The F.A.T. Manual

Page 39


The F.A.T. Manual

RollTube – The Rick Roll Firefox Extension var fVars = embeds[i].getAttribute("flashvars"); if(fVars == null) continue; var w = 480; var h = 395; var obj = document.createElement('object'); = 'objectID'; obj.setAttribute('width', w); obj.setAttribute('height', h); var param = document.createElement('param'); param.setAttribute('name', 'movie'); param.setAttribute('value', ''+id); obj.appendChild(param); var param = document.createElement('param'); param.setAttribute('name', 'wmode'); param.setAttribute('value', 'transparent'); obj.appendChild(param); var embed = document.createElement('embed'); embed.setAttribute('width', w); embed.setAttribute('height', h); embed.setAttribute('wmode', 'transparent'); embed.setAttribute('type', 'application/x-shockwaveflash'); embed.setAttribute('src', '' +id); obj.appendChild(embed); embeds[i].parentNode.replaceChild(obj, embeds[i]); } }

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