It is a good idea to join a Lottery Syndicate?

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It is a good idea to join a lottery syndicate?

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Various statistics show that 1 out of 4 lotto jackpots are won through lottery syndicates, no wonder that the number of people who join this strategy boost rapidly in USA. Many people consider this technique as the most effective and feasible way of winning lotto game – but, is it really?

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A lottery syndicate is done by forming a group of colleagues or friends who pool in together with the goal of increasing their chances of winning. The syndicate plays together and wins together. More players in the group mean more chances of winning the cash prize. Each player will benefit by having more entries without the need of buying a lot of tickets. The odds of winning will improve each time a new person joins in the syndicate.

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The number of people who forget to check lottery results and claiming their prizes is surprisingly high. If you are a syndicate member, someone is there to tell you that you have won; even you forgot to check your tickets. Buying tickets from online sellers like ca n also help since they automatically alert winners.

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You should also be cautious when joining a syndicate. A syndicate with a large number of players increases the chances of winning however these winnings will have to be split equally among all its members. This means that a big win for a solo player is not much of a big gain for someone who plays in a syndicate. But many believe that it’s better to have a small share of something than 100% of nothing.

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Problems usually occur when a ticket from a syndicate wins, since there no legal agreement in place. One of the most common scenarios is the syndicate manager keeping the prize money due to a member not being able to pay the entry fee on time.

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Lottery syndicates can boost your chances but you should consider down side of this strategy. If you think you have studied the technique enough, what you are left to worry is to find a winning syndicate and then keep your fingers crossed that this group will help you win the jackpot you’ve been dreaming of.

Lottery Bank

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