder, Marilyn Ch Ruth Doubt. Elsie Miller , Elbert Mar William Wright, Richard Cumming mi ra Hergert , Betty Shores, Doris Mc Bob Billington , Wendall Cobleigh , Norma Pickering .

In February they presented an play entitled " The Trial of Noise ." main characters were taken by N Picke ri ng, William Wright , Wa Countryman , Gene Martin , Bob Bill in and Lawrence Walrath

Seventh grade boys participated i1 junior high basketball tournament .

On May 8, the seventh graders on the ir first junior Civic League tr vis it man y stores and organizatior Lincol n.

FIRST Row -Mrs. B erg man, Picke ring, Adams , G. G aston, Cummings , Jennings , Walrath , Roeder SECOND Row-Hamlin, Rosane , Wendell , May , Shrewsbury , Sawyer, Cunningham , Cu tsar. TH IRD Row-Doubt, Church , Valintin er, S turdy, Bill ington, Cobleigh , Hergert , Shores FOURTH Row -M iller , Countryman , Kaufman , Mosher , Wright , Martin, Schni e der , Fetterl y, Eis le

Queen of Sports

Betty Birkett , popu lar senior girl. was elected by the C. V . club as the All Sports Queen for the year 1940-4 1 Interest in athletics , and attenda nce at footbal I and basketbal I games , was the basis for the cho ice

3 o n ten ' axi n e urc h sha l ·, s , El>she r, a n d othe T h e orm a un it a gto n , n th e we n ip t o IS in

On the Gr idiron

W ith only thr ee returning lettermen for the 1940 football team , prospects w ere none too bright . Coach Thomas used last year ' s reserve team and a few new-comers , however. to organize a team which surprized many an opponent . The ' 40 Viewmen rece ive d th e first football trophy in the h istor y o f the school when they shared t he Eastern Nebraska Six crow n w ith P lattsmouth.

Ralph Von Dane an d Sophus Larse n w ere chosen by opposing coaches as the two outstanding C. V. p la y ers They were guests at a luncheon g ive n in the i r honor by the Co-op club

Bob Keller and Ralph Von Dane were named on the Easte rn Nebraska S ix f irst eleven Floyd Henson and Sophus Larsen made the second team while Paul Hens on, Calvin Hesson , Lyle Ang and Flo yd Short achieved honorable mention

College V iew marked its open ing grid game of the 1940 season w ith a 20- 12 win o ver Bethany, on Saturday , September 2 1 The game was played in the Lincoln h igh oval. Touchdowns were scored b y Calvin Hesson , Wesley Mi lier and Ralph Von Dane

On September 27 , College View traveled to Ash land , scoring its second East-Central league win by tromping

Flo yd H ens on , s eni o r , was ele ct ed H on or a ry C ap t of the 194 0- 41 sq uad. F l o y d ga v e s ome s w e ll pe r fo r ances on the g ridiron for C V and di s p la ye d gc sportsm,anshi p th ro u gho ut the s e a so n.

FIRST Row - Ang Richardson , P. Henson , Miller Finnerty , Short , Von Dane , Hesson , Larsen, Faddis.

SECOND Row-Porter , Wahlberg , Sawyer , Zabel , Westbrook , Mauni e r , M. Spadt , Wheeler , Hergert, Detmer , Wright, Meyer

THIRD Row-Coach Thomas, Shores , Melson, Nannen , Darnell , D. Spadt , Pick el , W. Jones , Royce, Hesson , Birkett , Hipple, reserve coach. FOURTH Row-Martin , Green, Schneider , Keller , Manager Huddleston , F Henson , Stern , Whitcomb , Meyer , Turner , D Jones.

the enemy to the tune of 19 -0 Ra l p h Von Dane , and Sophus Larsen w ere best for the Viewmen.

Tecumseh was the Viewme n ' s ne xt victim , 21 - 6 Tecumseh sta r ted th e day ' s scoring by making use o f a blocked punt deep in C. V. t e rr itor y. After that College View started an o ffensive dr ive that netted them t h e ir 21 points

With the losers threaten ing on ly once College View ga ined a victor y over Wilbur on Friday , Oc t ober 11 The lone score of the game came as a result of a 7 0 -yard drive by the Viewmen and the game ended 6- 0 .

In an important East-Nebraska S ix conference game , College View a n d Valley battled to a 6-6 tie on the home field , October 18 College View 's touchdown came from a tricky reverse pass with Larsen carry ing it over A reverse went astray to ruin the con v ersion . The game was played with very few breaks , but Valley took advantag e of one for their score. The extra po int was ruined by the C. V. Iine

The follow ing week Co ll ege V iew suffered its first gr id loss of the sea son to Wymore , l 3- 7 . The Zephyrs ' scores came from a dash thro u gh the wea k side of the line , and o n a M an n to Page toss in the fourth qua rter . Th e V iewmen ' s score came when Sophu s Larsen snagged a pass in the end zone la te in the fourth quarter

On Friday , November l , Co ll ege View lost a close game to the Have lo ck Engineers. The Engineers dro v e a cross the lone marker early in t he f ir s t qu a rter but were unable to make the extra point . Late in the second period F lo yd Henson carr ied the bal I to the H av elock one yard I ine , but the threa t w as ended when a C. V. fumble w as recovered by Havelock Ne it h e r team threatened from there on and the g am e ended 6-0 .

