Treasures Reading Supplement 5th Grade Unit 4

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4 U n i t


Activity Supplement K e l l y Te n k e l y 2 0 1 0 h t t p : / / i l e a r n t e c h n o l o g y. c o m

P a g e s



Week 2

TREASURESUNIT 4 Fifth Grade- Carlos and the Skunk

Focus/ Essential Learning

Web Address

Activity Name


Skills Gained

Vocabulary IWB

Lexipedia- a visual dictionary/ thesaurus

Search vocabulary words and get a visual representation of related words/antonyms/ synonyms/definitions

Vocabulary and comprehension building

http:// education/k-12/ articles/6323.aspx

Context Clues Challenge (see attached)

Students work in teams to determine the meaning of words from the context clues within a sentence. Teams earn points for correct answers.

Students think about and search the text, using context clues to determine word meaning.

Context Clues

Offline whole class activity.

Context Clues

http:// www.toonuniversity.c om/flash.asp? err=191 Center activity

Toon University Words in Context

Students determine the meaning of a word using its context in a sentence

Students use sentence context clues to determine word meaning.



Into the Book Evaluating (drag the 3 stars onto the book).

Students practice evaluating with an interactive activity

Students make judgements about what they read, evaluating the author’s purpose for writing.

Hunting for Treasure Pronouns

Students will choose one of three activities: spot the pronoun, choose the correct pronoun, or rewrite the sentences to find buried treasure.

Students identify, think about, and search text to determine subject and object pronouns.

Center activity


http:// skillswise/words/ grammar/ interestsentences/ pronouns/ flash0.shtml Center activity

Week 2

TREASURESUNIT 4 Fifth Grade- Carlos and the Skunk

Focus/ Essential Learning

Web Address

Activity Name


Skills Gained

Spelling /ktenkely

Spelling City Games

Students can choose from a variety of games to practice spelling words.

Spelling words for Unit 4 Week 2


Students can research animals, watch video and learn about animal defense mechanisms.

Research, reading for understanding.

Center activity

Building Background Information Center activity/ research

Context Clues Challenge Game Description In groups of four, students write down definitions, but there's a catch! They're not allowed to use dictionaries, glossaries, or any other reference. They're only allowed to use each other and the literary work in which the word appears. They must use context clues. Each team compares definitions. The team with the highest point total at the end wins the game, the A+, and becomes the kings and queens of context clues.

Objectives • • • • • •

Students will determine word meanings using context clues. Students will differentiate shades of word meanings. Students will evaluate word meanings in context. Students will communicate as a team. Students will defend their answers using reason and logic. Students will incorporate new vocabulary in correctly written sentences.

Procedures • • • • • • • • • •

List 8-12 words on the board. Next to the word, in parentheses, write the page number, paragraph number, column number, or any other designation that will help students find the word in context. For example:mortgage (section 1, paragraph 2, line 3). When class begins, instruct students to copy words from the board with parenthetical information. Assign students in groups of four. Make sure they move their desks together and are facing each other. Explain the following rules: Each group must determine the meaning of each word based on how it is used in context. The parenthetical information helps students locate the word. Students may not use any source other than the page numbers in parentheses and their teammates. As students eagerly define words, make a grid on the board: words listed on the side, team names listed across the top. Begin the contests when sufficient time has passed. This is the challenge part of the context clue challenge. Ask group 1 for their definition on word 1. Write it in the corresponding grid space. Ask group 2 if they agree or disagree with group 1's definition. If they agree, write 'A'. If they disagree, write 'D'. Continue until all groups have either agreed or disagreed. Go over the definition. If group 1's definition is correct, they get 2 points and everybody who agreed with them gets 1 point. If group 1's definition is incorrect, everybody who disagreed with them gets 1 point. Continue the game with group 2 going first, then group 3, then group 4, etc.

Options • • • • • •

Have groups that disagree provide their own definition. Have students copy down the correct definition and create sentences using the word correctly. Base the grade on what place each group finished in. Have student write their answers on individual group white boards to reduce noise. Adapt it to your classroom, strengths, and students as you see fit. Have fun!

