PESAst koorunud - bEST from the nEST

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PESAst koorunud Best from the nest


PESA arendusprogramm

PESA development programme

PESA on ainulaadne loomeettevõtjaile mõeldud veebipõhine arendusprogramm, kus koolitajad ja mentorid suunavad toote/ teenuse arendamist ja müüki. Iga PESAga liitunud ettevõtja keskendub just oma tootele või teenusele. Programm koosneb viiest osast: • toote- ja teenusearendus, • turundus, • ärimudel, • finantseerimine, • juhtimine.

PESA is a unique web-based development programme for creative undertakings. Training instructors and mentors direct the development and sales of products/services, and each undertaking that has joined PESA focuses on its own product or service. The programme consists of five parts: • Product and service development, • Marketing, • Business model, • Financing, • Management.

Miks PESA on igale ettevõtlusega alustajale asendamatu?

Why is PESA indispensable for every creative person?

PESA aitab saada heaks ettevõtjaks. Kaheksa kuud kestva arendusprogrammi suurimad eelised ongi süsteemsus ja järjepidevus. Peamiselt veebipõhise kursuse tempo on tihe nagu ülikoolis. Iga pühapäeva õhtuks peab järjekordne kodutöö tehtud olema, seejärel annab koolitaja tagasisidet. Iga projekti juures on ka isiklik mentor, näiteks mõni edukas ettevõtja, disainer, müügiinimene... Tähtis on, et algajad ettevõtjad ei jääks üksi, sest üheskoos asju läbi arutades on areng kiirem. Õpetame loomeettevõtjaid oma toodet mõjuvalt esitlema, räägime ärimudelist ja tootearendusest, käime messidel ja disainiturul ning otsime esimesed müügikontaktid. Siit on juba kergem ise edasi minna. Lõpetaksin meie vilistlase, disainer Ene Raua mõttega: „PESA programmis osalemine on aidanud mul süsteemsemalt oma tegevust organiseerida, kuna kunstnikuna kipun end unustama loomemaailma. Iganädalane ülesanne ja oma ala proffide tagasiside on tekitanud minus väikestviisi hasardi leida endale sobiv strateegia. Inspireerivad on ka teiste pesakate ettevõtmised – nähes teisi ärimudeleid, tekib endalgi ideid ja motivatsiooni juurde.”

PESA helps people become good entrepreneurs. The main strengths of the eight-month programme are a systematic approach and consistency. The pace of the primarily web-based course is tight, as in university. By every Sunday evening, another homework assignment has to be completed and the training provider then gives feedback. Each project also includes a personal mentor – such as, a successful entrepreneur, designer or salesperson. It is important for the start-up entrepreneurs not to be left on their own, as they evolve faster when things are discussed together. We teach creative entrepreneurs to effectively present their products, discuss business models and product development, visit trade shows and design markets, and find their first sales contacts. From there, it is easier for them to proceed on their own. I would like to conclude with the words of one of our alumni, designer Ene Raud: “Participation in the PESA programme has helped me to organise my activities more systemically, because as an artist I tend to lose myself in the creative world. The weekly task and the feedback from industry professionals have given me the urge to find a strategy that suits me. The activities of other PESA programme participants are also inspiring – in seeing the business models of others, I also gained more ideas and motivation.”

KERSTI KILG, PESA programmi koordinaator

KERSTI KILG, PESA Programme Coordinator


Käsitööna tehtud puidust disainvannid Hand-made wooden design bathtubs

Frants Seer asutaja / owner Elegantne puidust vann, mille Frants Seer välja mõtles, on tõepoolest eriline: iga saarepuust detail läbib kõrgkuumutuse, kummitihendid hoiavad ära tavapärased puitvannide lekked. Kui Frants 2012. aastal PESA programmiga liitus, oli šiki puitvanni prototüüp juba valmis. Aga tootmisest ja müügist oli asi muidugi kaugel. Suurim kasu, mida PESA programm vannimeistrile andis, oli just prototüübi nägemine teiste inimeste silmade kaudu. Endal on ju raske oma toodet objektiivselt hinnata. Muidugi lisandusid teadmised müügi ja turunduse kohta. Just PESAs tekkis julgus minna välisturgudele, alustades Habitare sisustusmessist Helsingis. Nüüdseks leidub Khisi mõnusaid vanne lisaks Eestile juba ka Hollandis ja Austrias. Tõsi, tootmise ja müügi käimapanek võtabki aega – alles 2016. aastal jõuti kuuenda vanni müügini. 2017. aastal aga jõuti sama numbrini juba kolme esimese kuuga.

The elegant wooden bath designed by Frants Seer is truly special: each ashen detail undergoes thermal processing and the rubber gaskets prevent the usual leaks in wooden bathtubs. When Frants joined the PESA programme in 2012, the chic prototype of the wooden bathtub had already been completed. However, it was still a long way to production and sales. The greatest advantage provided by the PESA programme to the bath master was the opportunity to see the prototype through other people’s eyes. It is difficult to judge one’s own product objectively. Naturally, there was also the knowledge about sales and marketing. It was PESA that gave us the courage to reach out to foreign markets, starting from the Habitare interior design fair in Helsinki. At present, the charming Khis bathtubs are available both in Estonia and in the Netherlands and Austria. The launch of production and sales does indeed take time – it was only in 2016 that the sixth bathtub was sold. However, in 2017, the same amount was already reached in the first three months.

