Laura Wandry Brochure

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mosaic sun

mosaic sun



touch of gold

touch of gold

il mare

il mare

pardon my french

cross my heart

laura wandry - designer & silversmith

Laura Wandry, a U.S. original has lived the past 28 years in Sweden, where she practiced Graphic Design until 2009. After being accepted as a silversmith apprentice the same year, Laura has worked as a silversmith spending her time between Florence, Italy, Sweden and the United States. Laura’s style is that of simplicity and elegance her jewelry is designed for those who treasure wearable art. Each piece of her jewelry is designed and hand-crafted by Laura herself, whose collections offer timeless beauty to accent your wardrobe and your existing jewelry ¥ FB: Laura Wandry Jewelry Design

photographers: alessandro montesarchio & birgitte br¿ndsted ¥ prio tryck


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