Kingston Kitchen Magazine — Summer 2014

Page 27


True to its name—Zion, meaning “heavenly place” and ites meaning a higher state of being—Zionites Farm truly feels like heaven. But when we arrive, there is no fanfare. Just a small, wooden, hand-painted sign, along with the stunning white smile of Chris Binns, assuring us that it was definitely worth the drive. And followed by the warm embrace of his wife Lisa, we already want to stay here forever.

areas. A giant blackboard keeps Lisa in check with all that week’s upcoming orders, and beyond the window, the hills of St. Ann stretch out as far as you can see.

And this is no joke. Step into the Binns’ modest home, and you know that man can live on bread alone—as long as he has some passion fruit butter to spread on it, or some herbed oil to dip it in. Set up in the hills of St. Ann, perched above the coastal town in Free Hill, Zionite Farms spreads over 15 acres of hillside. It is country living at it’s best, rustic and natural, and yet a subtle elegant sophistication defines the space in a way that only a woman like Lisa can accomplish. Luxury definitely resides in the simplicity. A modern day studio apartment, the Binns’ sleep where they eat, continuously surrounded by the aromas and abundance of their organic farm. Dug-up tree roots, form their bed, as well as a small table and stools. Local wood is represented in abundance, cedar, mango, guango, all repurposed from the farm, or surrounding 25

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