Tamma deSIGN dISAIn, mIS PAnEB ÜllATumA dESIgn To SurPrISE

jOHAnnA tAMMSALU asutaja / owner Londonis ning Madridis reklaami ja disaini õppinud Johanna Tammsalu otsustas oma disainifi rma luua ikkagi Eestis. Esimene suurem projekt oli keraamiline laelamp Solid Spin Lamp, mis sai inspiratsiooni tasside, prillide ja teiste igapäevaste esemete keerutamisest. PESAsse tõi teda soov mõista paremini turgu: kuhu oma tooteid müüa ning kuidas seda paremini teha. Kuidas üldse müüa? Tegemist ootas logo ja brändinguplaan. Ehkki ta on just seda ala õppinud, tuleb ikka kasuks, kui ei pea üksi kõike välja mõtlema. Johanna unikaalsete keraamiliste lampide tootmine on kolinud Itaaliasse ning kupleid leidub nii Tallinnas Estoria hotelli fuajees ja Pärnu Estonia Spa restoranis noot kui ka välismaal. Eksootilisemateks klientideks oli ghana hotell Aafrikas ning New Yorgi ja Londoni nooblid eramud. Tema uus hitt on laes rippuv nagi nörk rack, mis on inspireeritud mägironimise atribuutikast. 2016. aastal pälvis johanna Eesti parima noore disaineri preemia SäSI ning tootedisaini preemia Bruno.

despite having studied advertising and design in london and Madrid, Johanna Tammsalu decided to establish her design company in Estonia. The fi rst major project included the ceramic Solid Spin lamp inspired by the spinning movement of daily objects such as cups and glasses. She joined PESA in order to understand the market better: where to sell her products and how to do so more effectively. How to sell in the fi rst place? She also needed a logo and brand strategy. Although she had previously studied the fi eld, it was nevertheless convenient not to devise it all on her own. The manufacturing of johanna’s unique ceramic lamps has now been moved to Italy and the range may be admired in the lobby of the Estoria Hotel in Tallinn, restaurant noot at Estonia Spa in Pärnu and also abroad. The more exotic customers include a hotel in ghana, Africa, and chic residences in new york and london. Her new hit is the ceiling hanger nörk rack, which is inspired by rock climbing accessories. johanna was awarded the SäSI best Estonian young designer prize and the Bruno product design prize in 2016.


Väliköök, mis jumaldab head seltskonda An outdoor kitchen that adores good company

RAUL TIITUS, KAIDO KIVI asutajad / owners

Sisearhitekt Raul Tiitus armastab suviseid grillipidusid pere ja sõprade seltsis. Õuele elegantset ja mugavat välikööki kavandades kuulis ta raadiost PESA programmist. Raul mõistis kohe, et see on midagi, mis aitab tal oma mõtted teoks teha. Midagi, mis sobib just tiheda ajakavaga inimestele. PESA programm annab raamid, seab ülesanded. Sa annad endale ja teistele lubadusi, mistõttu pead asjaga edasi minema. Kui sellist sundust poleks, jääksid head mõtted sahtlisse, eriti kui on palju ideid ja tegemist. Kuna mitu pead on mitu pead, kutsus Raul kampa ka disainer Kaido Kivi. Programmi lõpuks saigi väliköök valmis ning seejärel osaleti Hamburgi paadimessil. Mis muidugi oli küll mõneti ootamatu, aga ka ootamatult edukas – just seal sõlmiti esimesed müügitehingud. Nüüdseks tehakse lisaks valmisköökidele ka Ulaelu rätsepalahendusi, kus köögi mõõdud sobitatakse paindlikult olemasoleva arhitektuuriga. Hooajal valmib kümmekond erilahendust ning 20–30 moodulkööki, lisaks lauad, pingid jm. Pool müüakse Eestis, pool välismaal. Kõige enam fänne on leitud Kesk-Euroopas, Belgias ja Saksamaal tegutsevad koguni esimesed edasimüüjad.

Interior architect Raul Tiitus loves summer barbecues among family and friends. When designing an elegant and convenient outdoor kitchen for his garden, he heard of the PESA programme on the radio. Raul immediately realised that the programme was something that could help him make his ideas a reality. Something suitable for people with a tight schedule. The PESA programme provides a framework and establishes tasks. You make promises to yourself and others, and therefore have to proceed with what you have started. If there were no such coercion, good ideas would be left gathering dust at the bottom of a drawer, particularly if you have lots of ideas and lots of things to do. As two heads are better than one, Raul also invited designer Kaido Kivi to join in. By the end of the programme, the outdoor kitchen was completed and they participated in the Hamburg International Boat Show. The first sales transactions were concluded there. Ulaelu now also provides custom solutions where the dimensions of the kitchen are flexibly fitted to match the existing architecture. During a season, about ten custom solutions and 20 to 30 module kitchens are made, plus tables, benches and more. The company has been most popular in Central Europe and even has its first distributors operating in Belgium and Germany.

