BC Yukon Knight "July 2009"

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This will be the last time I address you as your State Deputy and I want you to know we should all be very proud of what we have accomplished together. We continue to grow the Order in every way possible, through an increase in the call to our Spirituality and Catholicity, through an increase in providing leadership programs for our youth and families, and by fulfilling our moral obligation to reach out and offer membership in the Order to those men who have not yet found us. As I told the District Deputies at our mid-year meeting in November and this applies to you as well, YOU are the leadership of this Jurisdiction and NOW is the time to make your mark on the history of this Order. The Order will not remember you for what you didn’t do, but it will remember what you did! Our success or failure depends upon each and every one of us to be who we are called to be – Knights of Columbus and Catholic gentlemen. We are called to be men who stand proudly in defense of what we believe, who united in purpose, face the evils of our society and we do so making apologies for who we are. While we talk a lot about numbers, always remember, membership growth is NOT about numbers and awards, it is about evangelizing. Every member we bring in to the Order is one more man who is committed to his family and his Church. Every member we bring into the Order is one more man who we know, believes in what we believe. And every man who comes to belong to our family makes our family stronger. I have told you that my vision was for us to have a Jurisdiction that is committed to its Faith, family and Clergy – in actions, not just words. I wanted a Jurisdiction that is committed to make this a better, holy world. As I look back on the last two years of my mandate I believe we have moved in that direction. We have taken firm, public stands on the issues of marriage, human trafficking and the defense of life by challenging the Corren Agreement, brothels in Vancouver and marching in the streets of our Capital declaring our position on abortion. We now offer assistance to those in need through our support of the Wheelchair Foundation and our new Special Olympics Walk-a-thon. And I have to give full credit to my wife Joanne who has given new purpose to our wives through her “Pretty with a Purpose” ladies programs that have helped our wives join us in charitable works and may one

day lead to a Ladies Auxiliary of the Knights of Columbus. From the feedback we have received, the ladies have very much appreciated coming to these meetings knowing that they too are doing something useful to support the great works of the Order and as a family Order, we welcome their contributions. We have shown our citizens that the Knights of Columbus in this province are not afraid of the fight and will gladly - and proudly - pick up the gauntlet to defend who we are. The greatest weapon lawmakers and our opponents have against the Catholic Church is they know that Catholics are not united and do not vote as they should. Let there be no mistake – this kind of thinking does NOT apply to the Knights of Columbus. United in purpose, united in action and united in brotherhood, we have entered a new era and have become the Catholic voice in BC and with that comes great responsibility. With the careful guidance and assistance of our State Chaplain, we are evolving into the lay voice of the Church in this province and that is exactly where we should be seen – standing shoulder to shoulder, and when necessary, in front of – our Bishops and Priests. If we can do all this with only 2% of eligible Catholic men then dream with me for a moment of what we could accomplish with 10%, or 15%! If we want to change this society to a Civilization of Love and Life, we must think big! We can do it and we will do it with our Heavenly Mother and the Venerable Father Michael J. McGivney on our side! We must continue to move forward as an Order in this Jurisdiction and these men sitting with me and in front of you will now take up the torch. I offer my sincerest congratulations, best wishes and my full support to the newly elected State Executive. I ask that all present pledge today in your heart to put your full efforts behind them, to encourage them, to advise them and to thank them for the hard work that they put into this Order to serve you and the church. These men – my great friends - make great sacrifices every day of the week on your behalf and they do it without complaint. They do it because like you, they are proud of who we are, they love the Order and they love working for you. Theirs is not an easy task but knowing they have your support and confidence will go a long way towards lightening their burden.

