LEE Filters - Instructions for NIKKOR Z Series 14-24mm f/2.8 S Filter Holder

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NIKKOR Z Series 14-24mm f/2.8 S Filter Holder

1. Mounting the holder The NIKKOR Z Series 14-24mm f/2.8 S Filter Holder is designed to fit to the outside face of the lens via a custom designed compression ring which locates around the bayonet. The holder has the compression ring pre-installed so that it is ready to go on the lens straight out of the box. To mount the filter holder, first turn the knurled screw anti-clockwise until the compression ring is able to be spun freely without resistance. Looking at the holder from the rear, rotate the compression ring so that the indicator circle on the ring aligns with one of the indicator positions on the back of the holder. Place the holder onto the front of the lens aligning the indicator circles on the holder with the white dot marked on the lens just behind the lens hood bayonet. Ensure that the recessed areas of the compression ring are seated around the lens hood bayonet and tighten the knurled screw to secure the holder in place. Make sure the holder does not move forward while tightening the screw and that it is seated as far back onto the lens as possible. This is to achieve the most secure fitting and also to reduce vignetting. Ensure the filter holder is secure before letting go. Tightening the screw closes the small gap in the compression ring to create a light tight seal.

2. Rotating the holder The NIKKOR Z Series 14-24mm f/2.8 S Filter Holder can be rotated 360°. To rotate the filter holder, grip the holder securely with one hand on the holder and the other on the knurled screw. Turn the knurled screw anticlockwise until the holder is able to be spun freely without resistance. Upon rotation, the compression ring should stay in position and not rotate, keeping the indicator on the compression ring aligned with the white dot marked on the lens. Once the filter holder has been rotated to the desired position, tighten the knurled screw to secure the holder. Ensure the filter holder is secure before letting go.

3. Removing the holder To remove the NIKKOR Z Series 14-24mm f/2.8 S Filter Holder, first remove all filters. Hold the filter holder securely and turn the knurled screw anti-clockwise until the compression ring is fully released from the lens and can rotate freely within the holder. Take the filter holder off the front of the lens and store it in the cloth bag provided to protect the anti-reflective surface.

4. Filter-guide blocks The NIKKOR Z Series 14-24mm f/2.8 S Filter Holder uses the same filter-guide blocks as the LEE100 & LEE85. The holder is pre-assembled with 2 slot filter guide blocks for use down to 14mm focal length. The filter-guide blocks can be swapped on the filter holder for configurations allowing 1, 2 or 3 filters to be inserted. You can use the filter-guide blocks from your other compatible LEE systems or purchase the LEE Filters Spares Pack and follow the instructions for swapping the guide blocks from the LEE100 System Instructions. Please note that vignetting will occur at 14mm when a 3 slot filter guide block is installed. Due to the ultra-wide design of this holder it is not possible to mount the LEE100 Polariser or LEE100 105mm Polariser Ring with this system. Instead, the LEE100 Slot-in Circular Polariser can be used in the 100x100 filter frame (see Section 5 below) and the whole filter holder rotated to achieve the desired level of polarisation.

5. Filter Frames The NIKKOR Z Series 14-24mm f/2.8 S Filter Holder accepts all LEE100 resin and glass filters with the use of custom designed filter frames. Filter frames are available in 2 sizes, Standard Frames and Grad Frames. Standard Frames accept all LEE100 100x100mm square filters including Stoppers*, ProGlass IRND* and ND Standard filters. Grad Frames accept all LEE100 100x150mm filters such as Graduated Neutral Density and effects filters. *The light sealing foam on the Stopper range and some ProGlass IRND filters may cause vignetting at some focal lengths on the NIKKOR Z Series 14-24mm f/2.8 S lens. Stoppers with the foam removed are available to purchase.

6. Mounting Filters No tools are required in order to mount our filters into the frames. To mount a filter into a filter frame, hold the frame so that you can see the LEE logo on the filter tab and place the bottom edge of the filter under the lip on the bottom edge of the filter frame. Holding the frame flat, with the logo facing upwards, gently pull the sides of the frame outward and carefully press the edge of the filter into the frame starting from around 1/3 of the way up the filter from the bottom edge. Work up the sides of the filter to the top toward the tab, gently pulling the sides of the frame outwards to allow the filter to drop in. The top corners of the filter may require slightly more pressure to clip into place.

7. Unmounting Filters No tools are required in order to mount our filters into the frames. Holding the filter frame flat, with the logo facing upwards, gently pull the sides of the frame outward carefully press the underside edge of the filter upwards, starting from the middle of one side of the filter and working up to the top of the filter toward the tab. Once one side has been released the opposite side should release with minimal pressure. Gently pull the filter away from the opposite side if necessary to release it. Slide the filter upwards, away from the lip on the bottom edge of the frame, making sure not to apply force to any of the lips holding the filter in.


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