Fantasy in Orbit

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Fantasy in Orbit An astronaut’s impressions while orbiting the earth Electronic music by Tom Dissevelt Animations by Henk Lamers and Jeanne de Bont Dolby Digital Surround 5.1 by Kees Tazelaar

Fantasy in Orbit

Thomas (Tom) Dissevelt was born March 4, 1921 in Leiden, The

In 1962 Philips asked Tom Dissevelt to compose an entire LP of

Netherlands, and died at age 69 in January 1989. Between

electronic music. This LP project (14 songs) was called ‘Check-

1939 and 1943 Dissevelt attended the Royal Conservatory

points’, and depicted a journey around the world. The tunes

in The Hague. He took trombone lessons for three years, then

had titles like: Africa, Pacific or Australia. However, with the

attended classes in clarinet, music theory and piano. Upon lan-

success of Dick Raaijmakers Song of the Second Moon in mind

ding a job in Groningen in 1942, he interrupted these studies.

Philips wanted an album that would appeal to the at that time

After returning to The Hague Dissevelt took private double bass

popular curiosity of outer space. Upon its release in 1963, the

lessons from Herman Stotijn. He never did attain his degree

LP was renamed to ‘Fantasy in Orbit’.

from the Royal Conservatory. When Jeanne de Bont and Henk Lamers listened to Fantasy in After the war Dissevelt traveled to the Dutch Indies with the Jos

Orbit (more than 40 years later), we were so enthusiastic about

Cléber Orchestra and other bands. He fell in love with Rina

it that we decided to animate all 14 tracks. We made an ap-

Reys, and married her in 1946. In 1947 he did an internatio-

pointment with Ronald Dissevelt (the son of Tom Dissevelt) and

nal tour with Wessel Ilcken, Rita Reys and the orchestra of Piet

he gave us permission to use the music of his father.

van Dijk. This tour lasted three years, and they performed in Spain and Northern Africa. In 1955 Bep Rowold, leader of the

Together with the LP descriptions of the tracks were published.

Skymasters, hired Dissevelt as bassist and arranger.

We do not know who wrote the text for each track. But we used those descriptions to create 14 storyboards for 14 animation

In 1957 Dissevelt became intrigued by twelve-tone and serial

films. The pieces of texts were very abstract and we had to

music. he studied these composition techniques and became a

improvise a lot. Which turned out to be a good thing because

regular listener to German radio-programs devoted to mo-

that gave us a lot of freedom. Much later when Kees Tazelaar,

dern and electronic music. During one such radio-program he

director of The Institute of Sonology saw the result he said ‘it

heard a premiere of Kontakte by Karlheinz Stockhausen. At

seems as if the music was made for the animations instead of

the recommendation of Philips, Dissevelt was commissioned to

the other way round.’ Fantasy in Orbit was released on DVD

produce electronic entertainment music at the NatLab studios

in 2010 and Kees Tazelaar transformed all the music of Tom

in 1958. His assistant was Dick Raaijmakers, who had just

Dissevelt into Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround.

completed two popular compositions, Song of the Second Moon and Colonel Bogey. After the NatLab studios relocated to Utrecht, Dissevelt completed Intersection in 1960.

LP Cover ‘Fantasy in Orbit’ as released by Philips in 1963.


Fantasy in Orbit

1 Ignition 3’23”

2 Atlantic 3’16”

3 Spearheads 2’50”

4 Zanzi 2’52”

Three, two, one and zero. Countdown

The bird is flying now, pitched in free

As if switched off, the vague blue color

And even where no people live, from

is over, the biggest-ever lift begun.

flight, like a tossed stone. No engines, no disappears. It doesn’t fade, it’s simply

jungles and from virgin land, the voices

Voices come from below – asking after

trust – just Nature’s forces. And Nature

replaced by a dampish green. Another

of this continent are overhead. The

fuel, oxygen and amps. All neces-

works without noise. No more vibrations

slide into the viewer just that effect. If

tom-tom of the insects joins the bird-calls:

sary of course. They get the replies and

and no wind – the atmosphere, the

colors have a temperature these are

the chorus of life rises up. And in the

answer ‘Roger’. Roger, Flight path is

waves, lie below. A deep bleu veil covers HOT. Bright yellow flashes beat the

good: 69 degrees. Is someone playing

the ocean, where ships sail and seagulls

scenery, a leaden sunshine weighs on

an accordion? Impossible, there are no

cry and fly. Up here, no waves – except

the beaches and the woods, where

accordions within miles. And yet there’s

those that bring in the talk of system

natives dance.

music – does it exist or is it just

checks. But these are smooth and gentle:

imagination? Roger. Cabin pressure

no vibration.

background – is a crowd cheering?

holding at 6.1, okay. Gravitation forces building to 6. What a view! Roger, they say again. You’re off: seven orbits. Surrender.

