2009 Hunger Abatement Plan

Page 98

6.3% provide vouchers to refer people to get food (3 of 48) 2.1% provide non food items (1 of 48) 2.1% provide food stamps (1 of 48) 2. When are these services provided?

Days Food is Available

un da y Fr id a Tu y es d Th ay ur sd N ay o A ns w er M o W nd e d ay ne sd a 7 da y ys /w k S at ur da y




18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

Of the 17 sites that provide food Monday through Friday, 4 do so by referral only. 4 sites indicate they have food available 7 days per week. For those sites who offer food on selected days per week, Friday and Sunday each have 8 sites providing food. Saturday (3 sites) offered the least amount of service.


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