Kyoorius Magazine 8

Page 94


Special the cabinet Report of curiosities

Priya Sebastian 9

Priya Sebastian the redbook

Visual Journal / Collaborative Design Priya Sebastian is an illustrator and she had her inspiration for The Red Book Project when she bought a lovely red bound Nightingale journal. The Red Book is a visual conversation between two artists expressed within the pages of a pair of red journals. The two artists – Priya and an illustrator friend, filled up pages of their respective Redbooks and then met once a fortnight at a restaurant, a different one each time, there they would ‘exchange’ their Redbooks, gasp dramatically at what the other had done, eat heartily and go home and excitably embellish the pages of the exchanged Redbook until they met a fortnight later for yet another exchange.

Her inspiration for the project came from wanting to do something fun, personal and unique in book form, which would combine creative skills between her best friend and her self into something compact, yet visually seductive. Each of them, now have a wonderful journal, filled with pages of their collaborative creativity and memories of the good times together. Further, her inspiration for the illustrations within the pages came from vibrant city life and her eclectic personal experiences within it. This wonderful collaborative project led to other things — experimentation as never before, new styles, further ideas into unchartered territory and the shedding of ambitions. This book is a lush documentation of everyday life and also a useful tool that helps in unclogging the creative channel.

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