Thoughts Are Things and You Can Learn To Control Them to Improve Your Life

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Thoughts Are Things and You Can Learn To Control Them to Improve Your Life Thoughts are things, maybe not tangible but just as real and potentially good or bad for you depending on what you are thinking. In fact, thoughts are not just things, but everything! You are your thoughts and everything you feel say or do is a result of them. Just as a gentle breeze can be felt but not seen the same applies to your thoughts. And as that warm breeze can turn into a hurricane your thoughts can be constructive or destructive. If thoughts are things, where do they come from? Well it seems to me they can only come from each of us individually. We have to take responsibility for each and every one of our thoughts, good or bad. Nobody has the power to put a thought into your head just as nobody can make you feel good or bad. It is all about how you process the outside world and your position in it. If you believe, as many people do, that a thought you don’t want just seems to pop into your head you must consider the source, YOU. As mentioned on another page a great way to start controlling your thoughts is through meditation. Since your thoughts are things, real things, they lead to feelings. Have you ever considered that? Your feelings can come from nothing else because you have to think before you feel anything. How do you feel? Right now, this second? Happy, sad, angry, indifferent, etc… Would you like to feel differently? If you would like to be happier then there are many ways to do it. Apart from this article what are you thinking about right now? If nothing else but these words then you are already well on the way to controlling your thoughts and your happiness. But if you are thinking of other things at the same time then you are not alone. It is a common practice in today’s society to have your attention pulled in many different directions at once. The ability to concentrate on one thing at a time such as this article is a benefit of controlling your thoughts or level of consciousness from whatever they are now to the level that allows you to be completely focussed. You can learn to be the observer or witness to your thoughts.

So what do we do with the knowledge that thoughts are things? Monitor your thoughts. Don’t try to change your thoughts but rather monitor them. By this I mean pay attention. Notice what it is you are thinking about and how it makes you feel. For example: You are thinking about something someone said to you today that upset you. We must all ask ourselves what the intention was. Did this person say the hurtful thing specifically to upset you or did he/she mean to help or inform you in some way? The funny thing is, either way it doesn’t matter. The point here is you can control how you react to it. If he/she did it intentionally then that is ENTIRELY their problem. Consider it a challenge to find out why this person would do this and how you can help. If it was an accident then it was an accident. Someone’s need to insult you is a function of their ego as is your need to be offended. One of the keys to a higher consciousness is to let go of our egos. “But that person insulted me on purpose!” you may be thinking. So what? If you allow something someone says to upset you just think of all the opportunities of hurt that opens up to you. How many people do you meet or deal with each and every day? My point here is that YOU HAVE A CHOICE! Practice it. Choose not to be offended. If you realise that you have a choice in this then you have already begun to change your life for the better. Think about it for a minute. If you have a choice of how to react to a perceived insult then how many other thought choices do you have? Infinite possibilites abound from this simple concept. Future articles will suggest other ways to raise your consciousness. I hope you have enjoyed this one. Please feel free to comment on this or anything else about my website on

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