Ciao Bianca

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Ciao Bianca, My name is Luca and I'd like to write to you amout my city,Veszprém. Veszprém is a beautiful town. There is a very big bridge in Veszprém. The name of the bridge is Viadukt.

Viadukt Veszprém has a huge Castle ,where we can find the Fire Tower,the Bishop's palace,and St.Stephen and Gizella's scultpure there.There is a beautiful view of the Viadukt and the old city from the statue.

the castle

the Fire Tower

St. Stephen and Gizella’s sculpture

the Bridge Viadukt

Veszprém’s attractions are the zoo,which is a popular excursion place for kids and adults,which are in Betekints Valley.

the Veszprém zoo Veszprém has a stream,called Séd.

the Séd stream There are many churches in the city.

We have fire and police stations in the city. There is a hospital in Veszprém.

the Betekints Valley

There is a cinema too. The cinema is in Balaton Plaza. It is a shopping centre. Stop Shop is a shopping centre, too.

the cinema We have a handball team the MKB Veszprém.

the handball team Veszprém attractions also include two theatres:the Petőfi Theatre and Pannon Castle theatre.

the Petőfi Theatre See you in spring!

Ciao,Luca :D

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