Vocabulary in Action Level H

Page 40

WO R D M E AN I N G S Word Learning Study the spelling, part(s) of speech, and meaning(s) of each word. Complete each sentence by writing the word on the line. Then read the sentence. 1. accessory (n.) 1. an extra element or feature; 2. one who helps in a crime she definitely wanted

My cousin said the sun roof was an on her car. 2. avenge (v.) 1. to return some wrongdoing; 2. to take revenge Callie swore she would

the hurtful insult.

3. catastrophe (n.) a great, sudden disaster The accident proved to be a life-threatening


4. decompose (v.) 1. to break down into parts; 2. to decay Dead plants and animals eventually

on the forest floor.

5. dilapidated (adj.) 1. in a state of ruin or disrepair; 2. falling to pieces He kept his paintings in a


6. dismay (v.) 1. to fill with fear; 2. to discourage or trouble; (n.) 1. fear at danger or trouble; 2. troubled state of mind Don’t let my snake Suong cast a look of

you; it doesn’t bite. at the unkempt garden.

7. elapse (v.) 1. to pass by; 2. to slip away, usually with regard to time Time will

slowly when you have nothing to do.

8. exhaust (v.) 1. to use up; 2. to drain; 3. to let out air or fumes; (n.) fumes or gases from an engine If we keep eating, we will The bus let out a thick black

our supply of snacks. .

9. flinch (v.) 1. to show pain, fear, or surprise with a sudden movement; 2. to draw away as the door slammed.

© Loyola Press.

I saw him

Level H

Chapter 3


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