Annual report card 2013

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Business-Friendly Practices Level of Academic Challenge (LAC)

Interpretation: For AY 2012, first year students at TSU appear to find their institution as slightly more engaging than the first year students at the peer institutions when referencing the Level of Academic Challenge. This finding is slightly less true for seniors.

Active and Collaborative Learning (ACL)

Interpretation: For AY 2012, first year students rate TSU much higher than their peer institutions on Active & Collaborative Learning. The TSU average mean rating for this benchmark ranks them among the top 50% of their peer institutions. For TSU seniors, they also find their Active & Collaborative Learning experiences more engaging than students at the peer institutions.

Student Faculty Interaction (SFI)

Interpretation: For AY 2012, first year students at TSU found that the Student-Faculty Interactions are much more engaging than first year students at the peer institutions. The senior year students also rated TSU as slightly more engaging on this criterion.

Enriching Educational Experiences (EEE)

Interpretation: For AY 2012, first year students rated TSU as providing similar but slightly higher levels of Enriching Educational Experiences as those found at the peer institutions. The seniors at TSU and the seniors at the Southeast Public Universities gave this criterion a nearly identical average rating (39.4 and 39.8).

Supportive Campus Environment (SCE)

Interpretation: For AY 2012, both first year students and seniors rated TSU with lower average means than their peers for the criterion- Supportive Campus Environment. The effect size was computed for the mean differences and resulted in a negative sign. This item may warrant more attention.


First year students at TSU rated the institution more favorably than senior year students on four out of five criteria (LAC, ACL, SFI and EEE). The ratings given by the senior year students presented a mixed review. A higher than average mean rating was found on two criteria (ACL, SFI) and two other criteria received a lower than average mean rating by TSU seniors (LAC,SCE). The seniors’ rating of the criteria- Enriching Educational Experience was found to be comparable (39.4; 39.8) to the ratings given by their peers at other Southeast Public Universities. 8 • Page

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