The Viewmen were the victims of a fierce aerial attack , and lost to Ja ckson 28-0, on November 8 No s cori n g was done in the first quarter , b ut late in the second period a Mercer to R asmussen pass was good for 6 po ints The conversion was good and the y le d 7-0 After a slow third quarter the Cardinals opened up in the final per io d to score three touchdowns and as man y extra points

On November 1 5 College V ie w traveled to Plattsmouth to play a game

wh ich w a s to d ecide the wi nner of the East - N eb r aska S ix conferenc e The g ame , how e v er , whi ch w a s co n sid ered th e b e st of the year fo r the V iewm en , ended in a 0-0 deadlock.

With th -e last game o f the se a son before them t he V iewme n traveled to A uburn o n Thursday , No v e mber 21 , to battle in a Turkey Da y clas s ic The ga me w as played o n a mud cov ered fiel d w ith Auburn on the lo ng end of a 1 3 -0 score Twice th e Vi ewm e n d ro v e t o t he 5-yard line b ut di dn ' t get it o v e r

ai n 1n)O d
W hile dressin g f or fo o tball pr act i ce W ayne S awyer , B ob K eller , C alv i n H esson , an d I v a n S tern are giv en some poin ter s b y M r. H ipple , re s erv e coach

Basketba 11

As the call for basketball began , Coach Thomas took over the reins with just three return ing lettermen to rely on , Bob Keller , Paul and Floyd Henson . Up from the ranks of the last year ' s reserves came seven good prospects to complete the first t en

The first string again practiced at Irving where they also played all the home games , while Mr Hipple took the reserve candidates and taught them the arts of basketball in the high schoo l gym.

The curtain on the '40-' 4 l cage season opened with College View playing host to Teachers High , but the visitors couldn ' t match the fast pace and were sent home on the sho rt end of a 30- 19 count

Linco ln " B" gave the View men their fi rst defeat of the season by dro pp ing them to the tune of 20 - 12 , in the pre1imina ry game before the L incoln HighOmaha Central mix

In the following contest , Jackson came back stron g during the last half t o down the luckless Southsiders , 25 -18, after holding a slight intermiss ion lead of one point .

Grand Island , the next invaders of lege , built up a strong half time lead then coasted to a 42-20 victory

The Viewmen traveled crosstowr be the guests of Havelock , but aftc rough and tumble game the Engin emerged on top 32-38.

The next evening Sutton matched Purple and Gold point for point during fir st half , but were completely outcla~ in the final two periods as Paul Her led the Viewmen to a 36 - 18 victory

The Southsiders again played the host as they sent a sad Pawnee City home with a 34-31 defeat . Sophus Lar paced College with 14 points .

Co lleg e View kept Plattsmouth ur control up until the last few minu t hen the visitors got hot and came thro1 with a c lose 39-38 victory , despite L sen ' s ten points .

Bethany sent over a smooth-work crew but they couldn ' t cope with Vi ewmen's speed and were forced to treat home on the short end of a 30 d ec ision.

Zabel , student manager, Huddleston, F Hens on, He s son , Sawyer , L ar sen , Keller , Maunier , Stern , P Henson , Miller

Co l an c 1 t c eer _ th e th e ;se d lSO n bad five ·sen 1de r tes , ugh the re-21

Wy more , the next foe , came from beh ind dur ing the fourth quarter to drop the Souths iders in a tight 30-28 game p la y ed o n the Zephyr ' s court

The following evening, College View put on a fourth quarter spurt to down a ta ll, hea vily favored Wahoo five 34-24 Pau l He n s on and Bob Keller turned in exce ll ent p e rformances for the Viewmen

Ho ld ing a 12 point advantage at the half , Ash land drifted in to victory , but it wasn ' t unti I a desperate Viewman ral ly had bee n subdued that they won 26-23

In th e second contest with Jackson , Col lege was completely smothered by the powerfu l Cardinal quint , 45-15, on the Wes le y a n maples .

Due to a scarlet fever epidemic in Waverl y, the College View-Waverly game wa s cancelled

Altho ugh the Southsiders out scored Fa i rbur y in the last half the Jeffs had built up a large enough lead to glide in ahead 33 -25.

Coac h Thomas ' crew gave Valley a rea l wel c o me by jumping out ahead and not g iving the visitors a chance to get

close, as Paul Henson , and Sophus Larsen led the Viewmen to a 41 -22 victory

For the final game on the schedule College View traveled to Tecumseh where they lo st a 30-28 heart breaker With fess than a minute left in the game , the Viewmen watched a half dozen shots roll out i nstead of in the basket.

Floyd Henson and Bob Keller put on a two man show as they scored al I but four of College View's points while downing Cathedral 33~18 in the first round of the D istrict Tournament

In the quarter finals of the tournament College eliminated a small scrappy , but very tired Waverly team , 29-16 , as Larsen provided the big guns in the victory . Elkhorn stopped the Viewmen for a trophy as they dropped College View 25-23 in the semi-finals.

Floyd Henson sparked a late fourth period rally by scoring two qu ick baskets in the last minute of play , to close the gap as the bel I rang Elkhorn went on to win the Distri ct Tournament and go as far as the qua rterfinals at the State Tournam ent.

Coach Tho mas 'tlSes a diagram to explain a play to his first five. Floyd He nson Cal vin H esson, So phus L arsen. Paul Henson , and Bob Kell e r.

" He fioats through the air the greatest of ease. " S a-. clears a high one.

Calvin Hesso n leaps a low s Ralph Von Da ne gives the a hefty push.