Read more:

Week 3

TREASURESUNIT 4 Fifth Grade- Getting Out the Vote

Focus/ Essential Learning

Web Address

Activity Name


Skills Gained


Lexipedia- a visual dictionary/ thesaurus

Search vocabulary words and get a visual representation of related words/antonyms/ synonyms/definitions

Vocabulary and comprehension building

Into the Book Summarize (drag the flashlight onto the book).

Students practice summarizing and generalizing text with an interactive activity.

Students identify key elements and condense important information after reading to generalize meaning.

Lexiology- a virtual dictionary complete with audio.

Practice searching the dictionary using alphabetic order, search vocabulary words for definition.

Vocabulary and comprehension building/ Dictionary skills.



http:// Center Activity

Vocabulary/ Dictionary Skills



http:// skillswise/words/ grammar/ sentencebasics/ verbsubjectagreemen t/flash0.shtml Center Activity

Pronoun-Verb Agreement Treasure Hunt.

Students win points by getting their verbs to agree with their subjects.

Students identify pronouns and verbs in various sentence, students make verbs and pronouns agree.


http:// bigdog/ agrsv_exercise.htm

Big Dog Grammar Subject-verb agreement quiz

Students choose the verb that agrees with the subject in each sentence.

Students identify the verbs that agree.


Center Activity

Week 3

TREASURESUNIT 4 Fifth Grade- Getting Out the Vote

Focus/ Essential Learning

Web Address

Activity Name


Skills Gained

Spelling /ktenkely

Spelling City Games

Students can choose from a variety of games to practice spelling words.

Spelling words for Unit 4 Week 3

Verb Viper

Students have to choose the correct verb tense to match the subject.

Students identify subject-verb agreement.

Democracy Project for Kids

Students can explore different levels of government and find out how it affects them.

Students build background knowledge about a democratic government for reading this week.

Step inside the voting booth

Students learn about voting: what a difference one vote makes, step into a voting machine, cast a vote, be part of an election.

Students build background knowledge about voting for reading this week.

President for the day job application

Students fill out a job application to be president for the day.

Students build background knowledge about democracy and presidency.

Center activity


http:// www.arcademicskillb viper/viper.html Center Activity

Comprehension /background knowledge democracy/ govandme/ Center Activity

Comprehension /background knowledge democracy/vote/

Comprehension /background knowledge democracy/ presforaday/ application.html

Center Activity

Center Activity

Week 3

TREASURESUNIT 4 Fifth Grade- Getting Out the Vote

Focus/ Essential Learning

Web Address

Activity Name


Skills Gained

Comprehension /build background knowledge

http:// www.democracykids. org/demo_kids_1/ main.swf Center or IWB

Democracy Kids Learning Module

Students learn the main ingredients for making a democracy work.

Students build background knowledge about democracies for the reading this week.

Comprehension /build background knowledge

http:// www.congressforkids. net/ Independence_demo cracy.htm

Congress for Kids Democracy

Students read about democracy and independence in the US.

Students build background knowledge about democracies for the reading this week.

Center or IWB

Week 4

TREASURESUNIT 4 Fifth Grade- Hurricanes

Focus/ Essential Learning

Web Address

Activity Name


Skills Gained

Spelling /ktenkely

Spelling City Games

Students can choose from a variety of games to practice spelling words.

Spelling words for Unit 4 Week 4

Jupiter Jane Sentence Building on iKnow

Students choose the best possessive pronoun to complete each sentence.

Students identify correct possessive pronouns based on context.

Lexipedia: Visual Dictionary

Students type in extreme weather words and find the fuzzynyms (descriptive words). Students brainstorm additional descriptive words for each weather occurrence.

Students identify descriptive facts related to signal words.

Center activity


http:// /com/SelectAWord? Topic=Pronouns4-6 Center Activity

Comprehension Center Activity/ IWB whole class activity

Use Unit 4 Week 4 Flipchart to list words that students have identified as a class.

Comprehension /background knowledge interactives/ Center Activity/ IWB

The Why Files

Students learn about extreme weather occurrences such as tornados, snow, and lightning by interacting with interactives: Control a Tornado, Play with Lightning, and Make a snowflake.

Students build background knowledge about the science behind extreme weather to apply to the reading this week.

