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INTERCOLLEGIATE ATH LETICS The offical colors of Cuyahoga Community College are: Eastern Campus, navy blue and silver; Metropolitan Campus, brown and gold; Western Campus, blue and gold. The names of the College's athletic teams are: Metropolitan Campus, " Cougars" , Western Campus, "Chargers". Both campuses are members of the National Junior College Athletic Association and engage in intercollegiate competition in conference and independent contests. The Eastern Campus, which opened in the Fall of 1971, has not engaged in intercollegiate competition. Its participation in the near future is contingent upon a number of factors, espec ially the availability of off-site facilities.

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION The Alumni Association is a social and service organization designed to develop a stronger bond among former students, the College and the community. Those eligible for membership are all CCC graduates and former students who have not been graduated but who have accumulated the equivalent of 45 quarter hours before leaving the College. Contact your campus Student Activities Office for further details.

HOUSING Because Cuyahoga Community College is an urban institution primarily designed to serve its own community, no residential housing is provided for its students.

STUDENT-FACULTY CONFERENCES The faculty members in Cuyahoga Community College maintain scheduled office hours to confer with students regarding class work and related maters. Schedules of office hours will be found in the facu lty office areas. Students are urged to familiarize themselves with the schedules and to contact their instructors during these hours. -

COLLEGE RELATIONS The Office of College Relations and Development disseminates information to the various publics of the College. Among its functions is the preparation of the Catalogue, Annual Report, Career Program brochures and other official internal and external College pu bl ications. The Office of College Relations and Development also serves as coordinator of the Speakers Bureau. As a community service, faculty and staff members of the College are available for appearances at meetings of religious, educational, service, political and other organizations or groups. Inquiries may be addressed to this office at Cuyahoga Community College District Administrative Services, 700 Carnegie Ave., Cleveland , O. 44115. Phone 241-5966. 48

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