I also would like to acknowledge the tremendous work, support and tireless dedication to our Order of IPSD – soon to be just PSD – Dave Jones. Through my 7 years on the Board, Dave has always been there for me to call on, to offer his advice and to guide me. While he will soon no longer be a member of the State Executive, we know he will be only be a phone call – or a driving range – away. As Dave and Tracy begin their new life together we wish them much joy, happiness and many, many happy years together. Thank you, my friend! In conclusion I would like to say that if in my zealousness I have hurt, insulted or embarrassed any of you, in any manner at all, it was never my intention to do so and I ask for your forgiveness. Like a family we may not have seen eye to eye on all things, but also like the family we are, we put aside our differences to focus on the important things that really matter. I didn’t accomplish anything over the past years, I simply put myself in God’s hands and let Him lead me according to His will. Always remember that everything we do must be done for His greater glory, not ours. So my Brothers, thank you for two amazing years. Thank you for your warmth, friendship, love and prayers. Thank you for standing shoulder to shoulder with your Parish Priest. Thank you for being who you are and for all that you do for this Order and thank you for giving Joanne and I the “Experience of a Lifetime” by allowing us to serve you in this, the greatest Jurisdiction in the Order of the Knights of Columbus! May God bless you and your loved ones, now and forever and may He always hold you in the palm of His hand! Vivat Jesus! B. Dan O’Hara State Deputy 2008-2009

Chaplain’s Report – The Plan On January 6, 2001 His Holiness Pope John Paul II presented the Church with an Apostolic Letter with the title ‘Novo Millennio Ineunte’ (The New Millennium). An Apostolic Letter is a letter addressed by the Holy Father to one or more persons. Usually, as in this case, it is addressed to all those belonging to the Catholic Church. This Apostolic Letter begins with the address being; “To my Brother Bishops, To Priests and Deacons, Men and Women Religious and all the Lay Faithful.” By these words Pope John Paul II had in mind that all Catholics will in one way or another have the opportunity to read what he is about to say in his letter to us. I am aware that most Catholics have not read the letter, nor have they perhaps even been aware that the Pope wrote to us as we began the ‘new millennium’ some eight and a half years ago. As the State Chaplain, I have tried on many occasions to let you know that there is such a letter – a letter in which the Holy Father sets forth a ‘plan’ for the Church in the New Millennium. I am hoping that by setting out some sort of guide my Brother Knights will fulfill the desire of the Pope that he states at the end of the introduction – “Now is the time for each local Church to assess its fervour and find fresh enthusiasm for its spiritual and pastoral responsibilities, by reflecting on what the Spirit has been saying to the People of God in this special year of grace, and indeed in the longer span of time from the Second Vatican Council to the Great Jubilee.”(#3) I would ask that, if possible, every Knight obtain a copy of this Apostolic Letter. (If someone said you can have a personal letter sent to you, signed by the Pope, I am sure you would do your best to get one - pretend that the Holy Father was writing this letter to you personally). As part of each Council meeting a section of the Letter can be read followed by some discussion. I will divide the Letter into reasonable lengths followed by some questions that can be used for discussion and resolution. After each meeting someone, who has taken notes, could summarize the responses and send them to me so that I can see what further direction can be given. May God bless you at the beginning reflecting on what Pope John Paul II wrote with such enthusiasm. +David J. Monroe State Chaplain

SESSION ONE Read the #s given (either on one’s own or at the meeting) then use the questions for discussion. INTRODUCTION: (#1-3) 1. Name three things about your Council for which you are grateful. 2. Since the New Millennium do you sense a new enthusiasm in your Council? 3. Have the members of the Council the enthusiasm of which the Pope speaks? 4. Do you see your Council as an active entity in your Parish and Diocese? 5. With the enthusiasm of the Holy Father and the openness to the Holy Spirit, what do you see as Catholic men in the Church for the future?

State Officers’ Acceptance Speeches 2009/2010 State Deputy– Elect: Worthy State Deputy, Your Excellency, Reverend Fathers, Fellow State Officers and my Brother Knights all. I stand here humbled by your choice and trust. I thank you for the opportunity to yet again serve you in the state council. I take pride in accepting this office, the position of State Deputy – servant of the servants! If you were to ask me six years ago if I had any inclination to be a state officer the answer would have been a resounding NO! Here I am today, elected to lead the great state of British Columbia and Yukon State Council. Wow! That is a tremendous responsibility! The famous three words that the great pope, John Paul II, said when he was elected pontiff were “Be not afraid”. I hold them dearly. Because, right now I am shaking and wondering how I can fill the big shoes left by my predecessors, especially by our State Deputy Dan - having achieved the distinguished Circle of Honor for membership in 2008. Talking of Circle of Honor, let me take this opportunity to thank Brother Dan for raising the bar for BC & Yukon jurisdiction. Let me make a commitment today that we will continue to stay on the high road to success! “Be not afraid” are more that just words to me. It means that I have accepted to do God’s Will. It is God telling me to trust in him and be brave. I accept His challenge because I know that He will not let me down. I feel confident because of what Mother Teresa said: “God does not call the equipped, He equips the called”.