DRAGONFLY Tammepuust esinduslik laualamp Presentable oak desk lamp

LAURI ja SIIM LÄÄNELAID disainerid / design by Siim Läänelaid otsis oma uude kontorisse laualampi, mis oleks ajatu ja elegantne, ei logiseks ja ei laguneks. Poes sellist polnud – tuli ise teha! 2015. aastal liitus Todos OÜ PESA programmiga, joonis ruudulisel paberil. Aasta jooksul mõeldi läbi disain ja tehniline lahendus, valmis prototüüp. Ameerika punatammest, 72 reguleeritava LEDiga. Lihtne, ilus ja esinduslik. Nüüdseks on esimesed lambid müüdud. Dragonfly lamp oli väljas ka Stockholmi sisustus- ja valgustusmessil ja Interjöör 2017, Tallinnas. Järgmiseks eesmärgiks on edasimüüjad ja eksport! Selleks et saada tuge välisturgudel, siseneti Tartu Loomemajanduskeskuse inkubaatorisse. Kuniks laualamp viimaseid detaile ootas, valmis dekoratiivlamp Dragonfly I, mis jõudis kiiresti müügile ka Decora ehituspoodidesse Tallinnas, Viimsis ja Tartus. Kas Sinu lauda võiks ka valgustada Dragonfly lamp?

Siim Läänelaid was looking for a desk lamps for a new office, that would be timeless and elegant, wouldn’t break and wouldn’t fall apart. There was nothing in the shop – so he had to do it himself! In 2015, Todos OÜ joined the PESA programme, with a drawing on squared paper. During the year, designs and technical solutions were considered, and a prototype was prepared. Made from American red oak, with 72 adjustable LEDs. Simple, beautiful, and presentable. Now the first lamps have been sold. Dragonfly was presented at the Stockholm interior design and lighting fair and Interior in Tallinn. The next goal is dealers and export! In order to get support in foreign markets, Todos entered the Tartu Centre for Creative Industries incubator. While waiting for the desk lamp’s final details, the Dragonfly I decorative lamp was created, which also quickly went on sale at Decora stores. Would Dragonfly lamp be suitable to your desk?


Üleriided moekunstniku käekirjaga Clothes in a fashion designer’s unique style

KÜLLIKE TUVIKENE asutaja / owner Kes otsib vabrikumantlist midagi enamat, selle jaoks on olemas moebränd KYLLIKE. Iga rõivaese on seal kordumatu juba seetõttu, et brändi looja Küllike Tuvikene valmistab kanga ise, miksides tekstiilitootmisest üle jäänud pitsi ja siidi pehme meriinovillaga. Küllike Tuvikene on diplomiga moekunstnik, kel ärikogemus kunstigalerii pidamisest olemas. Seega otsis ta PESA programmist eelkõige teadmisi, kuidas oma disainitud mudelitega turule minna. Kuidas vormida rõivamudeli prototüübist toode? Kuidas langetada hinda nii palju, et see muutuks konkurentsivõimeliseks? PESA unikaalsus seisnebki Küllikese jaoks usaldusväärses õhkkonnas, kus kõik osalejad julgesid rääkida oma tegelikest probleemidest. Ainult kuula ja mõtle kaasa! Usaldust suurendas seegi, et grupis ei olnud kedagi, kes oleks omavahel konkurendid. Kursuse jooksul saidki autoritöödest tootemudelid. Nüüdseks on hangitud ka väiketootmiseks sobilikud masinad. 260 nõelaga viltimismasina pärale jõudmine Ameerikast tähendab, et nüüd suudetakse olla disainipoodidele heaks koostööpartneriks nii siin- kui sealpool piiri. See ongi järgmine suur eesmärk.

For those looking for something more exclusive than massproduced coats, the fashion brand KYLLIKE is the right choice. Each garment is unique, as the creator of the brand Küllike Tuvikene also creates the fabric by mixing the lace and silk offcuts with soft merino wool. Küllike Tuvikene is a qualified fashion designer whose prior experience in entrepreneurship comes from art gallery management. She initially joined the PESA programme primarily to attain knowledge about launching her own designs. How can you turn a prototype of a garment into a product? How can you lower the price to make it competitive? Kyllike considers PESA a unique experience, as the participants could freely talk about their real problems in a safe and reliable atmosphere. One only needed to listen and think! Mutual trust was further enhanced by the fact that there were no competitors in the group. In the course of the programme, her unique designs became product models. She has now also acquired suitable equipment for small production. The arrival of the felting machine with 260 needles from the US means that they can be a reliable partner for design shops in both Estonia and abroad. And that is the next major goal.


Vanapaberi uus elu kingikotina Old paper’s new life as a gift bag

KERLI KEHMAN, KRISTI SCHELER asutajad / owners Kord sai Kerli Kehman kingituse Indiast, mis polnud kaugeltki tavalises pakendis. Kott oli tehtud taaskasutatud paberist ning selle oli valmistanud kohalik ettevõte, kes palkas tööturult kõrvale jäänud naisi. Miks mitte teha midagi sellist ka Eestis? Paberkoti prototüüp valmis juba enne PESA algust, kuid programmi käigus tehti ära kõik ettevõtte alustamiseks vajalikud sammud: analüüsiti turgu, pandi kokku äriplaan, otsiti partnerfirmad. Välja valiti kaks ettevõtet, mis annavad tööd puuetega inimestele. Programmi lõpus alustas turuküps MAKU tööd ning õed Kerli ja Kristi toimetavad seal põhitöö kõrvalt praegugi. Kliendid on firma üles leidnud. Eelkõige need firmad, kus tekib palju vanapaberit, olgu need siis trükised või teatrietenduste plakatid. Mõne aja eest Eestit külastanud Taani kroonprintsess Mary sai kingituse kätte just MAKU loodus- ja inimsõbraliku paberkoti sees.