Soph us Larsen prepares to the spea1·

We s Miller, D on Dar nell, a11d Floyd Short , take a warm-up sprint in practice.

Spikes and Cinders

Each spr ing, when the basketbal I outfits have been stored in moth balls , a group of yellow and grey clad boys can be seen jogging around the track to initiate the track season at College View.

The prelude to the regular track season is the intra-class track meet The juniors , displaying much ability on the track, captured the intra-class this year. The seniors were strong in the field events , but were unable to collect enough points to cope with the speedy ju niors The sophomores and freshmen took third and fourth respectively.

In their first meet the Viewmen were beaten by a strong Jackson team , 70-52. Wayne Sawyer , Ralph Von Dane, Sophus Larsen , Richard Westbrook, and Floyd Henson won their

pet events for dear old Alma Mater

The Purp le and Gold upset the prove rbial dope bucket as they were second to powerful Lincoln high school in the Gr -eater Lincoln League meet Wayne Sawyer sped to a first and second in the low and high hurdles respectively won the high jump, and anchored the · relay team to garner 13 3 4 points His was the outstanding individual perfo rmance of the meet .

The Viewmen ran second to Plattsmouth in the Eastern Nebraska Six meet. College View's 31 1 /2 points were gotten mainly through the efforts of Westbrook , Sawyer, Larsen , Henson and Hesson . Westbrook, Sawye r, Larsen, Hesson and Henson have so far qualified for the state meet

w h 'V !J r tO S ' -
Reading from left to right: FIRS T Row-Coach Thomas , Westbrook, Hesson , Sp adt , Keyser, Darnell. SECOND Row-Miller , S awye r , Melson , Larsen , Von Dane , Mr. Hipp le.

Ath letics . ..

Our Common Bond

T h e C. V. club of College View hig h school began the current y ear with seven returning members : Lyle Ang , Bob Keller , Floyd Henson , Paul Henson , Wesley Miller , Calvin Hesson , and Sophus Larsen . Lettermen Lyle Ang , Floyd Henson , and Paul Henson were elected president , vice-president , and secretar y , resp ect ively The club is an honorary athletic o rganization , whose members have received a major letter in one of the three major sports - football, basketball , track Coach Thomas is the club sponsor

During the year the club sponsored man y assemblies which featured athletes from the Univ ersity of Nebraska

Letter award assemblies were presented by the club to recogni ze those boys who won a major letter during the year

The outstanding event of the year was the ini t iat io n of new members which was held early in March The new members were taken on a twenty mile hike before breakfast as the f irst part of their in iti ation The same night

they were administered the last pa r1 of the in itiation and became fullfledged C. V. club members

New members inducted were Russell Maunier, basketball ; Bill Huddleston, basketball ; Melv in Spadt , track Floyd Short , football ; Norman Zabel student manager ; Bob Richardson football; Marion Faddis , football James Finnerty , football ; Merr ill Wall track ; Calvin Melson , student manager , and Richard Westbrook , track

This year in order to become a C. V. c lub member a candidate had to learn the fol lowing code :


As a prospective C. V. club member , I pledge myself to abide by the code of sportsmanship for players which is :

" Keep fa ith with team mates

'' Keep my temper

' ·Keep my pride in victory .

" Keep a stout heart in defeat

" Keep the rules

" Keep myself fit

" Keep a healthy body , a stout mind and ' play the game '."

Reading from left to right: FIRST Row - Mill er, P. Henson , Ang , S tern, Huddleston , F H e ns on, Sp a d t, Westbro o k SECOND Row - Maunier , Saw y er V o n D a n e Za bel , La r sen , Finnerty , Short, Melson , Wall , H ~s so n


Fight Colleg e Fight! "

G. A. A gi rls gather arottnd as Miss Scott otttlines the program, for the day.

" Ful l of pep a nd school s p i r it." That , in short, character izes the Pe p club girls under t he leadership of Miss Scott Led b y t he cheerleade r s, Ru t h Trumbley , Betty Roeder and Donna Belle Whalen, t he girls supply the ent h u si a s m a nd p ep at s c hool rallies and athletic events t h ro ug h out the year.

In order t o b ecome a mem b er of the P ep club a girl must f ir s t be long to G A A wh e re she can participate in var ious sp o rt s. br inging he r many of t he 500 points, wh ic h ent it le h er to a pep club le tter.

Ear ly in th e fall, t he old P ep club members and the G A. A g i r ls c hose the following girls as officers : Virg in ia So ren s e n, pr esident; M il dred Johnson, secretary , and Bett y McMast er, t r easurer

The fav o rite sport among the girls this year was basketba ll, b u t the y enjoyed t ak ing a part in baseball, volley ba ll, track e v e nts. soc c er and speed bal l, and last but not least , d oi n g t heir best in requ i red stunts, som e of wh ich were ver y t ri c ky.

This year the basketball tournamen t was very exciting among the tw o best teams. The freshmen placed first, sophomores se c ond, junio rs third, and seniors fourth. Phyllis Knowlton , Patty , Betty and Virgin ia Sorensen were the high po int ma ker s.

The junior c lass leads with the most girls belonging to the Pep club. They are: Norma C lark, Rose Anne Moon, Betty Roeder, Bettymae Jones. Audrey Meyer, · Betty Sorensen , Ruth Marrow, Lela Forbes and Mary Wendell. The seniors follow up w ith Ruth McMurray, Dor ot h y Johnson, Jean Knowlton , V irginia Sorensen, Rogene Go ldammer, Beverly Wilson and Betty Gillihan. The soph omores keep on the tra il with onlv four. They are Patty Sorensen, Juanita Matteson , Jean Anne W right and Mildred Johnson.