5 Anchor Chains 2’47”

6 Tropicolours 3’57”

7 Gamelan 3’06”

8 Woomerangs 3’08”

Sometimes, a strange unwritten music

Birds in red, green and blue swell the

How strange they are, how far away

The blue turns to dark green – another

sounds. Music never meant, played

chorus; their cries pass over woods

– the gods and ghosts they worship there continent. Two eras meet: the space age

on instruments never meant to play.

and waves. Meanwhile, the sunlight

with gongs and other exotic instruments!

and prehistory. Up comes the cry of

And yet, as a child, lying in your little

slips away behind – the days up here

But which heaven do the gods live in?

animals, that have not changed since

attic room on summer nights, you knew

are short. And when nights falls, for

Their dwelling-place is far below this

time began – a strange, unseen fauna in

such symphonies existed: composed

just a while, the man on board feels

orbit, closer to the Earth. They are within

woods where even the trees have shapes

by trains that talked together as they

lost in space. Where is Earth? A gleam

call – human call from Earth. They hear

unknown in other lands.

clattered to and from in far-off goods

of light is visible – there must be people

the strains with which these people

yards. And at this very moment, poised


accompany their dances. Here, a man in

high above the second sea, the old

space, and there, these deities that

dialogue is faintly heard. A ship down

summon up the silhouettes of temples and

there is working hard. And then harps

dancers with their gentle movements.

and trumpets join to sing a Gloria from

Which is more real?

ship to ship, from sea to space.


Fantasy in Orbit

9 Waltzing Mathilda 1’52”

10 Pacific Dawn 3’49”

11 Gold and Lead 2’40”

12 Mexican Mirror 2’16”

And suddenly an organ seems to play.

A new fresh day – an endless plain of

The Sun is gold now and the water fluid

Bassoons herald the appearance of

A name is in the air, a girl’s name,

water. And never in one’s life did a day

lead. What a tremendous heat – the

another coast-line, vaguely visible at

evoking a familiar face. This is the end

break like this. Nor were one’s thoughts

atmosphere below vibrates with energy.

first, but soon clearly seen. This is where

of an Old World and the beginning of

ever so light – are even thought’s

This was the scene when life emerged on

life is now – birds sing, animals cry and

a new. Electric lights are on – prehistory

weightless? But as the hour passes,

Earth, five billion years ago or more.

people dance to their local instruments.

is over and a date-line is crossed. A day

things become heavier. Thoughts regain

A living cell – the first of myriads – was

An outburst of life, borne on ancient

line, too. A faint glow lies ahead, for

their weight, the water gets deeper, its

generated when the solar rays worked

rhythms and drowned from time to time

time goes fast in orbit.

color goes darker than a while ago...

this chemistry on leaden waves like

by cheers which mingle with the radio

these. Thus live began – and life crept


out of water on to land.

13 Seconds to Eternity 3’40”

14 Re-Entry 3’12”

But beneath this colorful surface, an

A sudden outburst of activity, on the

antique grey face calls the observer

ground and up in space. The journey’s

to order. A deeper rhythm than the

over, but there’s no time now for proud

one hammered out by crazy drums is

reflection – a job must be taken to the

being measured out by gently clock’s,

end. The heat-shield cleaves the

which mark off time in accordance with

atmosphere. Ships and helicopters beat

age-old calendars. The seconds fly and

off to the search, while drum-sticks

fly, each stroke leading to a cadence: a

rehearse the triumphant message soon

prolonged, downward parabola.

to be radioed to the world. And the ship begins its long and fiery fall into the ocean.


Fantasy in Orbit

FiO Fonts

For each of our projects we design a font that fits in with the

The fonts contain just the characters that we need to display all

esthetically language we develop for the project. For the FiO

the written text in the film. They are not worked out in detail but

fonts we got inspired by a the typography on two airplanes we

are so-called screen ready which means that they can only be

photographed in the Deutsches Technik Museum, Berlin.

used on a low-res display.




Fantasy in Orbit

Poster for the premiere at November Music Festival in Den Bosch


Fantasy in Orbit

Project team

Commissioned by

Released on DVD with the financial

Concept and idea

Philips Phonographic Industries.

support of the Société Gavigniès, The

Henk Lamers and Jeanne de Bont

Assistant final synchronizations

Hague, The Netherlands.

Music Reconstruction, Supervision,

Frits Weiland,

Original Mono transfer and remastering



Kees Tazelaar

STEM, Utrecht.

Analog to Digital transfers of the


production materials

Sonology Archives B-tape mono


Casper Schipper

full track 38.1 cm/s.

Granted by Ronald Dissevelt.

Maarten Hoogenboom

Released as

Henk Lamers and Jeanne de Bont

DVD production

Fantasy in Orbit – Round the World with

Tapes, Rotterdam

Electronic Music by Tom Dissevelt

Kees Tazelaar

Philips mono B 633 302 L

Special thanks

Philips stereo 840 233 BY

© 2010 Loftmatic, The Netherlands

Renee Jonker of Société Gavigniès

Fantasy in Orbit – An astronaut’s

© 2010 Kees Tazelaar, The Netherlands

The Institute of Sonology

Impressions while Orbiting the Earth

Frits Weiland

– Electronic Musical compositions of

Dolby Surround 5.1 and stereo mix

Thomas Dissevelt Tom Dissevelt: Fantasy in Orbit

Philips mono PHM 200-189

‘An astronaut‘s impressions while

Philips stereo PHS 600-189

orbiting the earth.’ 1963. Originally entitled Checkpoints, this work is filed in the Sonology archives under that title. The individual sections originally had different titles as well: 1 Start, 2 Caribbean, 3 Atlantic, 4 Africa, 5 Zanzibar, 6 Indian Ocean, 7 Bali, 8 Australia I, 9 Australia II, 10 Islands, 11 Pacific, 12 Mexico I, 13 Mexico II, 14 Slot (Conclusion)


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