Brother Knights, I am not afraid because I know that after five years as a state officer that I am never alone. This is a team and we will succeed as a team united in charity and fraternity. There is no you or I in a team, there is only us. Together we can achieve great heights. Together we can do miracles never dreamt off. Mark my words Brothers, as I will be calling on many of you to use all the talents I can possibly use to take this jurisdiction to even greater heights! The famous maxim is “Two heads are better than one:”, but I say 10,400 heads are better than 7! Will you help me to bring the BC & Yukon Council to excellence by providing “Service to one, service to all”? Now I say to you “Be not afraid” of the heights that we will achieve together. Be not afraid to say yes when I ask for your help to serve as a District Deputy, State Director or whatever the need may be. As we head into our 100th years of service let us be seen in action as the “Right arm of the Church”. To do that effectively we have to recruit more Catholic men into our ranks. So, my fellow Brother Knights, I urge you for the next two months to continue on the high road to success and go all out and bring in that numbers to help us again be in the Circle of honor, second time in a roll! I think Brother Dan deserve that after all the hard work he put in to the State Council. Many of you have asked me before the elections: “Are you ready?” Brothers, let me ask you: “Are you ready for me?” Glynis and I wish all of you a safe journey home. Vivat Jesus and God bless! Michael Yeo

State Officers’ Acceptance Speeches 2009/2010 State Warden – Elect: Worthy State Deputy, Your Excellencies and Reverend Fathers, Worthy State officers, Worthy State Directors & Chairmen, Worthy District Deputies and My Brother Knights All. When I woke up this morning, I realized that I was not just having a dream. I would like to thank District Deputy Michael O’Rielly and Frank Mauro for putting their names forward for the position of State Warden. This reinforces to me that our jurisdiction is strong, alive and vibrant. You have put me in this position and I want to know I will be available for you at any time. I know I have large shoes to fill and with the help of prayer and hard work I hope I can fulfill your expectations in my new position. My wife Marguerite and I look forward to getting to know you and your families better. To all my brother officers, I look forward to working with you all, future fraternity and getting to know you and your spouses better. In closing, may our Lord guide and direct you home safely. God Bless you all Barrie Stickland State Warden Elect. State Advocate – Elect: Your Excellency, Worthy State Deputy, Worthy State Officers, My Brother Knights. I would like to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for the trust and opportunity you have accorded me. I am profoundly excited and eager to continue serving you and the Order, along with my fellow State Officers. The success of our great jurisdiction lies not only with the leaders you elected yesterday, but most importantly…with you, the heart beat of this organization. The degree of dedication and level of involvement you will commit now and in the future will determine and influence the extent and level of success we will achieve. St. Paul said that we cannot expect salvation from what we can do but from what God can do. I believe, the same way holds true with our service. We need God’s help. With your unfailing devotion and hard work, the enduring support of our elders (PSD’s), accentuated by God’s blessings, this jurisdiction will uphold and will continue to see brighter moments, not only this coming fraternal year but also the years to come. My wife Matilde and I look forward to be of service and working with you all. We bid and wish you a safe and peaceful journey home. Thank you and God bless! Arcie J. Lim State Secretary– Elect: Worthy State Deputy, Your Excellency, Worthy State Officers, My Brother Knights:

I am once again humbled by your vote of confidence in my abilities by electing me as the State Secretary for thea coming Fraternal Year. – Thank You. Two years as State Treasurer was an interesting and somewhat challenging time and I am only too eager to pass QuickBooks over to Brother Ed. I want to also thank you for once again electing me to represent you at the Supreme Convention in Phoenix later this summer. Finally I would like to thank all of you and your families for the prayer offered for Val as she continues her recovery following radiation and chemotherapy. Her progress back to good health continues slowly but with your continued prayers I am confident that she will eventually return to something close to normalcy. Thank you once again. Fraternally Vivat Jesus Wil