Kerli Kehman once received a present from India which was far from being in regular packaging. The paper bag was made of recycled paper and this was made by a local company that employed women excluded from the labour market. Why not do the same in Estonia? The paper bag’s prototype was created before the start of PESA, but during the programme the necessary steps for starting a company were checked off: markets were analysed, a business plan was compiled, and partner firms were found. Two firms that give work to disabled people were chosen. At the end of the programme, a mature MAKU entered the market and currently sisters Kerli and Kristi currently run the company alongside their day jobs. The company has already found clients, in particular the companies with a lot of old paper, be those printed documents or theatre performance posters. Danish Crown Princess Mary, who visited Estonia a while ago, received her gift in a MAKU environmentally and human-friendly paper bag.


Sallist kleidini – andekas mitmeotstarbeline rõivaese From a scarf to a dress – a clever multifunctional garment

TIIU ROOSMA, KADRI VAHE asutajad / owners Torukujuline innovaatilisest taastöödeldud kangast valmistatud TUUB on mõeldud rõõmsatele, aktiivsetele ja reisimishimulistele naistele. Sellistele, nagu Tiiu ja Kadri ise on. Miks mitte kanda sama rõivast ühel päeval sallina, teisel miniseelikuna ja kolmandal kleidina? Või hoopis ujumiskostüümina ja jahedal õhtupoolikul seljasoojendajana? Tänu oma suurepärasele õhu läbilaskvusele sobib TUUB ka öösärgiks ja aluskleidiks. Idee oli lihtne ja võluv, aga küsimus oli selles, kuidas seda müüa. TUUB on oma olemuselt born to be global bränd, samas oli neil PESAga liitumise hetkel ja on veel praegugi suurim turg Eesti. PESA tõi kaasa mitu head asja. Esiteks sündisid maailma kõige rõõmsamad retuusid, teiseks sundis see miljoni asjaga hõivatud Tiiut ja Kadrit ühisele projektile keskenduma. Kolmandaks valmis mentoritega peetud turundusarutelude tulemusel plaan, mis keskendub online-kanalitele. Nüüdseks on projekti aastakäive kasvanud 66 000 euroni ning paigas on järgmine suur eesmärk: turundada 2017. aasta jooksul korralikult oma veebipoodi nii Eestis kui ka kaugemal.

The tube-shaped TUUB is made of innovative recycled fabric and is perfect for happy, active women who love to travel. Women like Tiiu and Kadri themselves. Why not wear the same garment as a scarf on the first day, as a miniskirt on the second and as a dress on the third? Or perhaps as a bathing costume or even as a backwarmer on a chilly evening? Thanks to its excellent breathability, TUUB may also be worn as a nightgown or slip. The idea was charming and simple; the question was sales, however. TUUB is essentially a born global brand; then again, their main market at the time of joining PESA and now too is Estonia. PESA brought along several good things. First of all, the world’s happiest leggings were born and, second, it forced multitasking Tiiu and Kadri to concentrate on their joint project. Third, in the course of the discussions with mentors on marketing, they completed a sales plan that focused on online channels. At present, the annual turnover of the project has reached 66,000 euros and the two women have set the next major goal to promote their e-shop in 2017 both in Estonia and abroad.

Nüüd Ceramics

Keraamika, kus praktilisus ja kunst on tasakaalus Ceramics where practicality and art are in balance

Mariana Laan asutaja / owner Mariana lauanõud, mis valmivad väikeseeriatena ja alati käsitööna, on puhta joonega ja põhjamaiselt minimalistlikud. Disainer ühendab esteetiliselt mitmeid materjale, alates portselanist kuni puidu ja klaasini. Mariana avastas keraamika pärast seda, kui kaitses magistrikraadi ökonomeetrias. PESA programm aitas tal vormida hobist põhitöö, paljuski tänu sellele, et julgustas ideid teoks tegema ning tiimitöö võimaldas õppida teiste kogemustest. Nüüd on Mariana keraamika müügil Eesti disainipoodides ja mitmes rahvusvahelises veebipoes. Tema tooted on muu hulgas jõudnud Pariisi disaininädalale ning ARTEKi galeriisse Helsingis. Mariana oskus hoida praktilisuse ja kunsti vahel tasakaalu meeldib inimestele – viimaste jõulude eel valmistas ta ühes kuus koguni 150 suuremõõtmelist eset. Keraamikud teavad, et sellise koguse teostamine käsitööna on üsna võimete piiri lähedal. See tähendab, et Marianal seisab peatselt ees esimese abilise palkamine.

