Conclusions and Recommendations for the Social Studies

Page 132

Public Relations and Administration 2. The responsibility cannot be evaded by the purely legalistic argument that administrators and teachers are merely the employees of the board of education and are therefore to regard themselves as supine agents in the hands of its members, obeying its will and modifying the con-

tent of instruction as it changes its mind, as the organization of social forces shifts or as the play of group pressures alters. The ultimate arbiter between teacher and administrator, on the one side, and any particular board on the other, is the entire community . 3. Neither can the responsibility be evaded by the contention that the professional staff of the schools should merely respond to the wishes of the taxpayers, the owners of property, the classes of high social respectability or any other particular group or interest in the community, state or nation seeking to dominate the school . The teaching profession possesses special competence in the field of education, is obligated to think and act in terms of general social welfare, and is expected to remain loyal to the highest conception of the future of the nation and of mankind. 123

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