Level 25 Artjournal; Issue #2

Page 5

Level 25 ArtJournal

mories, aiming to link them with their symbolism.

ments and pieces, and constructions. Through this, my work gains value for me, as by using, dismantling or reconstructing try of origin and its culture, I believe that objects, even more old objects, have their history, a hidden secret that has to travel e of memories, as objects carry them. The application and significance of symbolism in my work is apparent; objects become study of Greek Literature, during the two years of my International Baccalaureate education.

uage and more specifically my own lyrics in my work in order to complete my concept. This is an aspect of my work, which nges. The conventional perception about art has now been eroded and new things are introduced expanding the field. One of based on the film of the artist Shirin Neshad “women without men” which not only taught me how to write and research into became the way through which I discover the world. The outcome of my photographic interest has formed the stepping stone

“Leveled Up” 280 cm x 150 cm (approx.) Discarded wooden piece; rusty metal springs; light bulbs; wire; sacks; coal Ileana Arnaoutou



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