DRC Media Kit, Sept. 2012

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Dear Readers, The Denton Record-Chronicle’s mission has always been dedicated to serving you, our readers, by providing a combination of community-centric news and in-depth investigations about issues that matter to your daily life. It is a mission we continue today with humility and an understanding of its significance in acting both as a public service and as government watch dog. While we’ve won many accolades for our coverage in news, sports and more, what matters most is what you think. And today, we’re reaching out to you in more ways than ever – through Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, DentonRC.com and more. It is an exciting time for journalism as we broaden our horizons to include many forms of media in this multi-media world. But regardless of how we connect with you, we will continue to do our utmost to keep you well informed about the community in which you live.


Dawn Cobb Managing Editor

Denton Record-Chronicle


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