The girls have completed another successful year and are looking forward to many mo r e.

R eading from left to right: FIR T Row-Cheerleaders Wh alen. Roed er Trumbley S ECON D Row - J ones. P 8rensen. Wright. M. Johnson. Wend ell. Clark. T HIRD Row - B. S orensen G illihan. Meyer. Matteson, D. Joh nson. Miss Scott. FOURTH R o w - Go ldammer, Moon, V. S o rensen. McMurray, Wilson F orbes Marrow.

S tarting at left a n i n g clockwise: Cummin gs , Me l Matteson , Wright son , B arnell , M son , Wendell , P sen , J ones , C yr, I Gillihan , E ric Clark , Reid , Mrs man Reading f r o m r i ght: FIRST Row Sorensen , Mrs. B r , J ohnson , Keller , ammer , R McM Moon , Roeder , PTrumbley

S ECON D Row - 1 Whalen , W e e r , I Wilson, Forbes , F Murray , McElroy , Marrow , Za bE

Gi r I Reserves

The G ir l Reserves started out on a successful year with forty-six members . Doroth y Johnson was president, and other officers were Norma Clark , vice-president ; Rogene Goldammer , secretary ; and Betty Roeder , treasurer Mrs Bergman and Mrs Brant were sponsors

Members of the cabinet were Betty Pring le , Rose Anne Moon , Ruth McMurra y , Betty Birkett, Fannie Re id, Bettymae Jones , Jerry Keller , Audrey Meyer , G lori a Barnell , an d Ruth Trum bley .

At the first meeting the theme w as " G irl Reserve Roundup on the G R Dude Ranch '' The stage was decorated to repre sent a dude ranch and the cabinet me mbers , dressed in cowboy costumes , told of their comm ittees and dut ies.

New members were initiated at a mystery party held at the Y W C. A on October 28

On November 31 an impressive cand le-I ighting ceremony was held at the Union Church in recognition of the new members

Other events taking place were the Christmas Date party , Heart-Sister week , and the Date Dance These were enjoyed by all who attended .

The Girl Reserves sponsored several assemblies , also candy and chilli sales during the year.

College View had an active part in plann ing and preparing of G R citywide affa i rs

As the annual goes to press plans are being made for the Mother-Daughter banquet , at which officers for the coming year will be installed

The cabinet retreat and the senior farewell party are looked forward to by the senior members who have had a very enjoyable year in Girl Reserves

d r ead. l\I eyer \la ster' Mun~ .J ohn-J renh ket~ k s on 8 erg~ \eit to B ::1 rt , D t oldu ,r ay , n 1g le , \ ll t ) r a ne '. C· l\• al y !l ,

The 1940 Hi-Y club enjoyed a very successful year unde r the sponsorship of Mr. Donald Hipple The o ff ic ers who led the club this year were , Bob Keller , pr esident; Lyle A ng, vice-president; and Flo yd H enson, secretary- t reasurer Members of the c a b inet were Wayn e Sawyer, membership cha irman ; P aul Henson, s a fety chairman; Lavern e Ca k e , so c ial chairman; and Norman Zabel , pr ogram c h a irm a n. O ur c a binet a nd officers were honored by being asked to demonstrate a model Hi-Y cabinet meetin g at a Hi-Y conference held at Crete , Nebraska, o n Septe mber 14, 1940. At this same conference ,

H i-Y Club

Bob KeUer, Hi-Y p res ident , presides at a cabinet m e eting Cabinet members are Norman Zabel , Lyle Ang, Floyd H en s on, Wayne Sa wyer, Paul He ns o n, and L averne C ake

Bob Keller , pres ident of the C oll ege Vi e w H i-Y club, was elected vice-preside nt of t h e Nebraska Federat ion of Hi-Y clubs. Nin e me mb e rs and our sponsor , Mr Hipple , attended.

On Tuesday , October 1, m an y of the members attended the H i-Y district con fer en c e at Fairbury

The club successfully s po n sor e d severa l assemblies including talks on Irel a nd and Ind ia.

On several occasions members enjoyed free swimming at the Y. M . C. A . The induction of new members into the club was held on Sunday, January 26, at the Union Church.

I· I
Reading jroni left to right: FIRST Row- P orter, W ohlberg , Nannen, Smith. S EcoNn Row-Mr. Hipple, Gaston, Westbroo k , Melson , Huddleston. THIRD Row - M Sp adt, Detmer, Stern , Miller , Reis , D. Spadt. FouRTH Row-Hergert, Faddis , Gibbs, Wrig h t , Sh attuck , Harris, Hesson.

The Purpl e and Go ld

Entering school last fall we found the new Engl is h and journal ism teacher , Miss Isabelle Smith , awa i ting us . Miss Smith has proven herself a capable faculty adviser for the Purple and Go ld .

