Prophetic Voices - More "End Times" messages from HEAVEN

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Prophetic Voices INDEX Page 004 - Deceitful False Prophet: Ally of Antichrist Page 005 - The so-called "End-of-the-World" Page 007 - Do NOT be involved with Satanic Cults Page 008 - Prophecies at Garabandal will NOW become a Reality Page 010 - The Ship of Girls Page 010 - ANY NEW POPE AFTER BENEDICT WILL NOT BE OF GOD Page 013 - Pope Benedict's Days are NOW Numbered Page 015 - Sin will always be sin Page 016 - New Forms of Inheritance in the USA Page 017 - Dealing with financial hardships Page 018 - Fuel supplies may be cut off Page 019 - Planning a New World Order Page 020 - Persecution of Christians gets worse Page 021 - Swords of Justice to fall NOW Page 022 - The skies will open up at the Warning Page 023 - Why I communicate in this way Page 025 - Major Tsunami Coming Page 026 - Reject New Age Spiritualism Page 029 - Consequences of solar activity Page 029 - Confusion about Second Coming Page 031 - A Series of Tsunamis about to hit all Waterways Page 032 - Humanity MUST recognise Holy Trinity Page 035 - Pope Benedict surrounded by Enemies Page 036 - A Dagger through the Heart of the Country Page 037 - The source of the EHEC bacterium in Germany Page 037 - Warning to World Leaders Page 039 - Fight for your Christian Belief Page 040 - Sexual Immorality leads to Hell Page 043 - Russia and China to cause Disruption Page 045 - Apocalyptic Premonitions Version 6 Page 061 - The Blasphemers will Tremble and Faint Page 062 - The greatest WMD Page 063 - Floods in France - Heatwave in Turkey Page 064 - Keep away from divorce or separation Page 066 - Profound effect on future of world Page 066 - An urgent Message for Israel Page 068 - A Major Turbulence in Nature Page 071 - The Warning privately experienced Page 072 - They will control your food and your money Page 074 - Huge loss of life to be expected Page 075 - Timing of Earth Events adjusted 1|Page

Prophetic Voices INDEX Page 076 - Prayer can save millions Page 077 - Experiences during the Great Warning Page 079 - Dangers around you are increasing Page 080 - My Warnings went unheeded Page 081 - How to ensure to enter heaven Page 082 - Wake up to the Truth Page 084 - I am present in the Eucharist Page 085 - Millions of Souls saved through these Messages Page 086 - The US Dollar stretched too thin Page 087 - Death and the Birthday party Page 088 - You NOW live in an Evil Society Page 090 - Prepare for gasoline shortages in USA Page 090 - Never judge other religions and creeds Page 093 - Hand of Eternal Father coming down NOW Page 095 - Significance and Power of Prayer Page 097 - This Year of Purification Page 098 - The Waters of Purification Page 099 - Toxic Fogs and the New Medicine Page 099 - Mayday, mayday: Sign of coming Distress Page 100 - The Powers of Cash Page 101 - Stay behind Pope Benedict Page 102 - Smell of Death has reached Heaven Page 103 - MUCH will happen NOW Page 104 - Wave over New Zealand Page 105 - Much more to be concerned about Page 106 - Church attacked on all sides Page 107 - Remain Faithfull to your Pope Page 108 - UN Rulings do not Define Truth Page 109 - Horrible Things are coming on the World Page 110 - Misinformation has become the Norm Page 111 - Misuse of Authority Page 111 - Democracy to disappear - Priests martyred Page 115 - The Shrinking Dollars Page 115 - Vicar in See of Peter in Great Danger Page 117 - Priests soon to make important decision Page 118 - The Future of the USA Page 119 - Arab uprising will spark global unrest Page 121 - The House under the Sea Page 122 - Earthquakes to Split and Devastate America Page 128 - The Super Volcano Named "El Diablo" Page 129 - Rise of Arab World - Three World Leaders Assassinated 2|Page

Prophetic Voices INDEX Page 130 - Preparing for War in Europe Page 131 - Brown Swath Divides USA Page 132 - A Great Lake spills into the Mississippi River Page 132 - Do not oppose the Pope - Defend him Page 133 - A Great Storm at the Hour of My Passion Page 134 - America awaits a VERY HOT Summer Page 136 - The Black Robes Page 137 - The Black Hand Page 138 - Earthquakes in the USA Page 138 - The Warning & Second Coming Close Page 140 - More Calamities in Japan Page 142 - A Horrific Global Food Crisis


Prophetic Voices -

Deceitful False Prophet: Ally of Antichrist Date: Sat, 2011-06-11 Prophet: the Warning - European seeër THW11061101 Deceitful False Prophet: Ally of Antichrist The Warning - European Seeër My Spiritual Guidance will block Satan‟s Acts of Destruction Saturday 11th June 2011, 15.30 hours My beloved daughter it has been another testing week where My word, on the one hand. has been embraced by so many while, at the same time, denied as outright deception by others. Have they who deny My word not read the truth ? THE TRUTH CONTAINED IN MY HOLY BOOK ? The Book of Revelation was given to all My children to help them understand the TURMOIL WHICH WILL BE CAUSED TOWARDS THE END TIMES by the spread of LIES CREATED BY SATAN and his demons. Unless you understand the truth contained in the Book of Revelation then how can you possibly understand the messages I am bring to you today ? Do you think that I would turn My back on you and leave you at the mercy of Satan and his evil army ? Did you not realise that I would try to WARN YOU and then help you? My great Mercy will destroy the effect that Satan has over My children. I come yet again to save you from his clutches. MY GIFT OF THE WARNING WILL DILUTE THE TERROR that would have continued to gain momentum were this not to take place. I communicate to you now NOT JUST TO PREPARE YOU for all this great act of My Mercy but to guide you through the MAZE OF DESTRUCTION PLANNED BY THE EVIL GROUP whose King is the Evil One. My SPIRITUAL INFLUENCE WILL BLOCK Satan‟s acts of destruction significantly. Hear My word. Follow My instructions. Lead and support each other in your faith and you will be given the help required to follow the path swiftly towards the promises I made to you. Many of you, My precious children, will be frightened but please do not let fear block the truth. Satan will use fear to stop you from accepting My message of love. Much of what I tell you now is VERY DIFFICULT for you to understand. 4|Page

Prophetic Voices But understand this. Were I not to come now and SHOW YOU THE TRUTH then you would be lost. You would find it a very difficult period to live through. As I prepared you through My prophets before I will now PREPARE YOU TODAY, THROUGH THIS MESSENGER, for the time when I will come again. This is a gift borne of My deep love for all of My children to deal with the FORTHCOMING REIGN OF THE ANTI-CHRIST and his ALLY THE DECEITFUL FALSE PROPHET [the Anti-Pope] WHO WILL MISLEAD MY CHURCH ON EARTH. Let down your defenses. OPEN YOUR EYES TO THE TRUTH. My word today is given simply to remind you of the truth of My teachings. MY HOLY SCRIPTURE IS THE TRUTH. The truth is reflected in My Holy Scripture. If I remind you today of the promises made to you before and of the pathway to salvation then this is only a repetition of My Holy Word. THE TRUTH WILL ALWAYS REMAIN THE SAME. It can never be changed nor adapted to suit mankind. It will ALWAYS remain the same. Let Me help you understand what is happening now. Don‟t cower in fear. I love you all and simply want to hold your hands, Children, and protect you. My goal is to ensure that every one of you will live life with me in the NEW PARADISE ON EARTH. Your ever loving Saviour Jesus Christ

The so-called "End-of-the-World" Date: Mon, 2011-05-09 Prophet: anno domini - American seeër AND11050902 The so-called "End-of-the-World" Date: May 9, 2011 Prophet: Anno Domini On the So-Called “End of the World” In a vision I saw a government declare the end of the world, giving only TEN MINUTES OF WARNING to the people. Not all people heard the warning, as many were not near a television, radio, or computer. Of those who did hear the message, some thought the announcement was a hoax, a big joke put on by 5|Page

Prophetic Voices pranksters. Those who believed the announcement wondered, how does one prepare for the end of the world in only ten minutes ? What to do, where to go ? Most stayed where they were and waited to see what would happen, hoping nothing would. After a period of ten minutes, a STRANGE RAINBOW appeared in the sky, unlike anyone had ever seen before. It did not have the usual spectrum of colors. Its bands were shades of white, gray, and black, the colors of smoke. HAIL then fell from the sky – not balls of ice, but smoldering chunks of ash that hit the ground and started FIRES. Some people thought of the Covenant of the Rainbow, made in the time of Noah after God destroyed most of creation with the Great Flood. God promised that should he choose to destroy humanity again, he would USE FIRE, not water. Some people remembered that according to scripture, God always saves a REMNANT. They wondered if they and their children were lucky enough to be that remnant. They wished they had known enough, early enough, to prepare. The people stood in awe, transfixed with growing fear, wondering how to begin to save their selves. Then the EARTH SHOOK and they watched the cities‟ towering skyscrapers topple, snapping at their bases. These towers fell nearly intact, their whole length blocking streets. They fell upon each other. In the mountains I saw travelers trapped inside a gondola, swinging violently from a cable as if inside a loose pendulum. The DECEIVER, unwilling in his last hours to honor God the Creator, wishes to show his power and defiance by ONE-UPPING God and DESTROYING His creation. HE WHO CANNOT AUTHOR AND COMMAND CREATION WOULD DESTROY IT. He has carefully guided the development of technology to enable A SELECT GROUP OF HUMANITY TO EFFECT THIS DESTRUCTION. He has TRICKED this group into thinking such destruction is good and necessary, and that he will protect them from the physical and spiritual consequences of the damage they cause. He laughs at the FOOLISHNESS OF ALL THEIR “WISDOM”, and how they STUPIDLY EXPECT loyalty and pleasurable reward from the BETRAYER who only metes out torture. He revels in how humanity, created in the image of God, can so easily forget its divine design and be made to kill. ONLY GOD THE CREATOR HAS THE RIGHT OR THE ABILITY TO DESTROY HIS OWN CREATION FOR HIS OWN PURPOSES. WE LIVE AND DIE AT THE WILL OF GOD. 6|Page

Prophetic Voices Our God is NOT a deceiver and lovingly created us in His divine image as His heirs, our salvation assured, WHEN WE ACCEPT the gift of Jesus Christ, crucified for our sins. Our God helps us discern truth over and above knowledge. God is loyal to us throughout the ages despite our sin, and our loyalty to Him prepares our mansion in Heaven. WHEN ALL OF EARTH HAS PASSED AWAY, THE LOVE OF GOD AND HIS COMMUNION OF SAINTS WILL REMAIN. Though the Deceiver attempts to set the sky afire and shake the Earth, do not fear, for GOD‟S WORLD WILL NOT END. You were created in His image, and your true citizenship is in Heaven. Gratefully accept your invitation to eternal life and enjoy the Wedding Banquet.

Do NOT be involved with Satanic Cults Date: Mon, 2011-05-30 Prophet: the Warning - European seeër THW11053001 Do NOT be involved with Satanic Cults The Warning - European Seeër Warning to those who are involved with Satanic cults Monday 30th May 2011 My daughter you are getting much stronger now and through your obedience to My most holy will, can ALERT THE WORLD NOW TO WHAT LIES AHEAD. When I speak about sin, I have not revealed the VILE SINS which are committed which, even regular sinners would find hard to fathom. The SICKENING PRACTICES conducted by so called SOPHISTICATED WESTERN SOCIETIES BEHIND CLOSED DOORS would shock you to the core. The EVIL ATROCITIES where children are RITUALLY MURDERED in deference to Satan ARE A REALITY in the world TODAY. But they are just some of the INTENSELY EVIL ACTS which are committed by Man influenced by Satan. Go this far, My children, and you will find it IMPOSSIBLE to come back to me. OTHER ACTS which break my heart include the PHYSICAL ABUSE particularly of YOUNG INNOCENT CHILDREN. Let me spell out for you the kind of sins which would greatly distress many of you were I to describe them in detail. 7|Page

Prophetic Voices Satan followers through their CULTS ARE SAVAGE in their treatment of the human being for whom they have no respect. Sacrifices including HUMAN SACRIFICES, BLASPHEMIES, CURSING and ACTS OF DESECRATION of Me, My Eternal Father and My Beloved Mother are REGULAR RITUALS. So LITTLE SHAME have these SATANIC WORSHIPPERS that they flaunt their disrespect in public through music, the movies, TV and the arts. Those GUILTY OF SUCH SACRILEGES will face ETERNAL DAMNATION where they will burn in Hell for eternity. This is ONE OF THE LAST WARNINGS you will receive from Me, your Saviour Jesus Christ. It is also MY FINAL REQUEST of you to save yourselves while you can. I, JESUS CHRIST, DON‟T MAKE IDLE THREATS. I will do everything to save you. But BEYOND A CERTAIN POINT there is nothing I can do to stop you seeking out the false solace you think you will be offered by The Evil One. Unlock the Satanic shackles by which you are bound and flee to Me now. I will save you, but YOU MUST ASK ME TO FORGIVE YOU WHILE YOU ARE ALIVE IN THIS LIFE. [Asking for forgiveness after death won't do - it's too late.] Remember it is YOUR choice. Heaven or Hell. You chose WHILE you are still alive on this earth. Because you WONT BE ABLE TO DO THIS when you pass over into the next life. Your ever patient and loving Jesus Christ.

Prophecies at Garabandal will NOW become a Reality Date: Tue, 2011-05-31 Prophet: the Warning - European seeër THW11053101 Prophecies at Garabandal will NOW become a reality The Warning - European Seeër Prophecies at Garabandal will now become a reality Tuesday 31st May 2011, 15.30 hours


Prophetic Voices My dearly beloved daughter we have come a long way in such a short time. That was for a reason. For it was all the time needed to impart My most holy word in a world starving of My love. STILL THEY DO NOT LISTEN. BECAUSE THEY DO NOT WANT TO KNOW. While many of My loyal followers are alert now to the changes coming SO MANY HAVE NO INTEREST, whatsoever, in the warnings given to the world by My Beloved Mother up to now. THE PROPHECIES GIVEN AT GARABANDAL WILL NOW BECOME A REALITY. Prepare now for this event for YOU HAVE ONLY A FEW MONTHS LEFT to prepare your souls. Please do not fear, My daughter, for I know that these events have made you sad because you are thinking of YOUR CHILDREN‟S FUTURE. THE WARNING WILL CHANGE EVERYTHING. But it will present A FORK in the road. Mankind, when having been WOKEN UP TO THE TRUTH of the existence of God will then, through his own free will, CHOSE one of two paths. The path of SALVATION. Or the path of DAMNATION. CHASTISEMENT WILL WIPE OUT MUCH OF THE WORLD Pray hard that man chooses the first. For if he doesn‟t the world will suffer the most severe chastisement with much of it wiped out. Why would My children wish this ? Yet, because of sin, man will SADLY CHOSE TO IGNORE My promise and follow the path of the Deceiver. I have told you I will NOT GIVE YOU A DATE FOR THE WARNING for this is known by only a few chosen souls. For if this date were to be made public people would be tempted to seek redemption out of a sense of false humility. Trust in Me. All will be well children. You are blessed to be given this wonderful gift of Revelation. The world will now SEEM TO BECOME QUIETER and somewhat STRANGE IN THE COMING MONTHS leading up to The Warning. For when it happens, spectacular though it will be visually in the sky, SO QUIET WILL THIS MYSTICAL EXPERIENCE BE that you will be more prepared for this silent encounter with your own conscience.


Prophetic Voices Remember the more people, that are forewarned of this event the more souls will be saved. Pray pray My Divine Mercy for those souls WHO WILL DIE during The Warning. They need your prayers. Your loving Saviour Jesus Christ

The Ship of Girls Date: Mon, 2011-04-11 Prophet: anno domini - American seeër AND11041112 The Ship of Girls Date: April 11th, 2011 Prophet: Anno Domini The Ship of Girls In a dream vision I saw a large boat or small ship. Inside lay lines of wooden chairs, not fixed to the floor, which could be moved around as needed. Aboard the ship I SAW ONLY GIRLS, YOUNG GIRLS, who were pre-pubescent. The girls were not accompanied by parents, and seemed to be ORPHANS UNDER GUARDIANSHIP. The ship was crowded, with little space to lie down or sleep, but the girls appeared HEALTHY. This FLOATING ORPHANAGE only took girls, not boys. GIRLS seemed to be OF HIGHER PRIORITY. I observed the girls and noticed how most of them were ASIAN, not South Asian or Indian, but North Asian. On this ship I saw only a few Caucasian girls, and no African girls. A new girl was being introduced to the managers of the Ship of Girls, and I overheard an adult say: “This girl is half-Jewish.” The response of the other adults was quite positive, as the ship had no Jewish girls, and they wanted a VARIETY. Then the knowledge came to me that this Ship of Girls was part of a REPOPULATION program. Because of war, plagues and geological changes, the EARTH HAD LOST TOO MANY PEOPLE and was being REPOPULATED. Certain ethnic and racial groups had suffered more losses than others. The girls I saw had been chosen to become future mothers and settlers, the “Eves” of a NEW [recreated] WORLD.


Prophetic Voices Tue, 2011-06-07 Prophet: the Warning - European seeër THW11060701 ANY NEW POPE AFTER BENEDICT WILL NOT BE OF GOD. The Warning - European Seeër MESSAGE TO PRIESTS, BISHOPS AND CARDINALS ABOUT THE FALSE PROPHET Tuesday 07 June 2011, time 15.15 hours ------------------------------------------NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: Alle recent and old Prophecies denote the coming ANTI-POPE as the PROPHET OF THE ANTICHRIST, that is the FALSE PROPHET. This message CONFIRMS the AntiPope will follow Pope Benedict XVI. --------------------------------------My dearly beloved daughter you have suffered because The Deceiver is tormenting you. You must pray hard to resist his attacks on you. Place all your trust in Me and then let Me deal with these. Instead you are getting upset when you must offer this suffering to Me with joy in your heart. If you keep reminding yourself that it is because you are in union with Me, that these sufferings come about and that you are truly blessed as a chosen soul then you will feel differently. Many of My followers are NOW BEGINNING TO REALISE WHAT IS HAPPENING IN THE WORLD and through the graces of the Holy Spirit they are rising to the challenge of defending My word. This army of the faithful will BECOME STRONGER NOW and will fearlessly lead sinners towards salvation. MY HOLY VICAR, POPE BENEDICT, NEEDS YOUR PRAYERS. Pray for him daily for he needs protection on every level to TAKE HIM THROUGH THE TORMENT THAT LIES AHEAD. It is important, that MY FOLLOWERS KEEP ALERT TO ANY NEW POPE, THAT MAY COME FORWARD, FOR HE WILL NOT BE FROM GOD. Please, urge all My sacred servants to prepare for the TERRIBLE CHALLENGES, the most DAUNTING they will ever have to face in their ministry. It will take GREAT COURAGE to stand up to the TRUTH OF MY TEACHINGS. So many of My sacred servants [priests and deacons] are BLIND to the promises I made when I said I would come again. When did they think this would be ? So used are they to reciting My teachings that they have forgotten that they MAY WITNESS these events at any time and, perhaps, even in their own lifetime ?

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Prophetic Voices For this is one of the greatest challenges today. If I sent prophets into the world thousands of years ago then, of course, I will send them AGAIN in the period to prepare the world for WHEN I WILL COME AGAIN. Wake up to the lessons you teach your congregation. Realise that it is I who speaks to you now. Many will come in My name, BUT FEW will speak the truth. This message comes from Me, your Divine Saviour. Pray for the discernment to RECOGNISE MY TRUE VOICE when it is given to you. Open your hearts now and listen to what I have to tell you. THE TIME HAS COME, to inform you, that the prophecies contained in the Book of Revelation are ABOUT TO UNFOLD BEFORE YOUR EYES. You, My beloved servants MUST FIGHT WITH BRAVERY through your love for Me, against the obstacles, placed by The Deceiver, that will challenge you to the end of your endurance. YOU MUST ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THE FALSE PROPHET [the Anti-Pope] IS ABOUT TO SEDUCE YOU. Charm you. Convince you that he represents the truth. You MUST NOW SHOW YOUR ALLEGIANCE to Me, and My Eternal Father. Please, DO NOT DESPAIR. For although these events will frighten you and disturb you, YOUR ALLEGIANCE AND LOYALTY MUST BE TO ME. For the first time in your ministry your FAITH WILL BE TRULY TESTED now. THE CHURCH OF PETER IS MY CHURCH. But when the keys are HANDED BACK to God the Father, which they will be now, the church becomes part of My Kingdom. I am the truth. FOLLOW THE TRUTH AT ALL TIMES. ---------------------NOTE from the Editor: Saint PETER AND ALL POPES FOLLOWING HIM GOT THE KEYS. However, the Anti-Pope will NOT uphold the true Catholic Faith, and therefore the Keys will be handed back to God the Father to be given to the New and Latest Pope Peter II, who will come afterwards. ------------------------------------Pray to Me now for the graces required to ensure you will rise above the deceit of Satan in time. Otherwise the False Prophet will ENSNARE My beloved children through his CHARISMATIC CHARMFUL ways. The ways of The Deceiver WITH WHOM HE IS ENTANGLED. Satan will NOT win over My Church, if My servants are alert to the deceit and see it for what it is.

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Prophetic Voices A DIABOLICAL LIE from which, if you become involved and swear allegiance to THIS NEW ABOMINATION, there will be no return ! Hear Me now. Turn to Me for guidance and the special graces required to lead My flock back to Me and My Heavenly Father. For when you do, I will bestow such graces that it will not be long before you will find the strength to defend My word at all costs. I love you all and yearn for your support during these End Times. Jesus Christ

Pope Benedict's Days are NOW Numbered Date: Wed, 2011-06-01 Prophet: the Warning - European seeër THW11060101 Pope Benedicts's Days are NOW Numbered The Warning - European Seee Pope Benedict‟s Days are now numbered Thursday 1st June 2011, 11.00 hours My dearly beloved daughter you have just been tested yet again in My most holy name to deviate from the truth. This will be a regular occurrence for not a day will pass when The Deceiver will not stop to try and take you away from this work by placing doubts in your mind. You must not look at other visionaries messages nor listen to any other person who claims to come in My name IF they give you a message which is contrary to the word you receive from Me. MY PROPHECIES ARE ACCURATELY COMMUNICATED TO YOU, My daughter. Satan will continue to chip away and hurt you when you least expect it. So BE ON YOUR GUARD at all times. MY BELOVED VICAR‟S [the Pope Benedict's] DAYS ARE NOW NUMBERED. HE [the Pope] WILL HAVE LEFT THE VATICAN BEFORE THE WARNING TAKES PLACE. Trust in Me. Obey Me. You are now progressing well. But never take your eyes away from Me 13 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices Do not, however, be afraid to live your life as you would normally, AS LONG AS prayer and devotion to Me is an integral and important part. I am going to ensure, that you are not alone in this work from now on and that only those who are being directed by Me will have any influence on your discernment. Trust Me, when I say SATAN WILL NOT SABOTAGE MY WORDS NOR CONTAMINATE THESE MESSAGES you receive from Me. That will not happen in this instance, for this mission is PARAMOUNT and EVERY PROTECTION IS OFFERED to you, My daughter. If you ever feel concerned about any messages simply ask Me for the answer and it will be given. Do not ask anybody else for their views for they are NOT QUALIFIED to comment on My Divine Word. Never get involved with other visionary‟s messages. This is very important for it will damage your work. By now you know that I, your Saviour and King of Mankind am in Authority. NO MAN SHALL SULLY MY WORD. Ever. Be thankful you are being afforded the gift of prophecy and obey Me at all times. Never offend Me by doubting. Those times are well behind you. Seek Me out with humility in your heart and soul. Keep silent when My word is mocked, attacked, denied, contradicted and questioned for IT IS NOT UP TO YOU to answer for Me. You will learn so much more from me My daughter if you will sit down and listen to Me. I infuse your mind with the GIFT OF DISCERNMENT. Accept this gift. Do not doubt. Rejoice with Me. THIS IS A VERY IMPORTANT MISSION UNLIKE ANYTHING I have sent to mankind since the early prophets. It is going to require strength on your part in human terms. What is important right now is to simply communicate with Me through prayer, adoration and the Blessed Sacraments. Anything else must be kept outside of this. Your family is very important at all times. Everything outside of these two entities falls into a much lower category. Try to relax and feel My love. DON‟T WASTE VALUABLE TIME WORRYING.

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Prophetic Voices Just join with Me in full union and you will be safe from harm. I love you, My daughter, and I trust you. Your devoted Saviour and Teacher Jesus Christ

Sin will always be sin Date: Sun, 2011-05-29 Prophet: the Warning - European seeër THW11052902 Sin will always be sin The Warning - European Seeër Sin will always be sin no matter how you justify it Sunday 29 May 2011 My dearly beloved daughter how I cry for all of My children who sin because they don‟t understand My teachings. Many of them are not aware they offend Me because either they have never been taught the truth or they have decided to defend their sins. Many of those who sin TRY TO JUSTIFY THEIR ACT because they listen to others who USE TOLERANCE AS A GUISE TO JUSTIFY SIN. SIN WILL ALWAYS BE SIN in My Father‟s eyes no matter how small the sin. Many of those who commit grevious sin somehow always manage to defend their so called „right to sin‟ by BLINDING THEMSELVES TO THE EVIL that their sin represents. My children are fortunate that I FORGIVE THEM for their sins If only My children everywhere knew of My Mercy, they would then realise how fortunate they are to be given this great gift of forgiveness I offer them in this life. IF THEY DO NOT ASK FOR FORGIVENESS REGULARLY then their sins will lead them to continue to sin again and again. THE MORE they sin THE FURTHER they will remove themselves from Me and THE HARDER it will be to come back to Me. Listen to Me. My mercy is there for all of you to benefit from. Accept this from Me now. Do not allow the world to trap you by allowing yourself fall prey to the temptations of sin. Once you sin you become TRAPPED and wont know where to turn. 15 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices SIN MAKES YOU FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE DEEP DOWN AND WITHIN YOU. TOLERANCE IS FASHIONABLE TODAY. So many of My children keep shouting aloud of the need for „tolerance in society‟. TOLERANCE IS FASHIONABLE TODAY in its loose term. It can be used to distort even the most gravest of sins. Tolerance is CLEVERLY MOLDED to defend every type of sin known to man in the world today. EVERYONE CLAIMS THE RIGHT TO TOLERANCE. Whatever the sin it will be PROMOTED AS A CIVIL RIGHT in most instances. No matter how these sins are promoted as „being right‟ THEY WILL ALWAYS BE WRONG. IT IS TIME THAT MAN FACES THE TRUTH. To become RESPONSIBLE again. To accept that the acts of sin they are partaking in are MORALLY WRONG. To treat their fellow human beings, including those children in the womb, as being EQUAL in all things. Pray hard for the graces to SEE THE TRUTH for what it is. And NOT THE DOCTORED VERSION you chose to believe in because it suits your selfish goals. There is ONLY ONE TRUTH. IN YOUR HEARTS, every single one of you knows the DIFFERENCE BETWEEN RIGHT OR WRONG. Accept this now if you want me to save you from the fires of Hell. Your Saviour Jesus Christ

New Forms of Inheritance in the USA Date: Mon, 2011-04-11 Prophet: anno domini - American seeër AND11041103 New Forms of Inheritance in the USA Date: April 11th, 2011 Prophet: Anno Domini - American Seeër New Ways and Forms of Inheritance In a dream vision I saw a sick and elderly mother who chose to give her grown daughters their INHERITANCE in an unusual way. 16 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices Instead of giving them money upon her death, she arranged for something else to be given to them while she was still living. I saw a large truck drive up to her house. The truck unloaded much furniture, mostly wooden chairs and tables. They were simple pieces with no upholstery. In those days, no one wanted upholstered furniture because of the PLAGUES THAT CAME WITH THE INSECTS in the upholstery. The pieces were not new, but SECONDHAND and in good condition. The rooms of the house soon became crowded with the furniture to be distributed to the daughters. In the future the TAX CODES [in the USA] WILL CHANGE AND WITH IT THE TRANSFER OF PROPERTY IN INHERITANCE. People will need to RETHINK and RESTRUCTURE how they will give their assets to their children. Money savings will have different value in the new economy and tax codes. PRACTICAL USED ITEMS OF ACTUAL VALUE, but NOT of value to the government, WILL BE TRUE GIFTS TO GIVE TO CHILDREN. Remember and be grateful for the ETERNAL INHERITANCE given to you as a child of God. Spread the good news of this inheritance MADE POSSIBLE BY JESUS CHRIST’S MOST LOVING SACRIFICE

Dealing with financial hardships Date: Fri, 2011-05-27 Prophet: the Warning - European seeër THW11052701 Dealing with financial hardships The Warning - European Seeër Dealing with Financial Hardship Friday 27 of May 2011 - 13.00 hours My dearly beloved daughter it is My wish that you now begin TO FAST AT LEAST ONE DAY a week. For by doing so you will greatly please Me. This sacrifice will strengthen your purity of soul and bring you closer to My most Sacred Heart. My children in the world face many challenges in these times. Challenges which they have never had to deal with before. The biggest challenge now is to deal with the way in which MONEY IS BECOMING SCARCE. This is very frightening for many who need this to keep their homes and feed their families. The second difficulty is the LACK OF ANY MEANINGFUL SPIRITUAL GUIDANCE in their lives which had, up to now, been seen as important. 17 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices Lose your income and you lose your aspirations for luxury worldly goods. FOR WHAT USE IS A LUXURY CAR WHEN YOU CANNOT FEED YOUR FAMILY ? What use is a beautiful dress when you CANNOT KEEP WARM IN A HOUSE you can‟t afford to heat properly ? It is only when My children find themselves bereft of the excesses to which they had become accustomed, that they UNDERSTAND THE REALITY into which they have now been plunged. Today your BASIC NEEDS MUST BE YOUR PRIORITY. After that you need to ask yourself what is important now ? Once you are fed and clothed what then ? One man upmanship is no longer relevant when you are striving to survive the basic elements. Envy of your neighbour‟s wealth and status MATTERS NO MORE. It is only now that you will seek out the spiritual comforts that have been missing for so long in your lives. IN YOUR QUEST to find comfort of mind turn to Me and My Eternal Father, God the Creator of all things. Do NOT BE TEMPTED to seek remedies from spiritual healers unless they represent Me. Do NOT SEEK ARTIFICIAL solace in stimulants to ease your pain and sorrow. The ONLY WAY you will become FREE OF WORRY AND ANGUISH is when you turn to Me, Jesus Christ your Saviour. I am waiting now. ASK ME TO HELP YOU and I WILL SUPPLY YOUR BASIC NEEDS. I will always provide you with what you want. But you MUST ASK ME FIRST. NEVER keep your worries to yourself. Share them with Me. Hand Me over all your concerns. I will respond immediately. For this will fill me with joy when you trust in me completely. I love you all. Your devoted Saviour Jesus Christ

Fuel supplies may be cut off Date: Tue, 2011-05-17 Prophet: John Leary JOL11051701 Fuel supplies may be cut off 18 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices Message to John Leary Tuesday, May 17th, 2011 Jesus said: “My people, many protesters have been killed in SYRIA which is run with a hard hand, much like in LIBYA. It appears that the MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD is being used to STIR UP TROUBLE in many of the Arab countries with oil. The ONE WORLD PEOPLE ARE BEHIND these so-called uprisings for the PURPOSE OF SHUTTING DOWN THE OIL WELLS in the Middle East in order to raise the price of oil. There is no shortage of oil, but when SAUDI ARABIA is attacked, the OIL PRICE WILL NEARLY DOUBLE. THERE IS PLENTY OF OIL IN AMERICA to be tapped, and even the House of Representatives passed a bill to try and bypass your President‟s drilling moratorium. (H.R. 1229 passed 263-163) This still will not pass the Senate and the President UNTIL the one world people can get a VERY HIGH PRICE for the oil. In the interim there could be a PURPOSELY CAUSED SHORTAGE of oil and gasoline that could even cause a depression. The world economies run on cheap oil, and any threat to this supply, could give the one world people an opportunity for a takeover of America. I warned My people to have BICYCLES TO GET TO MY REFUGES in case your fuel supplies are cut off. Have your BACKPACKS AND TRANSPORTATION ready to leave for My refuges when the evil ones bring about martial law. Call on My help and My angels will make you invisible on your way to My refuges. Be patient at My refuges of protection until I will come and conquer these evil ones.”

Planning a New World Order Date: Mon, 2011-05-16 Prophet: John Leary JOL11051601 Planning a New World Order Message to John Leary (USA) Monday, May 16, 2011: Jesus said: “My people, you need to be aware of the SATAN LED ELITE OF THE RICH who run all governments from behind the scenes. These evil ones are PLANNING A NEW WORLD ORDER through the European Union, the North American Union, and all future such unions.

