The Mural

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The Mural By Meriel Bolt The story of how the wall came to life!!

How it started..... • Meriel is in her second year as a student with Lapwing; during which time she has been working towards NPTC Qualifications in Skills for Working Life. • Much of the work is based around Horticulture and Floristry; however the luxury of it all is that work can be based around Students individual interests. • Interestingly , although Meriel has previously enjoyed colouring and drawing, she has never been keen on painting and gluing because of the ‘mess’ involved. • As time has gone on; Meriel has become more confident in what she wants to do with the Mural, she is even happy to paint without gloves.  Take a look at what she has achieved.....

It started with a blank wall..... • Meet Meriel

• Meet the Wall

The work started back in January Chats were had and an initial design drawn up by Karen. It started with a picture of Meriel walking Holly the dog.

And stuck into place..

The painting began.........

The work continued......

Meriel started painting the sky, sun and clouds; initially she said she wanted to wear gloves so that she didn’t get covered in paint. ‘I don’t like getting paint on me, it’s messy’.

People and animals started appearing

Meriel chose the people who she wanted; initially it was fellow students who she worked with quite closely who featured, along with the deer that we very occasionally see when we walk Holly the dog.

Adding a Frame.........

I marked out the frame work with masking tape and Meriel painted happily without gloves. ď Š Meriel chose the colour of the frame as well; she thought silver would look good; she was right. ď Š

And still the work continued.....

And still the work continued; Meriel kept thinking of more things and people to add; note there still is no character depicting me ( the one person who has supported her through it all, bless her). More leaves & butterflies proved quite high on her list of important things to add.

Nearly there.............

Pathway, yew bushes and climbing roses were the last to be added ; because Meriel was using the sponge to paint, she felt she needed to put the gloves back on. At this point, it is important to say that at this final stage, Meriel concentrated really hard and worked for some 3 hours in total to complete the work. ď Š

And finally..............

Work completed, one very proud student and Mentor. She even signed it.................. So proud

The overview By the Learning Mentor • Meriel has always had issues surrounding textures, touching of and becoming messy; she has never particularly enjoyed any of them and at times, it has caused problems. • However, once Meriel realised the work was hers and if she wanted it to stay that way, she had to try and overcome some of the above. • And overcome them, she has. That is not to say that she will ever be completely comfortable with them, just that if she is given time to think it through and shown what she can achieve, she is prepared to try. Full credits to her for her efforts. • She has been an absolute joy to work with on this project and I am extremely proud of what she has achieved. Very well done Meriel. 

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