2009 Hunger Abatement Plan

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Overarching Goals of the HAP 1. Ensure Implementation of the HAP As stated in the Introduction to the HAP, unless the recommendations are implemented by the identified responsible parties (and others who may be able to assist with implementation) the Goals, Objectives and specific Strategies contained in the HAP will not come to fruition. Numerous well meaning, well documented, and logical assessments of problems and solutions have been developed. Highly paid professional management firms that specialize in contracting with government and industry to study problems and identify viable solutions, have done so relative to hunger in Florida. Funding to implement the recommendations was not provided by the State of Florida, the recommendations were not implemented, and hunger was not „ended‟. The state and its agencies took some actions, of course, but the bottom line is that hunger has only grown as a problem. Local communities have appointed task forces to study hunger and make recommendations to reduce unmet needs. The Bread of the Might Food Bank (BOTM) was the result of just such a local task force in operation in 1986. However, most if not all of the other recommendations (many of which mirror the HAP recommendations) either were not implemented or were done so ineffectively. A short 23 years later, few among us even remember that the 1986 Alachua County Hunger Task Force was formed, what its recommendations were, or whether they were implemented and worked to reduce hunger. We are grateful for their creation of the BOTM and the community has benefitted tremendously from this action, but the remainder of the matters they addressed remain largely unchanged. The HAP will not be implemented unless a well organized and concerted effort is made by some entity to oversee progress (or lack thereof). Therefore, the HAP recommends that the community support the development of an “Association of Nutrition Assistance Providers” which will fulfill that oversight function, among other activities. That new association of agencies will meet regularly, have a Board of Directors, operate under adopted Bylaws, and work to both expand their capabilities and oversee the progress in implementing the HAP. A report to the community one year from now (in June, 2010) should be developed and presented at Hunger Summit III with an item by item accounting of success, progress, or lack thereof for each Goal, Objective and Strategy listed within the 16

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