LRO digital sampler July

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Far left: The Military Lightweight Club provided plenty of entertainment. Left: Steve Forster’s tattoo shows admirable dedication to the cause – it took 28 hours to get this far. Below left: Tasty Defender/pizza oven combo kept the faithful fed. Below: V8 racer built for just £3000. Bottom: Monster Tuning’s 8x8 Defender is pure excess in every area


afield this year too. A strong French contingent made themselves at home at the campsite and the Dutch weren’t far behind them, showing the levels of commitment that European enthusiasts have for the green oval. ‘It’s all the parts in the autojumble,’ explained Mathieu Giraud, when asked why he had travelled all the way from Epernay in France to visit the show. The lure of the autojumble seemed to have been the main attraction for a number of showgoers, all hoping to find the elusive parts they’d long been searching for. The serious buyers picked their way through the crowds, dragging wheeled trolleys precariously loaded with bumpers, wheels and a whole array of assorted parts. As a measure of how busy it was, I had to give up trying to chat to Alan Walker at Avenger 4x4 from Peterborough as he was being inundated by bartering bidders for his wide range of Land Rover spares. It wasn’t just the used parts that sold well. Flatdog 4x4 had a record-breaking show, which included selling out its first imported batch of the ÂŁ1197 Tentco Pro roof tent: showgoers were clearly won over by its great value for money. One of the highlights for LRO, though, was when Steve Forster turned up on the LRO stand. Before uttering a word, Steve had taken off his coat and was rolling up his shirt sleeve to reveal his Land Rover-inspired tattoo. ‘It took 28 hours to complete,’ said Steve, proudly exhibiting the creation that showcases a Series I, II and III in perfect detail – from his shoulder to his wrist.

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