State Officers’ Acceptance Speeches 2009/2010 State Treasurer Elect: Your Excellency, Bishop David; my fellow State Officers; my friends and my Brothers. I tried to write my speech and kept trying to shield it in humour. Those of you who know me know that I like to get a good chuckle from time to time, but I wanted to be serious for a moment and I wanted to strip away the varnish of the humour. An acceptance speech is a thank you and I wanted to say thank you to all of you for all you have done for me over the years. Thank you to my Brother State Officers for the camaraderie, for the friendship, for always being there whenever one of us needs anything. Thank you to our Bishops and Priests, for without them we have no Church and our Order has no point. I recently expressed to my Bishop and priests that the greatest asset we have in the Church is our Bishops and priests who celebrate the Eucharist. I ask all of you to remember this and to continue to support these men who are dedicated to our salvation. I want to thank you Bishop for everything that you have done for me over the past several years. You have been a tremendous spiritual mentor and guide, but I also want to thank everyone sitting here. When I spoke to you yesterday I said I wanted to be able to continue to serve, to be able to pay back. I’d like to share something that I shared with the District Deputies at Christmas. When I was a younger man I decided that I had

had enough of this “Church stuff” and I turned my back on my faith. I decided that I no longer needed, nor wanted to go to church, it didn’t matter; it didn’t mean anything; it was just some ceremony. There were two Knights of Columbus who did not give up on me, two brothers who kept working to bring me back to the Church because the Holy Spirit kept making them work. Because of those men who were Knights of Columbus and who used the Order of the Knights of Columbus as a tool to bring me back into the Church I have a shot at salvation. I can’t guarantee my salvation but I can tell you that twenty five years ago I could guarantee my damnation. I believe that this is the evangelization that is possible through our Order. You gentlemen, as Knights of Columbus, have given me that priceless gift and I don’t know how I can ever repay it, but rest assured that I will work as long as I am physically able to repay it. I thank you for giving me this debt so that I can work to make your lives better and by doing so, make my life better. I thank you so very much for your support. God bless all of you. Please always remember that I love you all dearly, because as my Brothers, you are my family. Vivat Jesus Ed Shawchuc State Treasrer Elect

Immediate Past State Deputy’s Farewell Message Worthy State Deputy, Your Excellency, Worthy State Officers, Worthy Past State Deputies, My Brothers in Christ. Wow what can I say? It has been an exceptional ride. These past many years have passed by like a whirlwind. This could not have happened without your love, and support along the way. As my being elected, to represent you as a Delegate to this year’s Supreme Convention in Phoenix Arizona proves. I thank you very much for you humble me. I would at this time, allude to one particular tragic event, which happened to me along this long road. And that was when AnnMary passed away, one week before convention some short four years ago. I want to publicly once again, thank each of you, for rallying by my side and holding me up. This will never be forgotten. As I stand before you this morning, I am reminded that I do so for the last time, but saying this, I will always as in the past be there for you, if I may be of assistance. It is hard to let go, but as life has taught me that there are chapters to live along the road of life, one must remember, that you must turn the page along the way, and in this way not only do you remember what you have read, but look forward to what God has in store for each of us in the future. As God has sent me another Angel. I would like to pass on to you something I had said in the past. “Please do not forget to take time out of your busy schedules to be with the ones you love”. May God watch over each of you, each and every day may HE grant you a safe journey

and home.

Vivat Jesus – God Bless Dave Jones-Past State Deputy

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The Knights Moral Compass - YOUTH CATEGORY

Youth Activities Today‘s Youth are tomorrows leaders, and are looking for guidance, challenges, responsibility, faith and trust from the adults around. Despite their commitment and dedication, the youth of today's world is often condemned Youth programs. As knights of Columbus we because of the actions of a few within their will help mould the youth of today into instantly recognizable demographic. influential citizens of tomorrow. We the members of the council with our example lead As Knights of Columbus it is our the youth of today to become involved with responsibility to provide the youth in our their community with a spirit and energy that community with the opportunities and means brings about the best in them, but first we have to be committed and involved in the to pay attention to what they are saying. challenges of our times. Although our council is rather small compared There is a great deal we can do to improve our to compared to others in the District, we actively participate with the World Youth Day observation and sponsorship to the Congress each Year. We Help the Parish religious education programs with assistance in manhours and funding. Out Youth programs include seminars for

This is an abridged version of the Programme as submitted. Full Electronic version available for download here.

