January Latino Lubbock vol 7, issue 1

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¡Ya Vienen Los Reyes Magos! A

Here comes the figurines Three Wise Men of the tradition of celebrating the Epiphany

fter New Year’s Day, many Latino families still have a very special date to commemorate and enjoy. On January 6, most of the Hispanic world celebrates El Dia De Reyes, the Epiphany, remembering the day when the Three Wise Men following the star to Bethlehem, arrived bearing their treasured gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh for the Baby Jesus. On the night, of January 5, the

with a dinner is held. Friends and families celebrate the Epiphany, and indulge in tamales, the Rosca de Reyes, an oval sweetbread, decorated with candied fruit, and hot chocolate. Whoever gets the baby figurine hosts another celebration on February 2, the day of the Candelaria or Candle mass day. On this day the host also gets a new Ropón, or dress for the Baby Jesus of the Nativity scene. That night families gather again to put away the nativity and to LOS SEGUIDORES DE CRISTO: The spiritual bike group and followers of Christ close the Christmas season.

Según el Evangelio de San Mateo, los tres Reyes Magos de Oriente ofrecieron al Niño Dios oro, incienso y mirra. Durante años y siglos, la tradición popular ha representado a tres importantes personajes que adoraron al Niño Dios y le ofrecieron regalos. En España e Hispanoamérica existe la tradición de entregar a los niños regalos en la noche del 5 al 6 de enero. Esa noche, largamente esperada por los niños, los tres Reyes Magos llegan a la ciudad con todo su séquito, donde son recibidos por las autoridades. Montados en sus camellos o en carrozas, los reyes desfilan por la ciudad para disfrute y deleite de

los niños que les miran con ojos de asombro e ilusión. La Cabalgata de Reyes es una representación festiva de la adoración de los tres Reyes Magos al Niño Dios. Las ciudades se llenan de luces y color, y comienza el largo recorrido, que en ocasiones dura horas; las carrozas, los camellos, los pajes reales y los más variados y exóticos personajes desfilan ante los ojos atónitos de niños y mayores. Según la tradición española, la tarde del día 5 de enero los tres Magos de Oriente recorren la ciudad lanzando a los niños caramelos y mostrando todo su esplendor.

delivered gifts and holiday merriment to local families experiencing tough times. The group prayed over the family, and sang beautiful Christmas songs. This is an annual philanthropy for the group of bikers from Our Lady of Guadalupe. Great job!

La cabalgata de reyes


na de las tradiciones más arraigadas en la cultura española es la celebración de la noche de reyes, cuando niños y mayores se llenan de ilusiones y esperanzas. La Cabalgata es un desfile que cada 5 de enero se representa en las grandes y pequeñas ciudades españolas. Representa el camino que recorrieron los Reyes Magos hasta Belén para encontrar al Niño Dios siguiendo la estrella que les marcaba el camino. Esta fiesta reúne a muchas personas en las calles y plazas de las ciudades para ver pasar a los reyes y sus pajes quienes regalan caramelos a los niños, es una noche donde se mezclan las tradiciones y la fe.


Three Wise Men are added to the nativity scene. Some families still encourage their children to put out old shoes so that the Wise Men will leave them presents. At some homes, hay and water are left out for the animals, and snacks are left for Melchor, Gaspar and Baltasar. The evening of the 6th is when the Merienda de Reyes, a Spanish based

How to usenationwide. the BBB

re you planning on making a major purchase but you're not sure about the business you need to deal with? Well, there's a free resource that you should know about - and it's their business to know who's on the up-and-up. You can learn a lot by looking at the complaints that are made to the Better Business Bureau. The BBB compiles data on more than four million businesses, grading them from the way they respond to customer complaints, as well as legal and regulatory problems. The good news - the BBB took fewer complaints last year compared to the year before. The bad news - there were still 927,000 complaints filed

So who are people checking out the most? The most inquiries were into roofers, contractors, car dealers, mechanics and plumbers. And it makes sense, if you think about how much some of those things cost. Who got the most complaints? First up - cell phone companies, followed by new car dealers, cable and satellite providers and collection agencies. The biggest jump in complaint rate was for payday loan companies. Now, the BBB says 95 percent of all of their complaints are resolved, which is good news. But Money Expert Nathan Bachrach says you should always check out a business thoroughly, and the BBB is a great place to start. When filing complaints be civil. They reserve the right to reject complaints that use abusive or foul language.

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Father & Daughter Dance Memories Last a Lifetime Recycle Sites

Southside Recycling Center, located at 1631 84th Street

Sunday, Feb. 10

• The Legacy Event Center

Northside Recycling Center, located at 208 Municipal Drive.

1500 14th Street

The City’s four recycling stations:

2-3:30 p.m. ages 4-8

Lowe's 26th Street & Canton Ave. 50th St. & Indiana Ave. 82nd Street & Frankford Ave.

• • 4-6 p.m. ages 9-12

$10 each

2630 Parkway Dr.

3101 35th Street  (806) 792-2723  www.ywcalubbock.org January 2013

Copyright 2013 by Latino Lubbock Magazine. All Rights reserved.

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