Guia de Intalação

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Instruction Manual Installation of WP Nexus Theme WP Nexus can be installed in the same way as normal WordPress theme installations. But User has to activate the theme by going in Appearance option and activate WP Nexus theme. There are two ways to upload themes. But the recommended method to install theme is via WordPress backend. Installation Guide: Download the .zip file of WPNexus theme. For installation via Site Backend •

Enter in the backend of WordPress installation and click on “Appearance” option. Select “Themes” option in it and choose “install theme” tab.

Go to upload option and browse .zip file of theme and click “install now” button.

Once the installation is completed, activate the theme.

For installation via FTP •

Extract it on your local machine.

Connect via FTP program eg. winSCP/Filezilla, and upload the theme folder on the location – your-root-folder/wp-content/theme/

Once the uploading is done completely, Login to site backend to activate the theme. In Appearance->Themes you can activate the uploaded theme.

After activation make sure the options of control panel are configured properly. To show the elements given by theme on the front end, the element should be enabled and configured.

WP Nexus Slideshow To add images in the slideshow, firstly upload images from Media Manager and copy the uploaded image path.

Then go to the post which you want to hyperlink from the slide show image, and paste the image path in the custom fields value and set name for it as gallery_image. And update the post. So in slideshow image will get appear and will be linked to the respected post.

WP Nexus Configuration Favicon and Logo Settings Favicon - Add or Edit in WP Nexus Theme Upload favicon image from theme control panel. This uploaded image overwrites the default favicon image.

Note: Favicon image should be in .ico format. To convert image in .ico format this tool can be used -

Logo Settings In WordPress default logo is used as a text logo. If any user wants to use logo as an image, enable logo as an image option.

Upload logo image after enabling the logo image option.

If any user wants to use logo as text, then enter the logo text here and set it for all pages. Also logo text color can be customized by adding hexadecimal color value in the logo text color.

To apply all changes to the website, click on “Save all changes”.

Google Analytics Options Add Google analytics code in the website using Google analytics option. To enable the feature, tick mark the enable option and then paste analytics code in the text area.

To apply all changes to the website, click on “Save all changes”.

Flickr Options

Flickr options allows you to fetch flickr images from the to our website. To enable the flickr images feature, enable the option and select the position where you want to add the flickr gallery. Title allows to add title for the gallery. Flickr Id is the unique ID created by flickr for each user account. This ID helps to identify account for particular image. For any image url we can get ID of the account to fetch all images from the account. E.g. Here, Flickr ID -4728674042 and Flickr Set ID – 72157605294762195 Using Flickr id, it will fetch images from the account and will display in image gallery. To apply all changes to the website, click on “Save all changes”.

Twitter & Youtube Options Tweets in sidebar

To integrate twitter account in the website, enable the twitter option and provide twitter id from where to fetch tweets. The twitter settings offer complete customization options to display tweets on the website. Link position we can choose where to display tweets.

Also there are color pallets to configure background color, font color, header color and tweets background color. Using this customize total look of twitter module can be configured according to the theme. To apply all changes to the website, click on “Save all changes”. Youtube Video in Sidebar Youtube option enabling will allow you to add any Youtube video without the effort to paste the whole embed-code in your website sidebar or other available positions.

Youtube ID can be get from the url of particular youtube video. E.g. this is one video link from Youtube. Here, Youtube ID is - tQGsP8mnHsg. Link this every Youtube video url contains its id. Using this id we can fetch the video on our website. To apply all changes to the website, click on “Save all changes”. Google AdSense To display Adsense in the sidebar of your website, enable Google Adsense option and add Adsense code.

To apply all changes to the website, click on “Save all changes”. Featured Post Featured post is the module to show selected post featured in sidebar. The options are for enable the feature and configure the posts. This allows maximum 5 posts to be featured and a minimum of 1 post. All posts are given in drop down so there are no efforts to remember id or title of post to feature; only you have to select the post.

To apply all changes to the website, click on “Save all changes”.

Top Post Images Top Post image is a mini sliding module to feature important posts on front page above the blog layout. This slides shows only images which are linked to the respective post. This feature will help to feature

maximum posts on the front page which can help to pass user traffic to maximum internal pages too. This module can feature any five posts images with hyperlinks of post.

To apply all changes to the website, click on “Save all changes”. Custom HTML Custom HTML allows adding any html code in custom field to display on home page. There are four different custom html modules in the theme featured on different places where we can feature html format text and title for the module.

To apply all changes to the website, click on “Save all changes”.

Tab Slides Tab module in the sidebar allows adding maximum 4 tabs in which you can add widgets with your choice. Only you have to select the widget type and give the title to display for the particular tab.

To apply all changes to the website, click on “Save all changes”. Google Fonts As many people prefer to have Google fonts applied to all text on the websites, you can also have Google fonts for your website here. By enabling Google font option you can convert the text fonts into Google fonts. This offers to customize font type, spacing in the characters, size of the font of the post text and titles.

To apply all changes to the website, click on “Save all changes”.

Compatibility and Code Now while it says it is compatible with 4 browsers Firefox 3 and above Internet Explorer 8 and above Google chrome 10.0.x and above

Opera 9.80 and above Also the theme code is perfectly w3c validated code.

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