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Prophetic Voices Once they are formed, they will be GIVEN OVER TO THE ANTICHRIST who will reign for less than three and one-half years. The FIRST plan is the DESTRUCTION AND TAKEOVER OF THE UNITED STATES. America is well on its way to BANKRUPTCY and MARTIAL LAW. Through your corporations, your jobs were PURPOSELY EXPORTED to foreign countries under the pretense of cheap labor. This was done DELIBERATELY to eliminate your manufacturing base. Your MILITARY IS BEING RUINED by causing many constant wars to cause your debt to increase. Your CURRENCY WAS DEBASED by the formation of the Federal Reserve and taking the dollar off gold and silver backing. Taking God out of public places, harassing churches with tax preferences in exchange for no political support, encouraging drugs, abortion, and pornography are ALL PART OF THE CULTURE OF DEATH PLANS. Causing a FALSE MORTGAGE CRISIS with unsecured loans and derivatives were planned to destroy the money system. Even the HAARP MACHINE AND CHEMTRAILS ARE USED to cause natural disasters and flu outbreaks. All of these plans have been the means by which the one world people want TO BANKRUPT AMERICA and bring it into the NORTH AMERICAN UNION by a created martial law. BE PREPARED TO LEAVE YOUR HOME with your things when you come to My refuges. You will see martial law caused by bankruptcy, pandemic viruses, and false terrorism, as well as MANDATORY CHIPS IN THE BODY for health care. Call on My help and My angels to defend you from these evil ones. I will [eventually] come with My COMET OF CHASTISEMENT to place all of these evil ones in hell, and to bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”

Persecution of Christians gets worse Date: Wed, 2011-05-18 Prophet: John Leary JOL11051801 Persecution of Christians gets worse Message to John Leary Wednesday, May 18th, 2011 Jesus said: “My people, THE PERSECUTION OF CHRISTIANS IS ABOUT TO GET WORSE.

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Prophetic Voices It has been hard to find churches with large crucifixes on the altar. There is going to be an INCREASING MOVEMENT TO REMOVE ALL CRUCIFIXES from My churches. This will be followed by ANOTHER MOVEMENT to remove all TABERNACLES from My churches. This is the BEGINNING OF THE COMING DIVISION in My Church that will SEPARATE THE SCHISMATIC CHURCH from My faithful remnant. This SCHISMATIC church will preach NEW AGE TEACHINGS which is why they do not want My crucifix nor My tabernacles to be present. When this division comes, you may have to HAVE MASS IN THE HOMES. KEEP FAITHFUL to My Word and defend it AGAINST ALL HERESIES, because SOON your life will be THREATENED to speak out against this schismatic church. Pray for My help and that of the Holy Spirit to speak the words that will give witness to all of your true beliefs.”

Swords of Justice to fall NOW Date: Sun, 2011-05-29 Prophet: the Warning - European seeër THW11052901 Swords of Justice to fall NOW The Warning - European Seeër The Swords of Justice will fall now Sunday 29th May 2011 time Hear Me now, My children, everywhere. The Swords of Justice will fall on those who FAIL TO PREPARE adequately for The [Great] Warning. My flames of Divine Mercy, presented to the world to give each of you a taste of what the Final Day of Judgement will be like, is going to be MISINTERPRETED by so many of you. THIS GREAT DAY OF THE WARNING DRAWS CLOSER BY THE MONTH so you must now put aside the time in PREPARING for My Divine Mercy. Many many souls will find it DIFFICULT TO UNDERSTAND what this event really means. So many will, as a result, DIE OF SHOCK which saddens Me. Because for those who do NOT SURVIVE it will be BECAUSE of the sorry state of their souls. CATHOLICS EVERYWHERE SEEK CONFESSION now if you want to benefit from My great act of love and mercy. 21 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices CHRISTIANS AND OTHER FAITHS speak in silence and TELL GOD HOW REMORSEFUL you are. How much you REGRET YOUR TRANSGRESSIONS and ASK Him to FORGIVE YOU for your sins. ONLY THOSE who are strong of heart in their love for Me and God, the Almighty Father, will be prepared adequately. Others, because of their strength in mind and character will FINALLY UNDERSTAND THE TRUTH and accept me with love in their hearts. As for others, so HARSH will the shock be, that when their souls are revealed to them in their darkness they WILL DROP DEAD. By then it will be TOO LATE TO SEEK FORGIVENESS. There will be NO HOPE for them. Pray, pray, all of you, so that as many souls as possible will survive this great act of Mercy. Your loving Saviour Jesus Christ

The skies will open up at the Warning Date: Mon, 2011-05-23 Prophet: the Warning - European seeër THW11052302 The skies will open up at the Warning The Warning - European Seeër The skies will open up during The Warning Monday 23rd May 2011 14.30 hours My dearly beloved daughter you are suffering the torment that I endure for the sins of man. This is what it feels like. Now you are glimpsing just a tiny fraction of My suffering which I face every minute of your day. There is NOTHING TO FEAR, My daughter, ABOUT THE [GREAT] WARNING. THE WARNING WILL BE A DRAMATIC EVENT It will SHOCK many people in the world as it will be a DRAMATIC EVENT where the skies will open and the flames of Mercy will shoot up across the world. For many people will NOT UNDERSTAND what is happening. So shocked will they be, they will MISTAKENLY think that they are witnessing the end of the world. Tell them to rejoice when they witness My Glory for this, if you are properly prepared for it, will be the most spectacular example of My Mercy since the day of My Crucifixion. 22 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices This, My children, will be your saving grace and will prevent those who would otherwise have been condemned from entering the depths of Hell. All My children everywhere MUST WARN lost souls as to what to expect. Urge them to seek reconciliation by confessing their sins now. It is important that as many people as possible are in a STATE OF GRACE BEFOREHAND as they may not survive this event due to shock. Far better to witness this Divine Spectacular event first rather than being unprepared at the final day of Judgement. Keep strong all of you. Rejoice if you are a devout follower for you will be shown a glimpse of My Divine Presence which your ancestors never saw during their lifetime. Pray for the rest of My children. TELL THEM THE TRUTH NOW while you can. Ignore their scorn for should they take action now by praying for the forgiveness of their sins they will thank you after this great miracle takes place. Go now in peace. Do not be fearful. Just pray for those souls with no faith so they do not die in mortal sin. Your Divine Saviour Jesus Christ

Why I communicate in this way Date: Mon, 2011-05-23 Prophet: the Warning - European seeër THW11052301 Why I communicate in this way The Warning - European Seeër Why I communicate to the world in this way Monday 23rd May 2011 9.45 hours My dearly beloved daughter it is now TIME TO REFLECT on My sacred messages and to ensure that as many sinners all over the world take heed of them. Make no mistake, these messages are being given to the world as a gift to help save all of you, all of My children, and including those who follow different paths to God the Eternal Father. People especially CATHOLICS, will be confused, when I do not place them ahead of My other children of different creeds. My choice of words are designed TO BE HEARD BY ALL and not just the chosen few. My love does NOT differentiate. 23 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices For those who question the way in which I speak to mankind, through this messenger, hear Me now. While you, My followers, understand that the TRUTH HAS NEVER CHANGED from the time of My Crucifixion, know then, that I MUST EXTEND My love to all God‟s children. No one is better than the other. My daughter, you must not respond, nor try to defend My word, when challenged to explain why I would speak in this way. My word is Divine. IT MUST NOT BE CHANGED NOR AMENDED to suit those who consider themselves experts in theological law. For My word will be given to the world in a language which will be CLEARLY UNDERSTOOD BY MANKIND TODAY. Many will ask WHY these words do NOT USE the same terminology or expressions used by My prophets and apostles of old and I will answer them now. Remember My teachings NEVER CHANGE. No matter what language I use today to communicate in a modern way THE TRUTH REMAINS THE SAME, INTACT. BE WARY OF VISIONARIES or seers who claim that they are receiving messages from Me, who use ancient language or extracts from the Holy Bible. For THIS IS NOT THE WAY in which I would communicate to MANKIND TODAY. Why would I do that ? Would I not alienate a new generation ? Those who are IGNORANT OF THE LANGUAGE contained in My Father‟s Holy Book ? SIMPLICITY IS THE KEY, My children, WHEN COMMUNICATING My most Holy Word. Remember, when teaching others of the truth of My existence, that SIMPLICITY IN YOUR APPROACH IS ESSENTIAL. If you do not do this, you will not reach those lost souls, because they will turn a deaf ear. MY MESSAGE OF LOVE The message of My Love is VERY SIMPLE. I am the life that My children on earth crave. Explain that I am the truth. Make this clear. WITHOUT ME THERE IS NO ETERNAL LIFE. Use the prophecies, which I reveal to this messenger to gain the attention of non-believers. For this is why they are being given to the world. NOT to frighten them but TO PROVE THAT I AM NOW COMMUNICATING TODAY in a way in which My most Holy Word will not only be heard but believed. Your Loving Saviour and Teacher Jesus Christ 24 | P a g e

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Major Tsunami Coming Date: Tue, 2011-06-07 Prophet: Michael DiBitetto MID11060701 Major Tsunami Coming Message to Michael DiBitetto June 7th, 2011 “Our Lady Of All Nations” My Dear, Dear Children … Look At The World, The World You Live In … A Day Can Never Go By Without Some Type Of Disaster … Or Killings. Is It Because Many, Many Of My Children Either Do Not Believe Or Do Not Want To Believe … And That‟s Why So Many Things Happen In The World … Or Is It. There Are TOO MANY EVIL ONES ON EARTH … Let Me Just Say: The World One Day Will Be Cleaned By My Son Your Lord And Savior Jesus Christ … And By Cleaned … ALL THE EVIL WILL BE GONE … And Only Love Will Remain … My Dear, Dear Children … Yes Disasters As I Had Said Still Continue … With The Wars In AFGANISTAN And IRAQ Where Killings Take Place Everyday. So Many TORNADOES Have Hit The United States, On The Southern States. Killing Hundreds And Hundreds Of Innocent People … And Destroying Over A Thousand Homes … Many Of My Children Are Homeless Due To The Tornadoes. My Dear, Dear Children … UNFORTUNATELY DISASTERS WILL CONTINUE … You Will Hear Of MORE TORNADOES … Especially You Will Hear Of MORE HEAVY RAIN … And Once Again Will Be UNDER WATER. And You Can EXPECT ANOTHER TSUNAMI … And It Will Be A MAJOR TSUNAMI Again By The End Of The Year … I Do NOT Mean It Will Happen At The End Of The Year In December … But It Will Happen FROM NOW TILL THE END OF THE YEAR … 25 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices We Are Not To Give Dates Of When Things Will Occur … Just As A Dying Person … We Will Not Say When The Person Who Is My Child Will Die. My Dear, Dear Children … Please Continue To Pray For POPE BENEDICT THE XVI And For His Intentions … Pray For Your Bishops, Pray For Your Priests, Your Deacons Pray For The Church To Stay United As One. My Dear, Dear Children … Please Continue To Pray … As I Have Always Said: Prayer Is YOUR STRONGEST WEAPON Against Satan … Staying In Prayer You Can Not Be Tempted. My Dear, Dear Children … So Much Is Yet To Occur … And When I Speak Of DISASTERS … It Does NOT JUST MEAN IN THE UNITED STATES … But ANY PART Of The World … As The World Is Filled With My Children … My Dear, Dear Children … Please Always Remember You Are Protected Under My Mantle IF YOU WISH To Be There As You Have Free-Will. My Dear, Dear Children … I Love You All So Very, Very Much And I Bless You All … In The Name Of … Our Father, … My Son … And The Holy Spirit. Amen

Reject New Age Spiritualism Date: Sun, 2011-05-15 Prophet: the Warning - European seeër THW11051501 Reject New Age Spiritualism The Warning - European Seeër Reject the work of New Age Spiritualism Sunday 15th May 2011 17.00 hours

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Prophetic Voices My dearly beloved daughter I am calling on all My followers TO DENOUNCE THE WORK OF THE NEW AGE MOVEMENT which has gripped the world. CHRISTIANITY has always been a PRIME TARGET OF SATAN. Because he is so cunning he will constantly try to seduce those with empty and spiritually lost souls. He will always try to present his lies couched in what appears to be love. Then he will try to CONTROL MY CHILDREN‟S MINDS using ancient pagan tactics designed to free their minds from the so called stresses of modern living. BEWARE those of you who SUCCUMB TO PRACTICES which claim to bring your MENTAL STATE into a stage of oblivion in the name of MEDITATION. Once you allow your mind to be controlled in this way Satan and his demons CAN MOVE IN so silently that you won‟t realise it, so smooth will be the transition. AVOID ANCIENT SPIRITUAL PRACTICES INCLUDING USE OF TAROT CARDS. Many many souls in the world are starving for spiritual guidance. In their quest to bring meaning into their lives they are unwittingly allowing themselves be SUCKED INTO PRACTICES which amount to PAGANISM. ANY FALSE DOGMA which entices you to believe that peace in your heart and soul can be achieved through ANCIENT SPIRITUAL PRACTICES MUST BE AVOIDED at all times. Learn to recognise them for what they really are. THE USE OF CRYSTALS, MEDITATION, REIKI, YOGA, TAROT CARDS, BELIEF IN SPIRIT GUIDES, METAPHYSICS AND SO CALLED FAITH HEALERS are there to entice you to believe in an ALTERNATIVE SUPERIOUR EXISTENCE outside of that created by God the Eternal Father. WARNING ABOUT ASCENDED MASTERS Many of you today who are constantly searching out spiritual comfort in the practice of following your angels MUST ALSO BE ALERT to the fact that once the term ASCENDED MASTERS is mentioned you can be sure that these ANGELS DO NOT COME FROM HEAVEN. Ascended Masters, My children, are FALLEN ANGELS and come FROM THE DARK. Yet you will be told and then be convinced that they come from the light. All of this PAGAN SPIRITUALISM, if you let it take over your lives, will eventually PULL YOU DOWNWARDS into the pits of darkness when you least expect it. Satan will be so careful as to how he presents these dark lies because at all times you will be told, and you will believe, that these things are all good. Most of these practices are presented as being good for your SELF-ESTEEM, CONFIDENCE, CONTROL over your life – ALL OF WHICH IS A LIE. Not only do these practices drive you away from the truth but they bring UNTOLD MISERY once the evil spirits enter your soul as a direct result of these practices. 27 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices BIBLE WARNS OF DANGERS OF MAGIC THE TRUTH CAN NEVER BE TAMPERED WITH. Teachings handed down to man in the Holy Bible warn mankind of the DANGERS OF MAGIC, FORTUNE TELLING and the ADULATION OF FALSE GODS. In today‟s world these practices are presented as harmless, but necessary, for your spiritual well-being. Because of the nature of gentle souls many of them will be naturally drawn to New Age Practices because of the FALSE FAÇADE OF THE LOVE they exude. Nothing could be further from the truth. WARNING ABOUT FANATICAL DEVOTION TO ANGELS Remember it is Satan and his fallen angels who have carefully and cunningly drawn you into these unsuspecting lies. For those of you who promote an almost fanatical devotion to Angels I have this to say. Why do you not proclaim the word of God, My Eternal Father first? Isn‟t this obsession with Angels just another form of IDOLATRY? Yes, by all means, pray for the help of the Holy Angels, however, always ask this question. Is your devotion to the Angels at the expense of your love for Jesus Christ, the Son of God or God, the Eternal Father? If so then you offend Me, your Divine Saviour, Jesus Christ. Wake up now to the LIES OF SO CALLED SPIRITUALISM. The angels you attract by participating in such practices will NOT come from Heaven or from the light. They will seem to come from the light but that is the deceit that Satan and his demons use to CLEVERLY CAMOUFLAGE their actions. REMEMBER ONE FINAL LESSON. Dress up your pagan practices as much as you like to appear as if you are paying homage to the Divine Light of Heaven but it will be A LIE. The lie, and those you convince to follow this bizarre journey towards a so called spiritual realm outside that of My Father‟s will bring you so close to Satan that beyond a certain point there will be NO RETURN. THE ONLY DIVINE REALM OF LOVE THAT EXISTS OUTSIDE OF THIS EARTH IS HEAVEN. ANYTHING ELSE YOU HAVE BEEN TOLD IS UNTRUE. Satan, however, wants you to believe that there is. The reality is that he is pulling all those unsuspecting and superstitious souls into the darkness of Hell with him and all the fallen angels. All in the name of false love. Please remember that love, true love, can ONLY come from God, the Eternal Father. Your Loving Saviour Jesus Christ 28 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices -

Consequences of solar activity Date: Fri, 2011-06-10 ART11061001 Consequences of solar activity ? June 10th, 2011 A communication of Mitch Battroa (USA)? Earth Changes Media COULD THE FOLLOWING BE THE OUTCOME OF SOLAR ACTIVITY WITHIN THE LAST 10 DAYS ? - Storms and Tornadoes Rip Through States - - Tropical Storm 'Songda' Hits Japan Region - - Taal Volcano Continues Intensified Seismic Activity - - Kilauea Crater Lava Lake Grows - - Over 1,200 People Evacuated As Volcano Alert Raised In Indonesia - - Mexico's Popocatepetl Volcano Blasts Tower Of Ash - - 3,500 Evacuate As Volcano Erupts In Southern Chile - - Tropical Storm Adrian in East Pacific to Become Hurricane - - Violent Storm Causes Outages, Damage In Toronto - - Hurricane Adrian Becomes Category 3, Moves Out To Sea -

Confusion about Second Coming Date: Fri, 2011-05-20 Prophet: the Warning - European seeër THW11052001 Confusion about Second Coming The Warning - European Seeër Confusion about what My Second Coming will mean 29 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices Friday 20th May 2011 10.00 hours My dearly beloved daughter many people wonder WHAT THE SECOND COMING REALLY MEANS, so let Me explain. I came into the world the FIRST TIME TO REDEEM MANKIND from eternal darkness so he could benefit from Eternal Life. God, the Almighty Father, out of His Mercy sent Me so that all His children would have [eternal] life. For up to then, due to the sins of Adam and Eve, this would not have been possible. I COME AGAIN, THIS TIME TO REWARD all those who follow Me. MUCH CONFUSION EXISTS in the world regarding this event. Many people believe that My Second Coming indicates that the END OF THE WORLD has come. THAT IS NOT THE CASE for, instead, it will mean the END TIMES when Satan and his followers who create untold misery in the world will be BANISHED FROM EARTH FOR 1,000 YEARS. ABOUT THE NEW PARADISE ON EARTH THIS NEW PARADISE I have promised WILL COME ABOUT when Heaven and Earth merge to become one. This new life I bring to all My devoted followers is one of love and glory. You, My followers, will have to ENDURE MUCH SUFFERING, however, while this transition takes place. To help prepare the world for this great event I am bringing a GREAT GIFT OF MY MERCY BEFOREHAND. THE GREAT WARNING, which will give each and every one of you the chance to SEE YOUR SINS and how they offend Me, will enable you to SEE THE TRUTH. When you realise the stain of sin that exists within you only then will you really understand the sorrow that I feel. A GLIMPSE OF WHAT WILL HAPPEN AT THE FINAL JUDGEMENT By allowing you all to experience this great act of My Mercy you will be given a TRUE GLIMPSE AS TO WHAT WILL HAPPEN AT THE DAY OF THE FINAL JUDGEMENT. In this way you are being given a fair chance to turn back to Me once more. You see, I love all of you with such a deep and abiding passion that I will do everything possible to save you from the grip of The Deceiver. Be warned though that Satan will now increase his activities through your brothers and sisters to persuade you to turn your back on me EVEN AFTER this great event [the Great Warning] takes place. You MUST NOW open your minds, leave all human reasoning aside to accept the truth of your existence on earth. Every LIE COUCHED IN SCIENTIFIC HUMAN LOGICAL THINKING will be perpetrated to prevent you from accepting the truth.

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Prophetic Voices Satan does not want you, My children, to come to Me. His vice like grip must be broken but it can only be done with your help. Do not allow him to cloud your judgement with his lies. It will be very difficult for you to ignore his arguments, taunts and ridicule. For that is the way he works. SATAN WILL WORK THROUGH OTHER PEOPLE TO DISCOURAGE YOU Many of you will not know that Satan is working like this through other people whose views you may respect. But this is just exactly how he works. He will communicate through those poor souls who are attracted to the dark. He will ensure that their minds are blocked to the truth of My glory and the eternal life that is yours by right. Never ever let his influence affect your love for Me. And remember because he will NOT WIN this battle then those poor souls who follow him will be thrown into Hell with him. If you desire eternal life then use this time on earth to denounce Satan while you can. I WILL RULE THE EARTH FOR 1,000 YEARS My daughter, I will RULE the earth FOR THE 1,000 YEARS. Make no mistake for I am now in charge of events as they now unfold in the world. I have now prepared the way for My new kingdom on earth and THAT TIME IS NEAR. MUCH CLOSER than many realise. Rejoice for this news will be welcomed by all. It will bring to an end all suffering in the world. It will ignite a fount of love and glory for all My children to share. THIS NEW PARADISE WILL BE BEYOND YOUR COMPREHENSION but hear this. This new life will offer you all of My devout followers a life FREE FROM WORRY. You will want for nothing. ALL WILL BE PROVIDED BY ME. Each and every one of you who chose this Glorious Kingdom will be astonished at the Precious Jewel that awaits you. Pray now that your brothers and sisters open their eyes to the truth of the promises I have made so they, too, can enter this new life on Earth. Your Loving Saviour Jesus Christ

A Series of Tsunamis about to hit all Waterways Date: Sat, 2011-06-04 Prophet: Louise Starr Tomkiel LOU11060401 A series of tsunamis about to hit all waterways 31 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices Message to Louise (USA) June 4th, 2011 Then God the Father spoke: " There is a SERIES OF TSUNAMIS ABOUT TO HIT ALL WATERWAYS on the earth. There will be MUCH DEATH. CROPS WILL BE RUINED ! Everything as you know it WILL BE NO MORE. This is in the making and will HAPPEN SOON. For the sins of the world are outrageous. To protect yourself from the evil one PRAY, and continue to pray!" NOTE: (from Mari Koch) We Must Always Remember God Never Gives A Date, So This Could Be Today, Tomorrow Or In The Near Or Far Future. Many Of Louise's Prophecies Have Happened Sometimes Within Hours, Months And Some In Years .. Later. Everyday Lately I Hear One Of Hers Fulfilled On The News Here Or World-Wide. One Time She Kept Hearing The Words Biloxi And Just Hours Later It Was Destroyed. She Got A Message About 9 Magnitude And Just 2 1/2 Months Later It Happened In Indonesia. Also Our Prayers Can Mitigate (Lessen) Or Even Avert Something From Happening. Again We Must Never Be Afraid And Always Be At Total Peace. Having Complete Faith And Total Trust In Our Papa's Perfect Plan. Much Is NOT Coming From His Hands But From The HAARP MACHINES But He Is Allowing It.

Humanity MUST recognise Holy Trinity Date: Wed, 2011-06-01 Prophet: Ned Dougherty NED11060101 Humanity MUST recognise Holy Trinity Message to Ned Dougherty June 1, 2011 - Our Lady of Light My dear son, It is with great sadness that I am visiting with you this evening, for there is so much sadness in the world right now, because of all the sins of mankind that have been committed against My Son, the Redeemer of the world. 32 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices As you know now, there are MANY CATASTROPHIC EVENTS taking place in your world. So I am saddened because of the NECESSITY for these things to be happening. It is difficult for me to explain to my children in a way that you may understand, how the WORKINGS OF THE WORLD ARE AFFECTED BY THE SINS OF MANKIND, for your scientists in their material pursuits to explain what is happening are IGNORING the problem that is so boldly staring many of you in the face, as the terrible events continue to roll across the Earth. If your scientists focused on the power of the Universe, as ORDAINED BY THE FATHER IN HEAVEN, and they extrapolated the knowledge that is available to all of you from the origins of CREATION, they would begin to UNDERSTAND THE DELICATE NATURE of all that there is in the material Universe as created by the Father of all of you, my children. What should be so readily understandable to all of you is that HUMANITY MUST RECOGNIZE THE DIVINE NATURE OF THE HOLY TRINITY, and the relationship that the Father in Heaven, the Son, who is with you in so many ways in these End Times, and the Holy Spirit have, while maintaining different but parallel roles in saving humanity from the terrible things that can happen to all of you, my children. THE POWERS OF HEAVEN CONTROL ALL that there is in the Universe, as designed by the Father in the very creation of the Universe, and what you are seeing that is happening around your world now is a RESULT OF MANKIND through many different actions, spitting in the face of God. Therefore, the events are now taking place that you may recognize as THE BEGINNING OF A TRIBULATION. Again, I must say that it is BECAUSE OF ALL OF THE SINS of the world. There are many among you now, who are doing the work of the evil one, who is my most bitter foe, as well as the direct foe of My Son, the Redeemer. It is through the actions directly and indirectly of these MINIONS, who are doing the work of the evil one that the MOST CATACLYSMIC EVENTS are taking place. You must understand that there are many among you, who are more responsible than the rest of you for the terrible things that are taking place, for they have LITERALLY SOLD THEMSELVES TO THE DARK ONE in their pursuit of earthly powers, which are fueled by their GREED AND HUBRIS for the material things of life that many of you cherish so proudly. Alas, I hope that those of you, who are hearing me and following my words, fully understand that it is the SIN OF GREED that is causing so much pain and suffering for my children. You may recall during the life of My Son that he was furious with the activities of the moneychangers in the Temple, for they were desecrating the House of His Father. My Son recognized then, as He does now, that it would be the MONEYCHANGERS of the world through their greed and avarice, who would MOST DIRECTLY INTERFERE with the Original Plan of Creation that the Father in Heaven has ordained for His children. By now, many of you are beginning to understand that there are those among you, who are attempting to EXERT POWER AND CONTROL over the rest of you here on Earth.

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Prophetic Voices They are doing Satan‟s work for naught. How difficult it will be for many of them, who are doing the evil one‟s work without realizing who their master truly is. But for many of these self-proclaimed power brokers, they know all too well that they have literally sold their souls to my Son‟s adversary for NOTHING BUT fleeting power, fame, and creature comforts. How foolish such a life is that is reduced to seeking only the things of earthly creatures and forsaking the Eternal Life that has been ordained for all of you, my children, if you choose to recognize the Triune God, consisting of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, as your Lord and Master. The plan for all of you for ETERNAL SALVATION is quite simple. RECOGNIZE MY SON, JESUS CHRIST, AS THE REDEEMER OF THE WORLD. Live a fulfilling life in PRAYER AND RECEPTION OF THE SACRAMENTS OF MY SON‟S ONE, HOLY, AND TRUE CHURCH. Love the Father in Heaven as your source of creation and life. Love yourself and your neighbor. Perform good works, especially now that there is a great need in this world to help one another, a need that will continue to grow and grow. Recognize most of all that your Love of God, self, family, neighbors and friends is the most powerful force in your world to bring you through these troubling times. It saddens me to inform you that things WILL CONTINUE TO BE MORE DIFFICULT for you now. It may seem like an eternity for those of you who are living in sin, but TIME IS SPEEDING UP now, as you are aware, and for many of you the difficult times will transpire almost as if in the blink of an eye, because you realize that you have been doing God‟s work. If you continue on the path of doing the Lord‟s work, you will be REWARDED eventually, but perhaps not in this world in ways that you pray for. Understand that ultimately the Father in Heaven knows what is best for each and every one of you. Do not find fault with your Father for the terrible things that are happening. FIND FAULT WITH THE SIN. RECOGNIZE THAT ALL THAT IS BAD IN YOUR WORLD COMES ULTIMATELY FROM THE EVIL ONE, NOT FROM THE TRIUNE GOD. If you do these things, the transition that all of you must go through will be less difficult. Many of you will find peace and serenity during the most terrible times, because YOU KNOW in a very powerful way that your Father in Heaven, My Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are with you, separately and as One, throughout your entire journey. And knowing this, what is it that you should fear as you prepare to usher in a NEW HEAVEN AND A NEW EARTH as a missionary of the Creator in Heaven! Our Lady of Light

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Prophetic Voices -

Pope Benedict surrounded by Enemies Date: Mon, 2011-06-06 Prophet: the Warning - European seeër THW11060601 Pope Benedict surrounded by ennemies The Warning - European Seeër The keys of Rome now being handed back to God, the Almighty Father. Monday 6th June 2011 10.30 hours EXCERPT My daughter tell the world that THE ECOLOGICAL DISASTERS FORETOLD WILL NOW STRIKE THE EARTH. ALL WILL COMMENCE NOW. So many. So quickly. And all due to the blind eyes turned on the word of God the Father by sinners wrapped up in their dens of iniquity. BELIEVERS DO NOT BE FEARFUL Believers pray now. Do not be fearful. I will offer you My DIVINE PROTECTION AT ALL TIMES even when you are ridiculed in My name. Prayer will give you strength and courage as the Evil One and his minions now POUR OUT THEIR VENOM on My children. As their HEINOUS ACTS OF WARFARE on humanity begins to ESCALATE through terrorism, monopoly of world currencies and the poisoning of the earth through DELIBERATE CONTAMINATION hear Me now. THE WRATH OF GOD THE FATHER WILL NOW FALL AND QUICKLY. Prayer must be conducted IN GROUPS all over the world because it will help avert some of these events. Pray for My BELOVED POPE BENEDICT. He is SURROUNDED BY VERY POWERFUL ENEMIES of God. Gluttons for power and control of My Church. Prayer can HELP DELAY HIS IMMINENT DEPARTURE when HE WILL BE FORCED TO LEAVE THE VATICAN as foretold. Pray, pray, pray for this period in time for it will be the DARKEST EVER to befall my sacred servants, Bishops, Cardinals and all true followers of Mine. 35 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices The KEYS OF ROME will now be HANDED BACK to God, the Almighty Father. The time has come for the battle against Satan and his evil followers. Their attempts to sabotage mankind will be DEALT WITH MOST SEVERELY for they will endure great suffering for their evil acts. Rise now, My children. Place all your trust, confidence and devotion to Me as a priority. Daily prayer, Mass and The Eucharist will help Me, and My Father, stamp out this evil. Follow Me. Take up My cup. For when you do this you will enjoy eternal life. Your Loving Saviour King of Mankind Jesus Christ

A Dagger through the Heart of the Country Date: Thu, 2011-06-02 Prophet: Littlest of Servants LOS11060201 A Dagger through the Heart of the Country Vision to Littlest of Servants June 2nd, 2011 While in Church I had the following vision. I saw a heart on a map of the UNITED STATES and the heart had a dagger going through it and blood was flowing from the heart. I then saw a map of the United States and it was being TORN IN TWO, almost down the middle. I asked why this would happen to the United States and I then saw another scene of DEAD BABIES being stacked likes cords of wood and being carried off in wheel barrels. I then realized that ABORTION IS DESTROYING THE UNITED STATES. ALL THE NATURAL DISASTERS, THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE, AND SOCIAL PROBLEMS INCLUDING THE DESTRUCTION OF THE FAMILY ARE ALL LINKED DIRECTLY TO ABORTION. BY ALLOWING AND PROMOTING ABORTION THE UNITED STATES IS DESTROYING ITSELF !

