October 2022 360 Spotlight SPECIAL EDITION

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e’re o to an amazing start for the First Priority ChallengeMiracle2022. We have faith to see the first $10 million giving year in Light for the Lost history. Furthermore, we believe God is going to use it to reach, and bring into the kingdom, more people than ever before and we are thrilled to be part of it.

In September I wrote to you about our burden for the lonely millions who are desperate for freedom, truth, friendship, and peace which is only found in Christ. Today I want to emphasize our burden for the least. You know the verse from Matthew 25:40. Jesus urges all His followers to be concerned for those who are low, disadvantaged, oppressed, and forgotten. The ones who are invisible to the eyes of others. The least. He sees them, loves them, and He wants to use us to tell them His story. On the inside pages of this 360 Spotlight are two powerful stories that illustrate how LFTL is able to reach the least of the world through YOUR giving and Aspartnership!youread, please be sensitive to what God might speak to you about partnering with LFTL this month to help keep world evangelism our First Priority by providing missionaries the resources they need to share Christ with others. Every gift, every dollar, will be invested wisely and strategically to reach the world for Christ. We thank you for your support, and your heart for the mission!




watched carefully where I stepped. The pathways through New Delhi’s most expansive slum were narrow and littered with garbage, human waste, mud, and discarded things. Living along those pathways in corrugated metal structures were tens of thousands of the “lowest of the low” of India, the untouchables of the Hindu caste system. They peered suspiciously through tattered curtains, or nervously nodded, as I walked by. My companions, India AG pastors, led the way. We could hear our destination before we saw it. The sounds of women singing, hands clapping, and a tambourine clanging ricocheted through the alleyways to our ears. When we arrived, I walked into a humble Indian home on the third story of an ancient concrete structure. I managed to squeeze into a room completely packed with women and young girls worshipping IJesus.wasintroduced as “Pastor Dan” and invited to speak. I don’t remember a word I said, but I do remember how every womFIRST PRIORITY: “And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’”

an and girl listened intently, soaking up every Outside,word.Ispoke with Pastor Bhawna (pronounced BAHV-nuh), the woman who had planted the church, and 14 others, in the slum. I asked how she had managed to win so many people to SheChrist.held up a Global University evangelism course printed in Hindi, her mother tongue. “With these books,” Bhawna said, “I learn how to share about Jesus from the Bible. I teach them God’s Word and they all turned from the Hindu gods. Now they serve Jesus, and we pray their husbands will also receive Jesus!”

Some of the new converts in Bhawna’s church.

Pastor Bhawna has planted 15 house churches with these resources!

I smiled because I recognized the books. Light for the Lost funds had helped print and provide them to Bhawna and thousands of other Indian believers planting churches in similar places across India. To date, 42,000 Indians using these books have opened 16,200 new house churches!



Before and during COVID, the India AG opened an average of three new house churches PER DAY in India—among the least. That continues! Thank you for providing the funds our missionaries use to resource and fuel world evangelism. Every gift matters, every dollar helps. It’s how we keep world evangelism our First Priority!Dan

Their primary evangelism targets are the least of India. The downtrodden, the forgotten, the despised, and the hated. These are the ones coming to Christ in the thousands.



From left to right, Rajesh was the violent town drunk; Ashok was a servant of Hanuman, the Hindu monkey god; Mukesh led a riot to stop the gospel being preached in his village; Kailash was also a devout Hanuman worshipper; and Darshil su ered from depression and anxiety. Jesus found and saved them!

Today, all five use LFTL-funded resources (provided by our missionaries) to reach others, plant churches, and make disciples. Worship of Hanuman is prolific in this part of India. But Mukesh says, “Because of Jesus now, there are fewer followers for the monkey Thankgod!” you for helping LFTL keep world evangelism First Priority through your support this year.

Kersten is Director of Communications and Development for LFTL and Men’s Ministries. He was a ‘missions journalist’ from 2004 to 2018. Email Dan at dkersten@ag.org or call 417.862.2781 ext. 4174. He would love to hear from you. 417.862.2781 ext. 4171

hese five men are the first converts from the Meena people of Northern India, and they all have powerful stories!

Why am I a 360Man? For me, it is all about courage. In today’s world, it takes courage to step up as a man. In a culture that devalues men, we need courage to step up and get into the game. Being a 360Man is the motivator that reminds me to be courageous. It is not just about contributing $10 monthly or carrying a coin in my pocket. Those are good, but neither are the reason. The reason is to remind me I must have courage in the world I live in. Something must be my motivator to be a man of God who steps up, and steps in. For me, THAT is why I am a 360Man. It gives me courage to: 1) Devour God’s Word 2) Allow the Word to shape me 3) Invest myself into others Don’t sit on the sideline, get in the game! Let 360Man be one of motivators…ityour is for me! “WHY AM I 360MAN?”A Rev. Gordon Houston has served men in the Assemblies of God for decades as a lead pastor, district executive, and most recently as a strategic partner in the national Men’s Ministry Lead Team. HoustonGordon

360 Spotlight is the official voice of Light for the Lost, an evangelism missions focus of the Assemblies of God. National Light for the Lost Director: Rick Allen; Editor: Dan Kersten; Designer: Josh Thomassen. LFTL may be reached at 1445 N. Boonville Avenue, Springfield, MO 65802. Please feel free to visit our website: lftl.ag.org or send us an email at: lftl@ag.org. If you are a missionary or missions partner that utilizes Light for the Lost funds and would like to send us your story, please email us at lftl@ag.org. © 2022 by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfield, MO 65802. All rights reserved. Join the conversation on Facebook: 'Light for the Lost – LFTL' and 'Men's Ministries' | LFTL.AG.ORG | MEN.AG.ORG 417.370.6280 To receive a digital version of the LFTL© 360 Spotlight, sign up at lftl.ag.org or email request to lftl@ag.org.

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