Norman Zabel , a very active and dependab le student , was chosen to edit the paper the first semester He was abl y ass is ted by Dale G ibbs as news editor , Jean Knowlton and Dorothy Johnson , feature edit ors , Marion Faddis as sports ed itor, Floyd Henson , advertising manager, Bob Keller and Wes ley M ill er , business managers , Ruth McMurra y , exchange , and Ruth Trumble y as typ ist

When the journalism students took over the paper the second semester , Doroth y Wa lker was their choice for editor . She had had six semesters of exp erience in reporting for the Purple and Go ld and has been a hardwork ing and reliable leader. Her dependable staff cons isted of Doris Erickson as news ed itor , Ruth Cumm ing s and Bet tymae Jones as feature editors , Wayne Saw y er , sports editor , Pau l Henson and Russ Maunier as business

FIRST Row-Zabel , Walker

S ECOND Row - Miller , J ohnson, T r u mbley Roeder , Jones , Erickson, F. Henson

THIRD Row - Cummin gs , P H enson , McMurray , Gibb s , Moon , Miss Smi th

FO URTH Row-Faddis , Ke ller, S awyer, Maunier

managers , Betty Roeder and Rose Anne Moon as advertising managers , and Floyd Henson as typist and exchange editor .

Th is year, as in preceding years , the paper was distributed free of charge to the students . It was pa id for and supported through advertisements from College View and Lincoln firms

Members of the staff and other students interested in journal ism attended the Nebraska High School Press Association conference held at the Student Union , on November 8 and 9 , 1940

During the second semester Doris Erickson , Dorothy Walker , and Miss Smith attended several meetings of the School Interpretation and Publicity Sector of the Superintendents Round Table , held at the Board of Education .

Two one-act plays were presented by the English six classes on March 25 , 194 l . They were given for the benefit of the Purple and Gold

On the days that the paper was distr ibute d , the staff members wore purple or gold arm bands with the letters P - G in contrasting colors

Miss S mith, j our nali s m instructor, holds a conference with ed i tors , D orothy Walker , and No rman Zabel.

PrA a-Clark, Roed er. STRING BA s-Norman.

V10LIN s-B arnell. Wilki nson. Pringle. Hammond, Wendell, Meyer. DIRECTOR-Mr H arper.

CLARINETs -McElroy. Smith. CoR NETs-G Mar row. St aberg, A lbright, Tudor, Gake, J ohnson. DRUMS- Brook s. R. Marrow.

The re's Music 1n the Air

Read ing from left to right: FIRST Row-B Mun son, McElroy , Wilson , Soren sen , Tinkler Wri ght. D Munson , Cummin gs.

SECO ND Row- Johnson , Prin gle, D Gourley , C yr, Keller , Clark , Bentz , B irkett, E. Gourley , Trum bley.

R eadi ng from left to right: FIRST Ro w-Rue. Sp adt, D etmer. An g , Stern , Royce , Finnerty, Mauni er, Keller. Layton , Von Dane , Walrath.

SEco D Ro w-B rooks. Walker, L. Gake , Dil worth, Nannen . W . Gake . Melson , Wilkinson , Sch neider, Wohlberg, Kunkel , Eden , H esson, MEyer.

"Henry A I d r ich"

After weeks of rehe a rsals the great moment has arrived. It's curtain time for the senior class play " What a L ife ". The audience is hushed , the footlights are dimmed , and a group of very nervous a ctors and actresses are about to present the story of a very typica l high schoo l boy , Henry Aldrich

The pl a y is set in the principal ' s off ice of a large high school. Henry has been sent to the office for making a disturbance in the study room In the office he ma k es the acquaintanc-e of Barbara Pearson , the junior class presid e nt , and renews his friendsh ip with the pr inc ipal , Mr Bradley Most of the troub le that Henry gets into is e ither d i rectl y or ind irectly connected wi th the smooth George Bigelow While waiting in the off ice Henry as k s Barbara to go to the Spring Danc-e wi th him She already has a date with George , bu t later breaks it to go with Henr y.

In orde r to get the money from h is mother for the tickets he first has to pass a Roman h istory test the highest in h is class , which is very difficult for Henry b e cause of his knowledge of Roman h istory , and his dislike of the t eacher , M r. Patterson . To get a h igh grade he c heats in the test and is called

"Make two lists of these things, one for me an d one for Ripley. " "Look at dee ' s a shoe. " Mr Vichetto surveys He n r y' s locker collection. " But gee , M r B ra dle y, I d i d n' t kn o w tha t thi s wa s g oing turn out to be a picture of Mr. P atterson. "

to the office aga in , He can't answer the quest ions orally of course and consequently is expel led from school for cheat ing Trouble , trou ble , Somestolen band inst rume nts are found registered at a pawn shop in Henry ' s name

The case is finally solved by the detective , Mr. Ferguson , and the nervous music teache r, Miss Wheeler. Mr. Nelson takes Henry ' s part throug h the whole pla y an d as it f inally turns out, George paw ned the instru ments to buy a new tuxedo

Henry finds two tickets to the dance and borrows the car fare from Barbara .


Henr y Aldrich N o r m an Zabel

Mr_ Patterson Dale Gibbs

Miss Shea ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,,,...... .,,,, Fann ie Reid

Mr Brad ley ,,. ,, --• .,, ,, Allan Johnson

Miss Pike . ,, .. ......... ,, ........... ,, ... ,,,, .. .Dorothy Johnson

Mr Nelson ,,.. ______ __ ,,,, ,,,, Bob Keller

Barbara Pearson ,,,,,, ,, ,,.,, ,, ,, Betty Birkett

Mr . Ferguson __ .,, ,,.,, Bill Huddleston

Miss Whee ler. ,,. Ruth McMurray

Miss Egge lston ,,

Mr , V ichetto ,,.

