Cultural Games

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Cultural Games

Projekt edukacyjny powstał z potrzeby chwili.

Moje dzieciaki są bardzo żywe - jak wszystkie dzieciaki świata - czas na przerwach spędzają w bardzo różny sposób: podskakują, wykrzykują, bawią się zabawkami, rozmawiają, kłócą się, biegają, grają w "dziadzia" itd... Postanowiłam nauczyć nasze dzieci różnych gier, w jakie grają rówieśnicy z Europy, a oni pokażą innym w jakie ciekawe zabawy bawimy się w Polsce.

W jaki sposób możemy poznać ciekawe gry, a także nauczyć innych naszych zabaw? Oto odpowiedź. Poprzez e-Twinning. E-Twinning to długofalowa wirtualna współpraca bliźniaczych szkół europejskich, to ich wspólne przedsięwzięcia oparte na wykorzystaniu łączy internetowych do wymiany doświadczeń pomiędzy dwoma nauczycielami lub ich zespołami, zespołami przedmiotowymi, bibliotekarzami lub dyrektorami. Uczniowie pracując nad wspólnym projektem ćwiczą umiejętności językowe i lepiej poznają swoje środowiska i kultury. Nasz projekt nosi tytuł "Cultural games" - jesteśmy w trakcie jego realizacji, a efekty naszej pracy przedstawimy niebawem.

Przestawiliśmy już Polskę i naszą Łódź:

This is our school and class

One child is a 'wolf' (A) and remains in the midfield between 'the house' and 'the field'. The remaining children are the 'geese' (B). A game leader asks 'geese, what are you afraid of'? Following the geese (B) reply 'we are afraid of the wicked wolf', the game leader repeats 'geese, geese return home' and geese (B) tr y to get home. On their way 'home' the wolf (A) catches/grasps as many geese as he can. Next the geese (B) return to 'the field' and the wolf (A) does his stuf f again i.e. catches the geese (B) on their way to 'the field' this time. The game ends while the wolf (A) has caught all the geese (B). The dialogue: -

Geese, geese, back home! - We are afraid. - What are you afraid of? - Whe wicked wolf. - Where is he? - Ahead of us. - What is he doing? - He is sharpening his knife to 'kill us'. - Geese, geese back home!!! Have a good time!



One child is a king, the others say: -Hello, King Ping and he answers: -Hello, Kids Bits. And then he asks: - Where were you? The children answer: -We were there and did that. (And they imitate the action they did, e.g. they jump, swim...) The king is to guess what they did. The children can imitate an action or an animal depending on what they agreed before they come to the king.

Children are standing in the circle holding each other hands. In the centre of the circle one child crouch pretend sleeping bear. Children go in the circle and sing a song: Old bear sleeps hard, old bear sleeps hard we are afraid of him, we go on toes, because when he wakes up, he`ll eat us.  Af ter waking up old bear catches one child who is close to the bear and this child become new old bear. 

Enjoy youself! 

You skip three times and you throw the rope behind yourself. Then you must say how far is the rope, how many steps and the size of steps (big or small). If you say it correctly you skip once again, if not it is the other child’s turn.

The rules to „Dziadzia” are ver y simple. All we need is a group of kids. One person is designed as “Dziadzia”. He or she runs around and tries to touch someone else. The child he touch is now “Dziadzia” and tries to chase ever yone else.


We need two people. They stand in front of each other and pull out both hands. One is tr ying to hit the other`s hands. The other pulls back his hands. When one is hits the other`s hand, they change.


In this game is taking a par t at least 2 people. Among whole players is choosen one person who is called tomato man.This person is asking questions to other par ticipants and they have to always respond for question tomato. If somebody is laughing or making mistake he is loosing and has to give to tomato man something ( for example schoes etc. ). At the end of the game whole par ticipants has to pay back for their things instead of doing some tasks ( for example sing a song or physical excercises ).


Europejska Odznaka Jakości! Congratulations!

Our project was conducted on the blog:

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