The source of the EHEC bacterium in Germany Date: 36 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices Fri, 2011-06-03 THE SOURCE OF THE EHEC-BACTERIUM IN GERMANY June 3rd, 2011 A Dutch seeër - well-known to the moderator of this website - has given us a message from Jesus, on the source of the EHEC-bacterium in the North of Germany. This bacterium is present on the outside of the packages of Yoghurt made by the German milk-processing industry in that area. Probably also on the cartons holding the Yoghurt packages. By restocking Yoghurt on the shelves in the supermarket the bacteria get transferred to more places. This Yoghurt is used as a dressing for salades and by holding the packages of Yoghurt the bacterium is moved to vegetables and to the human body. Wash all packages of Yoghurt on the outside thoroughly. Do not eat uncooked vegetables nor raw fruits. Eat only cooked vegetables and cooked fruits. PLEASE, TRANSMIT THIS MESSAGE

Warning to World Leaders Date: Wed, 2011-05-25 Prophet: the Warning - European seeër THW11052501 Warning to World Leaders The Warning - European Seeër Message of Warning to World Leaders Thursday 25th May 2011 22.00 hours My daughter, countries all over the world are BUBBLING under the surface with UNREST both in terms of the HATRED being shown by man to man as well as pending ECOLOGICAL UPHEAVALS. This is where Mother Nature will UNLEASH the unexpected soon to show man that he is NOT, irrespective of his ARROGANT ASSERTIVENESS, in control of anything. MAN HAS MANY LESSONS TO LEARN. Constant efforts to GAIN POWER at the highest levels by those in authority is having an effect on the ordinary man who has to rely on those Government and business leaders to look after his needs. The help needed by man will ONLY be manifested when those leaders rule with true love in their hearts for their people. 37 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices Sadly, GREED AND A LUST FOR POWER, means that this is NOT in fact the goal of many world leaders today. GOD THE FATHER WILL NO LONGER TOLERATE YOUR SINFUL DEEDS. MY WARNING TO THOSE LEADERS all over the world, whoever you are, is this. INFLICT UNFAIR PRACTICES AND HARDSHIPS on your people and the hand of My Eternal Father will FALL SWIFTLY on those countries and locations within which you reside. HE WILL NO LONGER TOLERATE YOUR SINFUL DEEDS. Hide if you will but it will be USELESS. YOUR WEAPONS OF DESTRUCTION WILL BE DESTROYED. Your treatment of your fellow citizens will create a situation, whether you like it or not, where you will have to answer to God the Eternal Father. Your moral responsibilities must be adhered to because you will be JUDGED BY YOUR ACTIONS eventually. Lead your people with love, dignity and respect for their physical and moral welfare. DENY your people the right to religious freedom or INFLICT dictatorships of any kind which forces them TO STOP OR CURTAIL their religious practices in the name of Political unity THEN YOU ARE DOOMED. Not only will you SUFFER for your actions but JUDGEMENT WILL BE HARSH. Any of you who swears allegiance to your people in the name of God, the Eternal Father and orchestrates UNFAIR NEW LAWS which deny them the right to food, shelter and religious freedom, will FACE THE WRATH and the hand of God, the Father. The world is suffering now in every country because of DICTATORSHIPS athough not in places where you would assume to be the case. The world is also suffering from financial difficulties which makes the vulnerable weaker. I say now to those leaders who have any sense of Christian duty to fIGHT FOR THE RIGHT TO ALLOW MY TEACHINGS INFLUENCE YOUR DECISIONS which will have a direct impact on My children everywhere. For those of you COLLUDING IN THE CORRIDORS OF POWER to suppress a multitude of countries in a controlled manner, which will affect nation after nation and will lead to HARDSHIP EVERYWHERE, be aware that YOUR ACTIONS WILL BE PUNISHED. For God, the Eternal Father has been patient up to now in the hope that you would see the futility of your ways. Instead you have pushed forward as an ELITE GROUP WHO CONSIDERS ITSELF MORE IMPORTANT than the rest of the human race. 38 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices YOUR ACTIONS, BE WARNED, WILL END IN DISASTER. Your allegiance to wealth, dominance and greed will leave you not just naked and vulnerable but in a WORSE state than those you abuse through the misuse of power. The time has come for the battle to RID THE WORLD OF EVIL and the rule of Satan. GOD THE FATHER IS NOW ABOUT TO UNLEASH MANY EARTHQUAKES, TSNUMAIS AND FLOODS in an effort to make you wake up. Your plots to overthrow world leaders, those in power of Religious groups and to INTRODUCE CONTROL MEASURES including a ONE WORLD CURRENCY will NOT be ignored. As you witness now these events unfolding you will find them impossible to ignore. These events will shaken your blind addition to power. YOU WILL WAKE UP TO THE ERROR OF YOUR WAYS. And when you do I WILL BE STANDING waiting. You will run to Me and ask, not only for forgiveness, but you will use your love of Me to make amends. You, My children who have a deep underlying love for Me are my biggest hope in defeating Evil and UNFAIR POLITICAL CORRUPTION in the world now. Pray for the graces to help you turn back to me. CLIMATE CATASTROPHES NOT WITNESSED SINCE THE DAYS OF NOAH Prayer will as I have said before help dilute disasters in the world as it now HEADS TOWARDS A SERIES OF CLIMATE RELATED CATASTROPHES, NEVER WITNESSED BY MAN SINCE THE DAYS OF NOAH. The world as you know it will SUFFER SO MANY EVENTS ALL AT ONCE that CHAOS AND CONFUSION WILL BE THE NORM. Why would you allow this to happen ? I speak to those with huge political and financial clout who are privy to what is happening behind closed doors. THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE, given to you out of a sense of love and compassion to man everywhere, to turn now and stop your evil ways. Or face the consequences. Your Just Judge Jesus Christ King of Mercy

Fight for your Christian Belief Date: Fri, 2011-04-22 Prophet: the Warning - European seeër 39 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices THW11042201 Fight for your Christian Belief The Warning - European Seeër Defend your children‟s right to a Christian Education Good Friday 22nd April 2011 My beloved daughter today is the time for all those who believe in the Passion of the Cross to help carry it so that My word can be heard once again in the world. Remind them how I died and why this represents salvation. It is your duty now to inform those who have lost their way to open their hearts again to the truth of My teachings. STAND UP NOW AND DEFEND YOUR RIGHTS TO BE CHRISTIANS. While I expect TOLERANCE on your part – where you must respect the views of other faiths – NEVER INSULT ME by pushing your Christianity aside into second place. It is a DANGEROUS DOCTRINE when you MISTAKE TOLERANCE AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR THE TRUTH. Be open to other faiths and treat your brothers and sister equally. However, never feel pressurised into pushing aside your beliefs or denying your children the right to a Christian education. Many schools run by Christian organisations are bowing to PRESSURES TO ABANDON their allegiance to Me. Many Governments are trying to BAN CHRISTIANITY and the spread of new laws. Yet you will find that other NON-CHRISTIAN religions will be TREATED LESS HARSHLY. INSTEAD, ANY RELIGION, WILL BE TOLERATED MORE FAVOURABLY THAN CHRISTIANITY. FIGHT FOR YOUR FAITH NOW. Pray for conversion. Pray that those regimes who oppress your right to be a Christian show MORE TOLERANCE. Failure to withstand these pressures will result in a barren world when fewer Christians will practice their faith. Take up the cross from today and show example to others. Never be ashamed of the Cross. Your Loving Saviour Jesus Christ Kind of Mankind

Sexual Immorality leads to Hell 40 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices Date: Tue, 2011-04-19 Prophet: the Warning - European seeër THW11041901 Sexual Immorality leads to Hell The Warning - European Seeër Sexual Immorality will lead you to Hell Monday 19th April 2011 23.50 hours My daughter as the world divides into different divisions – those who live simple and orderly lives, some in wealth and peace, those who are afflicted through poverty and illness or who are victims of war and those in power – ALL WILL WITNESS the very same forthcoming events in wonder. Many will see ecological catastrophes as the hand of God. Others will say that they are a sign of the end times while others will say that it all has to do with global warming. But what is most important now at this time is to understand this. SIN, IF IT ESCALATES TO UNPRECEDENTED LEVELS WILL CAUSE DESTRUCTION in your orderly lives anyway. But when it intensifies to the current levels experienced and witnessed by all of you in the world today then you can BE ASSURED THAT SUCH CATASTROPHES WILL BE THE HAND OF GOD AT WORK. God the Eternal Father has already responded and acted in this way. Now as the time approaches to destroy Satan and his followers, FURTHER ECOLOGICAL UNREST WILL BE UNLEASHED by God in his Mercy. He will do this to PREVENT SATAN AND ALL HIS CORRUPT HUMAN PUPPETS, who salivate at the prospects of the riches and glory he promises them through his psychological powers. Satan instills evil thoughts and actions in souls weak enough to expose themselves to his possessive powers. Such people share common traits. They are SELF-CENTRED, OBSESSED with worldly ambitions and wealth and are ADDICTED TO SEXUAL DEVIATIONS AND POWER. ALL WILL END UP IN HELL if they continue to follow the glorification of the ANTI-CHRIST who is about to make himself known in the world. Many innocent people do not believe in Satan, the Anti-Christ or indeed in God, the Father Almighty. So they turn a blind eye. Yet they wonder WHY the very society they live in has COLLAPSED. They don‟t understand the frightening speed at the collapse of the traditional family unit. They put this down to the ills of modern society. What they don‟t know is that SATAN TARGETS THE FAMILY AS A PRIORITY.

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Prophetic Voices This is because he knows if the family collapses then society too collapses. Many do know this because it is becoming increasingly apparent in the world today. THEN LOOK AT SEXUAL IMMORALITY. You wonder how horribly society has been infested with this DEPRAVITY. Yet again what you don‟t realise is that SATAN IS RESPONSIBLE FOR EVERY SINGLE ACT OF OBSCENE IMMORALITY in the world. While those of you, caught up in a world of PROMISCUITY, SEXUAL DEVIATION AND ABUSE of others will argue that these acts are a source of amusement and in some cases a form of income – you MUST KNOW THEY WILL BE YOUR PASSPORT TO THE ETERNAL FLAMES OF HELL. For every depraved sexual act you participate in so too will your body, even though you will be in spirit, burn as if in the flesh for eternity. EACH PART OF THE HUMAN BODY YOU ABUSE THROUGH MORTAL SIN WILL SUFFER THE MOST PAIN IN THE FIRES OF HELL. Why would you want this ? Many of you poor deluded souls don‟t realise that you have never been told the truth. The truth that there DOES EXIST HEAVEN, PURGATORY AND HELL. Many of my well meaning Sacred Servants of the Churches have NOT emphasised these teachings for a very long time. Shame on them. I cry for their anguish because many of them do not really believe in Hell themselves. So how can they preach about the HORROR that is Hell ? They can‟t. Because many have opted for the easy answer. “God is ever merciful. He would never send you to Hell. Would he ?” THE ANSWER IS NO – HE DOESN‟T. That is true because he could NEVER turn his back on his children. But the reality is that many many souls blocked by the mortal sin they have been enticed to commit become ADDICTED to their sins time and time again. Over and over. They are in so much darkness – comfortable within their own immorality – that they CONTINUE TO CHOOSE THIS DARKNESS EVEN AFTER DEATH. THEY CANNOT BE SAVED THEN. THEY HAVE CHOSEN THIS PATH BY THEIR OWN FREE WILL – a gift from God which he cannot interfere with. But Satan can. And he does. Chose which life you want. The path of life TOWARDS GOD, the Eternal Father to Heaven, or Satan, The Deceiver, in the fires of eternal Hell. 42 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices There is NO CLEARER way of explaining the outcome to you, My children. It is because of My love and compassion that I MUST TEACH YOU THE TRUTH. This message is MEANT TO FRIGHTEN YOU SOMEWHERE because unless I show you what is in store for them I would not be revealing my true love for all of you. It is time to face up to the future not only for yourself but for those friends, family and loved ones whom you influence through your own behaviour. BEHAVIOUR BREEDS BEHAVIOUR. In the case of an innocent you could be unwittingly be guiding and leading them, also, on the pathway to eternal darkness through ignorance. LOOK AFTER YOUR SOUL. It is a gift from God. IT IS ALL YOU WILL TAKE WITH YOU INTO THE NEXT WORLD. Your Saviour Jesus Christ

Russia and China to cause Disruption Date: Sun, 2011-05-01 Prophet: the Warning - European seeër THW11050102 Russia and China to cause Disruption The Warning - European Seeër Russia & China to cause Disruption Sunday 1st May 2011 21.00 hours My dearly beloved daughter tell the world that preparations are now underway TO PREPARE SOULS FOR THE NEW PARADISE on earth which I have promised. THE DATE FOR MY SECOND COMING ON EARTH IS NOT FOR YOUR KNOWING. Be assured though that MY PROMISES WILL ALWAYS BE FULFILLED. No one can stop My great Act of Mercy to redeem mankind. Satan does not have this power. He, the Deceiver, is TO BE DESTROYED My daughter and cannot survive. His time is VERY SHORT NOW. I WARN THOSE WHO FOLLOW HIM THROUGH SIN that they have FEW CHANCES REMAINING to redeem themselves.

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Prophetic Voices They MUST TURN AWAY NOW from sin if they want to be saved. Those of you followers who may have a family member or special friend who are following a path of sin then it is your duty to try and open their eyes to the truth. PREPARE NOW TO AVOID TAKING THE MARK OF THE BEAST MANY EVENTS both on earth and in the Heavens are now about to take place which will TURN THE COURSE OF HISTORY. Prepare all of you during this time. I have told you before that MONEY WILL BE SCARE so please try to PREPARE YOUR FAMILIES FOR SURVIVAL so you WON‟T HAVE TO ACCEPT THE MARK. Please do not ignore My pleas. PRAYER GROUPS ARE VITAL now to protect yourselves and save the world from the PERSECUTION OF GLOBAL POLITICAL, BANKING and so called Human Rights Organisations. Their GOAL IS ONE OF POWER AND CONTROL over you my children, although many of you cannot see this. You will though in time. And that time is close. START PREPARING FOR YOUR FUTURE SURVIVAL NOW and keep in prayer for I will offer My special graces for protection to all of you. Please do NOT BE FRIGHTENED for all that will really matter will be your allegiance to Me. AS THE ONE WORLD ORDER TAKES CONTROL OF THE MIDDLE EAST you will be astonished at how many countries will be UNDER THEIR CONTROL. How many innocent souls will believe that these new regimes will offer them freedom. BUT THIS WILL NOT BE THE CASE. RUSSIA & CHINA TO CAUSE DISRUPTION Watch now as RUSSIA AND CHINA become the third entity to CAUSE DISRUPTION. Very soon now those of you, who have given control of your countries to faceless groups, who treat you like puppets, will soon see the sinister groups these political forces, not of God, try to DICTATE HOW YOU LIVE. Defend yourselves through PRAYER. Every day and every hour I will EASE your suffering. Receive Me in the Holy Eucharist and you will gain a strength that will SUSTAIN YOU to extraordinary levels during this persecution. I, Jesus Christ, do not wish to cause panic in your lives. But I cannot stand to the side and not warn you of these events. Out of My Mercy I am giving you a CHANCE TO PREPARE not just for your spiritual welfare but FOR THE LIVELIHOODS OF YOUR FAMILIES. To avoid the Mark [of the Beast, the number 666], please, PREPARE CAREFULLY. The WARNING will, without question, easy any such persecutions because so MANY WILL BE CONVERTED. 44 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices Pray, pray now for all global conversion and to dilute any torment. that will evolve during the reign of the Anti-Christ and the False Prophet [the Anti-pope]. Your beloved Saviour Jesus Christ

Apocalyptic Premonitions Version 6 Date: Wed, 2011-05-25 APOCALYPTIC PREMONITIONS VERSION 6 PROBABLE DATES OF GREAT WARNING, GREAT MIRACLE, GREAT CHASTISEMENT AND THE RETURN OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST © Ioannes Courlisius v.z.w./ Jan A. A. van der Wulp, Belgium Email: Domain: This paper was compiled from many hundreds of recent European Prophecies. Revised and expanded Version 6 dated May 25th, 2011 This text may be distributed freely, only if complete and unchanged. Do NOT distribute any older version, ============================================================= 1. PRELIMENARY * The earth we know to-day is called the OLD EARTH. The current time period or Era is called the END OF TIME. This old Era will be followed by the NEW ERA on the NEW EARTH. Between these two Era‟s lies a TRANSITION period of a number of years. * The old earth is suffering under the four BEASTS OF THE APOCALYPSE, also named the FOUR ERRORS. These Four Errors mark the Endtimes and are characterised: A. Atheism, B. Lust for Power and Dominion, C. Spirit of Revolution, and D. the Human seen as Demi-God. * The New Earth will be completely different from the present old earth. The present earth will be PURIFIED first, purified, that is, from the consequences of sin, and then RECREATED by the God-Creator. The latter part of this transition period is called the LAST DAYS or the TIME OF THE TRIBULATIONS, taking a few years. * Some 2.000 years ago Jesus the Christ has been born. This is called the FIRST COMING. At the end of the transition period between the two periods of the Earth Jesus will return and guide His flock to the recreated New Earth. This is called the SECOND COMING. Please, realise this move to the New Earth only holds for the remaining faithfull Catholic Christians. * From the present 6½ billion people only a restricted number of approximately 10% - say some 600 million people - will hold through the transition period and move on to the New Earth. The rest will die on the old earth through calamities, catastrophies, diseases and war. 45 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices * At the end of the New Era, in our way of counting after 1.000 years, again a great number of people will be living on the New Earth. Jesus will come as Supreme Judge to judge all men, living and dead. This is called the THIRD COMING, with the GREAT OR LAST JUDGMENT. * Many people speculate about the dates of the coming GREAT SEQUENTIAL EVENTS OF THE TRANSITION TIME, to know: - the CHANGES COMING TO THE PAPACY, - the GREAT WARNING, - the GREAT MIRACLE, - the GREAT CHASTISEMENT, - the RETURN OF JESUS, - the START OF THE NEW EARTH, - the LAST JUDGMENT. * These Great Events are interlaced with very many so-called smaller events: catastrophies, calamities, revolution, social turmoil, and a number of different wars. The result is a COMPLICATED SEQUENCE OF ALL SORTS OF EVENTS. * However, heavenly messages tell us we‟d better have a look at EVENTS, that is have a look at the REALISED EVENTS of the sequence, because important events will definitely occur, but the timing of events is flexible, and the timeperiods in between the seperate events are NOT known precisely. * It is NOT wise to put some of these main events at a specific date. Heaven clearly has said dates may change according to the prayerlife of people and the personal sacrifices made. * However, main events are fixed as such, and will not change, prophecy holds. The timing between events, however, may vary. * Now underneath, in this article, the main general events prophecised are listed - NOT ALL EVENTS - and if known, in CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER to the best of our understanding. However, bear in mind this listing may NOT be viewn as the timetable of a railway company or an air line company. * This listing in English mostly is based on EUROPEAN prophecies, given in German, English, French and Dutch, prophecies generally less known in America and outside Europe. * Only prophecies given in CATHOLIC, or at least Christian, surroundings have been taken into account. Any prophecy NOT corresponding with traditional catholic mystic theology has been discarded. This has been done to be more sure of the trustworthiness of the seperate prophecies. * Many smaller events named will happen at the SAME TIME, or OVERLAP each other, or may happen in DIFFERENT areas of the globe. In the listing these events are written down one after the other. Bear this possible overlap or local importance in mind as nobody has the faculty to tell two different things at the same time. * Anyone may have a look at the English section of our website giving many hundreds of recent prophecies clarifying details of this listing. * This paper has the following CHAPTERS:

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Prophetic Voices 1. Preliminary 2. Sequence of events 3. The Third World War 4. The Great Warning 5. The Earliest Date of the Great Warning 6. After the Warning event 7. The Great Miracle 8. The Reign of AntiChrist-Maitreya 9. The time of the Tribulations 10. The Great Chastisement 11. The Return of the Lord 12. On the New Earth 13. The Last Judgment 14. Some Prophecies 15. America and the rest of the world 16. On Communism, the Islam, and Capitalism 17. The Thousand Year Reign 2. SEQUENCE OF EVENTS * The purification of the earth, started 2010, went on in 2011, mainly by catastrophies of NATURE, like earthquakes, eruptions of volcanos, tsunamis, mudslides, windstorms, extreme weatherconditions, and the like, but also serious accidents, rising criminal conduct, loss of christian faith, pandemic disease, and so on. Remember for instance the earthquakes in Haiti, Chile, the mudslides in Madeira, and the eruptions of volcans on Iceland, the troubles in the Gulf of Mexico by the oil-spill, the earthqake and tsunami at Fukushima in Japan, the tornado-season in the USA, flooding at many places, the so-called Arab spring in many Arab countries, and so on. * War preparations are made everywhere. * Financial and economic specialists warn and predict quite a downfall, starting the year 2010, and progressing in 2011, with great financial fireworks. Inflation. Devaluation of the dollar. Much lower indices of bonds and shares. Many job losses. Lack of money at all levels of administration and government. Mounting debts. * War with North-Korea. This will be BEFORE the WW III proper. * North-Korea, as well as Iran, nowadays have USABLE NUCLEAR WEAPONS available, probable only of lesser power. * Great earthquakes in and around the Pacific. Volcanic eruptions. * Three bombs will be planted in America. The one put in Washington will be discovered in time. The two other bombs will detonate and devastate a large city. * Socialistic and communistic governments in many European countries. * Iran and Syria will be pulled into war. * Israel will be attacked by its neighbourstates, Syria and minions.

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Prophetic Voices * Military objects in Iran will be bombed. * Damascus will be completely destroyed (by an Israelian atombomb). * The war in the Middle-East will act as a catalyst for WW III because the Western Powers will be weakened considerably by the Middle-East war, military and economically. * Islam-terrorists will devastate Brooklyn and Manhattan (New York), probably with the new Russian made vacuumbomb and with mortar projectiles, fired from a vessel at high sea. * Consequently a worldwide monetary crisis will be the result as in these parts of New York all important financial institutions [banks, stock exchange, IMF, Freemasonry Funds, Trusts of Rockefeller and Ford, the Jewish League, and such] are housed. * The stockmarkets will show deep losses. * Everywhere loss of economic activity, consequently also loss of jobs and employment. * America will in retaliation attack Teheran with atombombs en wipe the town completely of the surface of the earth - six to seven million killed. * Natural catastrophies will in the meantime become common. * Crops will detoriate by calamities of nature, food prices will go up, and food becomes scarce. * There will be a COSMIC CATASTROPHY in AUGUST, giving the people much fear. The year is NOT known, may be 2011 or 2012. It may be a bombardment of meteorites, or a hit by an asteroide. * The POPE will visit the East (of Europe), that is to say Moscow. * When he returns to Rome serious CIVIL UNREST will be in ITALY and in other places because of loss of jobs, lack of household-money and general rebellion. * Communism will be back, even in previous catholic countries. * Many deaths due to a pandemic (flu) disease. Possibly fall 2011 or winter 2011/2012. * Hostilities will break out in different parts of Europe. * The earth enters the difficult, but relatively short, PERIOD leading up to the Great Warning. * In France and Italy revolution will be seen. Paris will burn. * The great depression will bring famine in the West. * USA and Europe will be in turmoil. * Natural catastrophies will bring devastation in many places, e.g. Marseilles will sink in the sea. The level of the Mediteranian See will rise considerably. 48 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices * After the war in the Middle-East there will exist a SHORT period of relatively calm before WW III starts. * Pope Benedict XVI will declare the LAST MARIAN DOGMA of the Church. * Because of this Dogma the Catholic Church will know SCHISM. * The Remnant-Church of true and traditional Catholics is coming into existence. * Persecution of priests and bishops will start and become an every day fact. * At some point the Catholic Church seems to have disappeared. * Some time during this period of unrest and revolution the POPE WILL FLEE ROME. He will then DIE, brutally martyred. * The ANTI-POPE will be elected. He will be head of the STRAYED Catholic Church. People will want a denaturated form of catholic belief, more humanly adapted, less stringent, less morally expressed, with more personal freedoms. Traditions and old dogmata will be thrown over board. The liturgy will be simplified. The true Mass will be abolished and changed into a more protestant Communion Service. Very few faithfull will stick to old beliefs and traditional practices. They will belong to the Remnant Church. * The REMNANT-CHURCH will go underground. Priests will have difficulty in saying the true Mass, will be forced into hiding, and be martyred. Faithfull will have to go to Mass in private dwellings, barns, caves, and the like. The times of King Henry VIII of the UK will come to life again. * The true, that is Remnant, Church will some time be without Supreme Pastor. Then the true successor to Pope Benedict XVI will be chosen, probably miraculously. He will be the LAST POPE of all Popes, called PETER II THE ROMAN. This may already happen in 2011 or 2012. 3. THE THIRD WORLD WAR * In the meantime Russia has restructured the military forces of the RED ARMY from mobilised divisions to smaller and flexible combat-units on stand-by, at any time ready to be deployed and to attack. * RUSSIA WILL HAVE PREPARED FOR WAR IN EUROPE TO START EARLY IN THE SUMMER JUNE/JULY/AUGUST - OF A YEAR NOT YET KNOWN. * This is most important. ALL German prophecies, and ALL Eastern-European prophecies (there are many tenths of these), denote the BEGINNING OF THE SUMMER (JUNE) as the time Russia will invade Western-Europe. THIS CANNOT BE DOUBTED PROPHETICALLY. * It will be a sudden and unexpected attack by the communist Red Forces, possible because all of the troops are on standby. * Russia will unexpectedly invade Central- and Western-Europe, causing indiscriminate slaughter and devastation. * This invasion of Western-Europe ought to be over in 3 to 4 months, according to the plan of attack of the Russian military staff. 49 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices * The tanks and armored cars of the Red Army should reach the Atlantic coast in about three months. * Indeed, military speaking, starting the war by a surprise attack in June/July/August is logical in view of the rain and the mud in the fall and winter period in Western Europe, and the cold winters with much snow in Central Europe. * Poland will be invaded. Three army-groups will run to the West - one in the North, passing Berlin - one in the middle, passing Leipzig - one in the South, aiming at Austria and Switzerland. Heavy fighting will take place in Austria, Bohemia, Germany, Switserland, and France. The city of Prague and the surroundings will be completely devastated. * However, North of Switzerland the Red Army will NOT be able to cross the river Rhine. Poland, Slowakia, and Switserland will suffer much. Other parts of Europe will know heavy fighting too. * Through Switzerland the Reds wil enter France, but following French Prophecies they will only occupy a relatively small part of the country alongside the rivers Loire, Rhône and Garonne during a short time. * The Reds will eventually be DEFEATED everywhere. The last bloody battle will be East of the Ruhr area in Germany in the birch wood. There the combattants will wade ankle-deep in blood. * One million men of the Red Army will invade the West - NO ONE will return alive, prophecy tells us. * Realise, that when the German Nazi Army June 22, 1941, invaded Russia there were deployed nine armies consisting of 150 divisions, totalling 4½ million men and 650.000 vehicles. This enormous mass of men and vehicles could not conquer Russia and was eventually defeated. Russia will try with less soldiers to conquer the West. * Padre Pio has said the Europeans will pay with their blood for the Great Miracle following the Great Warning. This corresponds with the truly very bloody battles forecast, mainly in Germany, Austria, Bohemia, Switserland and France. 4. THE GREAT WARNING * Because the war escalates and extends all over the world, God will stop the hostilities by sending the Great Warning. * The Warning will happen when it is least expected. * The HOLY CROSS of Jesus the Christ will be seen in the sky by everybody on earth. This is to mentally strengthen the Christians and the Remnant Church. * The Warning is connected with a celestial body, in Spanish starting with the letter A. This is ASTRA = celestial body, a falling star or comet. * The passing of the comet will produce heavy earthquakes and turbulence in the air and the seas, as the comet will pass the planet BETWEEN the earth and the moon. * The bad and toxic gasses, and the dust, of the comets tail will mix with the atmosphere of the earth. Probably a piece of the comet will hit the Pacific Ocean. 50 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices * Consequently during THREE DAYS THE LIGHT OF THE SUN WILL BE greatly EXTINGUISHED because of dust and debris of the comet mixed with the air, possibly mixed with ash of volcanic eruptions too. * Everybody has to stay INDOORS FOR AT LEAST SEVEN DAYS, with shutters, blinds and curtains closed, to prevent dieing by the toxic gasses outside. Anybody going outside will die. A PERSONAL JUDGMENT * The Great Warning will also include a PERSONAL JUDGMENT of the good and the bad deeds of EVERY person on earth. This is called the PERSONAL ILLUMINATION. * This illumination exists of an INTERNAL overview of everyone's own life. Other people will NOT see this. * It is purely a personal examination of conscience. A sort of mini-judgment by Jesus the Supreme Judge. * Jesus will also show everybody He - and He ONLY - is the true Saviour of mankind, and the Catholic Church is the ONLY TRUE CHURCH, founded by Jesus Himself. * Jesus will warn all people then living NEVER to accept the lies and the proposals of the coming Antichrist-Maitreya, NEITHER to take his mark, the implanted satanic microchip with the number 666. * Consequently everybody alive AFTER the Warning will accept the Catholic Faith and the Catholic Church (some satanists excepted). * Many people will however need religious instruction, others will want to be baptized, still others will want to confess. * The Illumination will bring large parts of the Jewish people to accept Jesus as thetrue MESSIAH. NOW, PLEASE, NOTE AS OF MAY 2011: * European military forces have continiously been reduced for 30 years at least. * American forces in Germany and elsewhere in Europe have largely been withdrawn and diminished. * There has to be terrible unrest in Europe due to financial problems, a deep economic depression, natural disturbancies, civil unrest, bad weather, a severe winter passed, high energy prices, many people without jobs, lack of spendable income, high food prices, and hostilities of all kinds, BEFORE: * Russia will dare to invade Western-Europe. * Spring to half 2011 all sorts of trouble may be seen concerning the Mid-East, Israel, the Palestines, Iran, Iraq, India, Pakistan, and the two Korea's. * The first riots because of dwindling income and lack of food were already seen in some places in 2010, and many more were noted in the course of 2011 and the spring of 2012. 5. THE EARLIEST DATE OF THE GREAT WARNING

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Prophetic Voices * The summer of the year 2011 cannot be the year of the Russian invasion, because the necessary conditions of unrest and troubles in Europe and the world have NOT yet been met, and the Russian military has NOT yet finished their preparations. * The earliest possible date of the Warning follows from the sequence and facts given. * Heavenly messages tell the Great Warning will take place during the American Football season, that lasts from September till February next. TO RESUME: * The civil unrest starting early in 2011 may accelerate in the summer and in the fall and the winter 2011/2012 and come to a climax in the spring of 2012. * Spring 2011 many signs denote coming troubles with countries in the Midddle-East (Israel, Palestina, Syria, Iran), and with India, Pakistan, and the Korea‟s. * Winter 2011/2012 will be difficult and bring many problems. * The downfall of the US-dollar and other severe financial and economical troubles may be expected in the course of 2011, and later. * Military campaigns of WW III may start early in the summer of 2012, go on in the fall and winter of the same year, and extend into 2013. * REVOLUTIONS IN EUROPE WOULD - IN THIS SCENARIO - THEN BE FOR THE FALL of 2011 and the WINTER OF 2011/2012 and THE SPRING MONTHS OF 2012, AT THE EARLIEST. * RUSSIA WILL IN THIS SCENARIO INVADE WESTERN-EUROPE IN JUNE/JULY 2012, AT THE EARLIEST, only if the necessary conditions in Europe are met. Which seems highly probable. * Holding to the estimate the war in Western-Europe will be stretching for about 3 to 4 months, THE GREAT WARNING WILL THEN BE THE END OF 2012 AT THE EARLIEST, MAY BE THE BEGINNING OF THE YEAR 2013. 6. AFTER THE WARNING EVENT * FOLLOWING THE GREAT WARNING THERE WILL BE A SHORT TIME (SOME MONTHS AT LEAST, PROBABLY ABOUT ONE YEAR) OF RELATIVE PEACE. THE WAR WILL BE STOPPED BY THE WARNING. * This period of time is called The Short Period of Peace. * The power of Satan will temporarily be restricted. * There will be then - after the Great Warning - ONLY CATHOLICS on the earth, all people still living being converted by the Illumimation of the Great Warning, except a number of satanists (who have sold their soul to the devil). * It will be the time of “one herd and one shepherd,” to name the Catholic Church and Peter II. * The true Pope Peter II will reign from Bavaria (Germany). 52 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices * The New Holy Roman Empire will at least include all the states that once existed as Prussia, more probably all the states of the old Roman Empire. * The Holy Monarch of France will appear. * Old Royal Houses will once again given their respective countries. * There will be 12 Apostles of the Last Days. * However, some time (a few months at most) after the Great Warning many people will start returning to their old heretical religions and practices (in the East), and to their secularized way of living (in the West), due to the lack of instruction and the missing long term excercise in the practice of the Catholic Faith. * The impact of the warning-event and the psychological effects of the Great Warning will soon and mostly be forgotten and put aside. * The true Faith will eventually die again with most people, and Satan will again be released from hell to tempt men. When people pray less, demons will be more active and grow stronger. * The ANTI-POPE will reign again. He is called the Prophet of the Antichrist. * The ANTI-CHRIST will appear, start acting openly, and he will gather his troops under the peoples of Asia, with the intention to invade Europe. The troops of the Great Monarch will defend Europe. * The REIGN of Anti-Christ will last 1290 days (3½ years), however, to this time period belong the acting of Anti-Christ in the background, his scheming behind the curtains, and also his public and visible reign in the open. The 1290 days encompass the days Anti-Christ has the ultimate power on earth, both under cover and public. 7. THE GREAT MIRACLE * The Great Miracle will follow AT MOST ONE YEAR AFTER the Great Warning - This may be 360 days, or one month, or any time in between. Most probable seems nearly one year. * THEREFORE THE MIRACLE WILL IN THIS SCENARIO HAPPEN AT SOME DATE IN THE PERIOD RUNNING FROM THE FIRST HALF OF 2013 UP TO THE WINTER OF 2013/2014 AT THE EARLIEST. * Do not be surprised, however, this event will HAPPEN ONE YEAR LATER as the Great Warning also has happened later ! * The Miracle will consist of a impressive sign (a column of light) to be put up at EVERY place of apparition (of Our Lord, Our Lady, the Angels and the Saints) in the WHOLE world, NOT ONLY at Garabandal near Santander in the North of Spain. Thes places may be known as apparition places or not known as such. * The sign at Garabandal may be photographed and shown on television, it will be impossible to destruct it. * ALL PLACES of heavenly apparitions will have a part of the Miracle-sign - old places, young places, forgotten places, private places, public places. 53 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices * All people - very old and badly ill ones excepted - MUST go to the Miracle sign in their neighbourhood, look at it, and choose God or the devil. There is NO NEED to travel to Garabandal, which will probably be impossible, due to the natural and warlike conditions. * People who are severely ill will see the sign from their sickbed. Very old people will see the sign at home. * The Miracle will be the ABSOLUTE LAST CHANCE given to people to convert and to return to God and the Catholic Faith. 8. THE REIGN OF ANTICHRIST-MAITREYA * Then follows the prophecised time of the upcoming reign of Antichrist-Maitrya. * That will come AFTER the Great Warning and the Illumination running with same. * Antichrist will eventually be a worldwide DICTATOR, worse than Hitler, Stalin, and Mao combined. * He will rule over ALL united continental unions, then formed, like the European Union, id est the NorthAmerican Union, the Asian Union, and so on. * Antichrist will be of jewish origin, come out of Egypt, and be able to use astounding occult forces. * Priests of satanic cults will 'bless' him. * The armies of Antichrist will start invading Europe from the East, they will be met by the Catholic armies headed by the Great King of France. The Christian armies will eventually be defeated. 9. THE TIME OF THE TRIBULATION * The reign of Antichrist-Maitreya brings the time of the TRIBULATION with the mark of the Beast, the implanted MICROCHIP, with the number 666. * It will only be possible to buy and to sell when carrying the mark of the Beast, the microchip implanted in the forehead or the hand. * However, NO ONE is allowed to accept the implant microchip, GOD sternly has said at the Great Warning and made clear at the Great Miracle. * Therefore, many Catholics will NOT accept this mark. * They will be persecuted heavenly, put into detention centers and death camps, and killed, to immediately become saints in heaven. * However, many true Catholics - warned by their Angels - will have IN TIME fled to the prepared REFÚGIA, visibly led there by their Guardian-Angels. They will have to leave their houses IN TIME and are only able to carry a backpack with essential belongings. * Some holy Catholics, probably the very young and some quite old and ill, will be taken up in RAPTURE by God to a place of safety and rest, where they will be kept alive (body and soul) till after the re-creation of the earth. This is done to prevent these people to be present at the Great Chastisement as they would probably be to weak mentally to withstand this event. 54 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices * In the REFÚGIA the true faithfull on the earth will find a REFUGE and a SAFE HAVEN, prepared for them by Almighty God. * The troops of Antichrist, clad in black, will NOT find them there. * In every area, where true Catholics will be, these Refúgia will be present, prepared beforehand by inspired men and women; in general, Refúgia will be found at places of apparition and pilgrimage, at monasteries, and in caves. * In these Refúgia God will provide food, drinking water, shelter and housing. All people fled there will be kept alive and in safety by Gods providence. Bij looking up to the LIGHTED CROSS there constructed, and drinking from the miraculous WATER of the well induced, they will be healed from their diseases. WHEN ? * Scripture gives a term of 3½ years for Antichrist's reign. * This period probably covers the worldwide dictatorship of Antichrist proper, AND some time before the full dictatorship, the time of his conquering the whole world. * It is difficult to estimate when this period precisely will start. * It may start a bit before the Great Miracle. * Prophecy says this time will be SHORTENED for the sake of the just and the true faithfull. But we do not yet know how much. * Let us guess this time will be ONE YEAR APPROXIMATELY, taken shortiest, from the Great Miracle onwards, may be two years. 10. THE GREAT CHASTISEMENT * Then follows the Great Chastisement through the comet with the SECOND period of THREE DAYS DARKNESS. * The earth will be cleansed by fire from the comet. * The true faithfull will be kept alive, but ASLEEP, in the Refúgia, OR they will be taken up in RAPTURE to be kept elsewhere in a safe place. * The faithfull in the Refúgia will be put asleep by God. Would they stay awake and go on praying, God would NOT be able to cleanse the earth because of the ongoing call for His Mercy by their prayers and suffering. * All UNREPENTING SINNERS will be burnt, and together with all DEMONS, cast in hell FOREVER, NEVER TO BE LET LOOSE AGAIN TO TEMPT MAN !!! * All buildings, all structures, used for sin, will by fire be removed from the face of the earth. The earth will show a blackened surface

