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Rugby is a game of intense hits, raging action, and blind fury. The people brave enough to play this barbarians’ sport exude pride in their participation and dedication. As a homage to the players, I wanted to depict these people as WARRIORS. I started this project wanting to show the strength and intensity of not only the game of rugby, but the players themselves. As it turns out, the fierce, passionate players on the field transformed into animated, fun loving guys who couldn’t keep a straight face when in front of the camera. The reason I take photographs is for the aspect of curiosity and discovery. I started this project expecting intense characters, fearless, who stare down opponents with a serious possibility of injury, and discovered even the most intense sport I know can be looked at with a smile and a laugh.



Rug·by 2 or rug·by (rug’be) n. A game played by two teams of 15 players each on a rectangular field 110 yards long with goal lines and goal posts at either end,the object being to run with an oval ball across the opponent’s goal line or kick it through the upper portion of the goal posts, with forward passing and time-outs not permitted.








Dan Klempa Photography www.klempaphoto.com Dan@Klempaphoto.com 617.903.0326

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