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This web resource provides an easy way to create interactive web-based activities. Teachers can identify websites on topic and input instructions or annotations for students to follow while on the web. You could call it a Web Scavenger Hunt or Virtual Web Tour. You direct students to the sites you want them to visit. The embedded sites are all interactive. It works from any Internet connected computer and it’s FREE!! Some advertisements do appear on the site and you cannot block the “Comments” feature, although you can delete comments after they appear. There are some sites that do no work properly in Jog the Web, but most do. HOME PAGE:

Step 1: Create an Account or Sign in to your account. Once you submit your information, you will receive a confirmation email. In the email there is a link you must click to activate your account. If the username you selected is already in use, you will have to use another. (A good way to avoid username conflicts is to always use your full email address.) Step 2: Explore existing JOGS to see what others had created and how they are using the resource. Step 3: Search on topic or keyword to find existing JOGS Step 4: Create your own JOG.

Once logged in, click on the MY JOGS link and you will see the following screen. On this screen you will see a list of JOGS that you have already started or created. Click the CREATE NEW JOG to start a new JOG or you can edit one you have created.

Give your JOG a title, enter a brief description, and check the category (ies) that would be associated with your topic. Submit.

Now you are ready to begin adding “pages� to your JOG. Enter a title for the page, enter the URL for the page (be sure to include the http://). In the page comment box, you can enter any annotations that you want students to read or any questions that you want them to answer based on the information on that webpage.

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