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Prophetic Voices * Some beautiful churches and catholic buildings will have been taken up in the heavens before the Great Chastisement. * It boils down to the fact, that the true Remnant-Church has visibly been VICTORIOUS over the false Church. The Anti-Pope and the Anti-Christ have experienced their downfall. God has sifted the wheat from the chaf. 11. THE RETURN OF THE LORD * THE RETURN OF JESUS, THE UNIVERSAL KING, WILL BE AT THE VERY EARLIEST HALF/END 2014 TO WINTER 2015/2016, MAY BE BEGINNING 2017 FOLLOWING THIS SCENARIO. * A somewhat later date always is possible, SAY AT ANY TIME UP TO 2019, when the Great Warning and the Great Miracle will happen later, OR when the upcoming of Antichrist will take more time because of the heavy resistance of faithfull Catholic troops. THEN: * Jesus will recreate the earth. * The people asleep in the Refúgia will be awakened on the NEW EARTH. * The people taken up in Rapture will be put back on the New Recreated Earth. * Both these groups will be without sin as they passed their purgatory on the old earth. Together it will be some 600 million people, babies and old people included. * The New Jerusalem will come down from the heavens. * Many beautiful churches and catholic buildings (like the Dom of Cologne) will also come down from the place where they have been safely kept. 12. ON THE NEW EARTH * The LONG TIME OF PEACE on the New Earth will start. Jesus will Reign as universal King, together with Holy Mary as universal Queen. * This will be the LONG period of 1.000 years of Peace. * NO MORE SIN, NO MORE ILLNESS, NO MORE DEATH - NEVER. All will live in enduring happiness, and full HARMONY, with each other and with nature. The lamb will lie next to the wolf, and the goat will lie with the lion. When their time is up, people will directly go to heaven, body and soul. * Purgatory will be full of people, repenting souls, saved from hell, just in time before or through the Great Chastisement. * All people on the New Earth, the Recreated Earth, will pray for the souls in purgatory. * This will take up quite some time, in our years expressed: A THOUSAND YEARS. * At the end of those thousand years purgatory will be EMPTY, all inhabitants being moved to heaven. 56 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices 13. THE LAST JUDGMENT * CHRIST WILL COME FOR THE THIRD TIME, NOW AS SUPREME JUDGE * All people dead will be raised from death, be they in heaven or in hell. * This is the RESURRECTION of the body. * Damned souls will get a disgusting body. * Holy souls will get a glorified body. * Then God will show all deeds of all men, good and bad, to everyone. * We will know whether Nero, Hitler, Stalin and Mao are in hell, or not, and WHY. * We will know WHY saints are called saints. * Damned souls and demons, the temptators, will have to be PRESENT at this judgment and will consequently TEMPORARILY be released from hell to assist at the proceedings. * This is done to make clear to everyone - Angels, demons, human souls - that Gods judgments always have been FAIR and HONORABLE. * The people in hell will, after the Judgment, eternally stay in hell, horific body and soul, in the company of the demons. * The people in heaven will, after the Judgment, eternally stay in heaven, glorified body and soul, in the company of the Angels. * The faithfull living on the New Earth will then go over to heaven as well, with glorified body and soul, AFTER they explicitly have DECLARED their will to always serve God in all and everything. By that act of obedience their will shall be eternally „frozen‟ in love for God. * By the way, the NOT-FALLEN ANGELS, in their time, also had to make this act of obedience to God. Their will then also was eternally frozen in the love of God. * The earth and purgatory will be destroyed, NEVER TO BE AGAIN. The ONLY ETERNALLY remaining places and states from then on will be Heaven and Hell. 14. SOME PROPHECIES * Note that all prophecies tell us the Great Events - once started (begin 2010 and on through 2011) - will move on at BREATHTAKING speed. Therefore the Second Coming of Jesus will only be away a few short years. * Note the prophecies of the Maya and the Hopi Indians give the year 2012 as a year of big changes. * The Mayans say that by 2012 a new world will start. * The calendars of the Inca and the Aztecs stop at 2012. 57 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices * The well-known priest-writer Malachi Martin (who showed an exceptional insight in prophetic matters) said in 1997: "Everything will be finished in less than 20 years" - that points to a year before 2017. * Father Kramer, specialist in prophetics, believes 2008 will see the outbreak of war (indeed, in the MiddleEast, the Gaza war started December 27th, 2008), and that by 2013 the Chastisement would have ended. * Alfons Irlmaier, the famous German seeer, has told the war will break out in the year of the Olympic Games (there were summer games in 2008). Indeed the fighting between Palestines and Israelians started 27 of December 2008. The winter Olympic Games were in 2010 in Vancouver (Canada). Therefore many people expected the Mid-East war to start summer 2010 through moves of Syria and dependant militant groups, but it was not to happen. In the spring of 2011 many Arab states saw revolutions and fighting and even civil war. May be the Olympic Games of 2012 denote the correct year. * The Australian seer Little Pebble seems in his recent letters and messages (August-September 2008, and March 6th, 2010) to confirm the years 2012-2013 as years of great change. * Charles Johnston, a known American seer, asserts, that Our Lady has told him: « The sequence of everdeepening chaos will continue until mid-October of 2017. Despair will reign throughout the world. Then, between October 13-17 of 2017, the world will miraculously, utterly and visibly delivered from the terror by the intercession of Our Lady, the Immaculate Conception. » « Christianity will be unified. Satan will be shackled, and the world will enter a glorious period of peace and harmony under the rule and protection of the one triune God. » 15. AMERICA AND THE REST OF THE WORLD * Note also that in the above listing of events NOTHING has been said on the events in the USA, or elsewhere in the world. * The events in the sequence given do NOT speak of calamities, troubles, or war in America (USA), or elsewhere with America, but one may NOT conclude life will be quiet and peacefull in the USA. * One may hold truly, that the unrest and the really great problems in America have begun in the year 2010, and will be accelerating in 2011, up to WW III. * Troubles may, according to prophecy, develop into severe earthquakes in the Mid-West in the Mississippi basin, California, Oregon, and Nevada, tsunamis in Florida, volcanic explosion of the Yellowstone and near Seattle, in the course of 2011 and later, and severe winter in the North-East and North (also realised last winter 2010/2011), not to mention the Tornados of the 2011 season. And many other calamities such as the oilspill in the Gulf of Mexico. * Add to that the ongoing wars in Asia (Iraq and Afghanistan, probably also North-Korea, and Iran), great economic and financial problems in banks and industry, with many, many, lay-offs, and the great war WW III with Russia and may be China. * The American President Barack Obama will try to better the situation, he said, but according to prophecy, he will NOT succeed. Indeed his measures, especially the new health-care bill, covered by many Senators and Representatives, will WORSEN the state of affairs considerably. * That implies great civil unrest because of the lay-offs and the lack of money, many debts, more wars, and the devastating effects of many natural catastrophies. 58 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices * America is in 2011 fully in the process to completely loose its strong international political, economic, financial, and military position. * This detoriation of the status of America will possibly become fully visible sometime during the summer vacations of 2011. * The dollar will become worthless probably summer 2011 or somewhat later. Some other valuta will replace the US-dollar as international unit of payment. The North American Union (USA, Canada, Mexico) will be set up with the AMERO as valuta, may be in 2011, at the earliest. * Turmoil and revolt may be exported and seen all over the world, especially in Europe. * The American forces in Europe have already been reduced to a minimum level. * Military speaking the Russian military will have to be sure the American ground forces will not be able to stop the invasion of Western-Europe by the Red Army. * This would imply, the Americans will need all their attention, and all their forces, to counter internal problems, and wage war in other places, may be even on their own territory. * It is very well possible the Russians and/or the Chinese will invade North-America by way of Alaska. Also an invasion from Mexico is forecast. * Therefore, it is most advisable to closely follow the events concerning America. * Many Non-European countries will suffer badly through war and calamities, like Singapore, India, Malaysia, Japan, Philippines, Korea, and Taiwan. Indonesia will choose the side of the islamiticcommunistic alliance, and consequently also suffer badly. Australia will know internal strife. 16. ON COMMUNISM, THE ISLAM, AND CAPITALISM * Do not be lulled asleep by the continious talking of cooperation and friendship between Russia on the one side, and America and Europe on the other side. It's pure DECEPTION. * Pope Pius XI wrote in his 1937 encyclical Divíni Redemptóris: “Communism is intrinsically pervers, and no one, who would save Christian civilization, may collaborate with it in any undertaking whatsoever.” * The Message of Fatima (1917) says: “Russia will spread its atheism and its heresies all over the world, start wars, many nations will be annihilated, the Catholic Church will be persecuted, etcetera.” * Communism is NOT DEAD, now-a-days prophecy says, and the Message of Fatima (1917) still holds, recent prophecies tell us (Third Secret included). * ALL THAT SAID IN FATIMA IS TRUE, AND WILL BECOME TRUE ! Heaven still awaits the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Our Lady, by the Pope in conjunction with all the bishops of the world. * The Third Secret exists in TWO parts. One part is about the new Marian Dogma of the Church, to be declared. This will result in uproar and division, yes, in schism, as many clerici do NOT want this new exaltation of Our Lady as Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix, and Advocata Nostra to be declared.

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Prophetic Voices * The second part of the Secret concerns the battle between the Anti-Pope, the prophet of the Anti-Christ, and the Last True Pope Peter II. This includes the battle between the False Church and the Remnant-Church. * The year 1960 should have been a turnpoint in history. Our Lady had asked to let the Message of Fatima be known to all in the year 1960. The Popes did not heed this request. The Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart then did not take place. Would this Consecration have been done in 1960 Russia would not have been able to spread its communism all over the world. The great Apostasy would not have taken place. However, the battle between good and evel will now have to be fought to the bitter end because the Consecration did not take place. The present Pope will have to suffer because he and his predecessors from 1917 onwards did not obey Our Lady and did not consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Holy Mary in cooperation with all bishops of the world. * Nearly all islamitic states and nations will be gone after WW III. Islam and capitalism will no longer exist. * Under the REIGN OF ANTI-CHRIST a new type of world-religion will come to the fore. Nearly all people will accept this new religion and be happy with same. Most people will forget God, and they will not mind to see catholic Churches desecrated and demolished. This period of time will seem peacefull and give people all they need, but ONLY if they follow and adore Anti-Christ. True Christians will have to withdraw into the REFÚGIA. 17. THE 1000-YEAR REIGN * Which is the signification of the expression: "The 1000-year period" ? * Some people hold we are NOW living in the 1000-year period - THEY ARE RIGHT ! * Some people say: We are now NOT living in the 1000-year period, it will be in the future - THEY ARE RIGHT TOO ! * How to explain this seemingly contradiction ? * Read carefully chapter 20 of the Book of Revelation where indeed the 1000-years are mentioned. SOLUTION: THERE ARE TWO PERIODS OF 1000 YEARS. * There exist two DISTINCT meanings for the SAME expression. * The FIRST 1000-year period is roughly from the year 1000 till to-day (2011), and we are living in that period. At the end of this period the devils will be let loose on the (old) earth. That's correct. That is happening NOW. * The SECOND meaning of the term 1000-year period points to the period AFTER the Return of Jesus on the NEW EARTH. That period is still to come. At the end of that period the devils will stay in hell and NOT let loose again to temp man. They only will have to leave hell TEMPORARILY to be present at the LAST JUDGMENT. * It is not uncommon in Prophecy to see two different meanings of the same expression to get MIXED up. That's why interpretation of Prophecy sometimes is difficult. * There are TWO OTHER EXAMPLES of this type of confusion. A. THE THREE DARK DAYS. Here also there are TWO of these periods. 60 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices One set is caused by the comet of the Great Warning. The second set goes with the comet of the Great Chastisement. B. THE PERIODS OF PEACE. Again there are TWO. One - relatively short directly following the Great Warning. One - the long one - following the Great Chastisement and the Re-Creation, on the New Earth. * In Prophecies the descriptions of these two elements - such as the 1000-years - often get mixed. The seer does not always see the differences clearly. The interpreter understands events and happenings of the one event to belong to the other event - and vice versa. ON MILLENARISM OR CHILIASM * Theological research tells that chiliasm [a thousand year period of peace on earth] should NOT be understood as a communistic nor national-socialistic political idea to be realised on the existing earth only by EARTHLY MEANS. This particular view has been CONDEMNED by the Magisterium of the Catholic Church. * Now about the catholic theological view on chiliasm proper. * Scripture only knows ONE RESURRECTION of the body at the end of the 1000-year period on the New Earth. Remember Resurrection means the recombination of the human soul with the recreated supernatural human body. * Pope Benedictus XII (twelf) has taught that the souls of the dead, who are without sin, immediately are allowed in the view of God. * Scripture says the Church will be persecuted till the END. Well, what precisely is the end ? That's the end of the time on the (old) earth, the earth AS WE KNOW IT NOW. On the New Earth ONLY the true Catholic Faith will be present and persecution will NOT exist. * To be moved from the old earth to the New Recreated Earth is NOT to be called Resurrection although the faithfull transported (with body and soul) will receive extra graces to always stay in the state of grace from then on. These people have had their purgatory on the old earth. NO mortal sin any more to be seen on the New Earth, but venial sin will be present. When their time on the New Earth is up they go straight to heaven. * The Magisterium of the Catholic Church NEVER has given a condemnation of chiliasm as explained here, mainly because the interpretation of the terminology was not clear, and still is not clear. * Many prelates and theologians have spoken against same, but that may NOT be interpretated as a true condemnation by the Magistérium. Many theologians and prelates also have spoken in favour of the chiliasm view as given above. * Everyone is completely FREE to DEFEND the type of CHILASM as given in this article. ANYWAY, THE MORE RECENT HEAVENLY MESSAGES DO PRECISELY THAT !

The Blasphemers will Tremble and Faint Date: Wed, 2011-05-18 Prophet: 61 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices Pelianito PEL11051801 The Blasphemers will Tremble and Faint Pelianito Wednesday, May 18, 2011 JUDE 1:14: Enoch, of the seventh generation from Adam, prophesied also about them when he said, "Behold, the Lord has come with his countless holy ones to execute judgment on all and to convict everyone for all the godless deeds that they committed and for all the harsh words godless sinners have uttered against him." "Beloved, the BLASPHEMIES that are a constant barrage in this generation will NOT GO UNPUNISHED. The heavenly army is assembled, the Lord of glory at its head. The standard-bearer waits to give the signal. When heaven marches, LET THE BLASPHEMERS TREMBLE AND FAINT ! The Lord of glory thunders, the mighty army roars ! Mountains are shaken from their bases -- there is NO PLACE TO HIDE FROM THE FURY OF HEAVEN. My faithful ones will know GREAT CONSOLATION in all their trials. They will feel the MIRACULOUS PRESENCE of their heavenly helpers. All the saints they have invoked will come to their aid. When these things happen, my beloved ones, know that GOD IS VINDICATING HIS BRIDE. Be joyful and do not fear. NO ONE WHO CALLS ON THE NAME OF THE LORD WILL BE PUT TO SHAME OR LEFT UNAIDED. Renew your trust in me, and I will be with you."

The greatest WMD Date: Tue, 2011-05-24 Prophet: Holy Love HOL11052401 The greatest WMD Holy Love Messages May 24th, 2011 Jesus: "Please understand as I tell you, that THE GREATEST WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION IS ABORTION; that it follows that NATIONS WHO LEGALIZE ABORTION ARE DESTROYING THEMSELVES. 62 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices My Protective Hand NO LONGER rests on such nations, as is more and more APPARENT in the economy, natural disasters and their acceptance of moral degeneration." "ABORTION DESTROYS THE HEART OF THE NATION so that it falls to ruin FROM THE INSIDE OUT. Governments become CORRUPT, and morally sound leadership does NOT take a stand or make a difference. I come to convert and to correct consciences. If you will stand corrected, many problems within the heart of the world will be resolved."

Floods in France - Heatwave in Turkey Date: Sun, 2011-05-22 Prophet: the Warning - European seeër THW11052201 Floods in France- Heatwave in Turkey The Warning - European Seeër New Revelations - Floods in France this Summer Sunday 22nd May 2011 14.30 hours My dearly beloved daughter the revelation given to you on THE 18TH MARCH 2011 AT MIDNIGHT THAT THE VOLCANIC ERUPTION IN ICELAND WOULD OCCUR IN MAY HAS NOW TAKEN PLACE. You may wonder why you were so shocked when this happened as foretold. So I will explain. Although most of your doubts have been dispelled regarding the authenticity of My communications with you there was still a fear on your part that you were not discerning these prophecies correctly. You must rise now with confidence and let me allay your fears. MOVE NOW AND PUBLISH, WITHOUT HESITATION, OTHER EVENTS I HAVE REVEALED TO YOU. By doing this more people will understand THAT IT IS I, JESUS CHRIST, WHO NOW COMMANDS THE ATTENTION that is required to help save souls. When these prophecies are confirmed there will be LITTLE DOUBT in the hearts of My followers of their authenticity. Yet the hardened soul who refuses to believe and who will always provide a logical response when they witness the truth will still NOT be convinced. FLOODS IN FRANCE --- HEATWAVE IN TURKEY 63 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices Hear Me now. FLOODS WILL OCCUR IN THE SOUTH OF FRANCE THIS SUMMER. A HEATWAVE WILL TAKE PLACE IN TURKEY. Other ecological events, which will cause disarray, include AN EARTHQUAKE IN ENGLAND (BUT NOT IMMEDIATELY) some of which will IMPACT ON OTHER EUROPEAN STATES. Expect a RISE IN SEA LEVELS IN THE MEDITERRANEAN which will shock every one. EARTHQUAKES WILL ALSO BE FELT IN NORWAY AND IN SOUTH AMERICA. I will, My daughter, reveal other events to you but with only one motive in mind. That is to convert My children. If and when they accept that I speak to them through you then this will bring Me joy. I have no wish to frighten My children but these events will continue TO ESCALATE IN THE WORLD AS PART OF THE GREAT CHASTISEMENT AHEAD. They are a necessary part in the Battle against the Deceiver. Pray now, My children, to dilute and avert these events because PRAYER IS EXTREMELY POWERFUL as a means of pardon. Go now in peace. Do not be afraid to publish these prophecies for they will occur. Your Saviour Jesus Christ

Keep away from divorce or seperation Date: Sun, 2011-05-22 Prophet: Angelik Caruana ACA11052201 Keep away from divorce or seperation Message from our Lady of Borg May 22nd, 2011 Seeër Angelik at Malta My children, the CHRISTIAN FAMILY resembles a plant. Your TOGETHERNESS must become stronger. You stand in need of one another. One must take care of the plant and water it, dig an irrigation-basin for it so that water may collect there. And just as was said: the irrigation-basin is most important for the plant and for the roots to grow strong.

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Prophetic Voices My children, this is the way the family ought to be. IF HUSBAND AND WIFE ARE AS ONE, THEN THERE WOULD BE NO NEED FOR DIVORCE, NOR FOR SEPARATIONS. My children, KEEP AWAY FROM SUCH THINGS. Your neighbouring countries still have trouble, even though they have divorce. It is NOT TRUE THAT IT SOLVES PROBLEMS – IT RATHER CREATES [more] PROBLEMS. I want you to be exemplary and to manifest the truth and the Christian faith. Indeed, my children, so as to build these up you have at hand a simple prayer, a prayer of the little ones, a little children‟s prayer: THE PRAYER OF THE ROSARY. Thank you, my children, for having listened to my call. -------------------------------------------Our Lady of Borg in-Nadur Rosary of July 28, 2010 and Message My children, whenever a mother wishes you well, and observes that you are going along a path that she rejects, she persists in repeating the same words, since she wants your good. This is what I am doing with you today. Indeed, my children, DO NOT ALLOW DIVORCE ENTRY HERE IN MALTA. DO NOT PERMIT IT. Remember the words of my Son Jesus on marriage: what God has put together no human being may undo. It is NOT Canon Law or the law of the Church, but MY SON JESUS WHO BINDS IT, my children. He created man and woman who are to live together and become one. How come this or that one turn up and dare state that marriage may be dissolved ? HOW DARE THEY ? My children, MARRIAGE CAN NEVER BE DISSOLVED. Never. Whoever leaves wife or husband is living IN ADULTERY. Indeed, in adultery. It would be a WRONG SOLUTION. Up until now, it is NOT PERMITTED IN YOUR COUNTRY [Malta]. Remain this way, my children. Do not allow it entry into this little island. Do not allow it. Spread these words I am telling you from up here today. Yes, I, the Mother of God, am coming here and am opening your eyes that you may keep away from divorce. Let us once again join up in one voice and turn to the prayer of the rosary. SAY THE ROSARY. Yes do ! Say the rosary and get others to say the rosary. Thank you for having listened to my call.” 65 | P a g e

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Profound effect on future of world Date: Wed, 2011-05-25 Prophet: Holy Love HOL11052501 Profound effect on future of world Holy Love Messages May 25th, 2011 Jesus: "I tell you solemnly, that EVERY ABORTION HAS A PROFOUND EFFECT UPON THE FUTURE OF THE WORLD. The death of the unborn ALTERS free will choices, the unfolding of events, the advances in civilization [science, peace negotiations, religious beliefs] to name a few." "If you can realize the impact of just one untimely death due to abortion, consider the consequences of the millions that have taken place to date." "This is why UNWORTHY LEADERS HAVE COME INTO POWER. This is why NATURAL RESOURCES HAVE BEEN MISUSED and often depleted. This, too, is AT THE ROOT OF ECONOMIC DISTRESS." "I cannot make anyone choose life over death. I can only point the way on the path of Holy Love - the path of life."

An urgent Message for Israel Date: Fri, 2011-05-20 Prophet: Anna Marie ANM11052001 An urgent Message for Israel MESSAGE FROM JESUS CHRIST OUR SAVIOR JESUS GIVES A MESSAGE FOR ISRAEL through Anna Marie FRIDAY, MAY 20, 2011 AT 4:38 PM Jesus: O Israel, O Israel. My beloved and chosen people. 66 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices You have forsaken the Commands of my Father and have gone astray. Come back to my Father‟s “House of Love and Prayer.” Return to your Father in Heaven with a repentant heart. Open your hearts to His love and you will find me, the Divine Savior of the world. I have come once to show you the path to eternal life. I WILL RETURN IN ALL MY GLORY AS THE VICTORIOUS MESSIAH, spoken about from all the prophets. Jesus: My beloved people. I love each of you and long for you to ask my Father to show you your destiny which lies in the very heart of my Sacred Heart. My heart still beats with intense love for you, my kinsmen. Yet YOU STILL REFUSE to open your eyes TO SEE MY DIVINITY, SON OF THE LIVING GOD. Jesus: O Israel, my people, I am your Lord and YOU WILL WITNESS MY COMING before your very eyes and I WILL ACKNOWLEDGE MY FAITHFUL SERVANTS before all eternity. YOU WILL SEE ME AT MY FATHER‟S RIGHT HAND. O Israel, pray. FOR DESTRUCTION AND DEVASTATION WILL COME UPON YOU, for the sake of my return. Pray now that you and your families WILL BE SPARED during the DAYS OF WRATH UPON YOUR HOLY LAND. GRACE BE TO GOD, MY FATHER ! Anna Marie: My Lord, is there a Bible Scripture to accompany this message? Jesus: Yes, Isaias 42:11-25 The blindness and reprobation of the Jews. 11) Let the desert and the cities thereof be exalted: Cedar shall dwell in houses: ye inhabitants of Petra, give praise, they shall cry from the top of the mountains. 12) They shall give glory to the Lord, and shall declare his praise in the islands. 13) The Lord shall go forth as a mighty man, as a man of war shall he stir up zeal: he shall shout and cry: he shall prevail against his enemies. 14)I have always help my peace, I have kept silence, I have been patient, I will speak now as a woman in labour: I will destroy, and swallow up at once. 15) I will lay waste the mountains and hills, and will make all their grass to wither: and I will turn rivers into islands, and will dry up the standing pools. 16) And I will lead the blind into the way which they know not: and in the paths which they were ignorant of I will make them walk: I will make darkness light before them, and crooked things straight: these things have I done to them, and have not forsaken them. 17) They are turned back: let them be greatly confounded, that trust in a graven thing, that say to a molten thing: You are our god. 67 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices 18) Hear, ye deaf, and, ye blind, behold that you may see. 19) Who is blind, but my servant? Or deaf, but he to whom I have sent my messengers? Who is blind, but the servant of the Lord? 20) Thou that seest many things, wilt thou not observe them? Thou that hast ears open, wilt thou not hear? 21) And the Lord was willing to sanctify him, and to magnify the law, and exalt it. 22) But this is a people that is robbed and wasted they are all the snare of young men, and they are hid in the houses of prisons: they are made a prey and there is none to deliver them: a spoil, and there is none that saith: Restore. 23) Who is there among you that will give ear to this, that will attend and hearken for times to come? 24) Who hath given Jacob for a spoil, and Israel to robbers? Hath not the Lord himself, against whom we have And they would not walk in his ways, and they have not hearkened to his law. 25) And he hath poured out upon him the indignation of his fury, and a strong battle, and hath burnt him round about and he knew not: and set him on fire, and he understood not.

A Major Turbulence in Nature Date: Mon, 2011-05-23 Prophet: Alix Fils-Aimé ALX11052301 A major turbulence in nature May 23rd, 2011 Seeër Alix My dear child, ALIX, be not afraid; Jesus is with you. He will protect you and your family from all situations arising from the menaces of the Devil. It is so inconsistent with the faith of the people who are afraid to admit there are Holy Angels who serve the Lord with an infinite sense of obedience while there are renegade and treacherous angels filled with evil. They were NOT created that way; it was THEIR CHOICE to rebel against their Creator and remain in darkness forever. Dearest children, be aware of the menaces from Evil spirits that abound all across the earth. They cannot be anywhere else in the universe because they were condemned to reside in the surrounding of the planet earth by the Creator. Unfortunately, just as it was in the Garden of Eden, when the Serpent opened itself to possession by Demons, so too, upon the face of the earth, there are people whose illegitimate ambitions and carelessness leads them to open themselves to POSSESSION by these same evil spirits. Dearest children, these spirits of darkness have existed from the beginning of time when God said "Let there be light" and the angels were created. While some of them remained faithful to their Creator, legions of others REBELLED OUT OF PRIDE against God who created them. 68 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices While this may sound fictitious, it is a reality and a WARNING to people who carelessly fall into the power of demonic spirits. Dearest children, EVIL SPIRITS ARE CAUSING HAVOC among the innocent people who are guarding themselves against anything that is impure and represents an insult to God and to His Mother who has been created pure and Holy. If you, My children, could see the violent battle going on between good and evil, you would die of fright. These are the things that, for your protection, you CANNOT BE PERMITTED TO SEE. They are frightening enough to shake your faith in the power of God to succeed at what He plans for His work of creation. Dearest children, there are some people who are SHIELDED by the presence of the Holy Spirit living within them and they are given the grace to see and understand the power of God over His creation and how patient God is as well as Merciful. I am your heavenly Mother, Your Lady of All Graces, who commends you for your bravery to have acted upon the words you received from the lips of MY SERVANT ALIX. He is faithful to what Jesus has entrusted to him and he spoke sincerely to all of you, telling you what is expected to take place if people fail to act diligently. Dearest children, THE ENTIRE PLANET EARTH IS FACING THE EXTREME DANGER OF DESTRUCTION, causing great harm to the world‟s population from the effect of sin caused by the process of ABORTION, EUTHANASIA, and Capital Punishment. Among these abominations, is the SIN OF WAR among God‟s children, THEFT, the sin of HOMOSEXUALITY and LESBIANISM, CHILD ABUSE and INCEST. There is no respect for the Church and the sin of those who PERPETRATE TERROR is alarming. Dearest children, The terrorist is acting against the teaching of the Moslem Religion by killing men and women young and old, even little children riding buses on their way to school. These people who spread terror in major parts of the earth are claiming that Allah is pleased with their actions because what they do, they do for Allah. Most of these people have NEVER KNOWN ANYTHING about the Commandment of Love nor do they respect the Ten Commandments where God says sternly: "THOU SHALL NOT KILL!" They fail to recognize the authority of the Supreme God, their heavenly Father, who created them. They do not make any effort to understand Christianity or the Christ who died for their sins. THEY MUST BE MADE TO UNDERSTAND that if it were not for Jesus there would be no salvation for them. Dearest children, for the people who BLATANTLY DISRESPECT LIFE, the AVENGING HAND OF GOD is sure to WEIGH HEAVILY if they do not seek the Truth and mend their ways. They are no less My dearest children; pray for them because they need to be converted to the true faith according to the Good News of Jesus Christ, for the sake of their own salvation. There is so many other UNMENTIONABLE FORMS OF SIN taking place in the world, that the CREATOR CANNOT REMAIN SILENT ANY LONGER. TIME IS SHORT; DO NOT WASTE IT.

