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670-211 Investigation and Interrogation 3 Cr. Fundamental principles and techniques applicable in police investigation from incidence to trial. Use of communications systems, records and principles. Specific procedures in more frequent violations will be individually presented. Lecture 3 hours. Laboratory 0 路hours. Prerequisite: 670-121 Criminal Law or in-service personnel. (Formerly 211 Investigation and Interrogation. 3 Semester Cr. Lecture 3 hours. Laboratory 0 hou1"S. Prerequisite: Law Enforcement 141 or permission ofthe instructor.)

670-221 Police Administration 3 Cr. Principles of organization and management, the evaluation of administrative devices. Organization according to function with emphasis on application of these principles to line function. Regulation and motivation of personnel, and principles of leadership. Lecture 3 hours. Laboratory 0 hours. Prerequisite: 670-101 Introduction to Law Enforcement. (Formerly 221 Police Administration. 3 Semester Cr. Lecture 3 hours. Laboratory 0 hours. Prerequisite: Law Enforcement 101 or permission of the instructor.)

670-222 Police Administration 3 Cr. Continuation of 670-221 Police Administration with emphasis on staff functions. Pay and other inducements, personnel recruitment, employment of administrative principles and processes of operation to the staff functions. Computer usage and other steps useful to management. Lecture 3 hours. Laboratory 0 hours. Prerequisite: 670-221 Police Administration. (Formerly 221 Police Administration. 3 Semester Cr. Lecture 3 hours. Laboratory 0 hours. Prerequisite: Law Enforcement 101 or permission ofthe instructor.)

2 Cr. 670-231 Fundamentals of Traffic Control History of traffic development and duties of agencies responsible fo!' highway traffic administration. Causes of accidents and traffic congestion. Basic principles of traffic law enforcement, accident investigation and direction of traffic. Study of traffic code and uniform traffic code devices. Lecture 2 hours. Laboratory 0 hours. Prerequisite: 670-101 Introduction to Law Enforcement. (Formerly231 Traffic Control and Investigation. 3 Semester Cr. Lecture 3 hours. Laboratory 0 hours. Prerequisite: Law Enforcement 101 or permission of the instructor.)


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