January 2008 - Volume 2, Issue 2 - Laney Defender - Laney Black Student Union

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Poetry, articles, and stories wanted! Join the DEFENDER. Email LaneyBSU@gmail.com

Laney College Black Student Union Community News Service


BSU Fall 2007


BSU Reorganized

After being inactive since 2001, the Laney Black Student Union was rechartered.

Peralta African and Black Student Alliance

‘Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.’

BSU organized and hosted a potluck with students from the BSUs at Berkeley City College and Merritt College.

Defender Newsletter

First two issues of the ‘Defender’ printed (Sept. and Oct.) and one issue distributed online (Nov.).

Jena 6 Rally

BSU raised awareness to the plight of the ‘Jena 6’ and other political prisoners in America.

Day of Atonement

BSU sponsored Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan’s live telecast honoring the 12th Anniversary of the Million Man March.

Ethnic Studies Rally

BSU rallied to raise awareness to the lack of full-time faculty for Laney African American Studies and the need for students to organize to maintain the program.

HIV/AIDS Testing

BSU organized free HIV/AIDS screening for 150 students.

Soul Cinemas

BSU hosted discussion of the film ‘Tales from the Hood.’

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a revolutionary, not just a dreamer. The “Real King’ was a servant of the people and was guided by divine inspiration to empower the oppressed.

BSU honors King

Event on Laney quad focuses on the real King being ‘not just a dreamer,’ but a revolutionary man of action Every year, celebrations are held throughout the world to honor the life of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. . Unfortunately, no campus in the Peralta Community College District ever organizes any programs. This year, the Laney Black Student Union (BSU) changed that. BSU, in collaboration with Club Knowledge, hosted “The Real King: More than a Dreamer,” Jan. 22 at noon on the Laney Quad. The event featured readings of Dr. King’s speeches and quotes, as well as poetry inspired by Dr. King’s message, life and legacy. And his work. “Most people see King’s birthday

as a day off or even a day just to get holiday pay,” said Laney BSU President Reginald James. “But his work means so much more our people.” The idea of doing an event about the “real” King was inspired by what the BSU sees as the corporate takeover of King’s message. Opposed to focusing on the so-called “I Have a Dream” speech, BSU wants to raise awareness of his other positions–after August 1963–and how they relates to what’s going on in the world today. “King would be organizing opposition to the War in Iraq, against police brutality,” said James, “and he would’ve been for our reparations.”

2 / Defender


“DEFENDER” Ida B. Wells

January 2007

Black History Crossword Puzzle


“The people must know before they can act, and there is no educator to compare with the press.”

10 Reasons to Join the BSU

–Black is beautiful! –Get help graduating and transferring –Peer support system –Make a difference in your community –Network with other Black students –Learn about your beautiful history –Develop your organizing skills –Hands-on experience in your major/field –Discover resources for Black students –Control your campus

Answers in February DEFENDER


12:30 PM – 2 PM Student Center ‘Liberty Hall’ Room 403

Holla Back Open Mic Every Thursday at 8 P.M. Eastside Cultural Center 2277 International Blvd.

KING: Continued from page 2 The BSU sees King’s legacy as an example of the need for Black people to be unified and organized. “King would want the descendants of former slaves to organize themselves,” said BSU Vice-President Andrea Spearman. “Then he would want them to join with he descendants of slaveowners, and all people; so we unite as one people, with one aim, guided by one God.” The BSU expects King will be honored at Laney for years to come.

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