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Prophetic Voices Dearest children, it cannot be difficult for you to understand why so many nations have removed themselves from the favor of God. He is Merciful and Kind. His love is eternal but love cannot coexist with hatred and purity cannot remain pure if comes in contact with impurity. Jesus loves all of you, children of the Father. However this is the sorrow of the Son and of the Mother that so many of the children are FACING HORRIBLE DEATH through the ABOMINABLE DESTRUCTION that is liable to take place because the people have yet to listen to the Woman, who is the Envoy of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Dearest children, I am here to awaken Jerusalem in you, you the people who follow the Arise, Jerusalem, Arise Ministry, which has been chosen by the Father to make known His Will for these times. Since so many people are REFUSING TO LISTEN TO THE CHURCH Jesus created for their salvation it falls upon you, the least among God‟s people, to evangelize the people with a firm hand and help them return to the fold. You will be empowered in special ways by the Holy Spirit working through you. Remain humble, My children, because it is through your weakness that God‟s power will be manifested in you. Dearest children, you who consider yourselves to be children of God and, therefore children of the Church, must accept the responsibility to propagate the message that has been entrusted to all of you. The end of time is not a consideration for you to worry about but, THE WORLD IS ON THE VERGE OF A TERRIBLE COLLAPSE if drastic changes fail to take place. A MAJOR TURBULENCE IN NATURE WILL TRANSFORM THE FACE OF THE EARTH to the point that it will be UNRECOGNIZED from what it is now. Dearest children, the THREE DAYS OF DARKNESS will cause the death of sin by the cleansing that comes from the power of the Holy Spirit and the EXPULSION of all forms of demonic powers from the face of the earth. NOT MANY PEOPLE WILL SURVIVE THESE TENEBROUS TIMES. However, be consoled by the knowledge that God, the Creator will NOT PERMIT His work of creation to crumple indefinitely. He will rebuild just as He did in the time of Noah and the earth will be made to look glorious for the joy of the Father whose love never fails. Dearest children, your Lady of All Graces loves you. She prays, prays and prays with you who pray ceaselessly that this horrible time may pass your generation, because you have decided to helped the people of the earth to renew their faith in the God who says: "SIN NO MORE !" I thank you, dearest children, for responding to My love and to the love of Jesus for all the children of the earth. Shalom - Shalom - Shalom.

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The Warning privately experienced Date: Tue, 2011-05-24 Prophet: anno domini - American seeër AND11052401 The Warning privately experienced Date: May 24th, 2011 Prophet: Anno Domini The Electric Fog and the Warning In a dream vision I saw a woman suspended horizontally in foggy air. No bed, board or ropes held her body. At first I thought she was asleep, but her eyes were open and she appeared to be thinking and in pain. She could not move, suffering a kind of paralysis, but she could feel a small ELECTRIC CURRENT coursing through her body. I could see no one near her. She was alone. I could hear the woman‟s thoughts as she lay CONSCIOUS, IN TORTUOUS PAIN AND UNABLE TO MOVE. In her mind she first appealed to God to deliver her, but there was no response. She panicked, horrified to realize that God had not answered her, or that God‟s answer had been silence. She did not think she could bear her PERPETUAL SOLITUDE, PAIN AND PARALYSIS. Mostly SHE COULD NOT BEAR THE SILENCE OF GOD. Then she understood that SHE WAS DEAD, AND NOT IN HEAVEN. Her soul could feel pain just as her living body had been able to in life. The woman had once been Christian, but had LOST HER BELIEF IN THE SAVING POWER OF JESUS. She NO LONGER BELIEVED Jesus Christ is the Son of God and she had relegated Him to the position of just one of many prophets. Yet in a recess of her mind lay a MEMORY of her Christian childhood, a short prayer her teacher nuns had taught her, THE JESUS PRAYER. Stuck in Purgatory or Hell, she did not know which place, and having little left to lose, the woman DECIDED TO PRAY TO JESUS. In her mind she called out, “JESUS CHRIST, SON OF GOD, HAVE MERCY UPON ME, A SINNER.” Instantly, the woman was delivered. She awoke, not in Heaven, but on Earth in her body and her bed. She had just experienced THE WARNING. 71 | P a g e

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They will control your food and your money Date: Sun, 2011-04-17 Prophet: the Warning - European seeër THW11041701 They will control your food and your money The Warning - European Seeër New World Order Plan to control your money and food Sunday 17th April 2011 9am My beloved daughter tell the world that they are about to WITNESS A NUMBER OF ECOLOGICAL DISASTERS now. They will occur in the MOST UNUSUAL and UNEXPECTED places and will be SEVERE in their intensity. Man´s sinful behaviour has brought this about. Repent all of you and remember these climatic disasters will wake you up from your blind slumber and lack of faith. They are also taking place to dilute the impact of the evil group of global alliances and their wicked stupid activities. These groups under what I will term as a NEW WORLD GOVERNMENT in waiting are planning to spring now under the LEADERSHIP OF THE ANTI-CHRIST. These SAME groups have brought about the collapse of the Banking system and will NOW DESTROY CURRENCIES everywhere. This is so that they can CONTROL YOU. My daughter when I first shared this message some months ago you thought that the messages seemed bizarre yet you wrote down what I told you. The WICKED EVIL PLAN these serpents, followers of Satan, has been plotted for some time now. Some of their cunning schemes are already being revealed yet many people believe that the world is simply going through yet another financial crisis. Wake up all of you now. Look around you and see for yourselves. Stop trying to imply that the world is simply in the throes of a depression caused by a slump in the economy. BECAUSE THIS IS NOT TRUE. THESE PEOPLE WILL NOW CONTROL EACH OF YOU THROUGH A GLOBAL CURRENCY AND YOUR COUNTRY´S INDEBTEDNESS. NO COUNTRY WILL ESCAPE THEIR CLUTCHES. 72 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices Please heed My word. YOUR MONEY WILL BE WORTHLESS. Your access to food and other necessities will only be possible through the MARK [of the Beast], the identification I spoke about. Please, please, do NOT ACCEPT this Mark because you will be lost to Me. THIS MARK [666] WILL KILL YOU not just physically but spiritually. Remain outside of this jurisdiction. START PLANNING YOUR FOOD STOCK PILES, BLANKETS, CANDLES AND WATER NOW if you want to avoid receiving The Mark. The Mark of the Beast. He the ANTI-CHRIST, who will head this New World Government, believes he WILL STEAL THE SOULS of the human race. BUT HE WON´T. Just as many will fall under his influence so too will my followers remain steadfastly loyal to Me their Divine Saviour. For all of you who will pour scorn on these prophecies, listen now. Fall under the influence of this global power and you will be lost. You will need strong faith to survive. Prayers you request will be answered. I will protect you during this fearsome period on earth. Prepare now for group gatherings where you will be able to pray in peace and secrecy. They, the New World Order will also BE IN PRAYER IN THEIR OWN VILE CHURCHES. These churches exist everywhere although they have been set up in secret. They hold SACRIFICES AND PAY HOMAGE TO THEIR IDOL SATAN. These cults are rampant now and all share the one ludicrous goal, to control mankind. They will do this by ATTEMPTING TO CONTROL YOUR MONEY, FOOD SUPPLIES AND ENERGY. Fight them in the best way you can through prayer and the spread of conversion. Pray too for these deluded people who have been made promised of great wealth, technology, longer life and miracles. HOW WRONG THEY ARE. They have been truly deceived. When they find out the truth they will have been plunged into the depths of Hell and it will be too late. Pray, pray, all of you My Divine Mercy and the MOST HOLY ROSARY every day as often as you can to alleviate the impact of this devious and demonic plan. Pray too for those souls who will be lost in the IMMINENT GLOBAL ECOLOGICAL DISASTERS brought about by the Hand of God, the Father. They need your prayers. Please heed my plea for prayers for they will be answered. Your beloved Saviour Jesus Christ

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Huge loss of life to be expected Date: Sun, 2011-04-17 Prophet: the Warning - European seeër THW11041702 Huge loss of live to be expected Rge Warning - European Seeër Wrath of God to descend on New World Order Sunday 17th April 2011 19.00 hours My dearly beloved daughter it is with great sadness that I must tell you that PENDING ECOLOGICAL CATASTROPHES will result in a HUGE LOSS OF LIFE IN ASIA, EUROPE, RUSSIA AND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. The wrath of God, My Eternal Father will fall swiftly on this Global Alliance who are PLOTTING UNDERGROUND ORGANIZATIONS to inflict death on the rest of the world for their own gain. They are responsible for creating wealth farms and new technologies which would dazzle you were they not so sinister in their aims. These people from EVERY FIRST WORLD COUNTRY are rich, powerful, talented and CONTROL banks, military, world humanitarian organizations, police forces, Governments, Energy suppliers and the media. None of you can escape their clutches UNLESS I TELL YOU HOW. Prayer, especially the recital of the Divine Mercy, will spread conversion and by saying the HOLY ROSARY this will dilute the work of these evil parasites whose IDOL IS SATAN. The interesting thing is this. Many of these fanatics caught up in this deceitful web believe they are being simply ambitious with a natural desire for wealth and do not hold any religious beliefs. What they don‟t know is, that they ARE BEING DECEIVED BY SATAN and are influenced by him daily. In their thoughts, aspirations, words and deeds. How BLIND they are. EVERYWHERE they are clustered so TOO will the wrath of God descend with frightening force. This is already underway. They will be stopped but it will take a little time. It will NOT stop them entirely but it will dilute the horrific impact their deeds would otherwise have. The Blessed Trinity is NOW ACTIVE in communicating to chosen souls all over the world. Believers will have noticed this already. Those who don‟t believe in God, the Father, think that these people are merely doomsday cranks. 74 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices While many people in the world today can indeed make false claims, please, DO NOT IGNORE THEM without first hearing what they have to say. Always pray for guidance during these difficult and confusing times. Keep your attention focused on Me, your Divine Saviour, at all times. I will hold your hand and support you through these trials. Many people, when they witness THESE PROPHECIES COMING TO LIGHT, will panic and will be terrified in many instances. But there is no need to fear because this period will be short lived. AND THEN WILL COME THE NEW HEAVEN AND EARTH where you will all live peaceful, long and blissful lives in union with Me. The more people turn back and ask God the Father for guidance the less the impact of the evil reign planned by New World Order will be. Go now in peace. Pray to strengthen your belief in Me. Your merciful Saviour and Just Judge Jesus Christ

Timing of Earth Events adjusted Date: Mon, 2011-04-11 Prophet: anno domini - American seeër AND11041110 Timing of Earth Events adjusted Date: April 11th, 2011 Prophet: Anno Domini The Sword and the Clock in the Night Sky In a dream vision I stood on the Earth and looked up into the night sky. Instead of seeing the usual darkness between the stars, there was no darkness at all, but a soft and muted light blue. The night sky was really a luminous blue blanket with white pearls for stars. Above and to the right I saw a sword hanging and moving slightly. It was not a solid metal sword, but a TRANSLUCENT ONE, even a transparent one; through the sword, I could see the sky. Then above and to the left I saw a clock or time piece winding backwards or counterclockwise. This clock was also transparent, revealing the sky behind it. IN SPIRITUAL SIGHT, this luminous night sky, a muted light blue, is really how the universe appears. There is little darkness. The space between stars and planets is full of light too. THE LIGHT IS EVERYWHERE BECAUSE GOD IS EVERYWHERE. 75 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices The SWORD indicates a SPIRITUAL WAR TO BE TRANSLATED PHYSICALLY INTO AN EARTHLY WAR. It also represents the ANGELS‟ SWORDS OF PROTECTION of body and, most importantly, spirit. The sword is also the SWORD OF DAMOCLES that humanity must face. Humanity, STEEPED IN SIN AND CAUGHT IN ILLUSION, confronts, what appears to those trapped in body consciousness, to be a difficult choice: to acknowledge and protect the soul at all cost. THE SPIRITUAL COST OF DECISIONS IS INFINITELY MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE PHYSICAL COST. The physical is only condensed spirit, a temporary casing. Any physical loss can be recreated by God in an instant, as God illustrated with Job and Jesus demonstrated with Lazarus. Remember that you are never alone or surrounded by darkness. You are like the night sky: concentrated light objects connected in a bed of muted light blue…light. The CLOCK indicates heavenly timing of earth events. All events on Earth first BEGIN ELSEWHERE in a world of forms we cannot see with our earthly eyes. THE TIMING OF EARTH EVENTS IS ADJUSTED ACCORDING TO GOD‟S WILL. He is mercifully turning the clock BACKWARD to give us MORE TIME TO DO WHAT WE MUST FOR SALVATION – ours and others‟ – before humanity‟s time runs out.

Prayer can save millions Date: Sat, 2011-04-16 Prophet: the Warning - European seeër THW11041602 Prayer can save millions The Warning - European Seeër Even small prayer groups of Divine Mercy can save millions Saturday 16th April 2011 time 22.45 hours 10.45pm My beloved daughter, the time for THE WARNING IS NOW CLOSE and it will happen quickly in the blink of an eye. ALL WILL BE STOPPED IN THEIR TRACKS as they witness My Great Mercy. PRAY FOR ALL THOSE IN MORTAL SIN as a priority. They need your prayers for MANY OF THEM WILL DROP STONE DEAD FROM SHOCK when they see the HORROR, as seen through My eyes, of the SINFUL ATROCITIES they have committed. 76 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices [Some messages hold that 60 million people will die from shock during the Warning.] Praying The Divine Mercy prayer CAN SAVE MILLIONS even if it only a small group of devout loving followers. I WILL NOT GIVE YOU A DATE, My daughter, for this great event. BUT BE ASSURED THE TIME IS NOW UPON THE WORLD. As the EVIL CONTINUES TO GROW UNABATED across the entire world so too will the hand of My Father now fall everywhere. He will NOT STAND BACK and allow these evil sinners in league with Satan to destroy or infect My children any longer. SHAME ON THOSE SELF OBSESSED SINNERS, whom I still love despite the evil stain of their sin. I ask you to pray for the forgiveness of their sins now. AS THE WARNING WILL NOW [SOON] TAKE PLACE so too will the ECOLOGICAL DISASTERS befall mankind. PRAYER IS YOUR ONLY WEAPON NOW, My children, to save yourselves and mankind from the fires of Hell. ONCE THE WARNING IS OVER PEACE AND JOY WILL PREVAIL [DURING A SHORT TIME]. And then [THEREAFTER] the PERSECUTION by the New World Alliance will commence. Their power will be weakened if enough of you spread conversion and pray hard. DON‟T BE AFRAID, My beloved followers, you will work closely together to pray for the salvation of mankind. And you will SAVE MILLIONS OF SOULS in the process. Your beloved Saviour Jesus Christ -------------------------------------------NOTE: SEE: AND: READ THESE ARTICLES TO KNOW ABOUT THE SEQUENCE OF EVENTS.

Experiences during the Great Warning Date: Sat, 2011-04-16 Prophet: the Warning - European seeër

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Prophetic Voices THW11041601 Experiences during the Warning The Warning - European Seeër What you will experience during The Warning and Prayer for instant pardon Saturday 16th April 2011 time 10am My beloved daughter, move quickly to escalate awareness around My message for THE WARNING IS ALMOST UPON THE WORLD. Tell those souls WHO REFUSE TO PRAY to push aside their pride and distaste and turn to Me now to ASK FOR FORGIVENESS. Be clear that many MANY SOULS WILL NOT SURVIVE THIS IMMINENT EVENT. Many of these souls are simply lazy and while they may, behind it all, believe in God, the Eternal Father, they think that AT SOME TIME IN THE FUTURE they will then deal with their spiritual beliefs. BUT IT WILL BE TOO LATE. TELL THE WORLD THIS EVENT IS GOING TO SAVE THEM. Many will repent during this mystical experience. They will feel a burning sensation, not unlike that experienced by souls in purgatory. This will give them an INSIGHT as to what souls, who are not fully clean, have to go through before they can see the glorious light of Heaven. BY SIMPLY ACCEPTING THAT THIS EVENT MAY TAKE PLACE THEY CAN SURVIVE IT. Turn to me and say “Please guide me towards the light and goodness of your great mercy and FORGIVE ME FOR MY SINS” and I will pardon you instantly. Then AFTER THE WARNING you will experience a deep peace and joy in your soul. YOUNG PEOPLE FIND IT EMBARRASSING TO PRAY. Many people in the world today refuse to pray. Many young people in particular find it embarrassing and old fashioned. They mistakenly believe that yes, while they do hold a belief in God, that PRAYER is not necessary. THIS IS NOT TRUE. IT IS ESSENTIAL in order to enter the Paradise you will desperately crave after death. If you remain in sin you cannot taste this glorious feast. Just as those of you who keep fit, look after your body, watch what you eat carefully and keep trim so TOO MUST YOU PREPARE YOUR SOUL IN THIS WAY. Without paying attention closely as to the state of your soul it will become weak and lacking in the nourishment needed to ensure that it is in perfect shape.

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Prophetic Voices PRAYER TO SAY TO CONVERT OTHERS Because of the weakness of faith among those in the world who are believers those of you who are strong in your faith have a huge responsibility now. YOU MUST PRAY this conversion prayer for the others. “I urge you Jesus, in your Divine Mercy, to cover those lukewarm souls with your Precious Blood so that they can be converted.” Say this short prayer on behalf of those whom you believe need it most. Remember children My glorious promise. I will triumph in the end. SATAN, THE DECEIVER, SIMPLY CANNOT SURVIVE. Please let Me protect you and take you with Me. Don‟t give Satan your soul. I love you all. Keep asking Me to strength your belief every day. Your Divine Saviour King of Mercy and Compassion Jesus Christ

Dangers around you are increasing Date: Mon, 2011-05-16 Prophet: Holy Love HOL11051601 Dangers around you are increasing Holy Love Messages May 16th, 2011 "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate." "I must ask you to spread this Message as you do all the others - to all people - all nations. In your area of the world, you are experiencing RECORD FLOODING (USA). People scurry to protect their property, life and limb. Today, I tell you in all truth, that SOULS ARE IN JEOPARDY TO A FAR GREATER EXTENT than properties and lives are here. You must shore up the righteousness of Holy Love in your hearts. Your prayers and sacrifices are the sandbags you need to stem THE RISING TIDE OF JUSTICE." "Do not be caught off guard by COMPLACENCY, for I am here now telling you, SOLEMNLY, the DANGERS AROUND YOU ARE ON THE INCREASE.

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Prophetic Voices Pray for the heart of Noah which was sober and alert. Just as the Father warned him of IMPENDING DANGER, I am WARNING YOU. Noah responded despite opposition and ridicule. You must be the ones who listen today. Help Me to draw all people and all nations into the ark of My Mother's Heart which is Holy Love. It is through Holy Love - My Mother's Heart - you can be at peace." "Let My words to you be a ray of light amidst the clouds of confusion." ------------------------May 16th, 2011 Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate." "My brothers and sisters, claim your citizenship in My Mother's Immaculate Heart, which is your spiritual refuge. Give Her sovereignty over your thoughts, words and deeds. I tell you, this is My call to every heart, not just one heart. It is My call to the heart of the world." "I'm blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love." ==================

My Warnings went unheeded Date: Fri, 2011-05-13 Prophet: Holy Love HOL11051301 My Warnings went unheeded Holy Love Messages May 13th, 2011 Feast of Our Lady of Fatima Our Lady comes as Our Lady of Fatima. She says: "Praise be to Jesus." "It has been almost a century since My apparitions at Fatima (1917). Since then, Heaven has tried to intervene in the DESTRUCTIVE COURSE OF EVENTS taking place in the world. MY WARNINGS WENT UNHEEDED AT FATIMA. Many lives and souls were lost. Today, here at this site, I have been sent by My Son ONCE AGAIN to draw mankind into the truth, but MOST DO NOT LISTEN."

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Prophetic Voices "I do not come to impose but to invite. Dear children, if you CANNOT ACCEPT MY WARNINGS AND HEED THEM, you will have MUCH MORE TO SUFFER THAN A WORLD WAR. Danger is all around you - in POLITICS that have sacrificed righteousness for ambition, in the MEDIA that has encouraged MORAL DEGENERATION and in the acceptance of SATAN'S LIES over the truth." "Today I tell you, it is not acceptable to wait for some formal [ecclesiastic] approval to believe and live these Messages of Holy Love. YOU HAVEN'T GOT THE TIME. Compromise holds sway over many hearts that you look to for endorsement. Many people embrace LIES OVER TRUTH for the sake of popularity, position and power." "But no one holds power over God's Justice. My visits here are the SAME AS AT FATIMA where I came to convert the heart of the world. HASTEN TO YOUR CONVERSION. Evangelize the truthful, scripturally sound Message of Holy Love by becoming the Message. Allow Me to fill your hearts with the truth. It is by your efforts the direction of the heart of the world can change." ------------------------Feast of Our Lady of Fatima Blessed Mother is here as Our Lady of Fatima. She says: "Praise be to Jesus." "My dear children, please realize in the depths of your hearts, that you will NEVER HAVE PEACE in your own hearts or amongst nations, OUTSIDE of Holy Love." "Today there are WHOLE IDEOLOGIES AND NATIONS WHICH OPPOSE HOLY LOVE. Therefore, I continue to plead with you to pray, pray, pray." "Tonight I'm blessing you with My Blessing of Holy Love."

How to ensure to enter heaven Date: Fri, 2011-04-15 Prophet: the Warning - European seeër THW11041501 How to ensure to enter heaven The Warning - European Seeër How to ensure your family and friends can enter Heaven Received Friday 15th April 2011 3.30pm 81 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices My beloved daughter I rejoice because so many good and devout followers of Mine join together during Holy Week as one to honour the sacrifice I made for all. A sacrifice I would willingly give up again and again were it to save every single one of you. My love is deep for every individual in the world each of whom was created through the Holy Will of God, the Eternal Father, Creator of mankind. All of you hold a very special place in My heart even those of you who dont know Me. If you were promised a life on this earth offering you wealth and happiness many of you would jump at the chance. So desperate are you to satisfy your aspirations of the Body. If men were offered PARADISE IN HEAVEN they would find it hard to envisage. I understand this. For the lukewarm soul he would need to have a vivid imagination to fathom this glorious place. He will always struggle to envisage this glorious entity. The only souls who can are those with a strong faith in the existence of God. The ONLY WAY TO TRULY UNDERSTAND the jewel that awaits each one of you is to strengthen your belief. The only way to do this is to pray hard to see the truth. The light. The glittering future that awaits all those who honour God, the Father Almighty. Believers you must pray for your friends, spouses, relatives, parents, brothers, sisters and children who have little faith. My prayer of Divine Mercy, when recited by you on their behalf will save their souls. That is My promise to you now. Your Loving Saviour Jesus Christ

Wake up to the Truth Date: Fri, 2011-04-15 Prophet: the Warning - European seeër THW11041502 Wake up to the Truth The Warning - European Seeër Wake up to the Truth before it is too Late Friday 15th April 2011 22.00 hours (11pm) My beloved daughter you must tell the world that My most Holy Will MUST NOW be adhered to IF mankind wants eternal life. This world will, although it has much to offer, never satisfy your hunger. 82 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices Were it not for the sins of YOUR FIRST PARENTS ADAM AND EVE then, yes, it would have been possible to live in eternal happiness with no obstacles in your way. Because The Deceiver is everywhere he will not let any of you plan your life towards Me. Cunning, a liar, he will strive continuously to ensure that you fall into sin through various means of seduction. He will find it very difficult, however, to target you IF YOU ARE IN A STATE OF GRACE ACHIEVED THROUGH CONFESSION AND THE BLESSED SACRAMENTS. THE HOLY ROSARY IS ESPECIALLY EFFECTIVE AGAINST SATAN because of the powers given to the Blessed Virgin, My Mother, by God the Eternal Father. SHE HAS TREMENDOUS POWER OVER THE DECEIVER. HE IS POWERLESS AGAINST HER and he knows this. If you allow My Holy Mother to guide you towards the graces she can intercede for on your behalf then you will be IMMUNE to his influence. While people today strive towards happiness and peace on this earth they look for a SECRET FORMULA. This is where they spend time trying to unlock the secret of happiness, material gain and peace in their lives. They come up with new ways, ideas, all of which are promoted through get rich schemes. Irrespective of all the arguments they put forward, most of which are based on psychologically driven idealism, it is SIMPLY NOT POSSIBLE TO ATTAIN PEACE AND JOY IN YOUR LIVES IF YOU DO NOT BELIEVE IN GOD, THE ETERNAL FATHER. He is the only giver of life. Without becoming close to Him you will be empty of spirit. Those of you who invest considerable amount of time trying to disprove My existence waste your time chasing dreams which will never come to fruition. Your stubborn refusal to ACKNOWLEDGE YOUR CREATOR, the supreme being who created this world will lead you into an abyss of eternal darkness. Many people like you who went to extraordinary length to deny the existence of God in their lifetime, by spreading the lie that there is no such thing as God the Father, ARE NOW SADLY IN THE DEPTHS OF HELL by their own choice. Don‟t you allow this to happen to your souls where those who do end up in Hell burn as if they were still made of flesh. How Satan laughs at your ignorance. WHEN YOU DENY GOD YOU ARE DENYING YOUR RIGHT TO ETERNAL HAPPINESS. This same eternal happiness is what you seek relentlessly in this world. BUT IT CANNOT BE ATTAINED ON EARTH. Never live your life on earth as if this is the only part of the cycle of your existence.

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Prophetic Voices Because it is not. Your real home will be in Paradise with Me. Your loving Saviour Jesus Christ

I am present in the Eucharist Date: Thu, 2011-04-14 Prophet: the Warning - European seeër THW11041401 I am present in the Eucharist The Warning-European Seeër I am present in the Eucharist despite the misinterpretation of My Promise Thursday 14th April 2011 My dearly beloved daughter do not worry you are improving in the way you are setting time aside in prayer to Me. Now it is important that man understands that in order to come closer to My heart he MUST UNDERSTAND the need to receive the sacrament of the most Holy Eucharist. Many people, including other [than Catholic] Christian groups, DENY MY REAL PRESENCE IN THE EUCHARIST. WHY they have decided to deny the promises I made at My last supper, where I promised I would give My flesh and blood as food and nourishment for your souls, is UNCLEAR. What is clear is that the MIRACLE OF THE HOLY EUCHARIST, present in all tabernacles all over the world, EXISTS TODAY and is there to fill your POOR UNDERNOURISHED AND EMPTY SOULS with My presence. This presence will STRENGTHEN YOU in ways, that were you to miss receiving Me, once you get used to this, you will feel lost. MANY CHRISTIANS IGNORE ONE OF THE MOST FUNDAMENTAL PROMISES I made during My Crucifixion, where I WOULD BE PRESENT IN BREAD AND WINE and leave a PERMANENT MARK to help nourish souls. TOO MUCH HUMAN REASONING has meant that I have been REJECTED by even well meaning [nonCatholic] Christians. These same Christians CANNOT receive the Holy Eucharist in its true form. The most Holy Eucharist was given to you all AS A GREAT GIFT for your redemption and salvation. 84 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices By REJECTING the fact that I am present, means that you are FORFEITING SPECIAL GRACES which are part of a pact to bring Me even closer into your hearts. Remember when I died for you, it was to lead you towards eternal life and salvation. Receive Me as the LIVING PRESENCE and your souls will alight in ways you would not have believed possible. TURN BACK TO RECEIVING MY BODY AND BLOOD. Let Me remove your doubts. This is ONE OF THE BIGGEST MISTAKES Christians have made by denying me entry to their souls in this way. It greatly offends My Eternal Father because of the sacrifice involved to save your soul. Let Me bring light and nourishment into your lives. You will be MORE INCLINED TO ACCEPT THE TRUTH OF MY TEACHING AFTER THE WARNING TAKES PLACE. Remember what I promised during My last supper, that when you [the Priest during Mass] takes the bread and wine it will become (for you) My Body and My Blood. ANY OTHER INTERPRETATION HAS BEEN DISTORTED BY HUMAN LOGIC AND REASONING. Now understand and accept the truth. Your loving Saviour Jesus Christ

Millions of Souls saved through these Messages Date: Thu, 2011-04-07 Prophet: the Warning - European seeër THW11040701 Millions of souls saved through these Messages The Warning - European Seeër Millions of Souls will be saved through these messages Thursday 7th April 2011 time 10pm (22.00 hours) My beloved daughter the gift of the Holy Spirit was bestowed on you today along with special Divine graces. You, My daughter, having surrendered your free will, will now move on to do My Most Holy Will. You will now realise the importance of full obedience to Me. In your thoughts, words, acts, behaviour and attitude. You will now follow My guidance and seek it out before you take any action on My behalf.

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Prophetic Voices Finally you are ready to follow My instruction. You now need to devote at least two hours to Me in prayer every second day. In addition you must follow directions from the most Holy spiritual director sent to you from Heaven. He will speak to you as I instruct him to. Do exactly what he says. You must ensure that you communicate with Me every day because I have much to tell you. My daughter hear only My voice from now on. Only write what you receive from Me. Never take meanings about these most Holy messages from others. There is only one mouth with which I communicate to you and that‟s Mine. Trust me My daughter. Trust in Me completely. Never question these messages because it is Me speaking with you. Always remember that. Now that you trust in Me you will be much stronger. Let Me assure you that you will now be able to deal more effectively with the attacks from The Deceiver Feel at peace. The love for you, My daughter, is surging through My heart while your devotion and love for Me fills you and makes you weak. This powerful love is pure in its entirety and cannot be compared to anything you have ever experienced before in this world. Heaven rejoices at your final surrender. But now you will have to prepare yourself to HELP SAVE MILLIONS OF SOULS. My daughter the task I ask of you is enormous in human terms. You, My daughter, will be the messenger to the world of the LARGEST VOLUME OF MY HOLY WORD for the world to PREPARE FOR MY SECOND COMING. They, My precious children whom I love with a deep passion beyond your knowing, must be drawn back to My most Sacred Heart BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE. You My daughter will be expected to deliver My word to mankind. THIS IS NO EASY TASK. You will suffer because of it but you must understand that this now is your duty to Me. You are being called to ensure that through the word from My Divine lips that MILLIONS OF SOULS WILL BE SAVED from the fires of Hell. Communicate with Me properly now. I will guide you all the time. Peace be yours, My daughter. My Most Holy Spirit is now flooding your soul. You are now full of love and joy and ready for the next stage of this Divine mission. Your Saviour Jesus Christ

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Prophetic Voices Date: Mon, 2011-04-11 Prophet: anno domini - American seeër AND11041106 The US Dollar stretched too thin Date: April 11th, 2011 Prophet: Anno Domini The Dollar that Stretched Too Thin is Replaced In a dream vision I saw a single US dollar pulled and stretched thinner as one can extend a rubber band. Soon I saw holes appear in the dollar and I could see through the holes. Then suddenly, I watched the dollar DISAPPEAR altogether. In another dream vision I saw a NEW WORLD CURRENCY, which resembled a GOLD COIN. On it was stamped the name of a cult of the Dark Forces. Because of the expansion of the money supply and other factors, the US dollar will go through a period of HYPERINFLATION and then DISAPPEAR TO BE REPLACED by ANOTHER WORLD CURRENCY coined by the Dark Forces.

Death and the Birthday party Date: Mon, 2011-05-09 Prophet: anno domini - American seeër AND11050901 Death and the Birthday Party Date: May 9th, 2011 Prophet: Anno Domini Death and the Birthday Party In a vision I saw a woman prisoner stand with others before a military figure who pointed a rifle at her chest before EXECUTING HER. The woman was being punished for speaking, and refusing to recant, some forbidden truth. The man shot her at point-blank range in her chest. Though the woman expected to feel much pain, she actually FELT LITTLE PAIN as she fell. As she lay on the ground, before she died, she heard the SURPRISING SOUND OF APPLAUSE. The applause did NOT come from this world.

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Prophetic Voices Though she was not yet dead, she could hear THOSE IN HEAVEN CONGRATULATING HER. I heard a heavenly voice tell her, “You have lived your entire life for this moment. You did what you came to do.” A party, a WELCOMING BIRTHDAY PARTY, awaited her in HER HEAVENLY HOME on the OTHER SIDE OF THE VEIL. Every breath we take is a GIFT of our Creator, who can take this breath from us at will. We are GOD‟S BREATH IN CLAY, and our bodies will return to dust. Our lives are not a birthright, but a temporary incarnation of God‟s image in physical form. There is no greater path than that of service to the SPIRITUAL SALVATION of humanity. This path is not always easy. It can be lonely, difficult, and sometimes dangerous. Nevertheless, it is a journey most worthy, EXPANDING AND BRIGHTENING, MORE QUICKLY MATURING THE SOUL. In the TUMULTUOUS TIMES AHEAD, Christians may face what so many fear – DEATH AS A PRICE FOR THEIR SERVICE TO GOD AND HUMANITY. The Lord Jesus once taught, “THERE IS NO GREATER GIFT THAN TO GIVE UP ONE‟S LIFE FOR ANOTHER.” He bestowed this very same gift, his blessed life, upon us. He modeled what some Christians from all ages have been called to do. If MARTYRDOM be your lot, GOD MAY LESSEN YOUR SUFFERING in death. Before Saint Stephen‟s death by stoning, God caused Stephen to see “the Heavens open” and then caused Stephen to “fall asleep” (Acts 7:56, 60). NOTE: In Theology to die a martyrs death is called the Birthday for Heaven.

