1000 trucchi per photoshop

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Worth1000.com | Photoshop Contests | Are you Worthy™ | tutorial

the opposite direction, you can mirror the image later. Find a few fine art images and save them. The image I used...

Page 3: Combining the 2 images Open your fine art image in Photoshop. Also, open up the preferred face image that will match your fine art image. Using the rectangular marquee tool, Place a rectangle around the celebrity's face. Don't worry about being precise at this point, just make sure you have more than you need in the rectangle. Now, using the move command, drag the image over onto the fine art image. Just get the image close to it's final destination. Examine your layers window. You should have 2 - Background (the fine art image) and Layer 1 (the face) At this point, save your image in the .psd format. This will preserve the layer structure. It is a good habit to save your work on a regular basis. Machine lockup, Power failure or any other disturbance could cause you to lose a bunch of work. Some people like to save the image under different filenames each time so they can revert back to a specific period in the development of the final image.

Page 4: Aligning the layers Look at the layers window. To manipulate a layer, you must first hilite that layer by tagging it with your cursor. Now hilite Layer 1. At the top of the layer window is the opacity control. It should read 100%. Hit the arrow to the right and move the slider that appears. Watch the image as you do this. You should begin to see the image fade away into the background. Choose a percentage that allows you to see both the face and the background together. Now we will align the images. With Layer 1 still hilited, select EDIT>FREE TRANSFORM. A rectangle with circles in the corners and one in the center will appear. You can move the layer by hitting inside the rectangle and dragging it into place. You can rotate the layer by hitting outside the rectangle, and spinning it. Notice it spins about the circle in the middle of the rectangle. You can move the point of rotation with your cursor. The next one is important... You can scale the layer by hitting one of the corner circles and dragging it in or out. NOTE: It is important to hold the shift key when you do this, in order to keep the image proportionally correct. Using the EDIT>FREE TRANSFORM command, align the face with the background. I usually use the jawline and eyes as a guide.

After you have the images aligned as best as possible, slide the layer opacity level back to 100%. file:///C|/Worth1000/70.htm (2 van 4)13-6-2006 23:19:19

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