Conclusions and Recommendations for the Social Studies

Page 85

Conclusions and Recommendations seldom dares to introduce his pupils to the truth

about American society and the forces that drive it onward .

7. Method of teaching is conditioned by the

character and training of the teaching staff. In comparison with the social science teacher in the

more advanced European countries the American

teacher is poorly trained . Except in the larger

population centers and a few favored states his professional preparation is small in quantity and

poor in quality, and he has no adequate conception of the significance of education as a social

force. Until this situation is drastically improved the school cannot be expected to play an effective

role in equipping the younger generation to discharge its arduous and urgent civic and social obligations. 8 . Finally, method of teaching is conditioned

by the character of the supervision provided . In view of the low level of social science instruction

in the country and the inadequate training of the teacher, the need for high grade and disinterested professional service here can scarcely be over-

emphasized. The aim of such service, however, 76

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