Mariana’s tableware, which is produced in limited runs and is always handmade, has clean lines and is characterised by Nordic minimalism. The designer combines different materials aesthetically, from porcelain to wood and glass. Mariana discovered ceramics after defending her Master’s degree in econometrics. The PESA programme helped her to turn her hobby into her day job, and largely thanks to that, she turned her ideas into reality, with the team work allowing her to learn from others’ experiences. Now, Mariana’s ceramics are on sale in Estonian design shops and several international e-stores. Her products have reached, among others, the Paris design week and the ARTEK gallery in Helsinki. People like Mariana’s ability to find balance between practicality and art – before last Christmas, she produced 150 big items in one month. Ceramic artists know that this sort of production volume is close to the limits of possibility. This means that Mariana is looking at hiring her first assistant.


Õhuline kiiksuga vineermööbel Lightweight, quirky veneer furniture

Raul ja Mauri Abner asutajad / owners Vahel keerab PESA programm kõik pea peale. Raul ja Mauri Abneri perefirma Radis tahtis arendada lastemänge ja kriiditahvleid, tegelikult jõuti aga välja hoopis õhulise vineerist mööblini. Arutelud PESA ekspertidega aitasid mõista turu olukorda ning teha esialgu valusaid valikuid. Kahju küll, aga vineerist lauahokil on virtuaalsete mängudega vaat et võimatu konkureerida. Valikud olid õiged. Maailmas on kätte jõudnud aeg, kus inimestele meeldib skandinaavialikult karge ja õhuline mööbel. See peab olema tehtud tagasihoidlikust, kuid vastupidavast kasevineerist ja viimistletud ökoloogilise õlivahaga. Ning PESAst alguse saanud disaineri kiiks peab ka ikka juures olema. Radise mööblit ostetakse rõõmuga lisaks Eestile ka Saksamaal, Prantsusmaal, Suurbritannias, Tšehhis, Poolas, Soomes ja Türgis. Firma käive on kasvanud sujuvalt 300 000 euroni ning sihikul on juba Euroopa suured kaupluseketid. Need mehed ütlevad enda kohta mööblivõlurid. Tõepoolest, seda nad on!

Sometimes the PESA programme turns everything upside down. Raul and Mauri Abner’s family company, Radis, wanted to develop children’s games and chalkboards, but in reality they went instead in the direction of lightweight veneer furniture. Discussions with PESA experts helped them understand the state of the market and make the first painful choices. Certainly unfortunate, but it is impossible for table hockey to compete with virtual games. The choices were correct. The time has come where people around the world enjoy fresh, lightweight Scandinavian-style furniture. This must be done with reservation, but also from resistant birch plywood and treated with ecological oil wax. And that special quirk of the designer has to be there. Radis furniture has been sold in Germany, France, the UK, the Czech Republic, Poland, Finland, and Turkey, as well as in Estonia. The company’s turnover has grown steadily to 300, 000 euros and sights are already set on Europe’s large store chains. These men call themselves furniture wizards. That they certainly are!


PIPIKu nutikad lauamängud PIPIK smart board games

Riho Luuse asutaja / owner Kui Riho laps korrutustabeli õppimisega jänni jäi, tuli appi Riho ammune PIPIKu hobi. PIPIK on linnu, looma, kala või mõne muu olendi kujund, mis klapib teise omasugusega servapidi kokku ja see omakorda järgmisega. Riho mõtles välja korrutustabelil põhineva pusletüüpi lauamängu, mida oma lapse peal katsetas. Korrutustabel sai selgeks! Igapäevaselt graafilise disainerina tegutsev Riho otsis PESAst teadmisi just marketingi ja juhtimise kohta, suureks abiks olid arutelud ka tippdisainer Martin Pärnaga. PESAs ei saanud looderdada, projekti tuli pidevalt edasi arendada. Riho hindab väga videoloengu formaati: esiteks on see mugav neile, kes elavad pealinnast kaugemal, ja teiseks sai loenguid vajadusel mitu korda üle vaadata. Nüüdseks on mängude arv kasvanud kümneni ning suviti näeb Rihot tihti messidel ja laatadel, mis on tema mängude parim müügikoht. Kogused on küll väikesed, sest Rihole meeldib asju teha tasa ja targu, kuid esimesed mängukomplektid on tellitud juba ka Soome ja Saksamaa koolidesse. * PIPIK on piiramatu pinna kujund.

When Riho’s child got stuck learning the multiplication tables, PIPIK, Riho’s long-time hobby, came to the rescue. PIPIK is a bird-, animal-, fish- or other creature-shaped image that goes together with another image, which in turn matches with another. Riho designed a puzzle-type times-table game and then tested it on his child. The times tables became clear! Riho, who works as a graphic designer by day, was looking for knowledge from PESA specifically in marketing and management, and his discussions with a top designer Martin Pärn were of great help. You couldn’t be lazy with PESA; the project had to be continually developed. Riho really appreciates the video lecture format: first, it’s convenient for those who live far away from the capital, and second, the lectures can be watched many times where needed. Now the number of games has grown to ten, and in the summer Riho will regularly attend fairs and markets, which are the best sales points for his games. Volumes are still small, because Riho likes doing things carefully and prudently, but the first gaming sets have already been ordered for Finnish and German schools. * PIPIK stands for piiramatu pinna kujund (unlimited surface image).

eNe raUd KeraamIKa lInnuPETTE luSIKAd, InSPIrEErITud mÜÜdIST jA vIljAPEAdEST “TrIcK THE BIrd” SPoonS, InSPIrEd By FolKlorE And EArS oF oATS

