Eisenberg Assisted Living: Our Stories, Our Lives, Vol. One

Page 151

H d hiilld hcch Rootth beerrtt R Heerrb ““W Doonnee”” Haadd ttoo BBee D Whhaatteevveerr H Diidd W Wee D Herb Rothchild was born into a world of stability on the verge of eruption. His hometown, the village of Schluchtern, Germany is on the Kinzig River 50 miles down the road from the city of Frankfurt. Originally established as a monastery back in the 8th century, Schulchtern is a quaint place in a beautiful setting. Perhaps that is why it attracted so many visitors, some of them recovering from some recent illness. And perhaps that is why once people moved there they tended to stay. By 1926 the Rothchild family had lived there in the same house for over 100 years. That was the year that Herb was born. But such longevity in the village was destined to soon change.


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