Type Portrait

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Michael C. Hall Typographic Portrait Jenn Chaput

Typographic Portrait Project Statement Background: This is a portrait of actor Michael C. Hall, star of Showtime’s series Dexter. The portrait is made entirely from type, which is composed of text taken from the first book on the character entitled, Darkly Dreaming Dexter. Target Audiences: The target audience is the viewers and fans of the show, Dexter as well as potential newcomers to the fan base. It is meant to be an artistic promotional piece to the show that has been running for several years now. The viewers of this show range greatly from teenagers to the retired. Objectives: The main objective is to attract attention to the show by using a unique design that might enhance the mental character of Dexter. Obstacles: One obstacle is the fact that previously the show has used a lot of photography versus graphics to promote the show so it may be seen as fan art rather than a promotional piece. Tone: The tone should be creative and quirky with a level of depth or mystery to match the atmosphere of the show and its character. Media: The primary source will be from print ads, which could be placed in many locations or venues.





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