Week 4

TREASURESUNIT 4 Fifth Grade- Hurricanes

Focus/ Essential Learning

Web Address

Activity Name


Skills Gained

Comprehension /build background knowledge

http:// guides/planetearth/ earthquake/ interactive/ interactive.html

Earthquake Simulator interactive

Students learn about earthquakes through this earthquake simulator. They choose the type of ground, prevention that has been taken, and the magnitude of the quake.

Students build background knowledge about earthquakes for the stories they will be reading this week.

Forces of Nature

Students learn about forces of nature and create their own. Includes tornadoes, volcanoes, hurricanes, and earthquakes.

Students build background knowledge about the forces of nature they will be reading about this week.

Center Activity/IWB

Comprehension /build background knowledge

http:// environment.national environment/ natural-disasters/ forces-ofnature.html? section=t Center Activity/IWB

Week 4

TREASURESUNIT 4 Ideas for using the comprehension building activities:

How to integrate Discovery’s Make a Quake into the classroom: This is a great site to help students understand how different factors determine the impact of an earthquake. Allow students to explore this interactive individually on classroom computers or in a computer lab setting. Encourage them to take notes about what combination causes the most damage and which combination causes the least damage. You could also complete this simulation as a class using an interactive whiteboard or a projector. Invite students up to adjust the different factors (ground, prevention, magnitude). Ask students to make predictions about what will happen to their building. Begin the quake to test their hypothesis.

How to integrate National Geographic Forces of Nature into the classroom: Set up a science or reading center where students can read and learn about each force of nature. Allow students to interact with the activities to control their own tornadoes, volcanoes, hurricanes, and earthquakes. Choose a “weather forecaster” for the class. Using an interactive whiteboard or projector have the forecaster change the elements that lead to the force of nature. Ask students at their seats predict what will happen with the force of nature. Are conditions right for a tornado/ hurricane/earthquake/eruption? The forecaster will test out conditions to find out what happens. Ask students to explain the occurrence and why their predictions were correct or incorrect. If you don’t have access to an interactive whiteboard or projector, students could complete this activity in partners on the classroom computers. This is an excellent visual aid for the science classroom, it is like an interactive text book.

Week 5

TREASURESUNIT 4 Fifth Grade- The Catch of the Day

Focus/ Essential Learning

Web Address

Activity Name


Skills Gained

Spelling /ktenkely

Spelling City Games

Students can choose from a variety of games to practice spelling words.

Spelling words for Unit 4 Week 5

Skill Wise: Author’s Purpose

Students read various types of writing (descriptive, informative, persuasive, and instructive). Students identify each type of writing and determine the author’s purpose in writing.

Students identify author’s purpose in a variety of writing types.

Author’s Purpose from Comprehension Learning Upgrade

Students view 1:15 min. video about Author’s Purpose from Learning Upgrade.

Students learn what the author’s purpose is.

Into the Book Questioning

Students drag question mark into the book and learn about using questioning to determine author’s purpose. Students complete interactive activities to practice the questioning reading strategy.

Students ask questions about the text and the author’s intentions and seek information to clarify and extend their thinking before, during, and after reading.

Center activity


http:// skillswise/words/ reading/typesoftext/ flash0.shtml Center activity


http:// watch? v=skX6RnnIkuM IWB (Video)


http:// student Center Activity

Week 5

TREASURESUNIT 4 Fifth Grade- The Catch of the Day

Focus/ Essential Learning

Web Address

Activity Name


Skills Gained


LexipediaVisual Dictionary/ Thesaurus

Search vocabulary words and get a visual representation of related words/antonyms/ synonyms/definitions

Vocabulary and comprehension building

Center Activity/IWB


http:// skillswise/words/ spelling/ recognising/ homophones/ flash0.shtml Center Activity

Homophone Match

Students play a memory type game to find matching homophones.

Students identify homophones.


http:// skillswise/words/ spelling/ recognising/ homophones/ quiz.shtml Center Activity

Homophone quiz

Students choose the correct homophone to complete the sentence.

Students identify and decode homophones in sentences.

Inquiry/ Research/ Comprehension

http:// /place/library/ index.html

Fable Vision Fables

Students choose a fable that looks interesting to read online. Many fables are meant to teach a lesson or a moral. Did the fable chosen have either? Can you think of another fable/story/ movie that has a similar moral?

Students identify commonalities of fables.

Center Activity/IWB

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