EnE rAUD asutaja / owner disainer Ene raud sai oma linnupette serveerimislusikate loomiseks inspiratsiooni kaera habrastest viljapeadest. Teisalt mõjutas teda iidsete eestlaste uskumus, mida järgis ka Ene vanaisa: hommikul enne õueminekut tuli süüa, sest tühja kõhuga linnulaulu kuuldes „petab lind sind ära“. Kui Ene pälvis oma lusikate eest Eesti disaini konkursil II preemia, sai see kaalukeeleks oma ettevõtte loomisel. PESA programmis hindab Ene just ärimudeleid ja turundust, sest kunstnik kipub ju keskenduma vaid loomingule. Samal ajal tuleb olla ka tootja, turundaja ja müüja ning tagatipuks kogu fi rma juht. Samuti oli programmi raames väga põnevaid koosviibimisi, kus sai näha üksteise arengut ning sõlmida uusi tutvusi. Messidel osalemine andis toote kohta hindamatut tagasisidet. vahepeal tegi Ene töös lastega seotud pausi, aga nüüd on ta tagasi. Kunstiakadeemia lõputööna valmib lastenõude sari. linnupette lusikad on aga endiselt südames. Hiljuti tuli näiteks kaks tellimust chicago gurmaanidelt, kes leidsid täiesti iseseisvalt need ainulaadsed lusikad internetist üles.

designer Ene raud gained inspiration for creating her “Trick the Birds” serving spoons from the delicate ears of oats. She was also inspired by an old Estonian belief that Ene’s grandfather followed: you should always have a bite to eat before venturing outside in the morning, because birds could trick you with their song if you heard it on an empty stomach. Being awarded II prize at the Estonian design Awards competition for her spoons gave Ene the impetus to establish her own company. In the PESA programme, Ene particularly values business models and marketing, as artists tend to focus solely on their creative work, while they should also be producers, marketers and sellers as well as the executive offi cers of the entire company. The programme also included very exciting meetings where it was possible to see each other’s progress and make new acquaintances. Participation in trade shows provided priceless feedback on products. For a while, Ene took a break from work due to having newborn children, but now she is back. She is making a children’s dish collection as her thesis at the Academy of Arts, but the “Trick the Bird” spoons are still close to her heart. For instance, she recently received two orders from connoisseurs in chicago who had independently found her unique spoons on the internet.


Halukaarik – iga kaminaomaniku unistus Firewood cart – every fireplace owner’s dream

LAURI SEMEVSKY asutaja / owner Võrumaa Saki talu peremees Lauri Semevsky oli väga õnnelik, kui halukaariku välja mõtles – see teeb maal elava inimese elu palju lihtsamaks! Tugevast vineerist kerge käru käib kiirelt detailidest kokku, mahutab 4–5 sületäit puid ning seda saab isegi trepiastmeist üles vinnata. See tore emotsioon tõi Laurile veendumuse, et anna ainult ette ja müük edeneb! Tegelikkus on sellest kaugel. PESA programmist otsitigi abi, kuidas halukaarikut nii Eestis kui kaugemal turustada. PESA abil käidi nii Helsinki Design Marketil kui sisustusmessil Rootsis. Kokkuvõttes: mida konkreetsemad küsimused, seda konkreetsemad vastused sa mentoreilt saad. Tulemus: kui esimene kaarik tehti oma soovi järgi, siis uusim mudel arvestab juba potentsiaalse kliendi ootustega. Valges toonis ja väiksem, mõeldud Põhjamaade kaminaomanikele. Suurest müügist veel rääkida ei saa, kuid sel aastal fookusse võetud internetikaubanduselt oodatakse häid uudiseid.

Lauri Semevsky, owner of Saki farm in Võrumaa, was very happy when he came up with the idea for his firewood cart – it makes the lives of those living in the countryside much easier! This lightweight cart made of heavy-duty plywood can be quickly assembled from parts, can carry 4-5 armloads of wood, and can even be moved easily up steps. This revelation made Lauri believe that he should keep going and grow sales! The reality is still far away. Help was sought from the PESA programme on how to market the firewood cart in Estonia and further abroad. With help from PESA, the cart was presented at both the Helsinki Design Market and at an interior design fair in Sweden. In short: the more specific your questions, the more specific the answers you get from your mentors. Result: where the first cart was made according to his own needs, the newer model already takes into account a potential customer’s expectations, painted white and with a smaller construction, for Nordic fireplace owners. Although we still cannot talk about big sales, good news is expected from internet sales, which are the focus of this year.


Pidulikud puidust disainnõud Festive wooden design tableware

Merike Erkmaa asutaja / owner Vanadest majapalkidest mööblit valmistava Muinasmööbli ühel omanikul Merike Erkmaal oli juba aastaid unistus: teha valmis puidust lauanõudekomplekt, mis oleks inspireeritud meie esivanemate traditsioonist, vormiliselt ilus ning mida oleks mugav kasutada. PESA programmi jooksul kasvaski tema idee prototüübiks. Disainer Sixten Heidmets julgustas asjaga lõpuni minema, aitas nõu ja jõuga. Tippkokk Joel Ostrat andis juurde praktiku soovitused. Nii valmisidki kuumtöödeldud kasepuidust leiva- ja kördikausid ning liuad. Lisaks andis programm teadmise, et nii disaini kui tehnoloogia poolelt on arendusvõimalusi lõputult, ühel hetkel tuleb lihtsalt öelda stopp! ja turule tulla. Nüüd on EGG sarja lauanõud kasutusel Tartus Meat Marketis ning ühes restoranis Rumeenias. Müük käib ka kodulehe kaudu. Merikesel aga on käsil uus arendustöö – puidu termotöötluse asendamine ökoloogilisema meetodiga.

