KlingShare:#10 - Educational Technology during COVID-19

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KLINGSHARE:#10 KLINGCHAT - APRIL 21, 2020 EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY DURING COVID-19 KlingShare:#10 shares ideas generated during an online conversation that invited independent and international school technology teams to discuss supporting online teaching and learning during and after COVID-19. HOW MIGHT WE CONTINUE TO PROVIDE HIGH-QUALITY SUPPORT AND TRAINING TO FACULTY AND STAFF IN A REMOTE WORK ENVIRONMENT WITHOUT TECH TEAM BURN-OUT?

Seek ways to spread the load of support among people and across time. Include front desk staff, all members of the tech team, or tech-savvy students. Invite teacher-leaders to co-teach PD. Encourage teacher connections and the sharing of expertise with one another. Create a resource page to house up-to-date information, FAQ’s, and how-to videos/screencasts for students, staff, faculty, and families. Host "Appy" hours for demos and tech support. Set times and methods to collect feedback from all constituents. Plan PD based on this feedback. Connect as a team on a regular basis. Encourage a balanced mixture of synchronous and asynchronous learning. Determine the baseline level of technological skills for your environment, and avoid comparisons to other schools. HOW MIGHT WE LEVERAGE THE INVESTMENT IN THE TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES OF REMOTE SCHOOL/WORK WHEN STUDENTS, FACULTY AND STAFF BEGIN TO RETURN TO CAMPUSES?

Identify tools and techniques to support the current online environment and future blended and in-person learning environment. Assess available tools in light of needs, demands, and costs. Some tools are being provided for free now, but schools will need to determine if they will continue to use them when companies resume charging. Engage faculty in conversations about future tools and technologies. Capitalize on the current appreciation of the importance of technology and engage in school-wide conversations about pedagogy and essential skills. Prepare for future similar events, clearly identifying the limitations and opportunities.

KlingShare:#10 | Klingenstein Center, Teachers College, Columbia University | klingensteincenter.org

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