Conclusions and Recommendations for the Social Studies

Page 56

Materials o f Instruction merable conflicts and contradictions tending to

place in jeopardy its inherited ideals and to block the full utilization of its energies and talents, and

that now, because of its rich natural endowment

and its advanced technology, is capable of inau- i gurating an era of reasonable security and abun-/

dance for all, of freeing the human mind from material worries and of devoting its varied resources to the tasks of cultural advance.

3. The achievement of this far-reaching pur-

pose requires the introduction into the school curriculum of materials which will equip the

younger generation, as fully as possible, to under-

stand, to appreciate and to evaluate the great changes under way and to act intelligently and in the common interest in facing the innumerable issues that lie ahead.

4. The materials and activities selected must be

within the range of the capacity and the experience of the learner and so graded as to insure a steady progression in understanding and power

to deal effectually with social data and situations . 5 . In view of the revolutionary expansion of the secondary school enrollment during the past 47


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