Gertie ______

Miss Johns on

Mrs Aldr ich __ __

Students ,, -

__ Do nna Munson ,,. Harold Walrath Ruth Trumbley

Bever ly Wilson ,, ,,, ,, __ Lil li an Norman ,,. Jerry Kel ler , Calvin Hes son , Mary Dohe

Mary Deeter ,,.,, ,, Betty So re nse n

George Bigelow ,, ,, ,,,,,, ,, Paul Hen son ...

LEFT - Miss B uchanan directs a scene between Miss P ike and Miss Egge! ton, Dorothy Joh nson, and D onna Munson.

MIDDLE PICTURE-Miss S hea ( Fa nnie Reid). Mr. Nelson ( B ob Keller). and Barbara Pe arson ( B etty Birkett) examine th e stole n band i n strurnents.

BOTTOM PICTU RE-A dab of rouge , a little m ascara The make - up de partment gets busy on Allan J o hnson , P auL H enso n, and whoeve T Virgin i a Sorense n is working o n

" Com in g Mother"

Queen for a Day

Selected to preside over the annual May Da y program was Rogene Goldamer , the healthiest senior girl. Six other s-enior girls acted as attendants , and underclassmen took part in the program.

Reading from left to right: Trumb ley, Gi llihan, Johnson , G oldammer , Wilson , McMurray , Sor ensen. Top RIGHT - Emphasi zin g sports. Underclassmen modeled sport clothes representing many phases of athletics. MIDDL E PICTURE - Queen Rog ene and att en dants look on as Mary Wendell models a school outfit.
BO TTOM PICTURE - Mothers and students applaud as the quee n is crowned

-No Excuses Nee d e d

Ma y 7 was a s nice a d a y as any senior class could ask t o have for skip day . At six-thirty in th e morn in g there was a cool breeze and a few feather y c lo uds as we started for Horky's park in C rete Although some of the cars had a li tt le trou bl e ( flat ti res, etc .) , thanks to the juniors , e veryone got there safely Betty Birkett a nd her car load of several old maids were the f irst to arrive , and really woke up the town Ou r cars were decorated with blue and silv e r crepe paper

We ate breakfast and st ar ted immediate ly for the r iver . We rented a motor-boat , and sever a I row-boats, and had a s wel I time on the r iver .

About ten o 'cl ock someone suggested , ''Let's go swimm ing." So in we wen t , including the fully-clad Huddleston.

After dinner some went b o ating again , a nd others rested or hiked.

About three o ' clock we went to Crete for some refreshments , before returning home


Ugh ." L yle A ng gets the rowing job as Ralph Von Dane , B etty B irkett, Ruthie Trumbley, and Cal Hesso n take it easy.

"Humann p tl ts t h e food away ," as the gang puts on the feed bag.

After the swim McElroy puts up her hair.

Leta Mc E lroy and Dot Joh nson decorate one of the cars , watched by Norm an Zabel
"Feel the water, i t ' s nice and warm," says Rogene Goldam-
mer to J erry Keller , and L illian Norman S ev en old maids McElroy, B i rkett , T rumbley, Sorense n, Dohe , Munson , and Joh nson.

Events of the Year


9. Back to school again with two new teachers, Miss Smith , and Mr. Thomas

13 " Rah , Rah " cheerleaders elected are Betty Roeder , Ruth Trumbley , and Donna Bel le Whalen

16. First Girl Reser ves meeting of the school year .

21. "Football season opens with a bang ", College View downs Bethany 20-12 .

26 G A. A. election , V i rg in ia Sorensen , president .

30 Hi-Y meeting.


2 Sophomores elect Max Reis president

4 ' 'Victory , Victory is our cry ". C. V. o v er Tecumseh, 21 to 6 .

11 Co ll ege View versus Wilber, C. V. by one touchdown, 6-0 . " Did we hold our breath " !

18 . First six weeks elapsed. College View 6 , and Valley 6. " At least they didn't beat us ."

23. We lost our first game to Wymore , 13 to 6 Hep 1-2-3, entertained by the Wymore Zephyrettes .

24-25 Nice guy who thought up teachers convention ; two days vacation fr om studies .

29 College View done gone democratic Roosevelt led by a lands! ide in a " straw vote " taken by students of C. V.


1. Havelock rolls over College View , 6 to 0.

6 Re v. Bart on talked about Ireland at an ass embly sponsore d by the H i-Y.

8 . We hit a stone wall . Jackson 28 , and C. V. 0 Nebraska High School Press Ass o c iation convention , P and G well represented .

13 G. A. A. met down at the pond fo r skating , and a lot of fun .

15. 0-0 was what the score of the Co llege V i e w - Plattsmouth g am e looked like.

19 Miss Helen Hosp spoke on Sout h America at an assembly sponsore d by the Ci rl Reserves.

21. Turkey Day game at Auburn. W e had turkey on our mind as we los t the game 13-0

25 . Junior class election , Wayne Sawyer , president.

26 Floyd Henson elected president o f senior class

29 Second six weeks .


1 Girl Reserves candlelighting an d recognition service at U n i o n Church

12 . Football letter award assembly . Forest Behm of the U of N. , speaker.

14. G irl Reserves invit e boy friends to a Christmas party at Y. W. C. A.

20 Choir presented a Christmas program Christmas vacation begins First basketball game. C. V. bows to Lincoln Reserves, 12 to 20 .

21 Jackson wins over C. V. 25 to 18.


6 · Back to school aga in from vacation.