For years, Merike Erkmaa – one of the owners of Muisnasmööbel, which makes furniture from old construction timber – had a dream: to make a wooden tableware set inspired by our ancestors’ traditions, beautiful in form and easy to use. During the PESA programme, her idea grew into a prototype. Designer Sixten Heidmets encouraged her to see things through to the end, helping with advice and assistance. Chef Joel Ostrat also gave professional suggestions. Thus, bread and porridge bowls and dishes made from heat-processed birch wood were developed. In addition, the programme showed that on both the design and technology sides the opportunities for development are endless, and that at some point you just have to say stop! and come to market. Now the EGG series of tableware is in use at the Meat Market in Tartu and in a restaurant in Romania. Sales also take place via the website. Merike, however, has a new project in development – replacing wood heat treatment with a eco-friendlier method.


Mõnusate koerte toidulaud Food bowl stand for adorable dogs

Berit Neuhaus asutaja / owner Kui Beriti koju tuli imearmas West Highlandi terjer nimega Iti, avastas ta, et praktilist ja samal ajal ilusat koerte toidunõude alust poes ei leidu. Nii võttiski Berit esimest korda elus kätte tikksae ning meisterdas Iti jaoks esimese puidust miniatuurse toidulaua. Koerte toidulaud kukkus tore välja, nii et miks mitte neid siis juba rohkem teha! Aga kuidas prototüübist toode teha, kuidas see turule viia? Ettevõtluskogemust Beritil polnud – õnneks leidis ta Google’i abil PESA programmi. Kõige enam avas Beriti silmi disainikursus. Seni oli ta pidanud disainiks midagi, tänu millele toode näeb ilus välja. Selgus aga, et disain on ennekõike seotud kasutusmugavusega. Pärast PESA programmi tegi Berit tublisti reklaami ja tellimusi tuli palju. Isegi rohkem, kui ta täita jõudis. Nüüd on tema elu taas tasakaalus. Koerte toidulaudade valmistamine on tore hobi, mis tema igapäevast turundaja tööd tasakaalustab. Koerte toidulauad valmivad aga individuaaltellimustena. Rahulikus tempos ning just sellist värvi ning sellise disainiga, nagu klient soovib.

When Berit’s family was joined by a charming West Highland terrier named Iti, she discovered that there are no practical, yet good-looking pet food bowl stands on the market. So, Berit took up a jigsaw for the first time her life and crafted the first miniature wooden bowl stand for Iti. The food bowl stand turned out perfectly, so why not make more? But what is the best way to turn a prototype into a product and the best to launch it? Berit had no experience in entrepreneurship but fortunately she discovered the PESA programme through Google. The most eye-opening experience came in the design course. Berit had always considered design as something that made products look good; however, she now learned it was primarily related to the ease of use. Following the PESA programme, Berit focussed on promotion and received numerous orders. In fact, far more than she could complete. Now her life is in balance again. Making dog food bowl stands is a great hobby that complements her daily work in marketing. The food bowl stands are made to order. At a calm pace and in customised design and colour.


Metallist ja kivist aia dekoratiivvormid Metal and stone garden decorations

Kairi Meos asutaja / owner Lilled on aias kahtlemata kaunid, aga kivist ja metallist väikevormid lisavad sinna tublisti isikupära ja esteetilist sära. Olgu see aias lebav betoonmees, väike lillepostament murul või naisefiguurile vihjav lilletugi rõdul. Mida Kairi PESA programmilt vajas, oli kindlus ja inspiratsioon, et edasi areneda. Toetust, et see, mida teed, on minek õiges suunas. Programmis ei olnud tema jaoks midagi päris kardinaalselt uut, kuid suurim väärtus oli selles, et tavaelus ei ole sul kunagi aega asju läbi mõelda ja kirja panna, puudutagu see siis äriplaani või müügiprognoosi. Teiseks aitab läbimõtlemine otsida vastust omavahel seotud märksõnadele aeg, raha ja aktiivne müük. Praegu on Kairi põhitööks Soomes maastiku- ja aiakujundus, eriti pikad tööpäevad on kevadel-suvel. Talvel ja sügisel töötab ta aga välja uusi kivist ja metallist dekoratiivvorme, mida ostetakse aastas 15–20 tükki peamiselt tema veebipoe kaudu nii Eestis kui Soomes.

Flowers are undoubtedly beautiful in the garden, but small stone and metal forms add a considerable amount of character and aesthetic radiance. Be it a concrete man lying in the garden, a small flower stand on the lawn or a flower rack of feminine shape on the balcony. What Kairi needed from the PESA programme was confidence and inspiration in order to develop further. Support for the fact that she is proceeding in the right direction. For her, the programme did not offer anything radically new, but its greatest value was that in everyday life you never have time to think things through and write things down, be it a business plan or a sales forecast. Second, contemplation helps to find answers to interconnected keywords such as time, money and active sales. Kairi is currently working mainly on landscape and garden design in Finland, with particularly long working days in spring and summer. However, in autumn and winter she develops new stone and metal decorations, which she sells 15 to 20 of a year both in Estonia and Finland through her web shop.


