Dariana Moondancer

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Lia Blanchard Everquest Fanfiction Written March 2003 Dariana Moondancer: Chapter Six (excerpt) The nighttime sounds, usually so comforting to her, were now nothing but distracting. Even the rustling of the Jaggedpine leaves, so far above her head, seemed to be as bothersome as the whispers of children awake far too late. Dariana rolled over again, pulling her cloak even tighter about her shoulders. I need to sleep, she thought. But all her mind could do was go over the evening’s events of earlier in the evening, at the language faire. Remembering how enjoyable it was to actually learn a new skill was enough to make her smile, but the interesting people that she'd met had totally captured her attention. The Baron Ryuujin – so much like Father it fairly hurt to look upon him. His wife, the Pathfinder Raiya – with a smile so warm that she'd immediately felt welcomed among them. The dark elf Meneltel – now there was a story, she was sure! There had even been a Barbarian man amongst them – the one they called "Lorekeeper," whatever that meant. Indeed, the night had been enjoyable, and Dariana truly felt, for the first time, that perhaps this was a group of people she could join. People with a philosophy similar to her own. They divided themselves into groups she could understand, and had a common goal she could believe in. Did believe in, already. Indeed, the only problem was... to which House did she truly belong? She had done enough asking around to know that as a druid of Tunare, she would automatically be placed into the House of Light – should she be accepted, of course. But her heart was troubled, fearing that perhaps that was not where her individual beliefs would place her. Though she would certainly fight evil where she found it, she lacked a paladin's fervor for vanquishing Darkness. Indeed, she felt that without Darkness there could be no Light. And was that not the central tenet of the House of Shadow? And even if Dark Inheritance were to allow her to become one of Umbra, would Tunare be angry with her? No doubt there would be consequences. Dariana rolled over yet again, then finally just sat up and leaned back against the gigantic tree trunk. She pulled her knees to her chest, clasping her fingers around them, and closed her eyes. There would be no sleep tonight, not until she had her answers. So far, all she had were the sounds of the children of the Glade, whispering all around her.

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