English For Work

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Business English Course “working smarter, not harder!”

Skype Classes

Methodology! Identification of grammatical structures, pronunciation errors and vocabulary building are all addressed whilst in conversation with an instructor.

All classes are taught via Skype allowing access to a native, qualified and experienced teacher. Each class is 55 minutes long and an audio feature allows you to study outside of a classroom environment.

Each module of this course has been designed to work with all portable devices and we recommend that you store the audio’s as a reference point in a gmail drive.

Objectives Building confidence, improving pronunciation and targeting the English that you need on a day to day basis are all features of this course.

If you have an understanding of the English language but just cannot grasp how it is applied to business, this course is for you.

Business English has unique empathetic voice tones and a high degree of formality.

This course will demonstrate these

concepts and help you to not only put them into perspective but also teach you how to apply these principles in a work environment.

This course consists of 10 modules and a review class which will check understanding and identify with any areas that need attention.

If you require a specific course tailored to your individual needs, please contact our course designer via our Website.

Thank you for choosing one2oneacademy and we hope that you enjoy your course,

! The one2one team

Audio recordings are made at specific parts of each class so that you have a point of reference and the ability to study outside of a classroom environment.

We hope that you enjoy this course and that you find it both informative and effective.

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Why choose one2one? tation if your company pays the bill.

By Sanj Saigal Business English is unique, it has variable degrees of formality and it’s application within a work related environment can increase productivity and output.

We have never claimed to be the best at what we do, we do not advertise and have built our name and reputation from our students referrals.

Our courses are designed to hold interest and interact with students by use of website links, audio recordings and video links.

Thanks to modern technology our academy can be brought to you on any portable device suiting many professionals who have busy lifestyles.

Each teacher has a unique style, but one work ethic and that’s to produce results. We are not conventional but respect traditional teaching formats.

Our client’s include some of the most iconic businesses that we are proud to be part of.

Our unique style of teaching is gradually being recognised in our sector and we have grown thanks to our many social networking platforms.

We offer a free 15 minute test class so that we can access your level of English and requirements and tailor classes to suit your lifestyle.

We believe in hard work so we are here to help you 7 days a week.

We teach worldwide, so we have experience with different accents, cultures and materials. Our teachers are trained, licensed and registered and we can provide you with documen-

!2 www.one2oneacademy.com

Course Design This course is based on 11 classes, each one is 55 minutes in duration.


Voice Tones ! Empathetic voice tones reflect how we feel, identifying with this trait is important as we provide empathetic value in business everyday.

Our courses help to identify with how voice tones change the very meaning of a sentence. Grammatical awareness combined with good voice tones can often set you aside from the competition.

! Application !

We help you to apply this principle to phone calls, delegation, sales building (add on sales ratios), interview preparation and building client relationships.



Practice is the only way to improve, so you must have a strong study plan in order to grasp English as a second language.


We are measured on results so you will need to indicate exactly how you are going to study before the course begins as we need to be sure that you fit with our student profile.


The audios that we provide you with is from your class, where you can refer to both your success and failures. Listening to these audios will provide you with the ability to learn but more importantly learn more about the way that you sound.


All learning goals must have a defined time scale and you can

discuss this with your instructor. Goals must be measurable, realistic and form a basis to your planning.


Passive learning will not work!, our learning system requires you to have reasonable intermission between your classes.


Motivation is key and this is down to a realistic study plan. Bad planning can often lead to a lack of motivation.

! ! !

Module 1!


Students are shown the correct sentence structures, pronunciation and voice tones applicable to all working environments.!


This module takes 2 classes to complete and is tailor made to your individual work environment.!


An interactive module which has a hugh level of interaction between teacher and student. Role play tasks are key to obtaining the desired combination of voice tones, pronunciation and grammar structures.!


A highly effective module that produces results, you are expected to study a minimum of 2 hours outside of a classroom environment.!


Listening Skills!


Good conversation skills rely on two components; the ability to listen and the ability to speak. !


This module will demonstrate how comprehension particularly in the context of business, is critical in order to really understand and interact with client’s.!


Module 2 !


This module is divided into 2 parts but is one hour long. !

! ! Part 1! ! This is

focused on providing the student with the ability to understand and pronounce keyboard symbols and apply them to recording information from client’s.!


The part involves a high level of interaction between the student and the teacher.!


There are role play activities that simulate realistic situations where the student has to record information.!


Building listening skills takes time so practicing outside a classroom environment is essential. We recommend 3 hours using the audios provided. !


An extremely effective and informative part of this class that can be applied immediately into every work environment.!

! Part 2!


This section is based on the development of listening skills. Presented with a series of 4 audios, the student will have to record information and use the Skype text box to type out answers to questions. A very effective series of audios that really help the student to identify with the importance of listening and how relevant it is to business.


Module 3!


Based on 3 classes, this class will really challenge you. Nearly everyone has a fear of this subject in the English language, but it is a non negotiable standard for the world of business.!


Our course designer has provided a lesson plan that is extremely user friendly and easy to learn from. !


In this module you can expect to learn the relationship between the numerical system to numbers, dates and time.!


This is a challenging topic so we would recommend an average of 4 hours study outside of a classroom environment.!


The popularity of this module prompted the course designer to publish it on the ibooks platform!


Link:https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/ numbers/id789888182?mt=11!


We hope that you find this module both effective and informative.

“Numbers from an adults perspective�


Module 4 This module has a focus on diary management, appointment setting and the ability to pronounce days, months and years. !


A good follow on class from the Numbers lesson plan, you will be able to manage a Diary in a second language.!


Based on 2 classes you will be challenged!, this module will require 3 hours of additional study outside of a classroom environment.!


You will be presented with information from a diary, the students task is to state when appointments are and use the correct prepositions.! www.one2oneacademy.com

Module 5! !

Small Talk

Based on Role play this 1 class module will help you to build relationships with client’s within a working environment. Although this topic is easy to understand, students often find it difficult to engage with client’s on a more personal level.!


An interactive class with plenty of website and video links so it makes light work of studying outside of a classroom environment. Students who have taken this module enjoyed the class and commented that pronunciation and voice tones were improved.!


As with all the other modules you will be provided with Skype recordings of your classes, they are rather large files so we recommend that you store them on your google drive so that they don’t occupy storage space on your computer.!



Module 6 This module is by far the most challenging as this topic follows very little logic. Modern business adopts business phrasal verbs so we will present you with the most common forms and teach you how to apply. This module is based on 2 classes and will require a significant amount of study outside of a classroom environment. !


There are a number of role play tasks to help grasp the understanding of these verbs and how to apply them. There will be a 20 minute review of the course and an opportunity to provide feedback.



Try our audio lesson plans www.one2oneacademy.com

Challenge your listening skills with this series of lesson plans. Ideal for students who have a high level of interaction with client’s or need to prepare for exams. Each one has been carefully assembled by our team for you.

Fight Back We know that this topic challenges most students, don’t be defeated!. This lesson plan really engages the student by helping them to identify with the concept of prepositions whilst in conversation.Ideal for students who are preparing for exams or need a more refined level of English.


Like what you see? You can now advertise your business within our lesson plans. Contact us today to find out how you can reach an ever growing audience at extremely favorable prices.



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