The Knights Moral Compass - FAMILY CATEGORY

Knights of Columbus Adopt-A-Family for Christmas Program: Archbishop Johnson adopted 40 families for Christmas. The project was an ongoing effort right from the beginning of the year, with the Knights working on their food bus, selling tickets, and putting on a dance and dinners to raise money which was required to pay for the hampers. In October we purchased 40 turkeys as well as sent letters out to the parish, St. Vincent D’Paul, and the Abbotsford Christmas Bureau asking for any families in need of help, for Christmas. By the middle of November we were phoning our adopted families to see what they would like for Christmas and to ensure them that they would have food for a Christmas dinner. Tags went up on the Jesse tree for parishioners to take and purchase a gift for one of our adopted family members. After 3 weeks, we pulled all the tags off the tree and checked to see what gifts were still needed. On Dec. 17, 2008 Knights and their families we went to Zeller’s for a shop until you drop night. Once we had everything we needed we headed back to the Parish to sort out the hampers and get them ready for delivery. This year we had overwhelming support with our community. We had Extra foods working on getting us the best price, Buy-Low foods donated all the veggies, Schneiders donated hams, and one parishioners arranged passes for video rentals, bowling, and Go Bananas Jungle gym.

This is an abridged version of the Programme as submitted. Full Electronic version available for download here.

The Knights Moral Compass - COMMUNITY CATEGORY

Service Program Awards Entry Form Page -3-

“The 100 Mile House Knights of Columbus 2008 Community Recycling Program” The “100 Mile House Knights” got involved with the program in February 2002. The program was started by Vic Winiewski whose wife and sister had passed away from cancer. He started picking cans in the ditches – canvassing areas – to enlisting businesses and service groups to pay for bins which he placed throughout the area. He was involved for 9 years and raised $92,000 which he donated to the Cancer Society – Hospital – Hospice. He passed away in 2001 and one of his friends looked after it up to the time The “100 Mile House Knights” took over. The “100 Mile House Knights” saw an opportunity to carry on Vic’s legacy – as a means of giving back to our community – promoting comradeship among our members. Our motto is that “It’s really the community helping themselves – were just the facilitators.” The program recycles items where a deposit has been paid when the goods are purchased. Items are placed in the bins, and the bins are cleaned out every 10 days. In addition a number of businesses support the program and we are always encouraging others to get involved. The system works well as we have “100 Mile House Knights” living in the areas where the bins are located, who are responsible for monitoring the bins and bringing the items to our recycling depot. Our third and hopefully final depot is located in the grounds of St. Judes Church. Once every week a group of The “100 Mile House Knights” meet to sort, bag and ship the recyclable items depending on the volume of goods to be sorted. Altogether 12 - 18 “100 Mile House Knights” are involved picking up and sorting at various times of the year on average 300 hours are spend on each recycling event for a total of 4,500 hours per year, what makes up to 31,500 hours as total. . The “100 Mile House Knights” focus is to return the funds raised back in to the Community. Was Support our Hospital, Seniors and Long Term Care Facilities – Hospice Society – Community Sports Programs – Community Improvements – Scholarships Legacy Fund – partnering in building a Mobile Community Stage with the Rotary Club of 100 Mile House as well as supporting five other community areas, up to 50 kilometres distance, where some bins are located. The “100 Mile House Knights” have operated the program for six years and in that time have donated $103,100. We are always amazed how supportive the residents of the area are for the program and we hope to be able to continue doing the Knights work for years to come.

More please see next pages attached

This is an abridged version of the Programme as submitted. Full Electronic version available for download here.

The Knights Moral Compass - COUNCIL CATEGORY

FRONT AND BACK COVERS The cover of the 2008-2009 fraternal year Roster is in blue, a colour of the Knights of Columbus’ logo. The colour blue was chosen because it is attractive and stands out on one’s desk. The back cover is a picture of a replica of one of Christopher Columbus’ ships, the “Santa Maria”. This replica was lovingly crafted and built by one of our Brother Knights, the late Bro. Tony Vernerey, and is often used in parades in the Lower Mainland and other cities in British Columbia.

Knights of Columbus Port Coquitlam Council 9125


This is an abridged version of the Programme as submitted. Full Electronic version available for download here.