Puidust valgustid kui kuusemets Wooden lights like a spruce forest

ENE ANDRUŠKEVITŠUS, EVELI TOOMING, JANAR RAUDVERE asutajad / owners Perefirma E.Straussi puidust kodu- ja saunatarvikuid ning laastukorve osatakse maailmas hinnata – 70% kaubast läheb ekspordiks. Nüüd on lisandunud ka puitvalgustite sari. Vahel lihtsalt tekib inimeste vahel sünergia. Avinurmes turismikeskust sisustamas käinud Tallinna disainer Ene Andruškevitšus tutvus seal E.Straussi inimestega. Ja kui teda kord kojusõidul inspiratsioonipuhang tabas, tingitud metsast ja selle valgusest, valmiski puitmajadele sobiva valgusti Kuuseke visand. Koos E.Straussiga tehti puitlambist esimene prototüüp. Aga kuidas välja uurida, kas uudsel puitlambil on üldse turul kohta, ja kuidas seda müüa? Seda ülesannet PESA programm lahendada aitaski. Ene Andruškevitšus asus mentori rolli, üheskoos arendati lõpuni välja toode ning pandi paika turundusplaan. Nüüdseks on valikus lisaks laelambile ka puidust seinaja põrandalamp, kaubaks läheb neid 50–60 aastas. Firma müügitiim otsib praegu aktiivselt ekspordivõimalusi, nii et aasta-paari pärast peaksid välismaale reisima juba ka Avinurme puitlambid.

The wooden household and sauna accessories as well as wood-chip baskets made by the E.Strauss family company are highly valued worldwide – 70% of our products are exported. The company now also has a wooden lamp series. Sometimes, a synergy is simply born between people. Ene Andruškevitšus, a designer from Tallinn, met the people of E.Strauss when she was furnishing a tourist centre at Avinurme. On her way back home, she was hit by a burst of inspiration sparked by the forest and its light, and that was when she sketched a lamp especially for wooden houses – the Little Spruce. Together with E.Strauss, a prototype of the wooden lamp was then made. But how can you find out whether a novel wooden lamp even has a place in the market, and how can you sell it? The PESA programme helped us to solve that task. Ene Andruškevitšus assumed the role of mentor, and together the product was developed to completion and a marketing plan was established. In addition to the ceiling lamp, the selection also now includes wooden wall and floor lamps, of which we sell 50 to 60 a year. As the company’s sales team is currently actively looking for export opportunities, the Avinurme wooden lamps should also be available abroad in a year or two.


Lauamängud, mis lähevad hitiks kätte Board games that put favourites in your hands

MEELIS LOOVEER asutaja / owner Meelis Looveer on lõbusate lauamängude looja. Ja see pole mingi lapsemäng! Mängu ajal tuleb kõvasti mõelda ja kiirelt otsustada. Näiteks täringumängus „Om Nom Nom“ peab hoolega vaatama, et ahelas hunt–jänes–porgand vastasvõistlejad sind ära ei sööks. Meelis, endine puitpõrandate müüja ja nüüd täiskohaga mängudisainer, ütleb, et PESA programmiga liitus ta siis, kui otsustas sellele alale pühenduda. PESAst leidis ta just seda, mida ühel väikeettevõtjal kõige enam vaja – abi ärimudeli koostamisel ja turunduses. Ja midagi veel, mida ei saa alahinnata: eneseusku ja positiivsust. Kõik juhendajad olid tõeliselt abivalmid. Nüüdseks on Meelis loonud üle 10 väga erineva mängu ning temast on saanud Eesti edukaim mängude looja. Tema „Om Nom Nom“ sai Suurbritannia mängude messil teise kohta. Suured mängukirjastused on hakanud ostma temalt litsentse ning mitmeid mänge on müüdud juba üle 10 000 eksemplari. Suurte kirjastuste vahendusel on tema mängud müügil veel Prantsusmaal, Belgias, Soomes, Rootsis, Venemaal, Kanadas, USAs, Jaapanis, Hongkongis jm.

Meelis Looveer creates fun board games. And this is no child’s play! During the game, you have to think carefully and decide quickly. For example, in the dice game Om Nom Nom, you have to make sure that in the chain of wolf-rabbit-carrot the other players don’t eat you. Meelis, a former salesman for wood flooring, and now a full-time games designer, said that he joined the PESA programme when he had decided to commit to this area. With PESA, he found exactly what a small business owner needs more than anything – help with putting together the business model and marketing. And something else which cannot be underestimated: self-confidence and positivity. All of the instructors were very helpful. Thus far, Meelis has created more than 10 very different games, and he has become Estonia’s most successful game designer. His Om Nom Nom took second place at Britain’s games fair. Large game publishers have started to buy licenses from him, and several games have already sold over 10,000 copies. His games are now on sale via large publishers in France, Belgium, Finland, Sweden, Russia, Canada, the USA, Japan, Hong Kong and elsewhere.

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