A is for American Revolution by Ben and Tyler

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A is for American Revolution

By: Tyler Richards and Ben Lamoureux

A is for American Revolution The American Revolution happened in the 1700s when the British started taxing the Americans in the new world. The American citizens didn`t like this new act so they decided to fight back against the British.

B is for Battle of Bunker Hill One of the biggest battles of the Revolution was the battle of Bunker Hill. The battle happened on the date June 17,1775. The British won the battle but the amount of deaths for the British were huge.

C is for Cannon One of the most efficient

and frequently used weapons in the revolution were cannons. They were not movable but they were powerful. That was their specialty.

D is for Death Death was a big part of the Revolutionary War. The bloodiest war in the Revolutionary War was the Battle of Bunker Hill. It is a horrible thing but it is part of life.

E is for Enemies Enemies are people who are bad to one side. In the Revolutionary War the enemies were the British or Great Britain. They were both enemies.

F if for Fighting Fighting is how you fight in a war. In the American Revolution there was a lot of fights and battles. There were twenty seven battles in the American Revolution.

G is for George Washington George Washington was probably the most important single person in the Revolutionary War. Not only was he the general of the patriots but he was the first ever President of the United States.

H is for Heroes Heroes are people who do things that normal people wouldn`t do. Some important heroes in the revolution were Ben Franklin, George Washington , and Samuel Adams.

I is for Indians Indians played a big role in the Revolutionary war. Their role was being guides to the British. They got this role because the British promised that if they won this war the Indians could keep their land.

J is for John Adams John Adams was important because he was part of the committee that signed the Declaration of Independence. He also was elected president in the year 1796. John Adams is an important part of our country’s history.

K is for King George III King George III was the king of England through the Revolutionary War. He was in office from 1760 – 1820. He was hated by many Americans because of his religious reasons but he was a hero to all of Great Britain.

L is for Land Land was what the whole Revolutionary War was fought on. The land that was fought on was called North America. It was also one of the reasons of the war was fought, too. The British wanted control of the land but the Americans wouldn`t give it up.

M is for Musket Muskets were the most commonly used gun in the Revolutionary War. They were the beginning of a new era of guns. They were like this because their barrel was twisted which had the effect of making them more accurate.

N is for Negro Negroes played one of the biggest parts in the Revolution. They fought in the war and gave great assistance. Many American soldiers actually believed that Negro soldiers were the best soldiers in the Army. Sadly, even though the Negroes fought in the war, they didn`t earn their freedom until much later.

O is for Outcome The outcome of the Revolutionary War was a win for the Americans. The Americans won the war but the war was really close and our freedom was not available until a couple years after.

P is for Pennsylvania Pennsylvania was a very important part in the Revolutionary War. It was founded in 1681 by the famous Quaker, William Penn. It was also the second capital of the thirteen colonies. It was known as the heart of the colonies.

Q is for Quincy Quincy is a town in Massachusetts. It is named after our famous second president, John Adams. It was also the birthplace of President Adams and another special icon in our history named John Hancock. As close as it is to Boston, it is still quite a competitor to the Great Bean town.

R is for Retreat Retreating is what happens when you are losing a battle and you know you’re not going to win; because of this, you fall back and the other people win the battle. Retreat is said in many different ways. Sometimes it is with drums and sometimes it is with voice. Retreat is a powerful word.

S is for Soldiers Soldiers are people that fight in wars. In the Revolutionary War the war was fought with soldiers since they didn`t have stuff like tanks. An average soldier in the Revolutionary War was equipped with a musket or pistol and if they were lucky, they might have a sword, too.

T is for Thomas Jefferson

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Thomas Jefferson was quite the icon in the Revolution . Here are some of the things he did: Part of the Continental Congress Writer of the Declaration of Independence Governor of Virginia Third President of the United States

U is for Uniform In the Revolutionary War, the British had to wear red clothes called uniforms. The Patriots were too poor to make uniforms, so many soldiers just wore regular clothes. When the Americans did have uniforms they were blue with a little red and white. Uniforms let both sides know who was on their side.

V is for Valley Forge Valley Forge was a horrible event. It was in the winter 1777-1778 in Pennsylvania when the Patriot army decided to camp in Valley Forge. It proved to be a good choice until the disease broke out. It caused many deaths but once the winter ended the war was back on.

W is for Women Women were not really recognized in the Revolutionary War but their contribute was quite appreciated at the end. Women's jobs were bringing the soldiers water and food. Some women did sneaky but brave things like loading cannons when the men got hurt. Women did help in the Revolution.

X is for Xavier In Xavier all the brave soldiers who died in the Revolutionary War were buried here in the famous Xavier Cathedral. It is located in Louisiana and was built in honor of the courageous soldiers.

Y is for Yankee People from the New England part of the country were called Yankees. In other words, inhabitants of New England. The word’s main meaning is pirate because that’s what the British thought of Americans.

Z is for Ground Zero Ground zero is the term we use today as exactly where it happened. The term can be used anywhere from where a battle happened or a National Disaster like 9-11. Ground Zero is the real place where it really happened.

n o i t u l o v e R n a c i r e m A r o f s i A In this wonderful book for humans of all ages you will learn about our amazing country`s history. It will walk you through each letter of the alphabet and will give you a word for each letter. Read this book and take a walk through history.

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