You NOW live in an Evil Society Date: Tue, 2011-05-10 Prophet: Anna Marie ANM11051001 You NOW live in an Evil Society Apostolate of Green Scapular May 10th,2011 MESSAGE FROM JESUS CHRIST OUR SAVIOR Anna Marie Jesus: Please let my beloved children know that I, their Divine Savior, hear every prayer and I have NOT forsaken 88 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices anyone. YOU NOW LIVE IN AN EVIL SOCIETY DESTINED TO DESTROY ITSELF. With the loss of God in your daily lives, grace CAN NOT guide you to do what is right. Evil is prevailing through IMMORAL LAWS set by the lusts and sinful desired of CORRUPT AND UNHOLY POLITICIANS. Your nation will suffer as a whole because NOT EVERYONE is praying to My Father to stop these actions from godless men and women. Jesus: If a man or woman holds a seat of authority, he or she will answer to My Father on how he or she fulfilled their duties as a child of God, who is his or her Creator. God our Father did not create any man nor woman, hating them from conception. My Father, who is Mercy, offers all mankind the opportunities to convert from their evil ways, but many DO NOT OR WILL NOT accept His grace. They choose sin over grace. They choose riches over humbleness. They choose self over others. For these reasons, your country, which is IN FINANCIAL PERIL NOW, will continue on its path of FINANCIAL RUIN UNLESS my children pray ! Jesus: All matters, big or small, can be mitigated, healed, restored, recovered and made new again WITH PRAYER. Pray children, again I ask, pray, pray, pray. Pray daily for the healing of your nation. Pray daily for the conversion of your sinful politicians. Pray daily for my Father‟s merciful love to restore your nation to a nation of love and obedience to God My Father in Heaven. Will you remember these I ask ? Will you write them down and read them daily ? Can you pray for your nation ? Can you pray for your government leaders to be converted back to the principles of God‟s Law ? Can you pray for sinners in your own home ? In your own families ? Can you pray for your own spiritual self ? To do the will of My Father on earth ? To live the Commandments of Life ? To love thy neighbor as thyself ? Give, give, give ! It is better to give than to receive. Jesus: My beloved children, I your Divine Savior died on a cross for your sins. I gave up my life so that you could spend your eternal life with me in heaven. Now I ask you to PRAY FOR THE CONVERSION OF OTHERS who refuse my love. Pray for those who have been harmed by others in ways so awful. 89 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices Those who have been abused as a child have a very difficult time of opening their heart to Me, but in doing so they can find peace. They can find healing. They can find love but they must first FORGIVE their abuser. Jesus: THE SECRET OF BEING HEALED IS FOUND ONLY AFTER YOU HAVE FIRST FORGIVEN HE OR SHE WHO HAS ABUSED YOU OR HAS ABANDONED YOU. My daughter, please include this mornings Scripture which I gave you. [St. Mark 11:25].

Prepare for gasoline shortages in USA Date: Tue, 2011-04-12 Prophet: anno domini - American seeër AND11041209 Prepare for gasoline shortages in USA Date: April 12th, 2011 Prophet: Anno Domini Gasoline Targeted for Shortages and Higher Prices In a dream vision I saw several planes of all types and sizes trying to crash into a gas station. This was similar to 9/11 because some planes had been commandeered, and these crashes came in a sequence, one after the other. THE TARGET WAS THE GAS INDUSTRY, PARTICULARLY ITS DISTRIBUTION. In another dream vision I saw gasoline [in the USA] selling for $8 PER GALLON. NOTE: [1 gallon = 3,785 liter] [1 US$ = 0,699888 EURO on May 10th, 2011] [This gives approximately € 1,48/liter] [Quite normal for many Europeans] PREPARE FOR FUTURE SHORTAGES, and the resulting higher prices, of gasoline [in the USA and europe]. Reduce your consumption of gasoline, and of unnecessary items. Think about WHAT FUELS YOUR LIFESTYLE. IS IT THE SPIRIT OF GOD ?

Never judge other religions and creeds Date: Wed, 2011-04-06 90 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices Prophet: the Warning - European seeër THW11040601 Never judge other religions and creeds The Warning - European Seeër Never judge other religions, creeds or sexual preferences Received Wednesday April 6th 2011 My beloved daughter the torment you are enduring is because The Deceiver is constantly trying to tempt you to give up this most sacred work. He is tearing you apart. Accept this. Never doubt My Divine Word no matter how difficult this may be for you. You will be rewarded with the spirit of peace when you truly surrender to Me. Keep telling Me this every day throughout the day and ask Me for the graces to fill you with joy as soon as The Deceiver attacks you. Keep strong My daughter. Never give up. Keep your mind free of clutter and concentrate on My messages for the world. THEY ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT MESSAGES FOR MANKIND TODAY. They are being given to INSTRUCT MANKIND to find the RIGHT PATH TOWARDS ME once again. People are confused by My Teachings. Many people are lost now. They are confused by My teachings and the numerous ways in which they have been interpreted. Watered Down. Changed. Added to. Taken Away. My children need guidance now so that they can seek the graces needed for them to become strong again and light of heart. This can ONLY come about from PRAYER and by ADHERING TO My teachings. I do not exclude one single soul in the world. My children, who are converted, know this and become closer to My heart through the Sacraments. However for those wandering lost children they must start right at the beginning and remind themselves of the TEN COMMANDMENTS given to the world through Moses. Many many children today are not aware of these. I do NOT EXCLUDE one single soul in the world IRRESPECTIVE of which religion they practice. WARNING TO BELIEVERS who look down on other creeds If My believers differentiate themselves and place or exalt themselves at the expense of those who are unaware of My teachings, then they are behaving just as the Pharisees did.

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Prophetic Voices Shame on those who consider themselves above those souls who need enlightenment. Shame on those who, although they are aware of the truth, pour scorn on those of different faiths. Who believe that by being privy to the truth, and who benefit from the most Holy Sacraments, that they are more important in My eyes. Yes, I receive great comfort and joy in My heart from those devout followers. But WHEN THEY CONDEMN OR JUDGE OTHERS BECAUSE OF THEIR FAITH they offend me greatly. Followers of mine open your eyes to the truth of My teachings at the MOST SIMPLE LEVEL. Judge not others. Do not look down on those whom you believe to be sinners and who reject My teachings. Because they are equal to you in My eyes although you have been given the gift of the truth. It brings me great heartache when those followers, though well meaning, dictate to those poor lost souls how to live their lives. They go about it the wrong way. NEVER tell those of different creeds or sexual preferences they are doomed. To push My teachings in a manner where you tell those who are not followers that they will perish or come to harm by brandishing their ways as „evil‟ will simply render them weaker than before. Many will simply turn their backs on you. Then you will have failed. Instead of lecturing, show compassion. Teach through example. Never tell or attempt to say to these people that they are doomed in My eyes. Because they are not. I love every single soul of all religions. Of all persuasions. Of all creeds. Of all sexual preferences. EACH ONE IS A PRECIOUS CHILD. No one better than the next. While sin will always be there – you are all sinners - remember that – it will be up to each one of you to follow My teachings and spread My word. Embrace each other. Show compassion to each other. Don‟t exclude anyone irrespective as to whether they are Catholics, Other Christian Denominations, Islam, Hindu, Jews, Buddhist – even those new cults which have emerged who do not believe in God, The Eternal Father. Pray for them. Teach them the importance of opening their hearts to the truth. Teach through example. Spread conversion. BUT NEVER EVER INFLICT JUDGEMENT ON OTHERS or attempt to differentiate yourself from those who do not understand the truth.

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Prophetic Voices Never believe because you have been given the graces from Heaven because of your allegiance to Me that you are better than your brothers or sisters. Yes, you bring joy to My Sacred heart but you must deal with others in a loving but NOT DICTATORIAL manner. NONE OF YOU IS WORTHY TO JUDGE OTHERS. Remember this lesson – not one of you is worthy to judge or access others. No one has the power or divine knowledge to make any MORAL assessment of others. Keep an open mind always and remember the day you believe you are more important in My eyes than those you deem to be sinners, is the day you become lost to Me. I WILL NOT EXCLUDE ANY CREED FROM THESE MESSAGES. My word is now being given as a gift to mankind. Each and every one of you. I will not, through these communications, focus on just one group of devout followers. For those of you who understand the truth let Me remind you. ALL MY CHILDREN THE WORLD OVER, especially those most hardened sinners and-those who do not believe in the existence of My Eternal Father, God the Creator and Maker of all things, are now a priority. It will be up to you, My followers, to pray very hard and SHOW LOVE TO THOSE WHO ARE BLIND. But do this in the way I am instructing you. Remember finally I love all of you. Your loving Saviour Jesus Christ King of all Mankind

Hand of Eternal Father coming down NOW Date: Mon, 2011-04-04 Prophet: the Warning - European seeër THW11040401 Hand of Eternal Father coming down NOW The Warning - European Seeër Hand of My Eternal Father will now fall on this ungrateful blind world. Message received Monday 4th April 2011 My dearly beloved daughter, time is NOT on our side now. Push, push these messages as far afield as you can. THE TIME FOR THE WARNING IS VERY CLOSE. Tell My followers, out of their faith for Me, to help convert non-believers to PREPARE for The Warning. My daughter while you may still be questioning these messages you are losing precious time. Time is not available for My beloved souls who are craving redemption. 93 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices Sin, My daughter, is rampant and spreading like a virus in every corner of the world. Satan is playing havoc with mankind. He is everywhere. He is tormenting good souls as well as those who are lost to Me. HE HAS GOT TO BE STOPPED. Prayer and the spread of My word will help. Tell My followers how Satan is INFESTING MANKIND. Not only is he present through GLOBAL UNREST he is infecting those who believe they are acting out of a sense of justice. He is even present in the YOUNG CAREFREE SOCIETY in their music and celebrity culture. SAVE SOULS now by praying My Divine Mercy. Spread this prayer as a matter of urgency. THE SENSE OF PANIC, HORROR, UNREST AND BITTER HATRED that is now being experienced in the world is felt deeply by Me, Man‟s Divine Saviour, who cries endless tears for these lost souls. Surely mankind cannot fail to see this hatred for themselves at every corner ? Don‟t they know that THIS IS SATAN, THE DECEIVER, AT WORK ? As the EVIL HATRED AND SICKENING ATROCITIES spread like wildfire, so TOO will the hand of My Eternal Father NOW FALL ON THIS UNGRATEFUL BLIND WORLD. As the human atrocities continue, where man INFLICTS TERROR AND MURDER on each other, so too will the ECOLOGICAL DISASTERS INCREASE in punishment for man‟s sin against man. This chastisement will NOW befall on the world. THE BATTLE TO SAVE SOULS HAS BEGUN The battle to save souls has begun. Pray for yourselves and your families hard. For many innocent souls will be caught up in this calamity. Fear not because those loyal to Me and My Eternal Father will be saved. IF My Eternal Father does NOT INTERFERE NOW then man will inflict genocide on such a scale that the world‟s population will be DEPLETED IN HUGE PROPORTIONS. DIVINE MERCY Hold on to your faith all of you because without your faith your suffering will be difficult to endure. Praise to My Father for granting Me the gift of Divine Mercy. My Mercy knows no bounds and this will now be proved to all of you. This ocean of pure undiluted love will be poured over all of My children to help save you from the hatred and evil which is being spread by The Evil One. Wash your souls now in My love through prayer because the time is close. Remember I love all of you. My gift of Mercy is for all, even those sinners in mortal sin. They will be given a chance to repent. To defeat Satan. 94 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices To join My ever merciful Kingdom to come. Look towards Heaven. Let Me hold you all and embrace you. Your Loving Saviour Ever Merciful Judge Jesus Christ

Significance and Power of Prayer Date: Thu, 2011-03-24 Prophet: the Warning - European seeër THW11032401 Significance and Power of Prayer The Warning - European Seeër Significance & Power of Prayer Thursday 24th March 2011 11pm My dearly beloved daughter it is with great joy that I reunite with you this evening. You are now filled with the grace of discernment and are very clear as to the right path you must follow. Finally, having surrendered in union with Me you are now free. Free of doubts, clear of conscience, stronger than before and ready to reveal to the world My promise. My word will convey the URGENCY NEEDED TO BE PREPARED to open up your hearts to the moment when all will be shown their sins [at the Great Warning]. By being prepared and forewarned many many more souls can be saved. The higher the conversion the weaker then will be the persecution [by Antichrist] which will follow. My daughter never become complacent. Neither should you be fearful of future events. All will pass and, in its place, a happier world with greater love everywhere [will emerge]. MESSAGES SIMPLY TO REMIND ALL OF GOD‟S EXISTENCE Tell my people everywhere that these messages are simply to remind all God‟s children that He exists. They must also realise that their souls are the most important part of their human make-up. To look after their souls is vital if they are to share in the wonderful future that awaits all. People simply need to remind themselves of the TEN COMMANDMENTS AND HONOUR THEM. Then all they need is TO FOLLOW MY TEACHINGS and live their lives AS I HAVE TOLD THEM. The reason I give prophecies is to prove to My beloved followers that a DIVINE INTERVENTION IS TAKING PLACE. By doing this I hope they will open their hearts to allow the truth to sink in.

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Prophetic Voices DIVINE LOVE BRINGS PEACE Many people pay lip service to my teachings. For others they find them boring and tedious. By imitating Me they are afraid they will miss out on the comfort they believe that material things will bring into their lives. What they fail to understand is that the ONLY REAL COMFORT they can possibly experience is DIVINE LOVE. This love can only come into your life by drawing closer, through simple prayer, to Me and My Eternal Father. Once you experience this peace you will find yourself free from worries and stresses. No amount of false stimulants can match the euphoria that comes about when you become close to My heart. Not only does this love pierce your entire body, mind and soul it enables you to live a freer life. You will experience a deep contentment unknown to you before. Then you will be taken aback at how little the world of material luxury appeals any more. You will LOSE INTEREST in these things and this will surprise you. Oh, Children, if you could only try to come close to Me you will finally become free. No longer will you feel an empty despair in your soul. Instead you will be calmer, in less of a hurry, have more time to show interest in others and feel at peace. This will radiate from you. Others will be naturally drawn to you. You will wonder why. Don‟t be afraid for this is the grace of God at work. When you are filled with grace it is INFECTIOUS and then it spreads to others through love. Then the cycle continues. Please remember children, therefore, the SIGNIFICANCE OF PRAYER. The power it yields and the speed at which it travels to envelop all those fortunate souls who are drawn into this cloud of love. SATAN‟S WEB OF DECEIT CAUSES FEAR Just as prayer and love for one another gains momentum so too does the hatred that spews forth from Satan. The Deceiver, working through these people who have no faith or who are dabbling in dark spiritual games, spreads his deceit. His web of hatred traps even those on the farthest parameter who may feel that they are living a reasonably good life. This subtle web can entrap anyone who is NOT CAREFUL. The one common denominator all those who become trapped feel, is UNREST, ANXIETY, DESPAIR AND FEAR. This fear turns into hatred very quickly. RUN TO ME ALL OF YOU. Do not wait until your life is turned upside down by unnecessary grief. Because I am always there watching. Waiting. Hoping that each of you will let your pride fall away so that I can step in and embrace you. 96 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices Go into your church and pray to Me. Speak to Me at home. On your way to work. Wherever you are just call out to Me. You will know fairly quickly how I respond. WAKE UP – OPEN YOUR CLOSED HEARTS Wake up children. Don‟t you realise by now that you need Me ? When will you finally open your closed hearts and let me in ? DO NOT WASTE valuable time for your own sakes and that of y our families. I am Love. You need My love to quench your dehydrated and malnourished souls. My love, once you experience it, will lift your spirit and allow you to feel real love again. This love will then open your mind TO THE TRUTH – the promises I made for each one of you when I died for your sins on the cross. I love you, children. Please, show me the love I implore of you. Don‟t remain lost to me. There is little time, children, to turn back to Me. DON‟T DELAY. Your loving Saviour Jesus Christ

This Year of Purification Date: Mon, 2011-04-11 Prophet: the Warning - European seeër THW11031102 This Year of Purification (2011) The Warning- European Seeër Man being punished in this Year of Purification Saturday 11th March 2011 3.30pm My beloved daughter the PURIFICATION which will be suffered by mankind through WARS, EARTHQUAKES, VOLCANIC ERUPTIONS, TSUNAMIS, HEAT WAVES AND MUDSLIDES is continuing because of the sins of mankind. ONLY THOSE who turn to Me, their Divine Saviour and their Creator, My Father, their Father, can be saved. Never look on My Father with fear for he loves all his children. Yet he will APPLY PUNISHMENT to those who REFUSE to accept His existence. His PATIENCE now, as evil, lack of faith and man‟s obscene love of himself continues, is COMING TO AN END. 97 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices My Eternal Father, God the maker and creator of all, loves all his children with a tenderness that parents feel for their children. But just like parents, responsible parents do, their children are punished if they commit acts which are AGGRESSIVE OR UNACCEPTABLE. So too now will the wrath of My Father be released in the world at this time. This, My daughter is as I have told you the Year of Purification. People everywhere will understand that these events are NOT NATURAL. They are caused by DIVINE INTERVENTION to make man understand, finally, the truth of the scriptures. Pray, pray for conversion. Your Beloved Jesus Christ

The Waters of Purification Date: Fri, 2011-04-15 Prophet: anno domini - American seeër AND11041501 The Waters of Purification Date: April 15th, 2011 Prophet: Anno Domini The Waters of Purification In a dream vision I saw SUDDEN FLOODING OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA. When the high waters flooded the cars, and their engines and electrical systems no longer worked, people panicked, trapped in their cars if they had not first thought to lower the windows to enable escape. The floodwaters disabled bridges and I saw platforms fall. Those near boating facilities grabbed every life jacket they could find to save people, particularly those children who could not swim. THIS VISION IS NOT ONLY FOR PHILADELPHIA, but for ALL COASTAL CITIES ON RIVERS INLAND up to the “fall line”, and ALL CITIES ON RIVERS IN GENERAL. Every person in this vision wished he had kept LIFE JACKETS in his car, his house, his workplace – if not to save his own life, then to save the life of another. Prepare for the WATERS OF PURIFICATION. OUR POISONED LAND, AIR AND WATER REFLECT THE DEFILEMENT OF OUR SIN. When we do not choose God as our master, then the Evil One reigns over us. Pray that this chastisement be mitigated and the suffering lessened. We are baptized by water and the Holy Spirit. MAY THE WATERS OF PURIFICATION BRING MUCH BAPTISM, WELCOMING MANY INTO GOD‟S KINGDOM. 98 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices -

Toxic Fogs and the New Medicine Date: Mon, 2011-04-11 Prophet: anno domini - American seeër AND11041108 Toxic Fogs and the New Medicine Date: April 11th, 2011 Prophet: Anno Domini Toxic Fogs, Gas Masks and the New Medicine In a dream vision I saw REFUGEES and SURVIVORS gather in the PIEDMONT HIGHLANDS AND MOUNTAINS. The sky seemed permanently overcast and the daylight was dim. The EARTH‟S ATMOSPHERE WAS COMPROMISED and clouds often collected low near the ground rather than high in the sky. Some of the CLOUDS CONTAINED POISONOUS FUMES, of both manmade and natural origin [through fires and outbursts of volcans]. When these clouds appeared, people rushed indoors. Many people had MASKS, some just the simple white kind one can purchase at a pharmacy, and others the comprehensive sophisticated models that resemble pig snouts. Mainstream high technology medicine was nearly impossible to find, so people resorted to a new kind of LOW TECHNOLOGY MEDICINE which used PRAYER, FREQUENCY AND NATURAL TOOLS [herbs, minerals and vitamins] TO HEAL THE PHYSICAL BODY BY WAY OF THE SPIRITUAL BODY.

Mayday, mayday: Sign of coming Distress Date: Sat, 2011-05-07 Prophet: Timothy Snodgrass TIM11050701 Mayday, mayday: Sign of coming distress Communication of Timothy Snodgrass SIGN OF BIN LADEN'S DEATH May 7th, 2011 To understand the sign encoded within the timing of Bin Laden's death, we must look closely at the date: May 1. 99 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices Before the news of Bin Laden's death was announced on Sunday, I kept hearing the phrase "MAY DAY" repeat over and over not in the form of the labor holiday May Day, but in the form of a DISTRESS SIGNAL, "MAYDAY, MAYDAY". Interpretation: I believe that this is a strong indication that we need to remain EXTREMELY ALERT during the month of May, for other WORLD-SHAKING EVENTS COULD ERUPT anytime without warning ... MAYDAY, MAYDAY, MAYDAY ! Blessings, Timothy Snodgrass

The Powers of Cash Date: Mon, 2011-05-02 Prophet: anno domini - American seeër AND11050201 The Powers of Cash May 2nd, 2011 Prophet: Anno Domini The Powers of Cash In a waking vision, eyes closed, I saw a spinning globe and recognized the UNITED STATES; written on this nation were the words, “CASH POWERS,” and an arrow pointed to these words. In another waking vision, eyes closed, I saw stacks of DOLLARS arranged in a PYRAMID pile, and a single hand pointed to this pile. AMERICANS - [and Europeans too ] - are advised to have much more CASH ON HAND than usual. Natural and man-made crises will make it difficult for citizens to access their bank accounts and redeem shares of stock. Look at the FINANCIALLY RESTRICTING EFFECT OF POWER OUTAGES after the tornadoes in Alabama to have an indication of WHAT WILL COME on a larger scale. THOUGH IT IS CURRENTLY WISE TO KEEP STACKS OF PHYSICAL DOLLARS FOR EMERGENCY USE, in the second vision the stacks of dollars arranged in a pyramid indicate how the DOLLAR IS ULTIMATELY A PYRAMID SCHEME. Those who invested in the dollar earlier were able to redeem their investment at will with profit. Those who came later to the dollar will have difficulty redeeming their shares and earning a profit. Today those who come very late to the dollar may lose their entire investment. For as in a pyramid scheme, the dollar was never truly “invested” but moved from one fool investor to another, much disappearing into the Deceiver‟s pocket. 100 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices CASH DOLLARS, HELPFUL IN EMERGENCIES, WILL ONLY TAKE YOU SO FAR IN THIS WORLD. BUILD YOUR TREASURE IN HEAVEN. [Eventually the problems will be that great, that even cash will NOT be able to help you then - Only Heaven will do that.]

Stay behind Pope Benedict Date: Sat, 2011-03-05 Prophet: the Warning - European seeër THW11030501 Stay behind Pope Benedict Prophet The Warning - European Seeër All Christians Repent Now, Catholics Pray for Pope Benedict Saturday 5th March 2011 at 10am My beloved daughter we are united once more. You have been busy these last few days. Have you noticed the strength I am giving you both in faith and body ? This is because your work is so pleasing to Me. As you continue to publish these messages please encourage as many people you know to SEEK RECONCILIATION quickly now for their sins. It does not matter which Christian faith they belong to. They must show their humility and allegiance to Me through the act of SEEKING REDEMPTION. This simple act will make them stronger during the EVENT I REFER TO AS THE [GREAT] WARNING. Repent all of you to save your souls. PREPARE FOR THE WARNING IMMEDIATELY because for those of you who are NOT in the state of grace you MAY NOT survive it. My beloved daughter, I want you to continue to MOVE QUICKLY to spread the word regarding these messages. I have explained to you before that they must be given to as MANY people as possible in the SHORTEST POSSIBLE time. AS THIS EVENT LOOMS SO TOO WILL AN EVENT REGARDING THE HOLY VATICAN.

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Prophetic Voices Ask everyone to pray for My beloved Holy Vicar Pope Benedict for he is surrounded by the ENEMIES of My Eternal Father. Pray for the priests who have never wavered in their faith to Me or My Eternal Father. RISE OF THE FALSE PROPHET They need to pray hard now as the OUTCOME OF THIS ATTACK ON MY HOLY VICAR will be witnessed by you all. Pray, Pray, pray that the FALSE PROPHET will be identified for what he is. Watch out for his demeanor. His attention seeking agenda. The way in which My MISGUIDED sacred servants will drop in awe at his feet. Then listen to what he has to say carefully. His humility will be FALSE. His intentions MISCHEVIOUS and the love he exudes will be all about him. He will be seen as being innovative, dynamic – a breath of fresh air. While he is driven and energetic his powers will NOT come from God, the Eternal Father. They come from SATAN. The Evil One. Pray, pray, pray. For you My Children need to be on your guard. You need Me to guide you now as these prophecies are revealed to mankind. Be strong. Loyal to My teachings. Pray in groups. Pray the HOLY ROSARY to seek PROTECTION from the Evil One. Remember one lesson. MY TEACHINGS NEVER CHANGE. They are the same as they have always been. As I said before it is when you find that they are TAMPERED with, TONED down, or as will be the case, DISTORTED in a way that seems strange or at odds with My teachings, TURN AWAY and pray to Me for guidance. Your Divine Saviour Jesus Christ

Smell of Death has reached Heaven Date: Thu, 2011-05-05 Prophet: Vassula VAS11050501 Smell of Death has reached Heaven Vassula Releases a New Message From Jesus Today May 5th 2011 102 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices Vassula received the following message this morning for release to the public: "Tell My people and remind them that: love covers over many sins; let your love for each other be proven to be true… Allow Me to refresh your memories: It is a blessing for you when they insult you and persecute you for My Sake because it proves that I, God, am resting on you… If you were only to please men I would not have called you; if you were to work hard for your interests and glory and not for Mine, I would have turned My Eyes away from you; Open wide your hearts and receive Me; be united, helping one another and try to console My people in these times; The love of your neighbor should be your main concern; Remember, to proclaim My Message FAR AND WIDE for the SMELL OF DEATH HAS REACHED HEAVEN and the PUNISHMENT that awaits this generation will be drawn upon the earth because of its INCREDULITY AND ITS APOSTASY; The envoys I am sending you are not heard and My Spirit is BLASPHEMED; Many are recklessly INJURING MY CHURCH, stoning My prophets; many are decaying and NOW VISIBLE SIGNS ARE GIVEN in proportion and weight of their apostasy and their sins; HARDSHIP AND DISTRESS ARE UPON THIS FAITHLESS GENERATION; These are signs given already to them because of their refusal to reconcile with Me; I have justified many of you before my Father. However, I want a return of love, a return of faithfulness; I have revealed to you how I work, and what I am in search of; You have heard My Message of Unity and believed it; I have shown to you the purpose of My calling; You have stamped your seal giving Me great honor, can one deny what one believes ? Keep alive in your heart what you were taught in the beginning and refuse to sell My Blood; I give you my peace telling you: Do not fear for I Am with you; Bear My Name and honor Me; ic" ---I understood that “bearing the name of Christ” means bearing His Cross, but as He once said: His Cross does not bear only sufferings but joys as well…

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Prophetic Voices Date: Tue, 2011-05-03 Prophet: Louise Starr Tomkiel LOU11050301 Much will happen NOW Message to Louise May 3rd, 2011 GOD THE FATHER SPEAKS: "The world is in direr straits. MUCH WILL HAPPEN NOW ... much destruction will continue because of the MURDER OF A [terrorist] LEADER NOT OF ME ! Double up on your prayers ! Come to Me for protection. Much will happen and many people will be taken home [die]. Many people too, will see themselves as I see them ! Call on Holy Michael the Archangel to help you fight the battle against our adversary. Children I tell you PRAYER IS YOUR ONLY HOPE ! Because you belong to Me the suffering will increase yet I WILL NEVER LEAVE MY OWN ! I LOVE YOU. I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS TILL THE END OF TIME ! AMEN ! AMEN ! I HAVE SPOKEN~~~ I LOVE YOU MY PEOPLE!"

Wave over New Zealand Date: Mon, 2011-04-11 Prophet: anno domini - American seeër AND11041107 Wave over New Zealand Date: April 11th, 2011 Prophet: Anno Domini WAVE OVER NEW ZEALAND‟S SOUTH ISLAND In a dream vision I saw a GIANT WAVE approaching NEW ZEALAND‟S SOUTH ISLAND. I was standing at a great height, on one of the lower mountains of the alps, and assumed the wave would not reach such a height. 104 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices The wave rose higher once it reached the land, and the water built its mass so high that it towered above me. The wall of water covered me and I rose up through the wave to its surface to see that the water had surpassed the mountain and others like it. The wave‟s water now coursed down the other side of the mountain, carrying a barge and some small boats, which slid down the tops of trees until they finally rested. Once the wave had run its course down to the ocean on the other side, the landscape glistened and dripped, many of its trees and shrubs surviving. PEOPLE MIRACULOUSLY EMERGED FROM SOME OF THE BOATS AND THE UNDERGROUND PLACES where the fast travelling water had not fully reached. I heard the word, “DUNEDIN”.

Much more to be concerned about Date: Tue, 2011-05-03 Prophet: Michael DiBitetto MID11050301 Much more to be concerned about Message to Michael DiBitetto May 3rd,2011 "Our Lady Of Fatima” My Dear, Dear Children … First Let Me Just Say One Thing … … The UNITED STATES KILLED A LEADER OF THE TERRORISTS … … I Will Not Speak About It … … AS I DO NOT SPEAK OF SATAN … I Am Sorry But That Is How It Is … You Will Learn More On Your Own … My Dear, Dear Children … There Is So MUCH, MUCH MORE To Be Concerned About … Look At The South Of The United States … All The Tornadoes That Have Been Occurring … And Killing … Well Over 250 Innocent Lives … In That Amount There Were Also Children … You Can Not Bring Them Back … But The Homes Can Be Rebuilt … Also … Floods That Are Occurring And The Wild Fires That Have Been In Texas Hundreds And Hundreds Of Acres Of Fire …

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Prophetic Voices My Dear, Dear Children … Please Continue To Pray For Pope Benedict The Xvi And For His Intentions And That He Can Complete Also … His Mission. Pray For Your Bishops … Pray For Your Priests … And Also Your Deacons … Pray For The Young Men Who Are In The Seminary … That Are To Become Priests … That They Stay … Holy … And Do Not … Wander Off. My Dear, Dear Children … I Want To Thank Everyone Who Attended Divine Mercy Sunday … For The Divine Mercy And Adoration Of My Son Your Lord And Savior Jesus Christ … My Dear, Dear Children … Please Continue To Pray That The Wars In Afghanistan And Iraq AND SOON UNFORTUNATELY ??? … The United States Has To Be Aware … OF FUTURE ATTACKS … But It MAY NOT START In The United States … It Can Start In ANOTHER COUNTRY … It Could Be ENGLAND … It Could Be ITALY … But It Will Be Somewhere That There Will Be A Lot Of People [present]. My Dear, Dear Children … The United States … They Side A Lot With Pakistan … And PAKISTAN IS NOT A COUNTRY TO BE TRUSTED ALSO … My Dear, Dear Children … I Love You All … So Very, Very Much And You Are All Protected Under My Mantle … And I Bless You All In The Name Of Our Father, My Son, And The Holy Spirit. Amen

Church attacked on all sides Date: Sat, 2011-04-09 Prophet: His unworthy servant HUS11040901 Church attacked on all sides MESSAGE via HIS unworthy servant Received via inner locution from Jesus April 9th, 2011 JESUS: My children, tonight I come rushing to you for more help as I need your assistance now as never before. MY CHURCH IS BEING ATTACKED ON ALL SIDES: from OUTSIDE as well as from WITHIN. 106 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices Pray with all your heart for MY BELOVED POPE for he is SURROUNDED BY ENEMIES: very few are his friends although many pretend to be. My poor Church is suffering Her Passion but She hasn't reached Calvary yet, although there is NOT FAR TO GO. Pray with all your heart for the flock which is ABOUT TO BE SCATTERED EVEN MORE. I love you, My little ones, and I count on you. Signed His unworthy servant

Remain Faithfull to your Pope Date: Sat, 2011-04-16 Prophet: His unworthy servant HUS11041601 Remain faithfull to your Pope MESSAGE via HIS unworthy servant Received via inner locution from Jesus April 16th, 2011 JESUS: My children, today I come to you with My Gifts: I am showering you with My Gifts as never before for I have pity on your INCREDIBLE WEAKNESS. I am strengthening you for I need BRAVE SOLDIERS: soldiers who are not concerned about "self" but who will give their all for the Church -- the CHURCH I founded. REMAIN FAITHFUL TO YOUR POPE AND FOLLOW HIS EXAMPLE. My children, SOON, VERY SOON, YOU WILL KNOW THE MEANING OF THESE WORDS. Prepare by putting on your armor, which is PRAYERS, SACRIFICES AND FASTING. I need TOUGH SOLDIERS who are not afraid of pain nor discomfort. I am calling you all who are reading My words. Please, TAKE THIS CALL VERY SERIOUSLY and bring it to your prayer. I love you, My children; please realize how FORTUNATE YOU ARE TO BE LIVING IN THESE END TIMES. My saints envy you, for MORE SAINTS WILL COME FROM THIS ERA than at any other time in history. Realize how blessed you are. 107 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices Come, My children, time waits for no one. It is time to take things very seriously. I love you and I shower you with My gifts and graces. Signed His unworthy servant

UN Rulings do not Define Truth Date: Sat, 2011-04-16 Prophet: Holy Love HOL11041601 UN Rulings do not Define Truth Holy Love Messages April 16th, 2011 Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus." "My daughter, I have come to speak to you tonight about the general situation of the world which has evolved into MORAL DEGENERATION. In doing so, I point out that the heart of the world has STRAYED FROM RIGHT REASON. You have governments and other institutions whose leaders live ONLY to fulfill their own ambitions, and who try to impose their ERRONEOUS OPINIONS into public actions. Ones such as these have gained for themselves so much power and popularity that no one efficiently opposes them." "ONE SUCH GROUP IS THE UNITED NATIONS. Because there is CORRUPTION IN THE GOVERNMENTS that are represented in the U.N., this body of nations makes RULINGS WHICH NO LONGER DEFINE THE TRUTH. But because what is stated or ruled in this COMPROMISED BODY of nations is presented as truth, most people do not look beneath the surface. This same maxim holds true wherever power is placed in the hands of corruption." "Once again I implore you, search out the truth. You will always discover that the truth is encapsulated in Holy Love and vice versa. That is the place all that is worthy begins at." "Do learn to overlook who is saying what, but to look squarely at WHAT they are saying. If My children would internalize what I am telling you tonight, the future would hold more hope. As it is, too much credence is given to who is important in the world, and not what is important in the Eyes of God." "Once again I tell you, your moment to moment decisions chart your future and the future of the world." 108 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices ------------------------April 16, 2011 Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus." "The reason My Son has sent this Mission into the world is to call souls from the path of perdition onto the path of salvation, holiness and even sanctification. It is past time for souls to stop offending God by following the whims of his own free will and to begin, once again, to PLEASE GOD BY OBEYING HIS LAWS." "The demise of arrogant free will choices is upon you. Earth is in upheaval. This is all too evident in governments, financial circles and increased intensity of natural disasters. Many who are capable of inspiring change remain passive. They too are guilty in God's Eyes. Many preach change but seek only their own welfare and not the welfare of all people and all nations." "TODAY MANY TRUTHS HAVE BEEN DEFILED. Yet when these Messages proclaim the truth, those who should listen and repent continue in their efforts to destroy Heaven's plans here. God will leave them helpless in their needs." "Do not turn your backs upon Heaven's guidance and plans for you. Holy Love is the LIFEBOAT Heaven is sending to you amidst the storm of sin and spiritual apathy. Grasp onto Holy Love. I, your Heavenly Mother, will support you."

