Manual de Puertos de Centroamerica

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la segunda fase el proyecto Mapa de Rutas Marítimas del Gran Caribe. Como organización vinculada al transporte marítimo, también organiza una serie de foros permanentes regionales, como la Reunión Portuaria del Istmo Centroamericano, REPICA, la Red Operativa de Cooperación Regional de Autoridades Marítimas de Centroamérica, ROCRAM, la Red de Estadísticas Centroamericanas y la Red de Capacitación Centroamericana. Actualmente está en proceso de formación el Comité de Facilitación y el Comité Hidrográfico y de Ayudas a la Navegación. Igualmente mantiene contacto con otros organismos como la CIP-OEA y la Organización Marítima Internacional con

quien organizan distintos cursos regionales destinados a la preparación y capacitación del recurso humano en la implementación de los distintos convenios marítimos internacionales.

and abides by the guidelines and policies of the Sectorial Council of Ministers of Transportation of Central America (COMITRAN).




he Central American Commission for Maritime Transport (COCATRAM) is a specialized entity and an integral part of the Central American Integration System (SICA). With offices in the city of Managua, Nicaragua, COCATRAM is a permanent body, with its own board of directors,

This organization was created by Resolution #5 of the 23rd Meeting of Ministers Responsible for the Central American Economic Integration (ROMRIECA) on 5 July 1980. Its responsibilities are described in the organization’s charter as: • Addressing all matters relating to the maritime and ports development of Central America • Advising the Transportation Committee and the governments of the region on the adoption of policies and decisions for a harmonious development of this sector • Striving to meet the foreign trade-related needs of member countries in terms of the quality, economy and efficiency of maritime transportation services and port facilities • Representing the region’s interests to organizations outside the region.

DUTIES COCATRAM is in charge of advising, promoting, facilitating and liaising. Its activities also include raising funds and training the various players involved in maritime transportation, especially the transportation ministries, port authorities and companies in this sector, as well as

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