11 C. V. gets its first taste of cage victory. C. V. 36 , Sutton 18.

13. Senior high given Tuberculin Test

17 Sophomores have a good time at party held in the Iibrary. Keller , and Von Dane named on the Eastern Nebraska Six all-star football team .

18 C. V. downed Pawnee City in a thrill-packed overtime game, 3432

20. Dale Gibbs chosen editor of the 1941 Viewpoint.

Confere nce. Little A u d rey Larse n gets a f ree toss Over the b ar. Marbie seas on. The gang at the P ress Conventio n Posed. MiUer in the ce n t u r y. Sophomore officer Sophomore p ic nic
Bev and I
nie drama , play ca s Tug of W D r. O n Hesso n win d
' s R tt l Fella ' s relax a intra-class t 1 meet. Duck ! Look at the B Editor and See r < He ' s in the ar , now. Reser ve bask et ' team.

21. Commercial Law class visits the Unicameral Legislature .

22 More fun-G R. D a t e D a n c e Everyone went dressed as hillbillies

24 First semester ends Boo Hoo

25 . C. V. lost to Plattsmouth in a close game , 38-39

31 Tripping the light fantastic - a school dance was held in the gym


l. A Victory for us - C. V . defeats Bethany 30 to 21

6 Junior High Assembl y Truth and consequences , lots of laughs

7. We were awarded football trophy for being co-champions of the Eastern Nebraska Six Athlet ic Conference. Coach Weyand spea ker at assembly W ymore beat us by just two points , 28 to 30

FLASH - First student news broadcast over P A. system

8 We poured it on Wahoo 34 to 24.

11. C. V. 23 , Ashland 26

13 Dr. Orr , world famous surgeon , speaker at assemb ly . We were defeated by Jackson , 45 to 24

14. G. R. Heart Sister part y held in the Iibrary

15 Jun iors take over P and G Dorothy Walker , editor .

17. A sound mov ie , " Plows, Planes , and Peace ", shown to senior high by Triple A.

18. College View 25 , Fairbur y 33 Oh gee!

20 Dr. A. L Smith , heart spec ialist. spoke at assembly He showed X-rays of the heart

28 . Learned how to use o ur no odle from Dr Gregg ' s lectur e to senior high assembly . Fina l conference game


1 The Indians were on the warpath C. V. 28, Tecumseh 30

5. District Tournament beg ins . Off to a good start . C. V. 33 , Cathedral 18

6 C. V. 29 , Waverly 18 So far so good .

7 . Oh-Oh . C. V . 23 . Elkhorn 25 . Life ' s darkest moment

14. C. V. c lub members get in it iat edand how! National Honor Society assembly. Dr Bimson, speaker

2 0. Assembly g :ven by Wes leyan A Cappella Chorus

26 Jun iors give plays. " She Was Only a Farmer 's · Daughter ", and " It Somet imes Happens"

27 . Floyd Hens on, Sophus Larsen , and Mr Thomas gue sts at a lu ncheon giv en by the Cooperative c lu b .

31 Regents exams given


l. More exams giv en .

2 . Basketba l I let ter awar d assembly . Don Fitz , speaker

4 Oh-hum her e at last , good old spring vacation.

14. Back to school from vacat io n .

15 Inter-class track meet Ju nio rs take the lead

25 End of six we eks


3 Music Festival presented by the choir and orchestra

l 0. Junio r-sen ior banquet

13 . May Day . Health Queen , Rog en e Goldammer

16 . Matin ee performznce of " What a Life ".

17 ·' Henry A ldrich ". Second perfo rmof s enio r pla y.

18. Moth er and daughter tea at thi:Union Church Nor ma Clark .,_ stalled as new G. R pres ident.

30 Memorial Da y. School d ismissed for the day


l Baccalaureate.

2 Annuals com e out

5 . Junior h igh promot ion .

6 School's out for the summer


) ot J unior t 11". u p. ie th e c k die. ary i y all L
A group of ac e Lo ng, Lo ng, A. g , Sho rt in the 11; jump Up and ove r u.· a R uby. Tipoff Corne on gang , u wi th you. How far ? Dream y. Melson , stop it Who won?

Calvert St. Pharmacy

" I can ' t dec ide , " sa y s Bett y Roeder to Paul Henson , and Rose Anne Moon , as Helen awaits the i r orders

Sullivan Lumb er Company

" I' ll take one o f those ," sa y s W ay n e Sawyer to Mr s Wa l ker , as Russ Maunier , and A l Ian Johnson look over the paint brus h e s

Lovell ' s Crocery teria

" Will there be anyth ing else ? " asks Wayne Mu lter of Norma C la rk , as Jadonne Kershaw looks on app roving ly.

Union Ban k

Mildred Johnson and Jean A nn Wright hand o v e r th e ir mone y to Mr Wear, as M r. Br ad le y an d Billi e M unson give app ro v a l.

Kremer Paint Store

Mary· Gatenby endeavors to se ll Mr Stahnke a paint brush , as Ed K re mer gives the cameraman a grin .

Phillips " 66 "

Leonard Walters tells Cal Hes son h e should have a new set of Lee t i res for his Chevy , as Bill H uddl eston look s on wonderingly

s. o. re


" Can we borrow your car for while? " asks Margaret Doane , Donna Belle Whalen of Howard C fredson , as Mr Gotfredson looks o the new Plymouth.