Horrible Things are coming on the World Date: Mon, 2011-04-18 Prophet: Melvin Doucette FMD11041801 Horrible Things are coming on the World URGENT Message from God the Father to Fr. Melvin Doucette, April 18th, 2011 I give My Blessings to you, Joseph Melvin, and to all My sons and daughters. This is the Holiest of weeks, when My Son Jesus suffered atrociously for all of you and died a horrible death on the Cross. His Great Sacrifice for your redemption is always before Me and that is why I have such compassion upon you who are sinners ! I Call you to repent of your sins for the offences you have hurled upon Me your Creator and your God. My Son Jesus has offered a PERFECT SACRIFICE TO ATONE FOR YOUR SINS ! 109 | P a g e


Misinformation has become the Norm Date: Sun, 2011-04-24 Prophet: Holy Love HOL11042401 Misinformation has become the Norm Holy Love Messages April 24, 2011 Easter Sunday "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. Alleluia!" "Today is a celebration of victory - victory over sin and death. It is a CELEBRATION OF MERCY AND LOVE which came together on the Cross and opened the doors of Paradise that all might enter." "Today, as never before, I urge you to be UNITED in the singular effort of bringing Me souls through Holy Love. Such an effort is NEVER IN ERROR but always the embrace of truth. Please realize there are times when whole nations pursue arrogant and rampant paths. SOME CULTURES ENCOURAGE VIOLENCE. But I tell you, the GREATEST ATTACKS ARE ON TRUTH itself. MISINFORMATION HAS BECOME THE NORM and is most often presented with such importance and authority that it goes unrecognized and, therefore, is accepted as truth." "Solemnly I tell you, THIS TOO IS TERRORISM, for it tears at the heart of reality and DESTROYS RIGHTEOUSNESS. 110 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices UNTRUTHS OBLITERATE THE LINES BETWEEN GOOD AND EVIL. Any deviation or misrepresentation of the truth is SATAN'S LIE and is like a missile fired at all who are trying to live in the truth." "Today, on this day of celebration, pray for all souls to recognize, accept and live in the truth."

Misuse of Authority Date: Sat, 2011-04-30 Prophet: Holy Love HOL11043001 Misuse of Authority Holy Love Messages April 30th, 2011 Discerning Misuse of Authority Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus." "These days, dear children, learn to be SUSPICIOUS of any person or institution that demands ABSOLUTE CONTROL - UNQUESTIONING OBEDIENCE. I tell you this, though it pains Me to do so, but SATAN IS USING THE MISUSE OF AUTHORITY to destroy good works. The enemy SOWS JEALOUSY where there should be unity towards the salvation of souls." "Therefore, you MUST ALWAYS BE DISCERNING and search out the truth. Do NOT READILY BELIEVE every innuendo or accusation you hear. Just because you hear it does not mean it is true. Many reputations have been destroyed because people do NOT look for the truth." "Do not forget to work out your own salvation according to the truth of these Messages. Satan would have it otherwise. Cling to My Immaculate Heart. DO NOT OBEY THE MALEFACTOR FOR THE SAKE OF OBEDIENCE."

Democracy to disappear - Priests martyred Date: Thu, 2011-03-03 Prophet: the Warning - European seeër 111 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices THW11030301 Democracy to disappear - Priests martyred The Warning - European Seeër Democracy to Disappear – Priests will be Martyred Thursday 3rd March 2011 at 23.30 Oh, dearly beloved daughter, it is with joy that I welcome your attention this evening. Your absence has pained Me somewhat but I knew you would turn back to Me soon. PLEASE, LISTEN CAREFULLY. While I realise that you are busy with your life you must understand the SHEER URGENCY of this message. My word is being given to you in the MOST HISTORICAL ERA since the beginning. For it is in this time that the world will NOW EXPERIENCE CHANGES never witnessed by mankind to date. GET READY NOW, My children, wherever you are in the world. For VERY SOON one of the most precious gifts, out of My mercy, will now be given TO EACH OF YOU. My [GREAT] WARNING, which is being given to you will spread CONVERSION EVERYWHERE. When this takes place, after that moment in time, when THE EARTH WILL STAY STILL, Love through the ACCEPTANCE OF THE TRUTH will be widespread. Satan‟s followers will find it DIFFICULT TO DEFEND THEIR WICKED BEHAVIOUR before the love and light that will shine through you. But although the great event, which will startle you, brings much conversion you must still prepare for it. Accept that this prophecy will take place. Very few will deny it both during and afterwards. Yet many will still continue to TURN AWAY from Me. THE GREAT PERSECUTION WILL FOLLOW PRIESTS WILL SUFFER My army of beloved followers will rise bravely and defend My existence. Yet even those whom you least expect, including My CHRISTIAN CHURCH LEADERS, will SIDE WITH THE EVIL ONE and his parasites. They will be seduced due to their weakness of faith. You will find that those Holy Vicars of Mine, my loyal sacred servants, will have to defend their faith. The cruelty, which will be SHOWN TO THEM will be similar to that I faced by My executioners. Heed this all of you who follow Me. Do NOT be tempted to follow the path of the traitors even if you are frightened. Never fall for their false promises. Be brave. Pray for strength. 112 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices PERSECUTION WON‟T LAST LONG Brace yourselves believers for EVEN those closest to you will turn away from the faith. You may find yourself ISOLATED, laughed at and publicly ridiculed. Ignore their taunts. I will guide you all and protect you. Because this time won‟t last long. The most painful suffering you will experience will be their DISLOYALTY to Me. To the truth. NON CHRISTIAN NATIONS WILL CONTROL Prayer can help diminish some of the catastrophic events which will unfold. The persecution which will be inflicted on those of you who believe in Me and My Eternal Father will be by the Nations who are empty of love. Love for God. The only love they hold in their hearts is for the power over less fortunate countries. Control is their primary aim. Glory, and the pursuit of wealth and ownership over you, your country and those of you who refuse to denounce Me. Give in My children and you will find it very difficult to back track or retrace your steps towards Me. This will require tremendous courage in the face of powerful adversity. But win you will. Should you suffer because of the passion you feel in your hearts for the love of God, My Eternal Father, then you will accept this with joy in your souls. RISE OF NEW DICTATORS SUDDEN CHANGES IN GLOBAL SITUATIONS, which up to now seemed like trifle unrest will now emerge as all out wars. WARS WILL LEAD TO SHORTAGE OF FOOD. Democracy will diminish quickly and WICKED DICTATORSHIPS WILL RISE. These dictatorships will, however, be very careful how they are perceived. They will come as peaceful negotiators and as „saviours‟. IN RETURN FOR FEEDING your mouths they will CONTROL your possessions which will then become theirs. You will have to get PERMISSION to feed your families. In order to travel you will need a special form of identification and will be ASKED TO ACCEPT THE MARK – the Mark of the Beast. Run My children. Hide. For that‟s not all. They will dictate how you pray because it is not to God they turn. These, My children, ARE SATAN‟S ARMIES and they want to steal your souls. 113 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices Those of you who believe in Me GET READY. Go back to your churches immediately. Pray to God, the Eternal Father. Gather in groups and pray, pray, pray. Ask for reconciliation now so that when you witness The Warning you will accept, with humility, the state of your souls. You will have nothing to fear. PRAY TOO, for your family and friends. Your children. Your neighbours. All of them need to prepare. So many will THEN BE CONVERTED when they witness the truth of My existence. So many will not be able to withstand the shock when they see how they have offended Me. Others simply won‟t care. The hours are ticking now. ASK ME TO HELP YOU Signs, all of which have been foretold, are around you children. See them and accept them for what they are. Uprisings. Earthquakes. Floods. Climate change. THEY WILL NOW ESCALATE. MONEY IS NOW BECOMING SCARCE SO TOO WILL YOUR FOOD. Do not believe that all is lost for when you ask Me for help your prayers will be answered. I will hold you all by the hand and help you through this turmoil. But you must open your hearts. Block any attempt to seduce you into joining in the Evil One‟s plotting. Retain purity of heart and mind. Be humble in your outlook. But never be afraid to defend your right to believe in Me. TIME TO PREPARE YOUR SOULS The time is ready. Go now My children and prepare your souls. Seek, through the Sacraments, the graces needed to sanctify your souls. Then ask Me to take you in My arms and ask for salvation. My love and compassion for each and every one of you is beyond your comprehension. But when The Warning, one of the most gracious gifts I can give you all, before the final judgement even takes place, must be welcomed by you. Be thankful that you are being given this wonderful gift. Because when CONVERSION takes place in every corner of the world you will then be truly ready for the

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Prophetic Voices new Heaven and Earth which will then merge as one – My Paradise and the glorious inheritance each one of you is entitled to share should you so chose. Await My Warning now My children. For the time is drawing VERY CLOSE NOW. Your loving Saviour, Just Judge and Merciful Jesus Christ Print This Page Print This Page

The Shrinking Dollars Date: Mon, 2011-04-11 Prophet: anno domini - American seeër AND11041105 The Shrinking Dollars Date: April 11th, 2011 Prophet: Anno Domini The Shrinking Dollars In a dream vision I saw an American woman who frequently patronized a take-out Chinese restaurant. She came by the restaurant to pick up her Chinese food. She reached into her wallet for dollars to pay for the food, but something was strange and amiss. Her wallet NO LONGER CONTAINED DOLLARS IN THE REGULAR SIZE. She pulled out her dollars to discover they were ONE QUARTER THEIR ORIGINAL SIZE ! In fact, they looked a little too much like play toy money for children with little hands. When the woman tried to pay for her take-out Chinese food with the shrunken dollars, the Chinese restaurant manager shook his head and REFUSED TO ACCEPT THEM AS PAYMENT. The woman could not take the food she could not pay for. She walked away, HUNGRY. Because of a vastly increased money supply and other factors, the U.S. DOLLAR WILL SHRINK significantly in value compared to other strengthening currencies. This will IMPAIR AMERICA‟S ABILITY TO PURCHASE IMPORTED GOODS, INCLUDING FOOD.

Vicar in See of Peter in Great Danger Date: Tue, 2011-03-15 Prophet: Christina Gallagher CHG11031501 Vicar in See of Peter in Great Danger 115 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices Jesus message to Christina Gallaher 15 of March 2011 My little one, I bless you and give you this message for the world – a world that has rejected and found fault with the Love and Mercy which I have offered. I have called the world‟s inhabitants to respond to My many messages and to those of My Immaculate Mother. I am your Lord, the Lord of Life. I desire you listen and take to heart every word I tell you today through the messenger of My Sacred Heart. Your world will WITNESS MANY DISASTERS from EARTHQUAKES TO MUDSLIDES, HAIL STORMS, AND TORNADOS beyond natural proportions. The devastation of such painful destruction which you are now witnessing in JAPAN will ALSO take place in the AMERICAS, EUROPE AND ASIA. The four angels of the Apocalypse are at the corners of the earth. The censer is burning. The chalice is overflowing. The world as you know it is being plunged into the depths of its own sin. I desire you purge yourselves of sin through the sacrament of Penance. Forgive your enemy. Turn with open hearts to Me while you still have time. My dear people, as the arising of him who is ANTI OF CHRIST is with you, and his powers are suffocating and blinding many, many of My people, I tell you listen and do as I ask you for the good of souls. I have told you the waters of death move quickly: many are being blinded and caught in the web in the evil: and many merry in its seduction. I request you pray, pray and return to the Fold of Life through Me, otherwise you will experience and get caught in the evil web. I call you to ensure that every home have the PICTURE OF MY MOTHER with the great promise I have given Her as She pleads for each one of you Her children. Pray before this picture and have My cross depicted in your homes. Look at it and plead through My merits for your souls. Unite with My Immaculate Mother in the prayer of the Rosary offered from the heart. Through meditating on its Mysteries, permit the Rosary to become a living reality for the benefit of your souls. It will be a means of GREAT PROTECTION for you. I bestow upon you this day great graces and healing of heart. My people, there are many false prophets in your midst. Do NOT enter their camp but pray for them that they may receive the light of Truth. Otherwise, through the power of the evil one you, too, may experience blindness and fail to recognise Truth.

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Prophetic Voices MY VICAR IN THE SEE OF PETER IS IN GREAT DANGER and there are those who yearn to BRING HIS REIGN TO AN END. Pray, pray for him for he is despised by some among THOSE who surround him. It saddens My Heart that true reparation has not been made for the sins of immorality against the innocents. DEATH WILL FOLLOW THE FAILURE TO CARRY OUT TRUE REPARATION FOR SUCH ACTS. Today I must warn you that there is MUCH TO BEFALL THE WORLD through each one of you being subjected to the WORKINGS OF ANTI-CHRIST. It saddens Me that the time is upon you for those who desire to TRAMPLE UPON and DESTROY CHRISTIANITY and enforce upon you an UNGODLY EXISTENCE. Many, to their shame, have already turned from Me and united themselves with all that is anti of Me. The DETERIORATION OF THE WORLD as you know it – of which My Mother has many times warned you - HAS BEGUN. Soon there will be many parts of the world UNRECOGNIZABLE. But for those of you who have taken to heart the truth of My call for your protection, you have nothing to fear – even in the midst of ever-unthinkable evil befalling your world. THE AMERICAS, EUROPE AND ASIA ARE ABOUT TO EXPERIENCE GREAT EARTHQUAKES WITH MUCH DESTRUCTION AND DEATH – death forever for many. THE WEATHER WILL BECOME EVEN MORE CHANGEABLE. What you have witnessed in the death of many forms of WILDLIFE is merely a WARNING of the death coming to humanity as a consequence of sin and denial of Me. My people, be at peace. My peace I impart to you this day. YOUR MONEY WILL SOON BE OF LITTLE USE TO YOU. I will guide you through My messenger if you permit Me. Some of you will have hearts full of wrong judgement as many times before. Do not draw down upon yourself judgement in My Justice. Cling to My Mercy. I desire mercy for each one of My people throughout the world, not My Justice. I bless you in the Fountain of Grace in My Sacred Heart, in My Father through Me, His Beloved Son and in the working of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Priests soon to make important decision Date: Mon, 2011-04-25 Prophet: His unworthy servant HUS11042501 Priests soon to make important decision 117 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices MESSAGE via HIS unworthy servant April 25th, 2011 JESUS: My children, tonight I ask a special favor of you: I am asking you to PRAY FOR YOUR PRIESTS with all your heart. This is of the utmost importance and I am begging you to take it very seriously. Many of them have been COACHED and many have been BRAINWASHED to a point which has left them VERY CONFUSED and they are NO LONGER SURE of what to believe in or whom to trust. They are FRAGILE which is exactly where the enemy wants them. Pray for them without ceasing for SOON THEY WILL HAVE TO MAKE A DECISION which could cost them their soul along with many of their flock, and in some cases most. Please realize the URGENCY of this request for more prayers. I love you and appreciate you, My prayer warriors; I fill you with My graces as never before. Signed His unworthy servant

The Future of the USA Date: Wed, 2011-04-27 Prophet: David Wilkerson DWN73042701 The Future of the USA April 27th, 2011 On April 27, 2011, while driving east on US Route 175 in Texas, David Wilkerson crossed into the westbound lane and collided head-on with a tractor trailer. He died. PROPHECIES Wilkerson received a vision in 1973 regarding the FUTURE OF THE UNITED STATES and subsequently gave a sermon on the vision and published a sensational, erotic book called The Vision. He has said that God revealed to him a GREAT CALAMITY which was going to BEFALL AMERICA due to increase in SINS such as HOMOSEXUALITY, SEXUAL PROMISCUITY, AND GREED. Some of the DETAILS OF THIS REPUTED VISION were: "Worldwide RECESSION caused by economic confusion" "At most a few more fat flourishing years, and then an economic recession that's going to affect the life style of every wage-earner in the world. 118 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices The world economists are going to be at loss to explain what's happening. It's going to start in EUROPE, spread to JAPAN and finally to the UNITED STATES." "There will be a move toward a WORLDWIDE, UNIFIED MONETARY SYSTEM. The US DOLLAR WILL BE HIT BAD and it will take years for it to recover. The only real security will be in real estate (until a somewhat later stage, at which point this apparent security will also disappear)." "Nature having labor pains" Environmentalists will come under heavy criticism. There will be MAJOR EARTHQUAKES. There will be a MAJOR FAMINE. FLOODS, HURRICANES AND TORNADOES will increase in frequency. "A new kind of COSMIC STORM appearing as a raging fire in the sky leaving a kind of vapor trail." "A FLOOD OF FILTH and a baptism of DIRT in America" Topless women will appear on television, followed by full nudity. Adult, X rated movies will be shown on cable television. Young people will gather at homes to watch this kind of material in groups. SEX AND THE OCCULT will be mixed. There will be an acceptance of HOMOSEXUALITY, and the church will even say that it is a God-given gift. "Rebellion in the home" "I see the new number one youth problem in America and the world as HATRED TOWARDS PARENTS." "A PERSECUTION MADNESS against truly Spirit filled Christians who love Jesus Christ" There will ARISE A WORLD CHURCH consisting of a union between liberal ecumenical Protestants and the Roman Catholic Church, using Christ in name only. There will be a HATE OF CHRIST MOVEMENT. There will be a spiritual awakening behind the Iron and Bamboo Curtains. Others There will be ANOTHER WAVE OF RIOTS. There will be a FALL IN MORAL CONDUCT. There will be a NEW DRUG that will be popular with teenagers that will break down resistance and will encourage sexual activity. HOMOSEXUAL AND LESBIAN MINISTERS WILL BE ORDAINED and this will be heralded as a new breed of pioneer. There will be OCCULT PRACTICES IN CHURCHES.

Arab uprising will spark global unrest Date: Tue, 2011-04-26 119 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices Prophet: the Warning - European seeër THW11042601 Arab uprising will spark global unrest Message to The Warning - European Seeër Italy will trigger fall out Tuesday 26th April 2011 time 20.10 hours (8.10 pm) My dearly beloved daughter the tears I shed for all My beloved tortured children in the world who are the victims of violence and abuse are ever ending. My poor precious children are suffering everywhere all over the world and ESPECIALLY IN THE ARAB WORLD. How I agonise over their suffering. Those poor helpless souls. Please pray for them, My daughter, by offering up your own suffering for them. The atrocities being committed in the ARAB WORLD will SADLY CONTINUE as MORE ARAB NATIONS will be embroiled in a SERIES OF CONFLICTS. The time for the FIRST OF THE ASSASSINATIONS I spoke to you about last February will TAKE PLACE SHORTLY. The ARAB WORLD UPRISING will SPARK UNREST INDIRECTLY in every corner of the world. ITALY WILL BE INSTRUMENTAL in the fall out which will trigger the INVOLVEMENT OF GLOBAL POWERS IN A WAR – all these EVENTS ARE INEVITABLE but prayer can ease suffering. Pray My daughter that people will turn to Me and ask Me for help and guidance through these times of turmoil. I do not want to see My children suffer. But suffer they will UNTIL THE TRUTH IS REVEALED during THE WARNING. Pray now for those MISGUIDED DICTATORS who kill innocent souls. I call on My sacred servants around the world to accept that the PROPHECIES PREDICTED IN THE BOOK OF REVELATION ARE NOW UNFOLDING. Spread the truth of My teachings and save your flock before time runs out. Go now . Do your duty to Me. I call on those of you who have watered down My teachings to stop now. Look into your hearts and tell My people the truth. That they CANNOT, AND WILL NOT, BE SAVED until they SEEK FORGIVENESS for their sins. They must humble themselves in My eyes and ask Me to give them the gift of redemption.

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Prophetic Voices You, My sacred servants, must now play the role for which you were chosen. Be brave. Preach the truth. Your Loving Saviour Jesus Christ

The House under the Sea Date: Mon, 2011-04-11 Prophet: anno domini - American seeër AND11041104 The House under the Sea Date: April 11th, 2011 Prophet: Anno Domini The House Under the Sea In a dream vision I stood inside a house in very bad condition, the paint coming off slimy walls. It was a twilight dark, and I went to the door to go outside and cheer up. I opened the door and walked outdoors. The quality of light was better, but still dim. As I walked I saw what appeared to be a bird fly slowly toward me. I held out my hand, hoping to touch the bird. Very quickly I recognized the creature was a fish! I soon realized the ENTIRE LANDSCAPE OF HOUSES, STREET AND YARDS BEFORE ME WAS PEACEFULLY UNDER ABOUT FIFTY FEET (25 m) OF WATER. A larger fish approached, and I asked it in my mind to help pull me to the surface. I held on to the large fish and it pulled me up and up. This vision is of the FLOODING THAT WILL HAPPEN TO MUCH OF THE COASTAL AND LOWLYING LAND OF THE UNITED STATES AND THE WORLD. THE OCEAN WATERS WILL RISE because of the displacement and melting of polar ice caps. CONTINENTS WILL ALSO SINK because of changes in what lies beneath their plates and because of the movement of other plates next to them. ENTIRE CITIES WILL LIE HIDDEN UNDER WATER, much like the ruins that now lie under the Dead Sea and elsewhere. The little bird-fish is the Holy Spirit, the counselor and comforter. The large fish is JESUS, who lifts people up from the dimness of Purgatory into the light of Heaven. This ocean FLOODING MUST OCCUR IN ORDER TO PURIFY THE LAND of poisons. The flooding will ALSO PREVENT the Dark Forces from continuing to engage in some of their current physically and spiritually poisoning practices. 121 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices -

Earthquakes to Split and Devastate America Date: Fri, 2011-03-11 Prophet: John Leary JOL11031101 Earthquakes to Split and Devastate America Messages to John Leary March 11th, 2011 During the period from December 1811 through February 1812, three earthquakes struck in an area within central USA, known as the NEW MADRID SEISMIC ZONE. The earthquakes were devastating. So powerful were they that church bells hundreds of miles away in Boston, Massachusetts rang, and for a time the Mississippi River changed direction and ran from south to north. The New Madrid Seismic Zone runs from northeastern Arkansas through parts of Tennessee, Missouri, Kentucky, Illinois and Indiana. The geology is relatively different in this region than most earthquake prone regions, in that the seismic activity is believed to result from the continual release of pressure from receding glaciers of centuries past rather than due to the rubbing, bouncing and banging of tectonic plates as is typical in most earthquake prone regions. Accordingly, there is much about the geology and the interaction of the fault systems within the New Madrid that scientists do NOT understand. It is worthy of note that the best geophysicists in the world CANNOT PREDICT EARTHQUAKES with any degree of accuracy or timeliness in the typical scenario where tectonic plates are interacting. As one might imagine it is much more difficult to predict earthquakes with any degree of accuracy or timeliness in the paradoxical New Madrid Fault case. However, somehow an agency of the US Government known as the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) seems to have done just that. A few years ago, FEMA began casually WARNING PEOPLE IN THE AREA OF THE NEED TO PREPARE FOR A SIGNIFICANT EARTHQUAKE in the New Madrid. One must ask: "How on earth could these bureaucrats be able to predict such an earthquake to occur so soon, especially within the New Madrid area ?" So bold have they become, that recently FEMA formally solicited vendor information in respect of 7 million emergency meals to be distributed in the New Madrid area ! The official Request For Information (RFI) reads: "---The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) procures and stores pre-packaged commercial meals to support readiness capability for immediate DISTRIBUTION TO DISASTER SURVIVORS routinely. The purpose of this Request for Information is to identify sources of supply for meals in SUPPORT OF DISASTER RELIEF EFFORTS based on a CATASTROPHIC DISASTER EVENT within the New Madrid Fault System for a SURVIVOR POPULATION OF 7M to be utilized for the sustainment of life during a 10-day period of operations.--- " 122 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices Further in May of 2011, FEMA will conduct an EMERGENCY READINESS EXERCISE in the New Madrid involving thousands of people. In another official RFI, FEMA is requesting information regarding underwater body bags (n.b. it does not specify where they will be used.): One must ask: "What does FEMA know about a FORTHCOMING EARTHQUAKE IN THE NEW MADRID AREA, and how do they know it ?" The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program ('HAARP') was developed INITIALLY by the Atlantic Richfield Company to be used in locating petroleum and methane gas beneath the surface of the earth. Simply stated, what is now the HAARP array of antennae previously were used to locate oil and gas by bouncing electronic microwaves (in relatively low wattage) off of the ionosphere back into the earth. Such returning microwaves caused the VARIOUS STRATA OF THE EARTH TO VIBRATE AND RESONATE. Resultant changes in resonance indicated different minerals beneath the surface of the earth. The US Navy and Air Force obtained the technology, and saw in it the possibility of a GRAND WEAPON. Among the uses that they envisioned were using it as a weapon that could: destroy incoming missiles; knock other aircraft out of the air; manipulate the weather; trigger earthquakes in areas under geologic stress; control the minds of subjects via the emission of electronic low frequency waves (ELF); and more. Some would doubt that HAARP could be used for these purposes. As the Internet is replete with information available on HAARP, it is relatively easy to CONDUCT YOUR OWN INVESTIGATION. As one example, we submit the response of then US Secretary William Cohen to a question posed to him in the Conference on Terrorism conducted on April 28, 1997: "---There are some reports, for example, that some countries have been trying to construct something like an EBOLA VIRUS, and that would be a very dangerous phenomenon, to say the least. Alvin Toeffler has written about this in terms of some scientists in their laboratories trying to DEVISE CERTAIN TYPES OF PATHOGENS that would be ethnic-specific so that they could just eliminate certain ethnic groups and races; and others are designing some sort of engineering, some sort of INSECTS that can destroy specific crops. Others are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can ALTER THE CLIMATE, SET OFF EARTHQUAKES, VOLCANOES REMOTELY THROUGH THE USE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES. So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations. It's real, and that's the reason why we have to intensify our efforts, and that's why this is so important.--- " (1) It is worthy of note that the bicentennial of the above mentioned HISTORICAL HUGE QUAKES BEGINS ON DECEMBER 16, 2011. The purpose of this writing is not to frighten, but to inform. Remember that God ALWAYS takes care of His people. IF YOU HAVE NOT PREPARED YET, DO SO NOW ! MESSAGES TO JOHN LEARY ABOUT THE MALICIOUS USE OF HAARP-MACHINES

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Prophetic Voices MARCH 11, 2011: Jesus said: "My people, you have seen that high intensity earthquakes under the ocean can cause tsunami waves that ripple out in all directions. The closer land is to the epicenter, the taller the tsunami waves are. You have done some research to connect the HAARP machine being used in HAITI, CHILE, and CHINA as people were seeing AURORA BOREALIS COLORS RIGHT BEFORE THE EARTHQUAKE occurred. Now you have done further research to show the HAARP machine was TURNED ON RIGHT BEFORE the massive 9.0 earthquake in JAPAN. There were no signs of earthquakes in this region several days before the HAARP machine was turned on. (Note: It was turned on March 9th, 2011 and the first 7.2 earthquake appeared.) I - Jesus - am CONFIRMING that these large earthquakes mentioned have been CONNECTED WITH HAARP MACHINE ACTIVITY. This is why I have encouraged people to understand that this microwave antennae array is a very dangerous weapon and can be USED TO CREATE MAN-MADE DISASTERS. The ONE WORLD PEOPLE ARE USING THIS MACHINE and the TURMOIL IN THE MIDDLE EAST to reduce the population and to DISRUPT the world economies. Then these countries will be RIPE for a one world government takeover which will be given over to the ANTICHRIST. You are seeing these signs of the end times that are LEADING UP TO THE GREAT TRIBULATION. Be prepared to LEAVE for My refuges when the major events occur. I WILL WARN My faithful when to leave, but this time is approaching SOON. Trust in My protection because I am more powerful than any machines or demon led people. Once the Antichrist reaches his height of power, I will bring him down with My COMET OF CHASTISEMENT. The evil ones will be cleansed from the earth into hell, and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace. " MARCH 22, 2011: Jesus said: "My people, you have seen RIPPLES in the clouds as FREQUENCY PATTERNS in Indiana. You have also seen DEAD BIRDS in the area around the New Madrid fault. THESE ARE SIGNS THAT THE HAARP MACHINE OF ONE BILLION WATT MICROWAVES IS GOING TO BE USED TO CAUSE A GREATER THAN 8.0 EARTHQUAKE THAT WILL SPLIT AMERICA IN TWO. In the vision you are seeing at least one skyscraper collapsing from this coming quake. There will also be a GREAT FLOW OF WATER coming DOWN THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER that will widen its size. There will be a FAIR NUMBER OF PEOPLE KILLED, but this number will be lessened because of your Mass intentions. 124 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices The damage to homes and buildings will be WORSE than the Japanese earthquake and tsunami. When this event happens, you will see a MARTIAL LAW DECLARED that could be used for a takeover of America. I will warn My people when it will be time to go to My refuges. THIS EARTHQUAKE ON THE NEW MADRID FAULT WILL BE FOLLOWED BY ANOTHER EARTHQUAKE ON THE SAN ANDREAS FAULT. BE PREPARED TO LEAVE, and go to Confession." MARCH 14, 2011: Jesus said: "My people, this HAARP machine can be used as a WEAPON TO ATTACK ANY PLACE that the one world people desire to cause harmful fLOODS, DROUGHTS, or EARTHQUAKES. They could even BLACKMAIL NATIONS who do not go along with their plans. The NEXT TARGETS for making earthquakes will be the NEW MADRID FAULT and the SAN ANDREAS FAULT in California. I have shown you several visions earlier of earthquakes in these areas. An earthquake on the New Madrid fault would be catastrophic because all the energy would be felt through the ROCK SPLITTING APART. Earthquakes underwater or on a coastline would have the ENERGY GO INTO THE WATER. Remember when you see an AURORA BOREALIS OF COLORS, look out after for a major earthquake. I also told you that WHEN the San Andreas fault has an earthquake, it could TRIGGER OFF THE YELLOWSTONE SUPER VOLCANO. When all of these events happen, America will be so damaged that MARTIAL LAW will guarantee an imminent takeover. If the HAARP machine could be inactivated, much of this destruction could be prevented. You will not hear over your censored news channels any word of the threat of the HAARP machine. It is a carefully GUARDED SECRET. Yet there is information available for the people to learn of HAARP's capabilities. I will one day bring My Comet of Chastisement to end all of these evil deeds and cast these evil ones into hell. Trust in My protection at My refuges where no harm will befall My faithful, even during the tribulation." JANUARY 15, 2011: Jesus said: "My people, the one world people are very active in DIGGING NEW UNDERGROUND TUNNELS, and they are ALSO STOCKING their underground cities with supplies for a long time. This increase in activity is what I have warned you about in previous messages. The urgency to finish up their building and stockpiling is a SIGN that they are ready to pull off something that is very big, and could lead to the declaration of a national martial law.