The Knights Moral Compass - CHURCH CATEGORY

Introduction The day-to-day hustle and bustle of activities nearing Christmas propagates commercialism to the point that the true meaning of Christmas gets lost in the shuffle. With all of the distractions of the season, it is the simple reminders that cause us to pause and reflect on our Saviour’s birth. The theme “Keep Christ in Christmas” has been a cornerstone of the Knights of Columbus for many years. As Knights of Columbus and fellow Christians, we have introduced a new way to our community to help keep the focus of the Christmas Season on the true meaning - the birth of Christ!

Council Background

Mother Teresa Council 12202 was established in 1998 after the completion of Our Lady of the Valley Church in Coldstream, British Columbia, Canada. Charter Grand Knight Bert Neihaus was joined by 40 other Brother Knights to begin working for their community through charitable activities and service to their priest and Church and the promotion of the largest Catholic Christian fraternal organization in the world. The council has consistently grown over the years to a current membership of 77 Knights.

A New Strategy – Car Magnets Inspired by St. Margaret Mary Council 11091 in Algonquin, Illinois, we have initiated an incredible delivery vehicle reminding people why we celebrate the Christmas season – a Nativity scene car magnet. The attractive

This is an abridged version of the Programme as submitted. Full Electronic version available for download here.

NEWS: March for Life Victoria Victoria BC, May 20, 2009. The second annual March for Life in Victoria, BC on May 14th, 2009 can only be described as a success! The event coincided with the National March for Life in Ottawa, which hasV been held on the anniversary date of the legalization of abortion in 1969 and this year drew a record-breaking numbers of more than 12,000 people. The attendence at Ottawa’s March for Life eclipsed last year’s record-setting numbers by an astounding 4,500 people. The march kicked off with a special noon Mass at St. Andrew’s Cathedral, celebrated by Bishop Richard Gagnon of Victoria and concelebrated by Archbishop Michael Miller of Vancouver and Bishop David Munro of Kamloops. Following the Mass, a crowd of about 2,000 marched from Victoria City Hall to B.C.’s provincial legislature.

NEWS: Knight raises the bar for the Corpus Fund! By Herb Yang, State General Programme Director Marathon Run Raised over $3,100 The Run to Raise the Corpus fundraiser brought in over $3,100 for the Corpus Fund. I am extremely pleased with this fundraiser as we achieve both of my objectives of this Fund Raiser which were to bring awareness of the Corpus Fund and to grow the Corpus Fund. I want to thank all the individuals, Brother Knights and Councils who supported me in this Fundraiser. The Vancouver International Marathon was held on Sunday, May 3. The race started at 7:30am. It was a cool sunny morning so the weather cooperated. The race took me from Plaza of Nations through Chinatown to 4th & Burrard to

Downtown Eastside to Stanley Park to Jericho area and back to the Plaza of Nations. It took me 3 hours & 40 min to complete the marathon. This was my third marathon and I reached a personal best beating my previous best by 2 min. I suffered cramping of my calf at around 35K which slowed me down. All three marathons, I cramped at around the same distance. I hope to overcome this problem and hope to qualify for the Boston Marathon in the near future. I decided to make this marathon a fundraiser because it would add more meaning to it and it certainly did. I was no longer running for myself but for the Order and I hope we would soon meet our goal of raising $2 million for the Corpus Fund.

NEWS: Ordination of Father Clinton On Friday, May 22 Fr. Clinton Pendleton of the Diocese of Kamloops at Sacred Heart Cathedral in Kamloops was ordained. In the moments immediately following the Bishop’s laying on of hands (the actual moment of ordination) the priests in attendance also laid on their hands in affirmation of the sacrament. This is the Year of the

Priest as declared by the Holy Father. Laying hands on Fr. Clinton is Fr. Wladyslaw (Wladek) Karciarz O.M.I. (Fourth Degree and Bishop Harrington Council 9508) while BC Yukon State Chaplain Most Rev. David Monroe Bishop of Kamloops (William Brennan Council 8132) who has just read the prayer of consecration stand by. Fr. Clinton is a member of Sacred Heart Parish Council 1614. Waiting his turn immediately to the left of Fr. Wladek is brand new 3rd. Degree Knight Fr. Vernantius Ononiwu. Undoubtedly many of the other priests are Knights too.

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