Everett's Drug Store

" Make mine cherry, " says on e , Lois waits for the others to dec id i=>

Gipson Motor Service

Mr . Gipson says , " Tune up jo b s modern automobiles require great r r cision ." He has before him the te c h , cal information by which he is ab le give a car th is service

Hornung Hardware

" You ' ll catch a lot of them with t 1 set , " says Mr. Hornung to So p 1Larsen , as Max Reis , and Don Da r r wonder if it's just another fish s t c


Some of the gang , in cluding Joh n n h imself , gather round for a b it mus ic from the ole " juke box "

M. C. Stahnke, Plumbing

" Marsh " Stahnke takes time o u t t p ose for this picture before startin g o another busy day .

N-orman Cleaners

Norman Crounse poses for th is p icture at " The Home of Norma n C lea ners ", 2401 J

Caviness Confectionery

" Th is dish of Fairmont ' s ice cre a m is almost bigger than I am , " sa y s Ruthie Trumb ley to Donna Munso n , and Norman Zabel .

Felix A. Loren% , Homebuilders

" Now this is how it w i ll loo k when it's finished ," says Mr Lorenz , a s Bob Keller watches with mouth open .

Lincoln Aeronautic al Inst itute


Th is Lincoln Schoo l , 2 1 years t eaching aviat ion , modern ly eq uipped , competently staffed , offers y o u train in g preparing for ALL branches o f A viation Pr i mar y and Ad v a n ced Fl igh t Training ; A i rp lane & Eng ine M e chan ics Training , ALL Government Approved; and Aeronautica l Engineering .

College View Motors

Make your next car a new " NA SH ". Come in and ta l k to Jim Kuhne r a t th e College View Motors before yo u buy.

Planning for the future with Pr esident W A. Robbins of the LINCOL N SCHOOL OF COMMERCE Thousand s of successful men and women ha ve begun the i r business careers in t h e sa me way V isitors are al w ays welcom e at L. S C.


209 No. 14 2-6774 Lincoln , Neb .

a md otv er as t o is J S : II y
On1E OF .0oR mAD LEAhERS OU o 0 "'
CHRIS KUHNER , The Florist PATRONIZE THESE PAID ADS 3701 Prescott Ave 4-2457 W A L T E R W. M I L L E R PAINTING CONTRACTOR 4-1655 Decorating Paper Hang ing 4514 Hillside Ave Lincoln, Neb OTTO DRESSELHAUS PLUMBING - HEATING 5003 Calvert 4- 2575 Standard Service Station Dick Schweitzer and " Dub " Corne ll get ready to give a car that snappy service that they ' re noted for . W. C. H O R N U N G REALTOR 4-2128 3925 So 48 Lincoln, Neb ARTHUR I. LOVELL, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON 4-2146 3819 South 48th St. Lincoln , Neb . WILSON GROCERY We Solicit Your Patronage for Your Grocery Wants We Aim to Keep the Best of Fresh Meats Full Supply of Fresh Fru its & Vegetables 2-2121 4736 P rescott EARL WOOD ' S DAI RY STORES Manu facturers of BUTTER ICE CREAM DAIRY MAID BREAD CANDY 17 STORES "ALL OVER LINCOLN" Distributors of MILK BUTTERMILK COTTAGE CHEESE FRUIT JUICES


I 1
Grains and Feeds Mixed to Order 4025 So 48th 1924 4-1020 1941 Elgin Watches - Clocks Sheaffer and Waterman Lifetime Pens Fine Watch Repairing School and Social Stat ionery Fine Portra its
Jewelers - Photographers - Stationers
Since 1904 ...
have striven to render real clean ing service You can depend on the old re li able MODERN CLEANE RS Soukup & Westover 21st & G and 127 So. 27th 3-2377 CASTLE, ROPER & MATTHEWS C. H. Roper & Sons MORTUAR Y c;Jhe Claflin Print in~ Co. PRINT-ERS wPUBLIStiERS 271 4 No 48th Lincoln , Nebraska
you are looking for a good car at a low price SEE PAAP & BAUMAN 3827 So 4 8th 4-3033 SI DAVE NPORT BARBERS Permanent Waving Scalp Treatments - Hair Tintin g 4735 Pre sc ot t 18 Years Here 4-1120 GREETINGS TO THE 194 1 SENI OR CLASS E. C. WARD SHERIFF Success , 1941 Seniors May We Meet Again AN DERSON STUDIO Qua lit y Photos at Moderate Prices 10 3 4 0 St. 5- 7020 To the Viewpoint Advertisers: My hearti est thanks to the 1941 Vie wpoint advertisers for their inter est and cooperation in helping to finance this year's annu al. Bob Kelle r, Advert ising Manager.

" It sure works smooth and fa s sa y s Jean Knowlton to Marion Fa d, and Norman Zabel , as they wa tc h t U n ion Col lege Press in action .

Union College Dairy

" And a quart of ice cream ," ::, a D r. D ick as he stocks up on d a i products from the Un ion College D a ·t

Union College Laundry

An inside view of how and v i ro n s y our shirts at the Union C o ll Laundr y

(t\il lER E. PAir,c

r r ;

IWher e YOUT likes to sh e ., Y o uth C en t e rTh ird F loor

llliLLER C PAi m

Dr . Lopp

" Now watch closely, " says Dr Lo p a s h e shows one of his _ patients t h corre c t way to brush teeth

The Christian Record

T his institution issues more n o ncom mercia I Ii terature in Brai lie t h a r. any o ther pub Iishing house in t h 1c.. Un ited States

dis he 1ys ry -y. 10 ' I !..
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