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Prophetic Voices I have shown you in My messages, and you have read articles on the internet that the evil ones are PROBING all along the New Madrid fault for WEAKNESSES that the HAARP machine could use to CAUSE A MASSIVE EARTHQUAKE. Such a quake along this fault line could cause so much damage on both sides that it could be used to declare martial law. Once martial law is declared, My faithful need to call on Me to have your guardian angels lead you to MY NEAREST REFUGE. Trust in My warning to leave right away because the men in black will be searching to kill Christians and patriots. If you refuse to take the mark of the beast in your body or the chip, then they would take you to their DEATH CAMPS. Those, who come to Me at My refuges, will be protected. Those, who stay in their homes too long, may risk being captured and killed." MARCH 16, 2011: Jesus said: "My people, you have been watching this EARTHQUAKE SAGA IN JAPAN play out, but you do not realize how long the affected areas could be without electricity and other utilities as tap water. Millions of people are WITHOUT ELECTRICITY which is why it is hard to fix their nuclear reactors in near darkness, except for flashlights or fuel driven generators. WHEN AMERICA WILL BE FACED WITH EARTHQUAKES ON THE WEST COAST AND ON THE NEW MADRID FAULT, THE DAMAGE WILL KILL MANY PEOPLE, AND MORE WILL BE WITHOUT ELECTRICITY AS WELL. Major earthquakes could also be a problem with your own nuclear reactors. I have asked My people TO STORE A YEAR'S SUPPLY OF FOOD WITH WATER because you may be faced with power outages and food shortages. These POWER OUTAGES COULD BE FOR A LONG TIME, if power stations have to be rebuilt. You also SHOULD HAVE EXTRA FUEL AND HEATING CAPABILITIES along with PROPANE FOR COOKING AND OIL FOR LAMPS to give light. The one world people will TURN OFF your power anyway when they want to declare martial law. These preparations may sound dramatic now, but WHEN disasters strike, these preparations may provide for YOUR SURVIVAL. I will warn My people when it is time to leave for My refuges before martial law comes. But these things could happen VERY QUICKLY, so you will NEED EVERYTHING READY to leave in a short notice. Do not be distressed or worried over these world events because you can trust in Me to protect you from the evil ones. When these events come, your life will change dramatically, but you will be praying more then."

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Prophetic Voices JUNE 25, 2010: Jesus said: "My people, I am showing you a vision of MUCH DAMAGE THAT WILL COME IN THE MIDDLE OF YOUR COUNTRY from a series of earthquakes and other man-made disasters. The construction equipment in the vision was to rebuild the roads so aid could be brought in to help people from the devastation. The sonic boom is to indicate the SPEED at which this earthquake will occur. The WAVY LINES IN THE CLOUDS of the sky are a sign of the FREQUENCY PATTERNS that the HAARP MACHINE uses to CREATE earthquakes. A series of harmonic frequencies are focused in an area until much shaking occurs with an earthquake. RIGHT BEFORE an earthquake will start, you WILL SEE VARIOUS COLORS in the sky as the microwaves of the HAARP machine will ionize the air giving these colors. Many of these MAN-MADE DISASTERS are being brought down on America to CAUSE DEATH AND DESTRUCTION that could result in calling for MARTIAL LAW to establish order from any stealing. BE PREPARED for this destruction by having WATER, FOOD, AND FUEL ON HAND because these things may be difficult to obtain when you see power outages from these events. Pray again for the people who will be suffering from this disaster, especially those who may die with souls unready to meet Me at their judgment." DECEMBER 13, 2009 Jesus said: "My people, you have seen earthquakes underwater cause tsunamis. Now I am showing you deep earthquakes that could drain your ponds, water wells, and even change the course of your lakes. A major earthquake on the NEW MADRID FAULT could drain even your Great Lakes into the Mississippi River basin, and this would cause a GREAT LOSS OF FRESH WATER. Other earthquakes in the West could change the geography of your Western coastline. You have had a time of relative stability, but ONCE LARGE EARTHQUAKES START HAPPENING, you could see other major earthquakes occur on the plate interfaces. Be prepared for MAJOR DAMAGE IN THE CITIES NEAR THESE FAULT LINES. Many of your WATER, GAS, AND ELECTRIC LINES WILL BE AFFECTED, and it will leave many areas with NO POWER, NO HEAT, AND LITTLE WATER. Be ready to leave for your REFUGES where your necessities will be provided, and you will be protected even from earthquakes." MAY 29, 2006: Jesus said: "My people, in the MIDDLE OF YOUR COUNTRY (USA) you know that there are OLD FAULT LINES that caused much damage years ago. This vision of a house in the South on this fault line shows how violent earth quakes can be now that more

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Prophetic Voices people live there. In this part of your country they do not build houses to stand earthquakes. That is why any damage from earthquakes will BE MUCH MORE SEVERE than in California. I HAVE TOLD YOU TO MOVE AWAY FROM AREAS PRONE TO EARTHQUAKES, HURRICANES, AND TORNADOES. If you must live in these areas, then build your homes to withstand these disasters where possible. PLACE SCAPULARS AND BLESSED MEDALS all over your houses for protection from these natural disasters. If you call on My help, I will send My ANGELS OF PROTECTION to keep you from harm. Trust in My protection to guide these storms away from your houses."

The Supervolcano Named "El Diablo" Date: Mon, 2011-04-11 Prophet: anno domini - American seeër AND11041103 The Supervolcano Named "El Diablo" Date: April 11th, 2011 Prophet: Anno Domini The Supervolcano Named “El Diablo” In a dream vision I saw people around the world very worried about the IMPENDING EXPLOSION of a SUPERVOLCANO. They called the volcano “EL DIABLO” (The Devil) and prepared for the worst. Many did not see how the world could survive such thick poisonous smoke and gases in the air for so long. In some places NEAR the volcano they expected to live only for only a few hours, and in other places further away they expected to live up to four days. THIS SUPERVOLCANO LAY IN THE ATLANTIC OCEAN, under the FIRE MOUNTAINS of the island of LANZAROTE of the CANARY ISLANDS. Because of this supervolcano‟s location in the sea, people also EXPECTED GREAT TSUNAMIS to accompany the eruption. PREPARE YE THE WAY OF THE LORD. ALWAYS BE PREPARED TO EVACUATE A COASTLINE FOR HIGHER GROUND. [To Prepare for the Great Warning:] At your REFUGE, keep BLANKETS for the cold and prepare to SEAL all entranceways, windows and vents to your shelter for at least SEVEN DAYS. 128 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices [At the Great Warning:] During this period when the THICK ASH CLOUD circles the earth, DO NOT LOOK THROUGH A WINDOW, OPEN A DOOR, NOR GO OUTSIDE under any circumstances. Light your BLESSED CANDLES and KEEP HOLY WATER about you as you PRAY FOR GOD‟S MERCY AND PROTECTION.

Rise of Arab World - Three World Leaders Assassinated Date: Thu, 2011-02-17 Prophet: the Warning - European seeër THW11021701 Rise of Arab World - Three World Leaders Assassinated Message to The Warning - European Seeër Rise of Arab World – 3 World Leaders to be assassinated Received Thursday 17th February 2011 11.45pm My dearly beloved daughter I am full of joy today now that this important series of messages are being prepared for release to all mankind. You will find soon that ALL COUNTRIES WILL SEARCH OUT these messages. Don‟t worry about your safety as I will protect you and your family at all times. Although I am full of love for you My child, My heart is breaking with deep sorrow for the suffering which is being inflicted by the cunning society PLOTTING TO TAKE OVER COUNTRIES. They will do this by cleverly REMOVING LEADERS.* Then they will offer help. Then they will buy the friendship of new regimes until they control them. This NEW CONTROL will be WORSE than the power hungry dictators who were toppled in the name of freedom. Watch now, My daughter the speed at which THE ARAB WORLD WILL UNITE AGAINST MY PEOPLE, THE JEWS. Watch how ALL THEIR ALLIES WILL FALL AWAY leaving them exposed. My daughter, when the [GREAT] WARNING TAKES PLACE, My word will be heard more readily after the conversion has taken place. This will be the time for My holy followers to UNITE DEFIANTLY against the TYRANNY that will emerge in the WESTERN WORLD ESPECIALLY IN EUROPE. Fight for your right to pray. If you don‟t it will not be a religious war but a war of genocide. THERE WILL BE THREE WORLD LEADERS ASSASSINATED SHORTLY ONE BY ONE.

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Prophetic Voices Remember that each one will be assassinated through the plotting of the EVIL GROUP – the sub cultural organizations that rule in all nations though you cannot see them because they are cowards. But not for long will they hide. WHEN CONTROL is in their grasp they will strive for your attention and demand respect. The WARNING will help save all My children everywhere. Conversion, a gift from Me, will be given to even those who plot and scheme to win control over God‟s earth. If they could only understand that THIS POWER WILL NEVER BE THEIRS, they might stop. But they are blind. More of My angels who now infiltrate the earth as human beings will help show these poor misguided souls the truth. Many will convert. Others won't. My daughter, go, spread the word quickly. You have ONLY WEEKS. Use every tool available to you. Show courage. Do absolutely everything to allow all of My children, all nations, to understand the meaning of My special gift – when My hand reaches out from Heaven to save their souls. Those who do not convert at first will do so before the PERSECUTION when more and more souls will turn back to Me. This will be a very difficult time for all. But be patient there are GOOD TIMES AHEAD when peace will return to Earth. My children will, after this wake up call, see the love that I hold and will come running back into My arms. Then, when that happens, My arm will form and defend My Kingdom against The Deceiver whose reign will be VERY SHORT. This is a turning point in the history of mankind children. You will understand this very shortly. By then any skeptical thoughts you have at time of the Warning – when it happens you will open your hearts to the TRUTH. Go now My daughter in Peace and Love for all Mankind Jesus Christ, King of the Jews ---------------------------* NOTE: The NAMES of these three world leaders are known to the visionary but are not being published in advance due to the sensitivity involved. TWO are from the MIDDLE EAST and ONE from the WEST. Their names have been given privately to two priests and one media outlet for future publication.

Preparing for War in Europe Date: Mon, 2011-04-11 130 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices Prophet: anno domini - American seeër AND11041102 Preparing for War in Europe Date: April 11th, 2011 Prophet: Anno Domini Preparing for War in Europe In a dream vision I saw Europe in the future, a EUROPE that was quickly PREPARING FOR A WIDER WORLD WAR WITH RUSSIA AND CHINA. Russian citizens and some western Europeans of Russian descent living outside of Russia, were MOVING very quickly to locations perceived as safer for them. Most Chinese citizens and those of Chinese descent – too easily identified as non-European -- had DISAPPEARED completely, leaving their possessions behind. In fact, impromptu flea markets appeared in the streets of Europe, many selling the expensive Chinese vases left behind by the fleeing Chinese. Soon STRANGE OCHRE-COLORED “CLOUDS” appeared in the sky. Patches of the sky held a MIST OF DIRTY YELLOW AND GREENISH BROWN, like the color of some mustards. When the people saw these clouds, some ran indoors, understanding that the beginning world war already included USE OF CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS. REPENT OF YOUR SINS AND SEEK YOUR ETERNAL AND TRUE REFUGE IN THE LORD JESUS. PRAY TO LESSEN THE SEVERITY AND SUFFERING OF THIS COMING WAR.

Brown Swath Divides USA Date: Mon, 2011-04-11 Prophet: anno domini - American seeër AND11041101 Brown Swath Divides USA Date: April 11th, 2011 Prophet: Anno Domini Brown Swath Divides United States In a dream vision I saw the United States from on high, as if from a satellite. 131 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices What drew my attention was a LARGE SWATH OF DARK BROWN that extended in a WIDE BAND straight through the middle of the nation, from the Gulf region north to the Great Lakes. The brown band was AT LEAST TWO, AND SOMETIMES THREE, STATES WIDE and roughly followed the MISSISSIPPI RIVER AND MISSOURI RIVER. An area HUNDREDS OF MILES TO THE EAST of the rivers was dark, and an area even up to A THOUSAND MILES TO THE WEST of the rivers was discolored too. The land appeared as if NOTHING GREW THERE. All greenery was gone. The brown band was a NO MAN‟S LAND.

A Great Lake spills into the Mississippi River Date: Tue, 2011-04-12 Prophet: anno domini - American seeër AND11041201 A Great lake spills into the Mississippi River Date: April 12th, 2011 Prophet: Anno Domini A Great Lake Spills into Mississippi River In a dream vision I watched from a position high in the air what appeared to be one of the Great Lakes BREAKING ITS BOUNDARIES. “There it goes,” I heard a voice say. The lake drained in a high wall of water southward to eventually join the Mississippi River. The eastern United States was SEPARATED from the central and western United States BY A WIDE BODY OF WATER. In another dream vision I saw U.S. HIGHWAY 55 which courses from Illinois and the Great Lakes south to the Gulf of Mexico. This was to be THE PATH OF MUCH DESTRUCTION BY EARTHQUAKE AND WATER.

Do not oppose the Pope - Defend him Date: Fri, 2011-04-22 Prophet: Littlest of Servants LOS11042201 Do not oppose the Pope - Defend him

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A Great Storm at the Hour of My Passion Date: Thu, 2011-04-21 Prophet: Louise Starr Tomkiel LOU11042101 A Great Storm at the Hour of My Passion

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Prophetic Voices Message to Louise April 21st, 2011 Holy Thursday Then Jesus spoke," AT THE HOUR OF MY PASSION, the Hour of Divine Mercy, there will be a GREAT STORM that will CONSUME THE EARTH. This is MEANT TO WAKE YOU UP to be alert of the sins you are committing against God and man. This is a WARNING to what is to come. WAKE-UP, My children, while I am warning you. Be prepared, for WORST WILL COME THEREAFTER, if you do not change your ways. AMEN, I HAVE SPOKEN. I GIVE MY LIFE TO YOU FOR YOUR SALVATION. AMEN. NOTE: (mk) We must remember as in the past much can be conditional depending on our response with prayer, Holy Masses, Holy Hours, Rosaries, night vigils, Chaplets, Novenas etc. In the past Louise has been given the words Biloxi and a few hours later it was destroyed. She was given the word Spokane and 6 hours later a big quake hit several years ago. She was given that a 9 point magnitude would hit and 2 1/2 months later Indonesia was hit with that 9.3 quake and tsnaumi. And so many other - countless other - messages have come to fruition. If enough of us would spend the night praying down on our knees maybe this could be mitigated or even averted. Remember prayer along with fasting makes your prayers even more powerful too and when we ask the Holy Angels and Blessed Saints to join us that too makes it even more powerful.

America awaits a VERY HOT Summer Date: Tue, 2011-04-19 Prophet: Michael DiBitetto MID11041901 America awaits a VERY HOT summer Message to Michael DiBitetto April 19th,2011 “our Lady Of Sorrows” My Dear, Dear Children … Holy Week Has Arrived … The Passion Of My Son Will Soon Come To An End … And Then He Once Again Will Die On The Cross For Your Sins …

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Prophetic Voices My Dear, Dear Children … I Want To Thank Everyone Who Attended Mass For Palm Sunday And Especially A Thank You For Bringing Someone Along With You Who Usually Does Not Attend Mass … I Do Hope For Easter There Will Only Be Standing Room Only In All The Churches … And People Who Do Not Attend Mass … Start To Have A Change Of Heart And Convert, From Not Going To Mass To Attending Mass Every Week … This Is Where I Ask You To Pray For These People … They Are My Lost Children… And They Need To Find My Son Your Lord And Savior Jesus Christ Once Again … My Dear, Dear Children … Please I Ask You … This Week, Holy Week … When You Pray … Pray On The Wounds Of My Son Your Lord And Savior Jesus Christ … The Wounds On His Head … His Back … His Chest His Shoulders … Really Every Part Of His Body … My Dear, Dear Children … When You Pray … On „the Wounds Of My Son‟ Your Lord And Savior Jesus Christ … Pray With The Intentions … For Healing … And For Also The Release Of Souls In Purgatory … Especially Those Who Do Not Have Anyone To Pray For Them … My Dear, Dear Children … I Also Ask For You To Pray For Peace In The World … Pray For Pope Benedict The XVI … Pray For Your Bishops … And Your Priests, And Deacons … PRAY THAT THE CHURCH STAYS UNITED AS ONE … My Dear, Dear Children … Look At The World … Look At Disasters That Have Been Occurring … The Wars In AFGHANISTAN, In IRAQ … People Being Killed For What … For No Reason … These Are Wars That Can Never End … They Must Decide To Stop … That Is The Only Way They Can End A War … BUT THE UNITED STATES … HAS TOO MUCH PRIDE … They Do Not Like To Be Losers … And So For THE ENEMY ALSO … 135 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices No One Likes To Lose … But They Can Call For A Truce And For Peace … Also My Dear, Dear Children … Pray For The United States … With All The DISASTERS That Have Been Occurring … In The Southern States The Tornadoes … The Floods In Many Parts Of The Country … My Dear, Dear Children … Everyone [in the USA] Is Saying … It‟s Springtime: WHERE IS THE WARM WEATHER … My Dear Children … I Tell You … Do NOT RUSH The Warm Weather … You Here In The United States … You Had A VERY BAD WINTER … And Here IN THE UNITED STATES WILL BE A VERY HOT AND HUMID SUMMER … PEOPLE WILL DIE FROM THE HEAT … As Whether They Lose Power Or [have been] In The Sun Too Long … BUT IT WILL BE A VERY HOT SUMMER … My Dear, Dear Children … I Want To Wish … And I Also Pray … That You Have A Very Happy And Blessed Easter … God Bless You All … And I Bless You … In The Name Of … Our Father, My Son … And The Holy Spirit … Amen.

The Black Robes Date: Thu, 2011-03-31 Prophet: anno domini - American seeër AND11033112 The Black Robes Date: March 31st, 2011 Prophet: Anno Domini The Black Robes In a dream vision I saw the LEADERS who were planning the NEW EVIL WORLD GOVERNMENT.

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Prophetic Voices In a EUROPEAN LOCATION, they walked in small groups to and from meetings, full of anticipation and flushed with self-importance, feeling the heady effects of their INCREASING POWER. They truly believed they were SUPERIOR BEINGS, a BREED APART from the common man. Their camaraderie was evident, for they were a brotherhood. They wore BLACK CEREMONIAL ROBES, which imitated the appearance of the DARK BROTHERS, who ruled over them. Have faith, God‟s people. IN A SHORT TIME, EVIL WILL BE BOUND and the Black Robes [will be] no more.

The Black Hand Date: Thu, 2011-03-31 Prophet: anno domini - American seeër AND11033111 The Black Hand Date: March 31st, 2011 Prophet: Anno Domini The Black Hand In a waking vision, eyes closed, I saw a hand raised, its flat palm facing me. The hand was positioned in the air the way a person would lift his hand to stop traffic. The hand hovered only a few feet away, close enough for me to see the palm and fingers in some detail. Though the hand was a white persons hand, it was discolored from the inside almost black with bruising throughout. A COMPLETE HEMORRHAGING OF ALL CAPILLARIES had turned the hand an ashen, charcoal blue. A PLAGUE is being devised to devastate humanity by means of MASSIVE INTERNAL HEMORRHAGING, much like the BLACK DEATH humanity has faced before. Many millions will die. Some will not. AS WITH ALL DISEASES, THERE IS A CURE, EVEN WHEN TOLD BY EXPERTS AND AUTHORITIES THAT THERE IS NONE. Bacteria, viruses, and chemical compounds need certain conditions to do damage to the body. USE THE MIND GOD GAVE YOU, COMBINED WITH PRAYER, TO FIND THE CURE. God will guide your search. As always, the TRUE CURE WILL BE SIMPLE AND INEXPENSIVE, found easily in nature and the earth, and the result of a combination of approaches. 137 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices -

Earthquakes in the USA Date: Wed, 2011-04-20 Prophet: David Wilkerson DWN11042001 Earthquakes in the USA April 20th, 2011 Earthquakes in Japan and David Wilkerson's book "The Vision." Here is an excerpt from Chapter 2 of David Wilkerson's book, The Vision. QUOTE: Chapter 2 Drastic Weather Change and Earthquakes (The Vision by David Wilkerson - published in 1974) « EARTHQUAKES COMING TO UNITED STATES The United States is going to experience in the not-too-distant future the most tragic earthquakes in its history. One day soon this nation will be reeling under the impact of the biggest news story of modern times. It will be coverage of the biggest most disastrous earthquake in history. It will cause widespread panic and fear. Without a doubt, it will become one of the most completely reported earthquake ever. Television networks will suspend all programming and carry all day coverage. Another earthquake, possibly in JAPAN may PRECEDE the one that I see coming here. There is not the slightest doubt in my mind about this forthcoming massive earthquake in our continent. I am NOT at all convinced that this earthquake will take place in California. In fact, I believe it is going to take place where it is least expected. This terrible earthquake may happen in an area NOT KNOWN as an earthquake belt. It will be so high on the Richter scale that it will TRIGGER TWO OTHER MAJOR EARTHQUAKES. »

The Warning & Second Coming Close Date: Wed, 2011-01-12 Prophet: the Warning - European seeër THW11011201 The Warning & Second Coming Close

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Prophetic Voices European Seeër The Warning – Second Coming Close – Chance to Save your souls Received Wednesday 12th January 2011 3pm My daughter My message yesterday was harsh. Many reading it will say “this is not the way the Lord speaks”. But how do they know ? It is because of the suffering that is being endured by My beloved children at the hands of others that I must speak out. I speak out because of My Divine Mercy in order to help save you My children so that we can be united as one Holy Family in the New Paradise. I do not want to lose one single soul to The Deceiver. It is important that My voice is heard. NON BELIEVERS FIND IT SO DIFFICULT I understand that for many of My children, especially those non-believers, they find it very difficult to believe in the next life. They are SO CONDITIONED by wordly matters that, in their struggle to survive, they have neglected their spirituality to such an extent they don‟t believe that there is another life at all. They now need to consider. They believe that all ends after death and that the only world they need to worry about is the one they live in right now. How I despair for THESE MISGUIDED SOULS. If they could only experience a glimpse of what Paradise provides they would spend their days in prayer and adoration to Me and My Eternal Father in praise and thanks. THIS NEW WORLD THAT I HAVE PROMISED THEM IS A REALITY. Praise to the believers who have never forgotten this fact and who still pray to Me every day. How I love My followers. But how I suffer for them too. These devout followers do everything they can TO CONVINCE OTHERS of My existence. Then they are laughed at and scorned on My behalf. How this breaks My heart. HOW THE DEPARTED PINE FOR ALL THOSE LEFT WITH NO FAITH How your loved ones pine for you all on the other side non-believers ! For those of you whose loved ones are at peace in My Father‟s Kingdom they constantly pray to intercede on your behalf. What you do not realise is this. If you take time to speak with Me privately – in your own words – and ask Me for guidance, even if your faith is lukewarm, then I WILL RESPOND. And you will know that I have responded. Turn to Me now children. In your own words and ask Me to restore your faith.

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Prophetic Voices Consider My teachings through these messages and through the Bible and remind yourselves what way you must live your lives. I will, through My mercy [and at the GREAT WARNING], REVEAL TO YOU your grievances against My teachings and every sin and offense you have committed throughout your life VERY SOON. NOT JUDGEMENT DAY BUT A TASTE OF WHAT IT WILL BE LIKE This is an act of Mercy on My part. You will SEE YOUR SINS and UNDERSTAND IMMEDIATELY how they appear to Me. INSTANTLY you will UNDERSTAND CLEARLY how offensive they are and wrong. THIS IS YOUR CHANCE, children, to repent. This is NOT JUDGEMENT DAY but a TASTE OF WHAT IT WILL BE LIKE. Out of mercy you are being given the GREATEST GIFT OF ALL before Judgement Day – the chance to repent and change your life BEFORE THE FINAL DAY – the time when I arrive back on this earth. I come as you know, NOT as a Saviour then, but AS A JUST JUDGE. THAT TIME IS NOW CLOSE, My children. Do not fear. I love you all. You are in My heart. Allow Me enter yours now and let Me guide you to My Father‟s Kingdom. Never fear death. Death will simply be a doorway into a new beautiful life of blissful eternity full of love, peace and happiness. LIFE ON EARTH ONLY A PASSAGE IN TIME Your life on earth is simply a PASSAGE in time. It can be full of love, joy, pain, rejection, fear, anger, despair, frustration and sadness. But it is only when you turn to Me that YOUR PAIN WILL EASE. Blessed are those who suffer and especially in My name for you will be glorified in my Father‟s Kingdom. Blessed too are those who turn back to Me for there will be great rejoicing in Heaven. You will be welcomed into MY NEW PARADISE. Pray for your souls and those of your families now. THE WARNING WILL TAKE PLACE SOON. THEN YOU WILL KNOW THE TRUTH. You will then have the chance to redeem yourself in my eyes. I love you all. I rejoice because I know that so many more of My children will now turn back to Me and God, the Eternal Father as the time for THE END TIMES DRAWS VERY CLOSE NOW. Be prepared. Your loving saviour Jesus Christ

More Calamities in Japan Date: 140 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices Tue, 2011-04-12 Prophet: Michael DiBitetto MID11041201 More calamities in Japan Message to Michael DiBitetto April 12th, 2011 “Our Lady Of Sorrows” My Dear, Dear Children … Little More Than A Week … Until … The Death Of My Son Your Lord And Savior Once Again … My Dear, Dear Children … How Prepared Were You … I Can Say Many Were Not Prepared … But I Also Can Say, You Still Have Time … To Do Something … My Dear, Dear Children … I Ask You Please To Continue To Pray, Pray For Peace In The World … That The Wars In Afghanistan And Iraq Come To An End … My Dear, Dear Children … Look What Is Happening In JAPAN … They Call Them … „aftershocks‟ … But They Are Still … EARTHQUAKES … That Have Continued … In The Last Few Days … They Had Over Three More … You Are UNABLE TO KEEP TRACK Of All The Earthquakes Or So Called „aftershocks‟ That Have Occurred In Japan … STILL JAPAN HAS TO BE PREPARED FOR ANOTHER MAJOR EARTHQUAKE AND ANOTHER TSUNAMI … But Also … Their Nuclear Plants Still Are Leaking Radiation … They Say: The Radiation Is Decreasing … IT IS NOT … IT IS RISING SLOWLY … If It Is Decreasing … Why Are They Still Evacuating More And More Families ? … THE RADIATION WILL KILL MORE PEOPLE IN JAPAN … Many … Have Been In The Radiation Area … They‟ve Inhaled The Radiation … 141 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices I Ask You My Dear, Dear Children … To Pray For Japan … The Next Time You Pray A Rosary … Please Offer It Up For Japan. My Dear, Dear Children … Please Continue To Pray For Pope Benedict The XVI … Pray That He Accomplishes What He Has Set Out To Do On His Mission … Pray For Your Priests … Your Bishops, Your Deacons … Pray For The Church To Stay United As One … My Dear, Dear Children … This Is The Lenten Season … And We Do Continue To Hear Your Prayers Every Day And Night When Ever You Pray We Hear You … And We Listen … But Do Remember … What My Son Your Lord And Savior Went Through On His Passion And Then His Crucifixion … Many Of My Dear, Dear Children Are Suffering … But How Would You Rather Suffer … The Way You Are … Or The Way My Son Your Lord And Savior Jesus Christ Was … Please My Dear, Dear Children … Have Faith And Trust In Your Lord And Savior My Son Jesus Christ … We Are Here To Help You … But Not To Harm You … But Sometimes … You Must Show How Much Patience You Do Have … And Not For Days Or Weeks … But It Can Go On For Months … And Even Years, Yes, Even Years … But Does That Mean … You Will Not Be Healed … No … My Dear, Dear Children … I Love You All So Very, Very Much … And I Protect You Under My Mantle … And I Bless You All … In The Name Of Our Father, My Son. And The Holy Spirit. Amen

A Horrific Global Food Crisis Date: Mon, 2011-04-18 ART11041801 A Horrific Global Food Crisis Article dated April 18th, 2011 20 SIGNS THAT A HORRIFIC GLOBAL FOOD CRISIS IS COMING 142 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices In case you haven't noticed, the world is on the verge of a horrific global food crisis. At some point, this crisis will affect you and your family. It may not be today, and it may not be tomorrow, but it is going to happen. Crazy weather and horrifying natural disasters have played havoc with agricultural production in many areas of the globe over the past couple of years. Meanwhile, the price of oil has begun to skyrocket. The entire global economy is predicated on the ability to use massive amounts of inexpensive oil to cheaply produce food and other goods and transport them over vast distances. Without cheap oil the whole game changes. Topsoil is being depleted at a staggering rate and key aquifers all over the world are being drained at an alarming pace. Global food prices are already at an all-time high and they continue to move up aggressively. SO WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN TO OUR WORLD when hundreds of millions more people cannot afford to feed themselves ? Most Americans are so accustomed to supermarkets that are absolutely packed to the gills with massive amounts of really inexpensive food that they cannot even imagine that life could be any other way. UNFORTUNATELY, THAT ERA IS ENDING. There are all kinds of indications that we are now entering a time when there will NOT BE NEARLY ENOUGH FOOD for everyone in the world. As competition for food supplies increases, food prices are going to go up. In fact, at some point they are going to go way up. Let's look at SOME OF THE KEY REASONS why an increasing number of people believe that a massive food crisis is on the horizon. THE FOLLOWING ARE 20 SIGNS THAT A HORRIFIC GLOBAL FOOD CRISIS IS COMING. #1 According to the World Bank, 44 million people around the globe have been pushed into extreme poverty since last June because of rising food prices. #2 The world is losing topsoil at an astounding rate. In fact, according to Lester Brown, "one third of the world's cropland is losing topsoil faster than new soil is forming through natural processes". #3 Due to U.S. ethanol subsidies, almost a third of all corn grown in the United States is now used for fuel. This is putting a lot of stress on the price of corn. #4 Due to a lack of water, some countries in the Middle East find themselves forced to almost totally rely on other nations for basic food staples. For example, it is being projected that there will be no more wheat production in Saudi Arabia by the year 2012. #5 Water tables all over the globe are being depleted at an alarming rate due to "overpumping". According to the World Bank, there are 130 million people in China and 175 million people in India that are being fed with grain with water that is being pumped out of aquifers faster than it can be replaced. So what happens once all of that water is gone ?

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Prophetic Voices #6 In the United States, the systematic depletion of the Ogallala Aquifer could eventually turn "America's Breadbasket" back into the "Dust Bowl". #7 Diseases such as UG99 wheat rust are wiping out increasingly large segments of the world food supply. #8 The tsunami and subsequent nuclear crisis in Japan have rendered vast agricultural areas in that nation unusable. In fact, there are many that believe that eventually a significant portion of northern Japan will be considered to be uninhabitable. Not only that, many are now convinced that the Japanese economy, the third largest economy in the world, is likely to totally collapse as a result of all this. #9 The price of oil may be the biggest factor on this list. The way that we produce our food is very heavily dependent on oil. The way that we transport our food is very heavily dependent on oil. When you have skyrocketing oil prices, our entire food production system becomes much more expensive. If the price of oil continues to stay high, we are going to see much higher food prices and some forms of food production will no longer make economic sense at all. #10 At some point the world could experience a very serious fertilizer shortage. According to scientists with the Global Phosphorus Research Initiative, the world is not going to have enough phosphorous to meet agricultural demand in just 30 to 40 years. #11 Food inflation is already devastating many economies around the globe. For example, India is dealing with an annual food inflation rate of 18 percent. #12 According to the United Nations, the global price of food reached a new all-time high in February 2011. #13 According to the World Bank, the global price of food has risen 36% over the past 12 months. #14 The commodity price of wheat has approximately doubled since last summer 2010. #15 The commodity price of corn has also about doubled since last summer 2010. #16 The commodity price of soybeans is up about 50% since last June 2010. #17 The commodity price of orange juice has doubled since 2009. #18 There are about 3 billion people around the globe that live on the equivalent of 2 dollars a day or less and the world was already on the verge of economic disaster before this year 2011 even began. #19 2011 has already been one of the craziest years since World War 2. Revolutions have swept across the Middle East, the United States has gotten involved in the civil war in Libya, Europe is on the verge of a financial meltdown and the U.S. dollar is dying. None of this is good news for global food production. #20 There have been persistent rumors of shortages at some of the biggest suppliers of emergency food in the United States. The following is an excerpt from a recent "special alert" posted on Raiders News Network.... Look around you. Read the headlines. See the largest factories of food, potassium iodide, and other emergency product manufacturers literally closing their online stores and putting up signs like those on Mountain House's Official Website and Thyrosafe's Factory Webpage that explain, due to overwhelming demand, they are shutting down sales for the time being and hope to reopen someday. 144 | P a g e

Prophetic Voices SO WHAT DOES ALL OF THIS MEAN ? IT MEANS THAT TIME IS SHORT. For years, many "doom and gloomers" have been yelling and screaming that a food crisis is coming. Well, up to this point there hasn't been much to get alarmed about. Food prices have started to rise, but the truth is that our stores are still packed to the rafters will gigantic amounts of relatively cheap food. However, you would have to be a bean NOT TO SEE THE WARNING SIGNS. Just look at what happened in Japan after March 11th. Store shelves were cleared out almost instantly. It isn't going to happen today, and it probably isn't going to happen tomorrow, but AT SOME POINT A MAJOR LEAGUE FOOD CRISIS IS GOING TO STRIKE. So what are you and your family going to do then ? You might want to start thinking about that.

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