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DS!JchicaL and DhiLasajzhicaL Bleseal:.ch. 11.A

VOl. I.

ChrDnicle of Strange, aNi St(n'~ and FDrgolltn 1'IIings."-SHEI.LEV,





PAGE ""'Gil! Introductory •......•........................... 33 : Extracts from the Hennetlc Writings,." 36 1:he Mighty G~ants of the Past •......... 33 i I-lashes of Light-Part I. Mediumship, 37 St. Paul an Imtiatc.-Pan II ............. 35 The Veil of Isis-Part IV.................. 38




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~ccult J"UNE,












To Correspondents" ....................... 40 Advertisements, ............................. 40

is'an indispensable condition in Occult truth, then verily we muat indeed U 1001: warily to 8V.Ch kind of pwpk." We know nothing of the Oriental individual who requires the "eight men and women, etc.," Dorof "the a.mODnt of pay he would require." But let our Eastern friends remember that other pwple ~-quite as capable and honourable as they themselves are, .nd who are &8 much interested in the welfare of the human family as they can be, aye, and it may be, who lore doing as much in this respect for the Western race &8 they are for the Eastern, but with much less preteusion and ostentation. We 8~1 however. reply more distinctly in our next issue, to this ill·n_tared attack upon, us. . ,






'Stand for the right r though falJehood And proud lips coldJy anctr, . A poisoned anow cannot wound A conscience pure and clear. Stand for the right I and with clean hands Exalt flu Truth on high, Thou')t find Warm, I)'mpatbising hearts, Among the passers by. I

quarrelling hypothesists arraign as vastly ignorant and superstitious those mighty intellectual We are grateful for the many letters of sympathy and giants of the past, Sages who eclipsed our modern encouragement which have come to U8 from all qnarters of thinkers as much as the Himalayas overtop the the world. If our little Monthly has done one 9uarter of the good expreased in these congratulatory epistles, we Alps. There is no modem discovery scarcely have already cause to be thankful At present our which we cannot find the prototype of in ancient columns are full of intereeting reading, which will com· history, be it .force-correlations, natural selection, pare in quality with any tlut.t b published; nevertheleBB, atomic polarity, or evolution. Let us turn to the we are compelled. to hold over'mnch valuable matter, Book of Mallu, written thousands of years ago, owing to limited apace. ' If our. SubBcribere would only aid U8 aJittle by extending our circulation, we l!Ibould be and we find :at once in a position 1D Issue a doMbk ftumOer now and "The first germ of life was developed by water again.' i i/o : _ , and heat. .• '. Water ascends towards the sky in . ' 1. ' Just aa we.are goiDg to ,Preul- we 'observe in theEges , vapours j' from the sky it descends in rain; from of our 1'e8pected'OOntem~- TIte P~hi6t (for BY) the rain are born the plants, and from the planls -a very uncourteoU8, VDcalled for, and malicions a 'cle, animals. . . . Each being acquires the qualities of by 80me initated and abonymon8 writer. ' Be is becoloinft the one which immediately precedes it, in such a alarmed 'at the increased 'eneW8I of U Sham Sociei4ea devoted to the mdy of Oocuftiam, aJl8rl: from the ~act manner that the farther a being gets away from the that all thela II eham aocieti.ee to are (acoordins to his Own primal atom of its series, the more he is possessed ltatementa) in India. Not I&tiafied with giving .. J'WIe of qualities and perfections. , Man will quotation qf the DOtioeof our Noble Order, be lmmedi8.iely treato hII _en to." _ frOm Bonn.., but U h<mu!V traverse the Universe, gradually ascending, IUld "


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